Library HoTT.HIT.Flattening
Require Import HoTT.Basics.
Require Import Types.Paths Types.Forall Types.Sigma Types.Arrow Types.Universe.
Local Open Scope path_scope.
Require Import HoTT.Colimits.Coeq.
The base HIT W is just a homotopy coequalizer Coeq.
TODO: Make the names in this file more usable, move it into Coeq.v, and use it to derive corresponding flattening lemmas for pushout, etc.
Now we define the flattened HIT which will be equivalent to the total space of a fibration over W.
Module Export FlattenedHIT.
Private Inductive Wtil (A B : Type) (f g : B → A)
(C : A → Type) (D : ∀ b, C (f b) <~> C (g b))
: Type :=
| cct : ∀ a, C a → Wtil A B f g C D.
Arguments cct {A B f g C D} a c.
Axiom ppt : ∀ {A B f g C D} (b:B) (y:C (f b)),
@cct A B f g C D (f b) y = cct (g b) (D b y).
Definition Wtil_ind {A B f g C D} (Q : Wtil A B f g C D → Type)
(cct' : ∀ a x, Q (cct a x))
(ppt' : ∀ b y, (ppt b y) # (cct' (f b) y) = cct' (g b) (D b y))
: ∀ w, Q w
:= fun w ⇒ match w with cct a x ⇒ fun _ ⇒ cct' a x end ppt'.
Axiom Wtil_ind_beta_ppt
: ∀ {A B f g C D} (Q : Wtil A B f g C D → Type)
(cct' : ∀ a x, Q (cct a x))
(ppt' : ∀ b y, (ppt b y) # (cct' (f b) y) = cct' (g b) (D b y))
(b:B) (y : C (f b)),
apD (Wtil_ind Q cct' ppt') (ppt b y) = ppt' b y.
End FlattenedHIT.
Definition Wtil_rec {A B f g C} {D : ∀ b, C (f b) <~> C (g b)}
(Q : Type) (cct' : ∀ a (x : C a), Q)
(ppt' : ∀ b (y : C (f b)), cct' (f b) y = cct' (g b) (D b y))
: Wtil A B f g C D → Q
:= Wtil_ind (fun _ ⇒ Q) cct' (fun b y ⇒ transport_const _ _ @ ppt' b y).
Definition Wtil_rec_beta_ppt
{A B f g C} {D : ∀ b, C (f b) <~> C (g b)}
(Q : Type) (cct' : ∀ a (x : C a), Q)
(ppt' : ∀ (b:B) (y : C (f b)), cct' (f b) y = cct' (g b) (D b y))
(b:B) (y: C (f b))
: ap (@Wtil_rec A B f g C D Q cct' ppt') (ppt b y) = ppt' b y.
unfold Wtil_rec.
eapply (cancelL (transport_const (ppt (C:=C) b y) _)).
refine ((apD_const
(@Wtil_ind A B f g C D (fun _ ⇒ Q) cct' _) (ppt b y))^ @ _).
refine (Wtil_ind_beta_ppt (fun _ ⇒ Q) _ _ _ _).
Now we define the fibration over it that we will be considering the total space of.
Section AssumeAxioms.
Context `{Univalence}.
Context {B A : Type} {f g : B → A}.
Context {C : A → Type} {D : ∀ b, C (f b) <~> C (g b)}.
Let W' := Coeq f g.
Let P : W' → Type
:= Coeq_rec Type C (fun b ⇒ path_universe (D b)).
Now we give the total space the same structure as Wtil.
Let sWtil := { w:W' & P w }.
Let scct (a:A) (x:C a) : sWtil := (exist P (coeq a) x).
Let sppt (b:B) (y:C (f b)) : scct (f b) y = scct (g b) (D b y)
:= path_sigma' P (cglue b)
(transport_path_universe' P (cglue b) (D b)
(Coeq_rec_beta_cglue Type C (fun b0 ⇒ path_universe (D b0)) b) y).
