Library HoTT.Algebra.AbGroups.AbelianGroup
Require Import Basics Types.
Require Import Spaces.Nat.Core Spaces.Int.
Require Export Classes.interfaces.canonical_names (Zero, zero, Plus, plus, Negate, negate, Involutive, involutive).
Require Export Classes.interfaces.abstract_algebra (IsAbGroup(..), abgroup_group, abgroup_commutative).
Require Export Algebra.Groups.Group.
Require Export Algebra.Groups.Subgroup.
Require Import Algebra.Groups.QuotientGroup.
Require Import WildCat.
Local Set Polymorphic Inductive Cumulativity.
Local Open Scope mc_scope.
Local Open Scope mc_add_scope.
Require Import Spaces.Nat.Core Spaces.Int.
Require Export Classes.interfaces.canonical_names (Zero, zero, Plus, plus, Negate, negate, Involutive, involutive).
Require Export Classes.interfaces.abstract_algebra (IsAbGroup(..), abgroup_group, abgroup_commutative).
Require Export Algebra.Groups.Group.
Require Export Algebra.Groups.Subgroup.
Require Import Algebra.Groups.QuotientGroup.
Require Import WildCat.
Local Set Polymorphic Inductive Cumulativity.
Local Open Scope mc_scope.
Local Open Scope mc_add_scope.
Record AbGroup := {
abgroup_group : Group;
abgroup_commutative : @Commutative abgroup_group _ (+);
Coercion abgroup_group : AbGroup >-> Group.
Global Existing Instance abgroup_commutative.
Definition zero_abgroup (A : AbGroup) : Zero A := mon_unit.
Definition negate_abgroup (A : AbGroup) : Negate A := inv.
Definition plus_abgroup (A : AbGroup) : Plus A := sg_op.
Sometimes we want an abelian group to act as if it has a Plus, Zero and Negate operation. For example, when working with rings. We therefore make this module of hints available for import so that consumers can control the way the abelian group operation is treated.
Files about abelian groups (apart from this one) typically don't have these instances available, whereas files about rings do.
Module Import AdditiveInstances.
#[export] Hint Immediate zero_abgroup : typeclass_instances.
#[export] Hint Immediate negate_abgroup : typeclass_instances.
#[export] Hint Immediate plus_abgroup : typeclass_instances.
End AdditiveInstances.
Global Instance isabgroup_abgroup {A : AbGroup} : IsAbGroup A.
split; exact _.
#[export] Hint Immediate zero_abgroup : typeclass_instances.
#[export] Hint Immediate negate_abgroup : typeclass_instances.
#[export] Hint Immediate plus_abgroup : typeclass_instances.
End AdditiveInstances.
Global Instance isabgroup_abgroup {A : AbGroup} : IsAbGroup A.
split; exact _.
Easier way to build abelian groups without redundant information.
Definition Build_AbGroup' (G : Type)
`{MonUnit G, Inverse G, SgOp G, IsHSet G}
(comm : Commutative (A:=G) (+))
(assoc : Associative (A:=G) (+))
(unit_l : LeftIdentity (A:=G) (+) 0)
(inv_l : LeftInverse (A:=G) (+) (-) 0)
: AbGroup.
snrapply Build_AbGroup.
- rapply (Build_Group' G).
- exact comm.
Definition issig_abgroup : _ <~> AbGroup := ltac:(issig).
Definition ab_neg_op {A : AbGroup} (x y : A) : - (x + y) = -x - y.
lhs nrapply grp_inv_op.
apply commutativity.
`{MonUnit G, Inverse G, SgOp G, IsHSet G}
(comm : Commutative (A:=G) (+))
(assoc : Associative (A:=G) (+))
(unit_l : LeftIdentity (A:=G) (+) 0)
(inv_l : LeftInverse (A:=G) (+) (-) 0)
: AbGroup.
snrapply Build_AbGroup.
- rapply (Build_Group' G).
- exact comm.
Definition issig_abgroup : _ <~> AbGroup := ltac:(issig).
Definition ab_neg_op {A : AbGroup} (x y : A) : - (x + y) = -x - y.
lhs nrapply grp_inv_op.
apply commutativity.
