Library HoTT.Projective

Require Import Basics Types.
Require Import Truncations.Core Truncations.SeparatedTrunc.
Require Import Modalities.Modality Modalities.Identity.
Require Import Limits.Pullback.

Projective types

To quantify over all truncation levels including infinity, we parametrize IsOProjective by a Modality. When specializing to IsOProjective purely we get an (oo,-1)-projectivity predicate, IsProjective. When specializing to IsOProjective (Tr n) we get an (n,-1)-projectivity predicate, IsTrProjective.

Definition IsOProjective (O : Modality) (X : Type) : Type
  := A, In O A B, In O B
      f : X B, p : A B,
     IsSurjection p merely ( s : X A, p o s == f).


Notation IsTrProjective n := (IsOProjective (Tr n)).

A type X is projective if and only if surjections into X merely split.
Proposition iff_isoprojective_surjections_split
  (O : Modality) (X : Type) `{In O X}
  : IsOProjective O X
    ( (Y : Type), In O Y (p : Y X),
          IsSurjection p merely ( s : X Y, p o s == idmap)).
  - intros isprojX Y oY p S; unfold IsOProjective in isprojX.
    exact (isprojX Y _ X _ idmap p S).
  - intro splits. unfold IsOProjective.
    intros A oA B oB f p S.
    pose proof (splits (Pullback p f) _ pullback_pr2 _) as s'.
    destruct s' as [s E].
    refine (tr (pullback_pr1 o s; _)).
    intro x.
    refine (pullback_commsq p f (s x) @ _).
    apply (ap f).
    apply E.

Corollary equiv_isoprojective_surjections_split
  `{Funext} (O : Modality) (X : Type) `{In O X}
  : IsOProjective O X <~>
    ( (Y : Type), In O Y (p : Y X),
          IsSurjection p merely ( s : X Y, p o s == idmap)).
  exact (equiv_iff_hprop_uncurried (iff_isoprojective_surjections_split O X)).

Projectivity and the axiom of choice

In topos theory, an object X is said to be projective if the axiom of choice holds when making choices indexed by X. We will refer to this as HasOChoice, to avoid confusion with IsOProjective above. In similarity with IsOProjective, we parametrize it by a Modality.

Class HasOChoice (O : Modality) (A : Type) :=
  hasochoice :
     (B : A Type), ( x, In O (B x))
    ( x, merely (B x)) merely ( x, B x).


Notation HasChoice := (HasOChoice purely).


Notation HasTrChoice n := (HasOChoice (Tr n)).

Global Instance hasochoice_sigma
  `{Funext} {A : Type} {B : A Type} (O : Modality)
  (chA : HasOChoice O A)
  (chB : a : A, HasOChoice O (B a))
  : HasOChoice O {a : A | B a}.
  intros C sC f.
  set (f' := fun achB a (fun bC (a; b)) _ (fun bf (a; b))).
  specialize (chA (fun a b, C (a; b)) _ f').
  apply tr.
  apply chA.

Proposition isoprojective_ochoice (O : Modality) (X : Type)
  : HasOChoice O X IsOProjective O X.
  intros chX A ? B ? f p S.
  assert (g : merely ( x:X, hfiber p (f x))).
  - rapply chX.
    intro x.
    exact (center _).
  - strip_truncations; apply tr.
     (fun x:Xpr1 (g x)).
    intro x.
    exact (g x).2.

Proposition hasochoice_oprojective (O : Modality) (X : Type) `{In O X}
  : IsOProjective O X HasOChoice O X.
  refine (_ o fst (iff_isoprojective_surjections_split O X)).
  intros splits P oP S.
  specialize splits with {x : X & P x} pr1.
  pose proof (splits _ (fst (iff_merely_issurjection P) S)) as M.
  clear S splits.
  strip_truncations; apply tr.
  destruct M as [s p].
  intro x.
  exact (transport _ (p x) (s x).2).

Proposition iff_isoprojective_hasochoice (O : Modality) (X : Type) `{In O X}
  : IsOProjective O X HasOChoice O X.
  - apply hasochoice_oprojective. exact _.
  - apply isoprojective_ochoice.

Proposition equiv_isoprojective_hasochoice
  `{Funext} (O : Modality) (X : Type) `{In O X}
  : IsOProjective O X <~> HasOChoice O X.
  refine (equiv_iff_hprop_uncurried (iff_isoprojective_hasochoice O X)).
  apply istrunc_forall.

Proposition isprojective_unit : IsProjective Unit.
  apply (isoprojective_ochoice purely Unit).
  intros P trP S.
  specialize S with tt.
  strip_truncations; apply tr.
  apply Unit_ind.
  exact S.

Section AC_oo_neg1.

Projectivity and AC(oo,-1) (defined in HoTT book, Exercise 7.8)

  (* TODO: Generalize to n, m. *)

  Context {AC : X : HSet, HasChoice X}.

(Exercise 7.9) Assuming AC(oo,-1) every type merely has a projective cover.
  Proposition projective_cover_AC `{Univalence} (A : Type)
    : merely ( X:HSet, p : X A, IsSurjection p).
    pose (X := Build_HSet (Tr 0 A)).
    pose proof ((equiv_isoprojective_hasochoice _ X)^-1 (AC X)) as P.
    pose proof (P A _ X _ idmap tr _) as F; clear P.
    destruct F as [f p].
    refine (tr (X; (f; BuildIsSurjection f _))).
    intro a; unfold hfiber.
    apply equiv_O_sigma_O.
    refine (tr (tr a; _)).
    rapply (equiv_path_Tr _ _)^-1%equiv. (* Uses Univalence. *)
    apply p.

Assuming AC(oo,-1), projective types are exactly sets.
  Theorem equiv_isprojective_ishset_AC `{Univalence} (X : Type)
    : IsProjective X <~> IsHSet X.
    apply equiv_iff_hprop.
    - intro isprojX. unfold IsOProjective in isprojX.
      pose proof (projective_cover_AC X) as P; strip_truncations.
      destruct P as [P [p issurj_p]].
      pose proof (isprojX P _ X _ idmap p issurj_p) as S; strip_truncations.
      exact (inO_retract_inO (Tr 0) X P S.1 p S.2).
    - intro ishsetX.
      apply (equiv_isoprojective_hasochoice purely X)^-1.
      rapply AC.

End AC_oo_neg1.