Library HoTT.Algebra.AbGroups.AbPushout

Require Import Basics Types Truncations.Core.
Require Import WildCat.Core HSet.
Require Export Algebra.Groups.QuotientGroup.
Require Import AbGroups.AbelianGroup AbGroups.Biproduct.

Local Open Scope mc_scope.
Local Open Scope mc_add_scope.

Pushouts of abelian groups.

The pushout of two morphisms f : A $-> B and g : A $-> C is constructed as the quotient of the biproduct B + C by the image of f - g. Since this image comes up repeatedly, we name it.

Definition ab_pushout_subgroup {A B C : AbGroup} (f : A $-> B) (g : A $-> C)
  : Subgroup (ab_biprod B C)
  := grp_image (ab_biprod_corec (ab_homo_negation $o f) g).

Definition ab_pushout {A B C : AbGroup}
           (f : A $-> B) (g : A $-> C) : AbGroup
  := QuotientAbGroup (ab_biprod B C) (ab_pushout_subgroup f g).

Recursion principle.
Theorem ab_pushout_rec {A B C Y : AbGroup} {f : A $-> B} {g : A $-> C}
        (b : B $-> Y) (c : C $-> Y) (p : b o f == c o g)
  : ab_pushout f g $-> Y.
  srapply grp_quotient_rec.
  - exact (ab_biprod_rec b c).
  - intros [x y] q; strip_truncations; simpl.
    destruct q as [a q]. cbn in q.
    lhs_V nrapply (ap (fun '(x, y)b x + c y) q); cbn.
    lhs rapply (ap011 (+) (preserves_inverse _) (p a)^).
    apply left_inverse.

Corollary ab_pushout_rec_uncurried {A B C : AbGroup}
          (f : A $-> B) (g : A $-> C) (Y : AbGroup)
  : {b : B $-> Y & {c : C $-> Y & b o f == c o g}}
       (ab_pushout f g $-> Y).
  intros [b [c p]]; exact (ab_pushout_rec b c p).

Definition ab_pushout_inl {A B C : AbGroup} {f : A $-> B} {g : A $-> C}
  : B $-> ab_pushout f g := grp_quotient_map $o grp_prod_inl.

Definition ab_pushout_inr {A B C : AbGroup} {f : A $-> B} {g : A $-> C}
  : C $-> ab_pushout f g := grp_quotient_map $o grp_prod_inr.

Proposition ab_pushout_commsq {A B C : AbGroup} {f : A $-> B} {g : A $-> C}
  : (@ab_pushout_inl A B C f g) $o f == ab_pushout_inr $o g.
  intro a; simpl.
  apply qglue, tr; a.
  apply path_prod; simpl.
  - exact (right_identity _)^.
  - rewrite grp_inv_unit.
    exact (left_identity _)^.

A map out of the pushout induces itself after restricting along the inclusions.
Proposition ab_pushout_rec_beta `{Funext} {A B C Y : AbGroup}
            {f : A $-> B} {g : A $-> C}
            (phi : ab_pushout f g $-> Y)
  : ab_pushout_rec (phi $o ab_pushout_inl) (phi $o ab_pushout_inr)
                   (fun a:Aap phi (ab_pushout_commsq a)) = phi.
  rapply (equiv_ap' (equiv_quotient_abgroup_ump (G:=ab_biprod B C) _ Y)^-1%equiv _ _)^-1.
  srapply path_sigma_hprop.
  refine (grp_quotient_rec_beta _ Y _ _ @ _).
  apply equiv_path_grouphomomorphism; intro bc.
  exact (ab_biprod_rec_eta (phi $o grp_quotient_map) bc).

Restricting ab_pushout_rec along ab_pushout_inl recovers the left inducing map.
Lemma ab_pushout_rec_beta_left {A B C Y : AbGroup}
            (f : A $-> B) (g : A $-> C)
            (l : B $-> Y) (r : C $-> Y) (p : l o f == r o g)
  : ab_pushout_rec l r p $o ab_pushout_inl == l.
  intro x; simpl.
  rewrite (grp_homo_unit r).
  apply right_identity.

Lemma ab_pushout_rec_beta_right {A B C Y : AbGroup}
      (f : A $-> B) (g : A $-> C)
      (l : B $-> Y) (r : C $-> Y) (p : l o f == r o g)
  : ab_pushout_rec l r p $o ab_pushout_inr == r.
  intro x; simpl.
  rewrite (grp_homo_unit l).
  apply left_identity.