Definition equiv_path_abgroup `{Univalence} {A B : AbGroup@{u}}
: GroupIsomorphism A B <~> (A = B).
refine (equiv_ap_inv issig_abgroup _ _ oE _).
refine (equiv_path_sigma_hprop _ _ oE _).
exact equiv_path_group.
Definition equiv_path_abgroup_group `{Univalence} {A B : AbGroup}
: (A = B :> AbGroup) <~> (A = B :> Group)
:= equiv_path_group oE equiv_path_abgroup^-1.
Local Hint Immediate canonical_names.inverse_is_negate : typeclass_instances.
Subgroups of abelian groups are abelian
Global Instance isabgroup_subgroup (G : AbGroup) (H : Subgroup G)
: IsAbGroup H.
nrapply Build_IsAbGroup.
1: exact _.
intros x y.
apply path_sigma_hprop.
cbn. apply commutativity.
: IsAbGroup H.
nrapply Build_IsAbGroup.
1: exact _.
intros x y.
apply path_sigma_hprop.
cbn. apply commutativity.
Given any subgroup of an abelian group, we can coerce it to an abelian group. Note that Coq complains this coercion doesn't satisfy the uniform-inheritance condition, but in practice it works and doesn't cause any issue, so we ignore it.
Definition abgroup_subgroup (G : AbGroup) : Subgroup G → AbGroup
:= fun H ⇒ Build_AbGroup H _.
Coercion abgroup_subgroup : Subgroup >-> AbGroup.
Global Instance isnormal_ab_subgroup (G : AbGroup) (H : Subgroup G)
: IsNormalSubgroup H.
intros x y h.
by rewrite commutativity.
:= fun H ⇒ Build_AbGroup H _.
Coercion abgroup_subgroup : Subgroup >-> AbGroup.
Global Instance isnormal_ab_subgroup (G : AbGroup) (H : Subgroup G)
: IsNormalSubgroup H.
intros x y h.
by rewrite commutativity.
Global Instance isabgroup_quotient (G : AbGroup) (H : Subgroup G)
: IsAbGroup (QuotientGroup' G H (isnormal_ab_subgroup G H)).
nrapply Build_IsAbGroup.
1: exact _.
srapply Quotient_ind2_hprop; intros x y.
apply (ap (class_of _)).
apply commutativity.
Definition QuotientAbGroup (G : AbGroup) (H : Subgroup G) : AbGroup
:= (Build_AbGroup (QuotientGroup' G H (isnormal_ab_subgroup G H)) _).
Arguments QuotientAbGroup G H : simpl never.
Definition quotient_abgroup_rec {G : AbGroup}
(N : Subgroup G) (H : AbGroup)
(f : GroupHomomorphism G H) (h : ∀ n : G, N n → f n = mon_unit)
: GroupHomomorphism (QuotientAbGroup G N) H
:= grp_quotient_rec G (Build_NormalSubgroup G N _) f h.
Theorem equiv_quotient_abgroup_ump {F : Funext} {G : AbGroup}
(N : Subgroup G) (H : Group)
: {f : GroupHomomorphism G H & ∀ (n : G), N n → f n = mon_unit}
<~> (GroupHomomorphism (QuotientAbGroup G N) H).
exact (equiv_grp_quotient_ump (Build_NormalSubgroup G N _) _).
Global Instance isgraph_abgroup : IsGraph AbGroup
:= isgraph_induced abgroup_group.
Global Instance is01cat_abgroup : Is01Cat AbGroup
:= is01cat_induced abgroup_group.
Global Instance is01cat_grouphomomorphism {A B : AbGroup} : Is01Cat (A $-> B)
:= is01cat_induced (@grp_homo_map A B).
Global Instance is0gpd_grouphomomorphism {A B : AbGroup} : Is0Gpd (A $-> B)
:= is0gpd_induced (@grp_homo_map A B).
Global Instance is2graph_abgroup : Is2Graph AbGroup
:= is2graph_induced abgroup_group.
AbGroup forms a 1Cat
Global Instance is1cat_abgroup : Is1Cat AbGroup
:= is1cat_induced _.
Global Instance hasmorext_abgroup `{Funext} : HasMorExt AbGroup
:= hasmorext_induced _.