Here is the dependent eliminator
Definition sWtil_ind (Q : sWtil → Type)
(scct' : ∀ a x, Q (scct a x))
(sppt' : ∀ b y, (sppt b y) # (scct' (f b) y) = scct' (g b) (D b y))
: ∀ w, Q w.
apply sig_ind.
refine (Coeq_ind (fun w ⇒ ∀ x:P w, Q (w;x))
(fun a x ⇒ scct' a x) _).
intros b.
apply (dpath_forall P (fun a b ⇒ Q (a;b)) _ _ (cglue b)
(scct' (f b)) (scct' (g b))).
intros y.
set (q := transport_path_universe' P (cglue b) (D b)
(Coeq_rec_beta_cglue Type C (fun b0 : B ⇒ path_universe (D b0)) b) y).
rewrite transportD_is_transport.
refine (_ @ apD (scct' (g b)) q^).
refine (moveL_transport_V (fun x ⇒ Q (scct (g b) x)) q _ _ _).
rewrite transport_compose, <- transport_pp.
refine (_ @ sppt' b y).
apply ap10, ap.
refine (whiskerL _ (ap_exist P (coeq (g b)) _ _ q) @ _).
exact ((path_sigma_p1_1p' _ _ _)^).
(scct' : ∀ a x, Q (scct a x))
(sppt' : ∀ b y, (sppt b y) # (scct' (f b) y) = scct' (g b) (D b y))
: ∀ w, Q w.
apply sig_ind.
refine (Coeq_ind (fun w ⇒ ∀ x:P w, Q (w;x))
(fun a x ⇒ scct' a x) _).
intros b.
apply (dpath_forall P (fun a b ⇒ Q (a;b)) _ _ (cglue b)
(scct' (f b)) (scct' (g b))).
intros y.
set (q := transport_path_universe' P (cglue b) (D b)
(Coeq_rec_beta_cglue Type C (fun b0 : B ⇒ path_universe (D b0)) b) y).
rewrite transportD_is_transport.
refine (_ @ apD (scct' (g b)) q^).
refine (moveL_transport_V (fun x ⇒ Q (scct (g b) x)) q _ _ _).
rewrite transport_compose, <- transport_pp.
refine (_ @ sppt' b y).
apply ap10, ap.
refine (whiskerL _ (ap_exist P (coeq (g b)) _ _ q) @ _).
exact ((path_sigma_p1_1p' _ _ _)^).
The eliminator computes on the point constructor.
Definition sWtil_ind_beta_cct (Q : sWtil → Type)
(scct' : ∀ a x, Q (scct a x))
(sppt' : ∀ b y, (sppt b y) # (scct' (f b) y) = scct' (g b) (D b y))
(a:A) (x:C a)
: sWtil_ind Q scct' sppt' (scct a x) = scct' a x
:= 1.
(scct' : ∀ a x, Q (scct a x))
(sppt' : ∀ b y, (sppt b y) # (scct' (f b) y) = scct' (g b) (D b y))
(a:A) (x:C a)
: sWtil_ind Q scct' sppt' (scct a x) = scct' a x
:= 1.
This would be its propositional computation rule on the path constructor...
Fortunately, it turns out to be enough to have the computation rule for the *non-dependent* eliminator!
We could define that in terms of the dependent one, as usual...
...but if we define it diindly, then it's easier to reason about.
Definition sWtil_ind_beta_ppt (Q : sWtil -> Type) (scct' : forall a x, Q (scct a x)) (sppt' : forall b y, (sppt b y) # (scct' (f b) y) = scct' (g b) (D b y)) (b:B) (y:C (f b)) : apD (sWtil_ind Q scct' sppt') (sppt b y) = sppt' b y. Proof. unfold sWtil_ind. (** ... but it's a doozy! *) Abort.
Definition sWtil_rec (P : Type) (scct' : forall a (x : C a), P) (sppt' : forall b (y : C (f b)), scct' (f b) y = scct' (g b) (D b y)) : sWtil -> P := sWtil_ind (fun _ => P) scct' (fun b y => transport_const _ _ @ sppt' b y).
