Library HoTT.Metatheory.ImpredicativeTruncation
Impredicative truncations
Using only function extensionality, we can define a "propositional truncation" Trm A of a type A in universe i which eliminates into propositions in universe j. It lands in max(i,j+1). So if we want it to land in universe i, then we can only eliminate into propositions in a strictly smaller universe j. Or, if we want it to eliminate into propositions in universe i, then it must land in a strictly larger universe.
Definition Trm@{i j | } (A : Type@{i})
:= ∀ P:Type@{j}, IsHProp P → (A → P) → P.
Definition trm@{i j | } {A : Type@{i}} : A → Trm@{i j} A
:= fun a P HP f ⇒ f a.
:= ∀ P:Type@{j}, IsHProp P → (A → P) → P.
Definition trm@{i j | } {A : Type@{i}} : A → Trm@{i j} A
:= fun a P HP f ⇒ f a.
Global Instance ishprop_Trm@{i j k | i ≤ k, j < k} `{Funext} (A : Type@{i})
: IsHProp (Trm@{i j} A).
nrapply istrunc_forall@{k k k}; intro B.
nrapply istrunc_forall@{j k k}; intro ishp.
apply istrunc_forall@{k j k}.
: IsHProp (Trm@{i j} A).
nrapply istrunc_forall@{k k k}; intro B.
nrapply istrunc_forall@{j k k}; intro ishp.
apply istrunc_forall@{k j k}.
As mentioned above, it eliminates into propositions in universe j.
Definition Trm_rec@{i j | } {A : Type@{i}}
{P : Type@{j}} {p : IsHProp@{j} P} (f : A → P)
: Trm@{i j} A → P
:= fun ma ⇒ ma P p f.
{P : Type@{j}} {p : IsHProp@{j} P} (f : A → P)
: Trm@{i j} A → P
:= fun ma ⇒ ma P p f.
This computes definitionally.
Definition Trm_rec_beta@{i j | } {A : Type@{i}}
{P : Type@{j}} `{IsHProp P} (f : A → P)
: Trm_rec@{i j} f o trm == f
:= fun _ ⇒ idpath.
{P : Type@{j}} `{IsHProp P} (f : A → P)
: Trm_rec@{i j} f o trm == f
:= fun _ ⇒ idpath.
Because of the universe constraints, we can't make this into a functor on Type@{i}. We have a universe constraint i' ≤ j and Trm@{i j} A lands in max(i,j+1), which is strictly larger.
Definition functor_Trm@{i j i' j' | i' ≤ j, j' < j} `{Funext}
{A : Type@{i}} {A' : Type@{i'}} (f : A → A')
: Trm@{i j} A → Trm@{i' j'} A'
:= Trm_rec (trm o f).
{A : Type@{i}} {A' : Type@{i'}} (f : A → A')
: Trm@{i j} A → Trm@{i' j'} A'
:= Trm_rec (trm o f).
We also record the dependent induction principle. But it only computes propositionally.
Definition Trm_ind@{i j k | i ≤ k, j < k} {A : Type@{i}} `{Funext}
{P : Trm@{i j} A → Type@{j}} {p : ∀ x, IsHProp@{j} (P x)} (f : ∀ a, P (trm a))
: ∀ x, P x.
unfold Trm.
intro x.
rapply x.
intro a.
refine (transport P _ (f a)).
rapply path_ishprop@{k}.
{P : Trm@{i j} A → Type@{j}} {p : ∀ x, IsHProp@{j} (P x)} (f : ∀ a, P (trm a))
: ∀ x, P x.
unfold Trm.
intro x.
rapply x.
intro a.
refine (transport P _ (f a)).
rapply path_ishprop@{k}.
The universe constraints go away if we assume propositional resizing.
If we assume propositions resizing, then we may as well quantify over propositions in the lowest universe Set when defining the truncation. This reduces the number of universe variables. We also assume that Set < i, so that the construction lands in universe i.
Here we use propositional resizing to resize a arbitrary proposition P from an arbitrary universe j to universe Set, so there is no constraint on the universe j. In particular, we can take j = i, which shows that imp_Trm is a reflective subuniverse of Type@{i}, since any two maps into a proposition agree.
Definition imp_Trm_rec@{i j | Set < i} {A : Type@{i}}
{P : Type@{j}} `{IsHProp P} (f : A → P)
: imp_Trm@{i} A → P
:= fun ma ⇒ (equiv_smalltype@{Set j} P)
(ma (smalltype@{Set j} P) _ ((equiv_smalltype@{Set j} P)^-1 o f)).