Theorem isequiv_ab_pushout_rec `{Funext} {A B C Y : AbGroup}
        {f : A $-> B} {g : A $-> C}
  : IsEquiv (ab_pushout_rec_uncurried f g Y).
  srapply isequiv_adjointify.
  - intro phi.
    refine (phi $o ab_pushout_inl; phi $o ab_pushout_inr; _).
    intro a.
    apply (ap phi).
    exact (ab_pushout_commsq a).
  - intro phi.
    exact (ab_pushout_rec_beta phi).
  - intros [b [c p]].
    srapply path_sigma.
    + apply equiv_path_grouphomomorphism.
      intro x; simpl.
      lhs exact (ap (fun kb x + k) (grp_homo_unit c)).
      apply right_identity.
    + lhs nrapply transport_sigma'.
      apply path_sigma_hprop.
      apply equiv_path_grouphomomorphism.
      intro y; simpl.
      lhs exact (ap (fun kk + c y) (grp_homo_unit b)).
      apply left_identity.

Definition path_ab_pushout `{Univalence} {A B C : AbGroup} (f : A $-> B) (g : A $-> C)
           (bc0 bc1 : ab_biprod B C)
  : @in_cosetL (ab_biprod B C) (ab_pushout_subgroup f g) bc0 bc1
               <~> (grp_quotient_map bc0 = grp_quotient_map bc1 :> ab_pushout f g).
  nrapply path_quotient; exact _.

The pushout of an embedding is an embedding.
Definition ab_pushout_embedding_inl `{Univalence} {A B C : AbGroup}
           (f : A $-> B) (g : A $-> C) `{IsEmbedding g}
  : IsEmbedding (ab_pushout_inl (f:=f) (g:=g)).
  apply isembedding_isinj_hset.
  intros c0 c1.
  nrefine (_ o (path_ab_pushout f g (grp_prod_inl c0) (grp_prod_inl c1))^-1%equiv).
  rapply Trunc_ind.
  cbn; intros [a p].
  assert (z : a = 0).
  - rapply (isinj_embedding g).
    lhs exact (ap snd p); unfold snd.
    exact (left_inverse 0 @ (grp_homo_unit g)^).
  - apply grp_moveR_M1.
    rhs_V exact (ap fst p); unfold fst; symmetry.
    rhs_V nrapply grp_inv_unit.
    apply ap.
    exact (ap f z @ grp_homo_unit f).

Functoriality of pushouts
Definition functor_ab_pushout {A A' B B' C C' : AbGroup}
           (f : A $-> B) (f' : A' $-> B')
           (g : A $-> C) (g' : A' $-> C')
           (alpha : A $-> A') (beta : B $-> B') (gamma : C $-> C')
           (h : beta $o f == f' $o alpha) (k : g' $o alpha == gamma $o g)
  : ab_pushout f g $-> ab_pushout f' g'.
  srapply ab_pushout_rec.
  - exact (ab_pushout_inl $o beta).
  - exact (ab_pushout_inr $o gamma).
  - intro a.
    refine (ap ab_pushout_inl (h a) @ _ @ ap ab_pushout_inr (k a)).
    exact (ab_pushout_commsq (alpha a)).

Properties of pushouts of maps

The pushout of an epimorphism is an epimorphism.
Global Instance ab_pushout_surjection_inr {A B C : AbGroup}
  (f : A $-> B) (g : A $-> C) `{S : IsSurjection f}
  : IsSurjection (ab_pushout_inr (f:=f) (g:=g)).
  intro x.
  rapply contr_inhabited_hprop.
  (* To find a preimage of x, we may first choose a representative x'. *)
  assert (x' : merely (hfiber grp_quotient_map x)).
  1: apply center, issurj_class_of.
  strip_truncations; destruct x' as [[b c] p].
  (* Now x = b + c in the quotient. We find a preimage of a. *)
  assert (a : merely (hfiber f b)).
  1: apply center, S.
  strip_truncations; destruct a as [a q].
  refine (tr (g a + c; _)).
  refine (grp_homo_op _ _ _ @ _).
  refine (ap (fun zsg_op z _) _^ @ _).
  { refine (_^ @ ab_pushout_commsq _).
    exact (ap _ q). }
  refine (ap grp_quotient_map _ @ p).
  apply path_prod'; cbn.
  - apply right_identity.
  - apply left_identity.