Library HoTT.Spaces.NatSeq.Core

Types of Sequences nat X

Require Import Basics Types.
Require Import Spaces.Nat.Core.

Local Open Scope nat_scope.
Local Open Scope type_scope.

Operations on sequences

The first term of a sequence.
Definition head {X : Type} (u : nat X) : X := u 0.

Shift of a sequence by 1 to the left.
Definition tail {X : Type} (u : nat X) : (nat X) := u o S.

Add a term to the start of a sequence.
Definition cons {X : Type} : X (nat X) (nat X).
  intros x u [|n].
  - exact x.
  - exact (u n).

Definition cons_head_tail {X : Type} (u : nat X)
  : cons (head u) (tail u) == u.
  by intros [|n].

Definition tail_cons {X : Type} (u : nat X) {x : X} : tail (cons x u) == u
  := fun _idpath.

Equivalence relations on sequences.

For every n : nat, we define a relation between two sequences that holds if and only if their first n terms are equal.
Definition seq_agree_lt {X : Type} (n : nat) (s t : nat X) : Type
  := (m : nat), m < n s m = t m.

seq_agree_lt has an equivalent inductive definition. We don't use this equivalence, but include it in case it is useful in future work.
Definition seq_agree_inductive {X : Type} (n : nat) (s t : nat X) : Type.
  induction n in s, t |-*.
  - exact Unit.
  - exact ((head s = head t) × (IHn (tail s) (tail t))).

Definition seq_agree_inductive_seq_agree_lt {X : Type} {n : nat}
  {s t : nat X} (h : seq_agree_lt n s t)
  : seq_agree_inductive n s t.
  induction n in s, t, h |- ×.
  - exact tt.
  - simpl.
    exact (h 0 _, IHn _ _ (fun m hmh m.+1 (_ hm))).

Definition seq_agree_lt_seq_agree_inductive {X : Type} {n : nat}
  {s t : nat X} (h : seq_agree_inductive n s t)
  : seq_agree_lt n s t.
  intros m hm.
  induction m in n, s, t, h, hm |- ×.
  - revert n hm h; nrapply gt_zero_ind; intros n h.
    exact (fst h).
  - induction n.
    + contradiction (not_lt_zero_r _ hm).
    + exact (IHm _ (tail s) (tail t) (snd h) _).

Definition seq_agree_lt_iff_seq_agree_inductive
  {X : Type} {n : nat} {s t : nat X}
  : seq_agree_lt n s t seq_agree_inductive n s t
  := (fun hseq_agree_inductive_seq_agree_lt h,
      fun hseq_agree_lt_seq_agree_inductive h).