{P : Type@{j}} `{IsHProp P} (f : A → P)
: imp_Trm@{i} A → P
:= fun ma ⇒ (equiv_smalltype@{Set j} P)
(ma (smalltype@{Set j} P) _ ((equiv_smalltype@{Set j} P)^-1 o f)).
Similarly, there are no constraints between i and i' in the next definition, so they could be taken to be equal.
Definition functor_imp_Trm@{i i' | Set < i, Set < i'} `{Funext}
{A : Type@{i}} {A' : Type@{i'}} (f : A → A')
: imp_Trm@{i} A → imp_Trm@{i'} A'
:= imp_Trm_rec (trm o f).
{A : Type@{i}} {A' : Type@{i'}} (f : A → A')
: imp_Trm@{i} A → imp_Trm@{i'} A'
:= imp_Trm_rec (trm o f).
Note that imp_Trm_rec only computes propositionally.
Definition imp_Trm_rec_beta@{i j | Set < i} {A : Type@{i}}
{P : Type@{j}} `{IsHProp P} (f : A → P)
: imp_Trm_rec@{i j} f o trm == f.
intro a.
unfold imp_Trm_rec, trm; cbn beta.
apply eisretr@{Set j}.
End AssumePropResizing.
{P : Type@{j}} `{IsHProp P} (f : A → P)
: imp_Trm_rec@{i j} f o trm == f.
intro a.
unfold imp_Trm_rec, trm; cbn beta.
apply eisretr@{Set j}.
End AssumePropResizing.
Above, we needed the constraint Set < i. But one can use propositional resizing again to make imp_Trm land in the lowest universe, if that is needed. (We'll in fact let it land in any universe u.) To do this, we need to assume Funext in the definition of the truncation itself.
Funext implies that Trm A is a proposition, so PropResizing can be used to put it in any universe. The construction passes through universe k, which represents max(i,Set+1).
Definition resized_Trm@{i k u | i ≤ k, Set < k} (A : Type@{i})
: Type@{u}
:= smalltype@{u k} (Trm@{i Set} A).
Definition resized_trm@{i k u | i ≤ k, Set < k} {A : Type@{i}}
: A → resized_Trm@{i k u} A
:= (equiv_smalltype _)^-1 o trm.
Definition resized_Trm_rec@{i j k u | i ≤ k, Set < k} {A : Type@{i}}
{P : Type@{j}} `{IsHProp P} (f : A → P)
: resized_Trm@{i k u} A → P.
refine (_ o (equiv_smalltype@{u k} _)).
exact (fun ma ⇒ (equiv_smalltype@{Set j} P)
(ma (smalltype@{Set j} P) _ ((equiv_smalltype@{Set j} P)^-1 o f))).
: Type@{u}
:= smalltype@{u k} (Trm@{i Set} A).
Definition resized_trm@{i k u | i ≤ k, Set < k} {A : Type@{i}}
: A → resized_Trm@{i k u} A
:= (equiv_smalltype _)^-1 o trm.
Definition resized_Trm_rec@{i j k u | i ≤ k, Set < k} {A : Type@{i}}
{P : Type@{j}} `{IsHProp P} (f : A → P)
: resized_Trm@{i k u} A → P.
refine (_ o (equiv_smalltype@{u k} _)).
exact (fun ma ⇒ (equiv_smalltype@{Set j} P)
(ma (smalltype@{Set j} P) _ ((equiv_smalltype@{Set j} P)^-1 o f))).
The beta rule is again propositional.
Definition resized_Trm_rec_beta@{i j k u | i ≤ k, Set < k} {A : Type@{i}}
{P : Type@{j}} `{IsHProp P} (f : A → P)
: resized_Trm_rec@{i j k u} f o resized_trm == f.
intro a.
unfold resized_Trm_rec, resized_trm, Trm, trm; cbn beta.
rewrite eisretr@{u k}.
apply eisretr@{Set j}.
End TruncationWithFunext.
{P : Type@{j}} `{IsHProp P} (f : A → P)
: resized_Trm_rec@{i j k u} f o resized_trm == f.
intro a.
unfold resized_Trm_rec, resized_trm, Trm, trm; cbn beta.
rewrite eisretr@{u k}.
apply eisretr@{Set j}.
End TruncationWithFunext.