Library HoTT.Classes.theory.ua_isomorphic

This file develops Isomorphic, . See ua_homomorphism.v for IsHomomorphism and IsIsomorphism.

Require Export HoTT.Classes.theory.ua_homomorphism.

Require Import

Two algebras A B : Algebra σ are isomorphic if there is an isomorphism s, A s B s.

Record Isomorphic {σ : Signature} (A B : Algebra σ) := BuildIsomorphic
  { def_isomorphic : s, A s B s
  ; is_homomorphism_isomorphic : IsHomomorphism def_isomorphic
  ; is_isomorphism_isomorphic : IsIsomorphism def_isomorphic }.

Arguments BuildIsomorphicA B} def_isomorphic
            {is_homomorphism_isomorphic} {is_isomorphism_isomorphic}.

Arguments def_isomorphicA B}.
Arguments is_homomorphism_isomorphicA B}.
Arguments is_isomorphism_isomorphicA B}.

Global Existing Instance is_homomorphism_isomorphic.
Global Existing Instance is_isomorphism_isomorphic.

Module isomorphic_notations.
  Global Notation "A ≅ B" := (Isomorphic A B) : Algebra_scope.
End isomorphic_notations.

Import isomorphic_notations.

Definition SigIsomorphic {σ : Signature} (A B : Algebra σ) :=
  { def_iso : s, A s B s
  | { _ : IsHomomorphism def_iso | IsIsomorphism def_iso }}.

Lemma issig_isomorphic {σ : Signature} (A B : Algebra σ)
  : SigIsomorphic A B <~> A B.

Isomorphic algebras can be identified A B A = B.

Corollary id_isomorphic `{Univalence} {σ} {A B : Algebra σ} (e : A B)
  : A = B.
  exact (path_isomorphism (def_isomorphic e)).

Identified algebras are isomorophic A = B A B

Lemma isomorphic_id {σ} {A B : Algebra σ} (p : A = B) : A B.
  destruct p. exact (BuildIsomorphic (hom_id A)).

To find a path between two witnesses F G : A B, it suffices to find a path between the defining families of functions and the is_homomorphism_hom witnesses.

Lemma path_isomorphic `{Funext} {σ : Signature} {A B : Algebra σ}
  (F G : A B) (a : def_isomorphic F = def_isomorphic G)
  (b : a#(is_homomorphism_isomorphic F) = is_homomorphism_isomorphic G)
  : F = G.
  apply (ap (issig_isomorphic A B)^-1)^-1.
  srapply path_sigma.
  - exact a.
  - apply path_sigma_hprop.
    refine (ap _ (transport_sigma _ _) @ _).
    apply b.

Suppose IsHSetAlgebra B. To find a path between two isomorphic witnesses F G : A B, it suffices to find a path between the defining families of functions.

Lemma path_hset_isomorphic `{Funext} {σ : Signature} {A B : Algebra σ}
  `{IsHSetAlgebra B} (F G : A B)
  (a : def_isomorphic F = def_isomorphic G)
  : F = G.
  apply (path_isomorphic F G a). apply path_ishprop.

Section path_def_isomorphic_id_transport.
  Context {σ : Signature} {A B : Algebra σ}.

  Lemma path_def_isomorphic_id_transport_dom (p : A = B)
    : def_isomorphic (isomorphic_id p)
      = transport (λ C, s, C s B s) (ap carriers p)^ (hom_id B).
    by path_induction.

  Lemma path_def_isomorphic_id_transport_cod (p : A = B)
    : def_isomorphic (isomorphic_id p)
      = transport (λ C, s, A s C s) (ap carriers p) (hom_id A).
    by path_induction.
End path_def_isomorphic_id_transport.

If IsHSetAlgebra A, then path_isomorphism maps the identity homomorphism of A to the identity path.

(* I suspect that the following lemma holds even when A is not a set
   algebra. To show this, path_isomorphism and path_operations_equiv
   should be made transparent, which they are not at the moment. *)

Lemma path_path_isomorphism_hom_id_hset `{Univalence} {σ : Signature}
  (A : Algebra σ) `{IsHSetAlgebra A}
  : path_isomorphism (hom_id A) = idpath.
  apply path_path_hset_algebra.
  rewrite path_ap_carriers_path_algebra.
  apply (paths_ind (λ s, idpath) (λ f _, path_forall A A f = idpath)).
  - apply path_forall_1.
  - intros.
    funext s.
    rewrite (path_ishprop _ (isequiv_idmap (A s))).
    apply path_universe_1.

The following section shows that isomorphic_id is an equivalence with inverse id_isomorphic.

Section isequiv_isomorphic_id.
  Context `{Univalence} {σ} (A B : Algebra σ) `{IsHSetAlgebra B}.

  Lemma sect_id_isomorphic : (@isomorphic_id σ A B) o id_isomorphic == idmap.
    intro F.
    apply path_hset_isomorphic.
    rewrite path_def_isomorphic_id_transport_cod.
    funext s x.
    rewrite !transport_forall_constant.
    rewrite path_ap_carriers_path_algebra.
    apply transport_path_universe.

  Lemma sect_isomorphic_id : id_isomorphic o (@isomorphic_id σ A B) == idmap.
    intro p.
    destruct p.
    apply path_path_isomorphism_hom_id_hset.
    exact _.

  Global Instance isequiv_isomorphic_id : IsEquiv (@isomorphic_id σ A B)
    := isequiv_adjointify

End isequiv_isomorphic_id.