Library HoTT.Categories.Functor.Composition.Functorial.Attributes

Attributes of Functoriality of functor composition

Require Import Category.Core Functor.Core NaturalTransformation.Core.
Require Import Functor.Composition.Functorial.Core.
Require Import NaturalTransformation.Composition.Core.
Require Import NaturalTransformation.Isomorphisms.
Require Import Functor.Attributes.
Require Import FunctorCategory.Core.
Require Import Category.Morphisms.
Require Import NaturalTransformation.Paths.
Require Import HoTT.Truncations.Core.

Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.

Local Open Scope category_scope.
Local Open Scope natural_transformation_scope.
Local Open Scope morphism_scope.

Precomposition with an essentially surjective functor is faithful

Quoting the HoTT Book:
Lemma. If A, B, C are precategories and H : A B is an essentially surjective functor, then (– H) : (B C) (A C) is faithful.

  Context `{fs : Funext}.
  Variables A B C : PreCategory.

  Variable H : Functor A B.

  Context `{H_is_essentially_surjective : IsEssentiallySurjective A B H}.

  Lemma isfaithful_precomposition_essentially_surjective_helper
        (F G : Functor B C)
        (T U : NaturalTransformation F G)
        (a : A) (b : B)
        (f : H a <~=~> b)
        (H' : T oR H = U oR H)
  : T b = U b.
    apply (ap components_of) in H'.
    apply apD10 in H'; hnf in H'; simpl in H'.
    rewrite <- !(path_components_of_isomorphic' f).
    rewrite H'.

  Global Instance isfaithful_precomposition_essentially_surjective
  : @IsFaithful _ (B C) (A C) (compose_functor _ _ _ H).
    repeat match goal with
             | _eapply isfaithful_precomposition_essentially_surjective_helper;
             | _intro
             | _progress hnf in ×
             | _progress simpl in ×
             | _apply path_forall
             | _progress strip_truncations
             | [ H : _ |- _ ] ⇒ apply ap10 in H
             | _progress path_natural_transformation
             | [ H : sig _ |- _ ] ⇒ destruct H
             | [ H : _, t : _ |- _ ]
               ⇒ generalize dependent (H t); clear H
End faithfull_precomposition_essential_surjective.