Library HoTT.Colimits.Colimit_Pushout
Require Import Basics.
Require Import Types.
Require Import Diagrams.Graph.
Require Import Diagrams.Diagram.
Require Import Diagrams.Span.
Require Import Diagrams.Cocone.
Require Import Colimits.Colimit.
(* We require this now, but will import later. *)
Require Colimits.Pushout.
Local Open Scope path_scope.
Require Import Types.
Require Import Diagrams.Graph.
Require Import Diagrams.Diagram.
Require Import Diagrams.Span.
Require Import Diagrams.Cocone.
Require Import Colimits.Colimit.
(* We require this now, but will import later. *)
Require Colimits.Pushout.
Local Open Scope path_scope.
Pushout as a colimit
Section PO.
Context {A B C : Type}.
Definition Build_span_cocone {f : A → B} {g : A → C} {Z : Type}
(inl' : B → Z) (inr' : C → Z)
(pp' : inl' o f == inr' o g)
: Cocone (span f g) Z.
srapply Build_Cocone.
- intros [|[]]; [ exact (inr' o g) | exact inl' | exact inr' ].
- intros [u|b] [u'|b'] []; cbn. destruct b'.
+ exact pp'.
+ reflexivity.
Definition pol' {f : A → B} {g : A → C} {Z} (Co : Cocone (span f g) Z)
: B → Z
:= legs Co (inr true).
Definition por' {f : A → B} {g : A → C} {Z} (Co : Cocone (span f g) Z)
: C → Z
:= legs Co (inr false).
Definition popp' {f : A → B} {g : A → C} {Z} (Co : Cocone (span f g) Z)
: pol' Co o f == por' Co o g
:= fun x ⇒ legs_comm Co (inl tt) (inr true) tt x
@ (legs_comm Co (inl tt) (inr false) tt x)^.
Definition is_PO (f : A → B) (g : A → C) := IsColimit (span f g).
Definition PO (f : A → B) (g : A → C) := Colimit (span f g).
Context {f : A → B} {g : A → C}.
Definition pol : B → PO f g := colim (D:=span f g) (inr true).
Definition por : C → PO f g := colim (D:=span f g) (inr false).
Definition popp (a : A) : pol (f a) = por (g a)
:= colimp (D:=span f g) (inl tt) (inr true) tt a
@ (colimp (D:=span f g) (inl tt) (inr false) tt a)^.
Context {A B C : Type}.
Definition Build_span_cocone {f : A → B} {g : A → C} {Z : Type}
(inl' : B → Z) (inr' : C → Z)
(pp' : inl' o f == inr' o g)
: Cocone (span f g) Z.
srapply Build_Cocone.
- intros [|[]]; [ exact (inr' o g) | exact inl' | exact inr' ].
- intros [u|b] [u'|b'] []; cbn. destruct b'.
+ exact pp'.
+ reflexivity.
Definition pol' {f : A → B} {g : A → C} {Z} (Co : Cocone (span f g) Z)
: B → Z
:= legs Co (inr true).
Definition por' {f : A → B} {g : A → C} {Z} (Co : Cocone (span f g) Z)
: C → Z
:= legs Co (inr false).
Definition popp' {f : A → B} {g : A → C} {Z} (Co : Cocone (span f g) Z)
: pol' Co o f == por' Co o g
:= fun x ⇒ legs_comm Co (inl tt) (inr true) tt x
@ (legs_comm Co (inl tt) (inr false) tt x)^.
Definition is_PO (f : A → B) (g : A → C) := IsColimit (span f g).
Definition PO (f : A → B) (g : A → C) := Colimit (span f g).
Context {f : A → B} {g : A → C}.
Definition pol : B → PO f g := colim (D:=span f g) (inr true).
Definition por : C → PO f g := colim (D:=span f g) (inr false).
Definition popp (a : A) : pol (f a) = por (g a)
:= colimp (D:=span f g) (inl tt) (inr true) tt a
@ (colimp (D:=span f g) (inl tt) (inr false) tt a)^.
We next define the eliminators PO_ind and PO_rec. To make later proof terms smaller, we define two things we'll need.
Definition PO_ind_obj (P : PO f g → Type) (l' : ∀ b, P (pol b))
(r' : ∀ c, P (por c))
: ∀ (i : span_graph) (x : obj (span f g) i), P (colim i x).
intros [u|[]] x; cbn.
- exact (@colimp _ (span f g) (inl u) (inr true) tt x # l' (f x)).
- exact (l' x).
- exact (r' x).
