Library HoTT.Spaces.Nat.Binomial
Require Import Basics.Overture Basics.Tactics Basics.PathGroupoids
Basics.Decidable Spaces.Nat.Core Spaces.Nat.Division Spaces.Nat.Factorial
Local Set Universe Minimization ToSet.
Local Unset Elimination Schemes.
Local Open Scope nat_scope.
Basics.Decidable Spaces.Nat.Core Spaces.Nat.Division Spaces.Nat.Factorial
Local Set Universe Minimization ToSet.
Local Unset Elimination Schemes.
Local Open Scope nat_scope.
Binomial coefficients
Fixpoint nat_choose_step n f :=
match n with
| 0 ⇒ 0
| S n' ⇒ f n' + nat_choose_step n' f
Fixpoint nat_choose (n m : nat) {struct m} : nat
:= match m with
| 0 ⇒ 1
| S m' ⇒ nat_choose_step n (fun n ⇒ nat_choose n m')
match n with
| 0 ⇒ 0
| S n' ⇒ f n' + nat_choose_step n' f
Fixpoint nat_choose (n m : nat) {struct m} : nat
:= match m with
| 0 ⇒ 1
| S m' ⇒ nat_choose_step n (fun n ⇒ nat_choose n m')
We make sure we never unfold binomial coefficients with simpl or cbn since the terms do not look good. Instead, we should use lemmas we prove about it to make proofs clearer to read.
Definition nat_choose_succ@{} n m
: nat_choose n.+1 m.+1 = nat_choose n m + nat_choose n m.+1
:= idpath.
: nat_choose n.+1 m.+1 = nat_choose n m + nat_choose n m.+1
:= idpath.
There is only one way to choose 0 elements from any number of elements.
There are no ways to choose a non-zero number of elements from 0 elements.
The binomial coefficient is zero if m is greater than n.
Definition nat_choose_lt@{} n m : n < m → nat_choose n m = 0.
revert m; induction n; hnf; intros m H; destruct H.
1, 2: reflexivity.
1, 2: rewrite_refl nat_choose_succ; exact (ap011 nat_add (IHn _ _) (IHn _ _)).
revert m; induction n; hnf; intros m H; destruct H.
1, 2: reflexivity.
1, 2: rewrite_refl nat_choose_succ; exact (ap011 nat_add (IHn _ _) (IHn _ _)).
There is only one way to choose n elements from n elements.
Definition nat_choose_diag@{} n : nat_choose n n = 1.
induction n as [|n IHn]; only 1: reflexivity.
rewrite_refl nat_choose_succ.
rhs_V nrapply nat_add_zero_r.
nrapply ap011.
- exact IHn.
- rapply nat_choose_lt.
induction n as [|n IHn]; only 1: reflexivity.
rewrite_refl nat_choose_succ.
rhs_V nrapply nat_add_zero_r.
nrapply ap011.
- exact IHn.
- rapply nat_choose_lt.
There are n ways to choose 1 element from n elements.
Definition nat_choose_one_r@{} n : nat_choose n 1 = n.
induction n as [|n IHn]; only 1: reflexivity.
rewrite_refl nat_choose_succ.
exact (ap nat_succ IHn).
induction n as [|n IHn]; only 1: reflexivity.
rewrite_refl nat_choose_succ.
exact (ap nat_succ IHn).
There are n.+1 ways to choose n elements from n.+1 elements.
Definition nat_choose_succ_l_diag@{} n : nat_choose n.+1 n = n.+1.
induction n as [|n IHn]; only 1: reflexivity.
rewrite_refl nat_choose_succ.
rhs_V nrapply (nat_add_comm _ 1).
nrapply ap011.
- exact IHn.
- apply nat_choose_diag.
induction n as [|n IHn]; only 1: reflexivity.
rewrite_refl nat_choose_succ.
rhs_V nrapply (nat_add_comm _ 1).
nrapply ap011.
- exact IHn.
- apply nat_choose_diag.
The binomial coefficients can be written as a quotient of factorials. This is typically used as a definition of the binomial coefficients.
Definition nat_choose_factorial@{} n m
: m ≤ n → nat_choose n m = factorial n / (factorial m × factorial (n - m)).
revert n m; apply nat_double_ind_leq; intro n.
(* The case when m = 0. *)
{ rewrite nat_mul_one_l.
rewrite nat_sub_zero_r.
symmetry; rapply nat_div_cancel. }
(* The case when m = n. *)
{ rewrite nat_sub_cancel.
rewrite nat_mul_one_r.
rewrite nat_div_cancel.
1: nrapply nat_choose_diag.
exact _. }
(* The case with n.+1 and m.+1 with m < n and an induction hypothesis. *)
intros m H IHn.
rewrite_refl nat_choose_succ.
rewrite 2 IHn.