Definition sWtil_rec (Q : Type)
(scct' : ∀ a (x : C a), Q)
(sppt' : ∀ b (y : C (f b)), scct' (f b) y = scct' (g b) (D b y))
: sWtil → Q.
apply sig_ind.
refine (Coeq_ind (fun w ⇒ P w → Q) (fun a x ⇒ scct' a x) _).
intros b.
refine (dpath_arrow P (fun _ ⇒ Q) _ _ _ _).
intros y.
refine (transport_const _ _ @ _).
refine (sppt' b _ @ ap _ _).
refine ((transport_path_universe' P (cglue b) (D b) _ _)^).
exact (Coeq_rec_beta_cglue _ _ _ _).
Open Scope long_path_scope.
Definition sWtil_rec_beta_ppt (Q : Type)
(scct' : ∀ a (x : C a), Q)
(sppt' : ∀ b (y : C (f b)), scct' (f b) y = scct' (g b) (D b y))
(b:B) (y: C (f b))
: ap (sWtil_rec Q scct' sppt') (sppt b y) = sppt' b y.
unfold sWtil_rec, sppt.
refine (@ap_sig_rec_path_sigma W' P Q _ _ (cglue b) _ _ _ _ @ _); simpl.
rewrite (@Coeq_ind_beta_cglue B A f g).
rewrite (ap10_dpath_arrow P (fun _ ⇒ Q) (cglue b) _ _ _ y).
repeat rewrite concat_p_pp.
(scct' : ∀ a (x : C a), Q)
(sppt' : ∀ b (y : C (f b)), scct' (f b) y = scct' (g b) (D b y))
: sWtil → Q.
apply sig_ind.
refine (Coeq_ind (fun w ⇒ P w → Q) (fun a x ⇒ scct' a x) _).
intros b.
refine (dpath_arrow P (fun _ ⇒ Q) _ _ _ _).
intros y.
refine (transport_const _ _ @ _).
refine (sppt' b _ @ ap _ _).
refine ((transport_path_universe' P (cglue b) (D b) _ _)^).
exact (Coeq_rec_beta_cglue _ _ _ _).
Open Scope long_path_scope.
Definition sWtil_rec_beta_ppt (Q : Type)
(scct' : ∀ a (x : C a), Q)
(sppt' : ∀ b (y : C (f b)), scct' (f b) y = scct' (g b) (D b y))
(b:B) (y: C (f b))
: ap (sWtil_rec Q scct' sppt') (sppt b y) = sppt' b y.
unfold sWtil_rec, sppt.
refine (@ap_sig_rec_path_sigma W' P Q _ _ (cglue b) _ _ _ _ @ _); simpl.
rewrite (@Coeq_ind_beta_cglue B A f g).
rewrite (ap10_dpath_arrow P (fun _ ⇒ Q) (cglue b) _ _ _ y).
repeat rewrite concat_p_pp.
Now everything cancels!
rewrite ap_V, concat_pV_p, concat_pV_p, concat_pV_p, concat_Vp.
by apply concat_1p.
Close Scope long_path_scope.
by apply concat_1p.
Close Scope long_path_scope.
The maps back and forth are obtained easily from the non-dependent eliminators.
The two homotopies are completely symmetrical, using the *dependent* eliminators, but only the computation rules for the non-dependent ones.
- refine (sWtil_ind _ (fun a x ⇒ 1) _). intros b y.
apply dpath_path_FFlr.
rewrite concat_1p, concat_p1.
rewrite sWtil_rec_beta_ppt.
by symmetry; apply (@Wtil_rec_beta_ppt A B f g C D).
- refine (Wtil_ind _ (fun a x ⇒ 1) _). intros b y.
apply dpath_path_FFlr.
rewrite concat_1p, concat_p1.
rewrite Wtil_rec_beta_ppt.
by symmetry; apply sWtil_rec_beta_ppt.
End AssumeAxioms.
apply dpath_path_FFlr.
rewrite concat_1p, concat_p1.
rewrite sWtil_rec_beta_ppt.
by symmetry; apply (@Wtil_rec_beta_ppt A B f g C D).
- refine (Wtil_ind _ (fun a x ⇒ 1) _). intros b y.
apply dpath_path_FFlr.
rewrite concat_1p, concat_p1.
rewrite Wtil_rec_beta_ppt.
by symmetry; apply sWtil_rec_beta_ppt.
End AssumeAxioms.