Library HoTT.Categories.HomotopyPreCategory

Homotopy PreCategory of Types

Require Import Category.Core.
Require Import HoTT.Basics HoTT.Truncations.Core.

Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.

Local Open Scope path_scope.

Local Open Scope category_scope.

Quoting the HoTT Book:
Example. There is a precategory whose type of objects is U and with hom(X,Y) : X Y, and composition defined by induction on truncation from ordinary composition (Y Z) (X Y) (X Z). We call this the homotopy precategory of types.
We don't want access to all of the internals of this category at top level.
Module HomotopyPreCategoryInternals.
  Section homotopy_precategory.
    Local Notation object := Type (only parsing).
    Local Notation morphism s d := (Trunc 0 (s d)) (only parsing).

    Definition compose s d d' (m : morphism d d') (m' : morphism s d)
    : morphism s d'.
      revert m'; apply Trunc_rec; intro m'.
      revert m; apply Trunc_rec; intro m.
      apply tr.
      exact (m o m')%core.

    Definition identity x : morphism x x
      := tr idmap.

    Global Arguments compose [s d d'] m m' / .
    Global Arguments identity x / .
  End homotopy_precategory.
End HomotopyPreCategoryInternals.

The Homotopy PreCategory of Types

Definition homotopy_precategory : PreCategory.
  refine (@Build_PreCategory
  simpl; intros;
  repeat match goal with
           | [ m : Trunc _ _ |- _ ]
             ⇒ revert m;
               apply Trunc_ind;
               [ intro;
                 match goal with
                   | [ |- IsHSet (?a = ?b :> ?T) ]
                     ⇒ generalize a b; intros;
                        let H := fresh in
                        assert (H : x y : T, IsHProp (x = y))
                 typeclasses eauto
               | intro ]
  apply ap;
  exact idpath.