Library HoTT.Categories.ExponentialLaws.Tactics
Require Import Category.Core Functor.Core NaturalTransformation.Core.
Require Import Functor.Paths NaturalTransformation.Paths.
Require Import HoTT.Tactics Basics.PathGroupoids Types.Forall Types.Prod.
Require Import Functor.Paths NaturalTransformation.Paths.
Require Import HoTT.Tactics Basics.PathGroupoids Types.Forall Types.Prod.
These are probably more general than just exponential laws, but I haven't tried them more widely, yet.
Miscellaneous tactics to try
Ltac exp_laws_misc_t' :=
match goal with
| _ ⇒ reflexivity
| _ ⇒ progress intros
| _ ⇒ progress simpl in ×
| _ ⇒ apply (@path_forall _); intro
| _ ⇒ rewrite !identity_of
| _ ⇒ progress autorewrite with morphism
match goal with
| _ ⇒ reflexivity
| _ ⇒ progress intros
| _ ⇒ progress simpl in ×
| _ ⇒ apply (@path_forall _); intro
| _ ⇒ rewrite !identity_of
| _ ⇒ progress autorewrite with morphism
Safe transformations to simplify complex types in the hypotheses or goal
Ltac exp_laws_simplify_types' :=
match goal with
| [ H : (_ + _) |- _ ] ⇒ destruct H
| [ H : Unit |- _ ] ⇒ destruct H
| [ H : Empty |- _ ] ⇒ destruct H
| [ H : (_ × _) |- _ ] ⇒ destruct H
| [ |- _ = _ :> Functor _ _ ] ⇒ progress path_functor
| [ |- _ = _ :> NaturalTransformation _ _ ] ⇒ progress path_natural_transformation
| [ |- _ = _ :> prod _ _ ] ⇒ apply path_prod
match goal with
| [ H : (_ + _) |- _ ] ⇒ destruct H
| [ H : Unit |- _ ] ⇒ destruct H
| [ H : Empty |- _ ] ⇒ destruct H
| [ H : (_ × _) |- _ ] ⇒ destruct H
| [ |- _ = _ :> Functor _ _ ] ⇒ progress path_functor
| [ |- _ = _ :> NaturalTransformation _ _ ] ⇒ progress path_natural_transformation
| [ |- _ = _ :> prod _ _ ] ⇒ apply path_prod
Do some simplifications of contractible types
Ltac exp_laws_handle_contr' :=
match goal with
| [ H : Contr ?T, x : ?T |- _ ] ⇒ progress destruct (contr x)
| [ H : ∀ a, Contr (?T a), x : ?T _ |- _ ] ⇒ progress destruct (contr x)
| [ H : ∀ a b, Contr (?T a b), x : ?T _ _ |- _ ] ⇒ progress destruct (contr x)
| [ |- context[contr (center ?x)] ]
⇒ progress let H := fresh in
assert (H : idpath = contr (center x)) by exact (center _);
destruct H
match goal with
| [ H : Contr ?T, x : ?T |- _ ] ⇒ progress destruct (contr x)
| [ H : ∀ a, Contr (?T a), x : ?T _ |- _ ] ⇒ progress destruct (contr x)
| [ H : ∀ a b, Contr (?T a b), x : ?T _ _ |- _ ] ⇒ progress destruct (contr x)
| [ |- context[contr (center ?x)] ]
⇒ progress let H := fresh in
assert (H : idpath = contr (center x)) by exact (center _);
destruct H
Try to simplify transport with some heuristics
Ltac exp_laws_handle_transport' :=
match goal with
| _ ⇒ progress rewrite ?transport_forall_constant, ?path_forall_2_beta, ?transport_const, ?transport_path_prod
| [ |- context [path_functor_uncurried ?F ?G (?x; ?y)] ] (* *)
⇒ rewrite (@path_functor_uncurried_fst _ _ _ F G x y)
| [ |- context[transport (fun y : Functor ?C ?D ⇒ ?f (y _0 ?x)%object)] ]
⇒ rewrite (fun a b ⇒ @transport_compose _ _ a b (fun y' ⇒ f (y' x)) (@object_of C D))
| [ |- context[transport (fun y : Functor ?C ?D ⇒ ?f (y _0 ?x)%object ?z)] ]
⇒ rewrite (fun a b ⇒ @transport_compose _ _ a b (fun y' ⇒ f (y' x) z) (@object_of C D))
| [ |- context[transport (fun y : Functor ?C ?D ⇒ ?f (y _0 ?x)%object ?z)] ]