2,3: exact _.
rewrite <- (nat_div_cancel_mul_l _ _ m.+1).
2: exact _.
rewrite nat_mul_assoc.
rewrite <- nat_factorial_succ.
rewrite <- (nat_div_cancel_mul_l (factorial n) _ (n - m)).
2: rapply equiv_lt_lt_sub.
rewrite nat_mul_assoc.
rewrite (nat_mul_comm (n - m) (factorial m.+1)).
rewrite <- nat_mul_assoc.
rewrite nat_sub_succ_r.
rewrite <- nat_factorial_pred.
2: rapply equiv_lt_lt_sub.
lhs_V nrapply nat_div_dist.
- rewrite nat_factorial_succ.
rewrite <- nat_mul_assoc.
exact _.
- rewrite <- nat_dist_r.
rewrite nat_add_succ_l.
rewrite nat_add_sub_r_cancel.
2: exact _.
rewrite <- nat_factorial_succ.
: m ≤ n → nat_choose n m = factorial n / (factorial m × factorial (n - m)).
revert n m; apply nat_double_ind_leq; intro n.
(* The case when m = 0. *)
{ rewrite nat_mul_one_l.
rewrite nat_sub_zero_r.
symmetry; rapply nat_div_cancel. }
(* The case when m = n. *)
{ rewrite nat_sub_cancel.
rewrite nat_mul_one_r.
rewrite nat_div_cancel.
1: nrapply nat_choose_diag.
exact _. }
(* The case with n.+1 and m.+1 with m < n and an induction hypothesis. *)
intros m H IHn.
rewrite_refl nat_choose_succ.
rewrite 2 IHn.
2,3: exact _.
rewrite <- (nat_div_cancel_mul_l _ _ m.+1).
2: exact _.
rewrite nat_mul_assoc.
rewrite <- nat_factorial_succ.
rewrite <- (nat_div_cancel_mul_l (factorial n) _ (n - m)).
2: rapply equiv_lt_lt_sub.
rewrite nat_mul_assoc.
rewrite (nat_mul_comm (n - m) (factorial m.+1)).
rewrite <- nat_mul_assoc.
rewrite nat_sub_succ_r.
rewrite <- nat_factorial_pred.
2: rapply equiv_lt_lt_sub.
lhs_V nrapply nat_div_dist.
- rewrite nat_factorial_succ.
rewrite <- nat_mul_assoc.
exact _.
- rewrite <- nat_dist_r.
rewrite nat_add_succ_l.
rewrite nat_add_sub_r_cancel.
2: exact _.
rewrite <- nat_factorial_succ.
Another recursive property of the binomial coefficients. To choose m+1 elements from a set of size n+1, one has n+1 choices for the first element and then can make the remaining m choices from the remaining n elements. This overcounts by a factor of m+1, since there are m+1 elements that could have been called the "first" element.
Definition nat_choose_succ_mul@{} n m
: nat_choose n.+1 m.+1 = (n.+1 × nat_choose n m) / m.+1.
destruct (leq_dichotomy m n) as [H | H].
2: { rewrite 2 nat_choose_lt; only 2, 3: exact _.
rewrite nat_mul_zero_r.
symmetry; apply nat_div_zero_l. }
rewrite 2 nat_choose_factorial.
2,3: exact _.
rewrite nat_div_mul_l.
2: exact _.
rewrite nat_div_div_l.
by rewrite (nat_mul_comm _ m.+1), nat_mul_assoc.
: nat_choose n.+1 m.+1 = (n.+1 × nat_choose n m) / m.+1.
destruct (leq_dichotomy m n) as [H | H].
2: { rewrite 2 nat_choose_lt; only 2, 3: exact _.
rewrite nat_mul_zero_r.
symmetry; apply nat_div_zero_l. }
rewrite 2 nat_choose_factorial.
2,3: exact _.
rewrite nat_div_mul_l.
2: exact _.
rewrite nat_div_div_l.
by rewrite (nat_mul_comm _ m.+1), nat_mul_assoc.
The binomial coefficients are symmetric about the middle of the range 0 ≤ n.
Definition nat_choose_sub@{} n m
: m ≤ n → nat_choose n m = nat_choose n (n - m).
intros H.
rewrite 2 nat_choose_factorial.
2,3: exact _.
rewrite nat_sub_sub_cancel_r.
2: exact _.
by rewrite nat_mul_comm.
: m ≤ n → nat_choose n m = nat_choose n (n - m).
intros H.
rewrite 2 nat_choose_factorial.
2,3: exact _.
rewrite nat_sub_sub_cancel_r.
2: exact _.
by rewrite nat_mul_comm.