Library HoTT.Categories.Pseudofunctor.Identity

Identity pseudofunctor

Require Import FunctorCategory.Morphisms.
Require Import Category.Core Functor.Core.
Require Import NaturalTransformation.Isomorphisms.
Require Import NaturalTransformation.Paths.
Require Import Cat.Core.
Require Import Pseudofunctor.Core.

Bring things into scope.
Import NaturalTransformation.Identity.
Import NaturalTransformation.Composition.Core NaturalTransformation.Composition.Laws.
Import Category.Morphisms.
Import FunctorCategory.Core.

Require Import PathGroupoids.

Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.

Local Open Scope natural_transformation_scope.

Section identity.
  Context `{Funext}.

  Variable P : PreCategory Type.
  Context `{HF : C D, P C P D IsHSet (Functor C D)}.

  Local Notation cat := (@sub_pre_cat _ P HF).

  Local Ltac t :=
    abstract (
        autorewrite with functor morphism;
        unfold morphism_isomorphic;
        rewrite ap_idmap, idtoiso_components_of;
        rewrite ?Functor.Composition.Laws.associativity_fst,

  Lemma identity_associativity
        (w x y z : PreCategory) (f : Functor w x)
        (g : Functor x y) (h : Functor y z)
  : associator_1 h g f o (1 oR f o 1) =
    h oL 1 o (1 o @morphism_isomorphic _ _ _ (idtoiso (w z) (ap idmap (Functor.Composition.Laws.associativity f g h)))).

  Lemma identity_left_identity
        (x y : PreCategory) (f : Functor x y)
  : 1 oR f o 1 =
    (left_identity_natural_transformation_2 f)
      o @morphism_isomorphic _ _ _ (idtoiso (x y) (ap idmap (Functor.Composition.Laws.left_identity f))).

  Lemma identity_right_identity
        (x y : PreCategory) (f : Functor x y)
  : f oL 1 o 1 =
    (right_identity_natural_transformation_2 f)
      o @morphism_isomorphic _ _ _ (idtoiso (x y) (ap idmap (Functor.Composition.Laws.right_identity f))).

There is an identity pseudofunctor. It does the obvious thing.
  Definition identity : Pseudofunctor cat
    := Build_Pseudofunctor
         (fun CC.1)
         (fun _ _ FF)
         (fun _ _ _ _ _reflexivity _)
         (fun _reflexivity _)
         (fun x y z w ⇒ @identity_associativity x.1 y.1 z.1 w.1)
         (fun x y ⇒ @identity_left_identity x.1 y.1)
         (fun x y ⇒ @identity_right_identity x.1 y.1).
End identity.

Module Export PseudofunctorIdentityNotations.
  Notation "1" := (identity _) : pseudofunctor_scope.
End PseudofunctorIdentityNotations.