⇒ rewrite (fun a b ⇒ @transport_compose _ _ a b (fun y' ⇒ f (y' x) z) (@object_of C D))
| [ |- context[transport (fun y : Functor ?C ?D ⇒ ?f (?g (y _0 ?x)%object))] ]
⇒ rewrite (fun a b ⇒ @transport_compose _ _ a b (fun y' ⇒ f (g (y' x))) (@object_of C D))
| [ |- context[transport (fun y : Functor ?C ?D ⇒ ?f (?g (y _0 ?x)%object) ?z)] ]
⇒ rewrite (fun a b ⇒ @transport_compose _ _ a b (fun y' ⇒ f (g (y' x)) z) (@object_of C D))
| _ ⇒ progress transport_path_forall_hammer
| [ |- context[components_of (transport ?P ?p ?z)] ]
⇒ simpl rewrite (@ap_transport _ P _ _ _ p (fun _ ⇒ components_of) z)
| [ |- context[object_of (transport ?P ?p ?z)] ]
⇒ simpl rewrite (@ap_transport _ P _ _ _ p (fun _ ⇒ object_of) z)
| [ |- context[morphism_of (transport ?P ?p ?z)] ]
⇒ simpl rewrite (@ap_transport _ P _ _ _ p (fun _ ⇒ morphism_of) z)
| [ |- context[fst (transport ?P ?p ?z)] ]
⇒ simpl rewrite (@ap_transport _ P _ _ _ p (fun _ ⇒ fst) z)
| [ |- context[snd (transport ?P ?p ?z)] ]
⇒ simpl rewrite (@ap_transport _ P _ _ _ p (fun _ ⇒ snd) z)
| [ |- context[pr1 (transport ?P ?p ?z)] ]
⇒ simpl rewrite (@ap_transport _ P _ _ _ p (fun _ ⇒ pr1) z)
Ltac exp_laws_t' :=
first [ exp_laws_misc_t'
| exp_laws_simplify_types'
| exp_laws_handle_contr'
| exp_laws_handle_transport' ].
Ltac exp_laws_t := repeat exp_laws_t'.
match goal with
| _ ⇒ progress rewrite ?transport_forall_constant, ?path_forall_2_beta, ?transport_const, ?transport_path_prod
| [ |- context [path_functor_uncurried ?F ?G (?x; ?y)] ] (* *)
⇒ rewrite (@path_functor_uncurried_fst _ _ _ F G x y)
| [ |- context[transport (fun y : Functor ?C ?D ⇒ ?f (y _0 ?x)%object)] ]
⇒ rewrite (fun a b ⇒ @transport_compose _ _ a b (fun y' ⇒ f (y' x)) (@object_of C D))
| [ |- context[transport (fun y : Functor ?C ?D ⇒ ?f (y _0 ?x)%object ?z)] ]
⇒ rewrite (fun a b ⇒ @transport_compose _ _ a b (fun y' ⇒ f (y' x) z) (@object_of C D))
| [ |- context[transport (fun y : Functor ?C ?D ⇒ ?f (y _0 ?x)%object ?z)] ]
⇒ rewrite (fun a b ⇒ @transport_compose _ _ a b (fun y' ⇒ f (y' x) z) (@object_of C D))
| [ |- context[transport (fun y : Functor ?C ?D ⇒ ?f (?g (y _0 ?x)%object))] ]
⇒ rewrite (fun a b ⇒ @transport_compose _ _ a b (fun y' ⇒ f (g (y' x))) (@object_of C D))
| [ |- context[transport (fun y : Functor ?C ?D ⇒ ?f (?g (y _0 ?x)%object) ?z)] ]
⇒ rewrite (fun a b ⇒ @transport_compose _ _ a b (fun y' ⇒ f (g (y' x)) z) (@object_of C D))
| _ ⇒ progress transport_path_forall_hammer
| [ |- context[components_of (transport ?P ?p ?z)] ]
⇒ simpl rewrite (@ap_transport _ P _ _ _ p (fun _ ⇒ components_of) z)
| [ |- context[object_of (transport ?P ?p ?z)] ]
⇒ simpl rewrite (@ap_transport _ P _ _ _ p (fun _ ⇒ object_of) z)
| [ |- context[morphism_of (transport ?P ?p ?z)] ]
⇒ simpl rewrite (@ap_transport _ P _ _ _ p (fun _ ⇒ morphism_of) z)
| [ |- context[fst (transport ?P ?p ?z)] ]
⇒ simpl rewrite (@ap_transport _ P _ _ _ p (fun _ ⇒ fst) z)
| [ |- context[snd (transport ?P ?p ?z)] ]
⇒ simpl rewrite (@ap_transport _ P _ _ _ p (fun _ ⇒ snd) z)
| [ |- context[pr1 (transport ?P ?p ?z)] ]
⇒ simpl rewrite (@ap_transport _ P _ _ _ p (fun _ ⇒ pr1) z)
Ltac exp_laws_t' :=
first [ exp_laws_misc_t'
| exp_laws_simplify_types'
| exp_laws_handle_contr'
| exp_laws_handle_transport' ].
Ltac exp_laws_t := repeat exp_laws_t'.