Definition PO_ind_arr (P : PO f g → Type) (l' : ∀ b, P (pol b))
(r' : ∀ c, P (por c)) (pp' : ∀ a, popp a # l' (f a) = r' (g a))
: ∀ (i j : span_graph) (e : span_graph i j) (ar : span f g i),
transport P (colimp i j e ar) (PO_ind_obj P l' r' j (((span f g) _f e) ar)) =
PO_ind_obj P l' r' i ar.
intros [u|b] [u'|b'] []; cbn.
destruct b'; cbn.
1: reflexivity.
unfold popp in pp'.
intro a. apply moveR_transport_p.
rhs_V nrapply transport_pp.
destruct u.
symmetry; apply pp'.
Definition PO_ind (P : PO f g → Type) (l' : ∀ b, P (pol b))
(r' : ∀ c, P (por c)) (pp' : ∀ a, popp a # l' (f a) = r' (g a))
: ∀ w, P w
:= Colimit_ind P (PO_ind_obj P l' r') (PO_ind_arr P l' r' pp').
Definition PO_ind_beta_pp (P : PO f g → Type) (l' : ∀ b, P (pol b))
(r' : ∀ c, P (por c)) (pp' : ∀ a, popp a # l' (f a) = r' (g a))
: ∀ x, apD (PO_ind P l' r' pp') (popp x) = pp' x.
intro x.
lhs nrapply apD_pp.
rewrite (Colimit_ind_beta_colimp P _ _ (inl tt) (inr true) tt x).
rewrite concat_p1, apD_V.
rewrite (Colimit_ind_beta_colimp P _ _ (inl tt) (inr false) tt x).
rewrite moveR_transport_p_V, moveR_moveL_transport_p.
rewrite inv_pp, inv_V.
apply concat_p_Vp.
Definition PO_rec (P: Type) (l': B → P) (r': C → P)
(pp': l' o f == r' o g) : PO f g → P
:= Colimit_rec P (Build_span_cocone l' r' pp').
Definition PO_rec_beta_pp (P: Type) (l': B → P)
(r': C → P) (pp': l' o f == r' o g)
: ∀ x, ap (PO_rec P l' r' pp') (popp x) = pp' x.
intro x.
unfold popp.
refine (ap_pp _ _ _ @ _ @ concat_p1 _).
refine (_ @@ _).
1: exact (Colimit_rec_beta_colimp P (Build_span_cocone l' r' pp')
(inl tt) (inr true) tt x).
lhs nrapply ap_V.
apply (inverse2 (q:=1)).
exact (Colimit_rec_beta_colimp P (Build_span_cocone l' r' pp')
(inl tt) (inr false) tt x).
(r' : ∀ c, P (por c))
: ∀ (i : span_graph) (x : obj (span f g) i), P (colim i x).
intros [u|[]] x; cbn.
- exact (@colimp _ (span f g) (inl u) (inr true) tt x # l' (f x)).
- exact (l' x).
- exact (r' x).
Definition PO_ind_arr (P : PO f g → Type) (l' : ∀ b, P (pol b))
(r' : ∀ c, P (por c)) (pp' : ∀ a, popp a # l' (f a) = r' (g a))
: ∀ (i j : span_graph) (e : span_graph i j) (ar : span f g i),
transport P (colimp i j e ar) (PO_ind_obj P l' r' j (((span f g) _f e) ar)) =
PO_ind_obj P l' r' i ar.
intros [u|b] [u'|b'] []; cbn.
destruct b'; cbn.
1: reflexivity.
unfold popp in pp'.
intro a. apply moveR_transport_p.
rhs_V nrapply transport_pp.
destruct u.
symmetry; apply pp'.
Definition PO_ind (P : PO f g → Type) (l' : ∀ b, P (pol b))
(r' : ∀ c, P (por c)) (pp' : ∀ a, popp a # l' (f a) = r' (g a))
: ∀ w, P w
:= Colimit_ind P (PO_ind_obj P l' r') (PO_ind_arr P l' r' pp').
Definition PO_ind_beta_pp (P : PO f g → Type) (l' : ∀ b, P (pol b))
(r' : ∀ c, P (por c)) (pp' : ∀ a, popp a # l' (f a) = r' (g a))
: ∀ x, apD (PO_ind P l' r' pp') (popp x) = pp' x.
intro x.
lhs nrapply apD_pp.
rewrite (Colimit_ind_beta_colimp P _ _ (inl tt) (inr true) tt x).
rewrite concat_p1, apD_V.
rewrite (Colimit_ind_beta_colimp P _ _ (inl tt) (inr false) tt x).
rewrite moveR_transport_p_V, moveR_moveL_transport_p.
rewrite inv_pp, inv_V.
apply concat_p_Vp.
Definition PO_rec (P: Type) (l': B → P) (r': C → P)
(pp': l' o f == r' o g) : PO f g → P
:= Colimit_rec P (Build_span_cocone l' r' pp').
Definition PO_rec_beta_pp (P: Type) (l': B → P)
(r': C → P) (pp': l' o f == r' o g)
: ∀ x, ap (PO_rec P l' r' pp') (popp x) = pp' x.
intro x.
unfold popp.
refine (ap_pp _ _ _ @ _ @ concat_p1 _).
refine (_ @@ _).
1: exact (Colimit_rec_beta_colimp P (Build_span_cocone l' r' pp')
(inl tt) (inr true) tt x).
lhs nrapply ap_V.
apply (inverse2 (q:=1)).
exact (Colimit_rec_beta_colimp P (Build_span_cocone l' r' pp')
(inl tt) (inr false) tt x).
A nice property: the pushout of an equivalence is an equivalence.
Global Instance PO_of_equiv (Hf : IsEquiv f)
: IsEquiv por.
srapply isequiv_adjointify.
- srapply PO_rec.
+ exact (g o f^-1).
+ exact idmap.
+ intro x.
apply ap, eissect.
- srapply PO_ind; cbn.
+ intro.
refine ((popp _)^ @ _).
apply ap, eisretr.
+ reflexivity.
+ intro a; cbn.
nrapply transport_paths_FFlr'.
refine (concat_p1 _ @ _).
rewrite PO_rec_beta_pp.
rewrite eisadj.
destruct (eissect f a); cbn.
rewrite concat_p1.
symmetry; apply concat_Vp.
- cbn; reflexivity.
End PO.
: IsEquiv por.
srapply isequiv_adjointify.
- srapply PO_rec.
+ exact (g o f^-1).
+ exact idmap.
+ intro x.
apply ap, eissect.
- srapply PO_ind; cbn.
+ intro.
refine ((popp _)^ @ _).
apply ap, eisretr.
+ reflexivity.
+ intro a; cbn.
nrapply transport_paths_FFlr'.
refine (concat_p1 _ @ _).
rewrite PO_rec_beta_pp.
rewrite eisadj.
destruct (eissect f a); cbn.
rewrite concat_p1.
symmetry; apply concat_Vp.
- cbn; reflexivity.
End PO.
Section is_PO_pushout.
Import Colimits.Pushout.
Context `{Funext} {A B C : Type} {f : A → B} {g : A → C}.
Definition is_PO_pushout : is_PO f g (Pushout f g).
srapply Build_IsColimit.
- srapply Build_span_cocone.
+ exact (push o inl).
+ exact (push o inr).
+ exact pglue.
- srapply Build_UniversalCocone.
intro Y; srapply isequiv_adjointify.
+ intro Co.
srapply Pushout_rec.
× exact (pol' Co).
× exact (por' Co).
× exact (popp' Co).
+ intros [Co Co'].
srapply path_cocone.
× intros [[]|[]] x; simpl.
1: apply (Co' (inl tt) (inr false) tt).
all: reflexivity.
× cbn beta.
intros [u|b] [u'|b'] [] x.
destruct u, b'; cbn.
2: reflexivity.
rhs nrapply concat_1p.
lhs refine (_ @@ 1).
1: nrapply Pushout_rec_beta_pglue.
unfold popp', legs_comm.
apply concat_pV_p.
+ intro h.
apply path_forall.
srapply Pushout_ind; cbn.
1,2: reflexivity.
intro a; cbn beta.
nrapply transport_paths_FlFr'; apply equiv_p1_1q.
unfold popp'; cbn.
rhs_V nrapply concat_p1.
nrapply Pushout_rec_beta_pglue.
Definition equiv_pushout_PO : Pushout f g <~> PO f g.
srapply colimit_unicity.
3: eapply is_PO_pushout.
eapply iscolimit_colimit.
Definition equiv_pushout_PO_beta_pglue (a : A)
: ap equiv_pushout_PO (pglue a) = popp a.
refine (_ @ _).
1: nrapply Pushout_rec_beta_pglue.
unfold popp'; cbn.
rewrite 2 concat_1p.
Definition Pushout_rec_PO_rec (P : Type) (pushb : B → P) (pushc : C → P)
(pusha : ∀ a : A, pushb (f a) = pushc (g a))
: Pushout_rec P pushb pushc pusha == PO_rec P pushb pushc pusha o equiv_pushout_PO.
snrapply Pushout_ind.
1, 2: reflexivity.
intro a; cbn beta.
nrapply transport_paths_FlFr'; apply equiv_p1_1q.
lhs exact (Pushout_rec_beta_pglue P pushb pushc pusha a).
lhs nrapply (ap_compose equiv_pushout_PO _ (pglue a)).
lhs nrapply (ap _ (equiv_pushout_PO_beta_pglue a)).
nrapply PO_rec_beta_pp.
End is_PO_pushout.