Global Instance hasequivs_abgroup : HasEquivs AbGroup
:= hasequivs_induced _.
:= is1cat_induced _.
Global Instance hasmorext_abgroup `{Funext} : HasMorExt AbGroup
:= hasmorext_induced _.
Global Instance hasequivs_abgroup : HasEquivs AbGroup
:= hasequivs_induced _.
Zero object of AbGroup
Definition abgroup_trivial : AbGroup.
rapply (Build_AbGroup grp_trivial).
by intros [].
AbGroup is a pointed category
Global Instance ispointedcat_abgroup : IsPointedCat AbGroup.
apply Build_IsPointedCat with abgroup_trivial.
all: intro A; apply ispointedcat_group.
apply Build_IsPointedCat with abgroup_trivial.
all: intro A; apply ispointedcat_group.
abgroup_group is a functor
Global Instance is0functor_abgroup_group : Is0Functor abgroup_group
:= is0functor_induced _.
Global Instance is1functor_abgroup_group : Is1Functor abgroup_group
:= is1functor_induced _.
:= is0functor_induced _.
Global Instance is1functor_abgroup_group : Is1Functor abgroup_group
:= is1functor_induced _.
Image of group homomorphisms between abelian groups
First isomorphism theorem of abelian groups
Definition abgroup_first_iso `{Funext} {A B : AbGroup} (f : A $-> B)
: GroupIsomorphism (QuotientAbGroup A (grp_kernel f)) (abgroup_image f).
2: rapply grp_first_iso.
apply grp_iso_quotient_normal.
: GroupIsomorphism (QuotientAbGroup A (grp_kernel f)) (abgroup_image f).
2: rapply grp_first_iso.
apply grp_iso_quotient_normal.
Lemma transport_abgrouphomomorphism_from_const `{Univalence} {A B B' : AbGroup}
(p : B = B') (f : GroupHomomorphism A B)
: transport (Hom A) p f
= grp_homo_compose (equiv_path_abgroup^-1 p) f.
induction p.
by apply equiv_path_grouphomomorphism.
Lemma transport_iso_abgrouphomomorphism_from_const `{Univalence} {A B B' : AbGroup}
(phi : GroupIsomorphism B B') (f : GroupHomomorphism A B)
: transport (Hom A) (equiv_path_abgroup phi) f
= grp_homo_compose phi f.
refine (transport_abgrouphomomorphism_from_const _ _ @ _).
by rewrite eissect.
Lemma transport_abgrouphomomorphism_to_const `{Univalence} {A A' B : AbGroup}
(p : A = A') (f : GroupHomomorphism A B)
: transport (fun G ⇒ Hom G B) p f
= grp_homo_compose f (grp_iso_inverse (equiv_path_abgroup^-1 p)).
induction p; cbn.
by apply equiv_path_grouphomomorphism.
Lemma transport_iso_abgrouphomomorphism_to_const `{Univalence} {A A' B : AbGroup}
(phi : GroupIsomorphism A A') (f : GroupHomomorphism A B)
: transport (fun G ⇒ Hom G B) (equiv_path_abgroup phi) f
= grp_homo_compose f (grp_iso_inverse phi).
refine (transport_abgrouphomomorphism_to_const _ _ @ _).
by rewrite eissect.
Definition ab_homo_negation {A : AbGroup} : GroupIsomorphism A A.
snrapply Build_GroupIsomorphism.
- snrapply Build_GroupHomomorphism.
+ exact (fun a ⇒ -a).
+ intros x y.
refine (grp_inv_op x y @ _).
apply commutativity.
- srapply isequiv_adjointify.
1: exact (fun a ⇒ -a).
1-2: exact inverse_involutive.
snrapply Build_GroupIsomorphism.
- snrapply Build_GroupHomomorphism.
+ exact (fun a ⇒ -a).
+ intros x y.
refine (grp_inv_op x y @ _).
apply commutativity.
- srapply isequiv_adjointify.
1: exact (fun a ⇒ -a).
1-2: exact inverse_involutive.
Definition ab_mul {A : AbGroup} (n : Int) : GroupHomomorphism A A.
snrapply Build_GroupHomomorphism.
1: exact (fun a ⇒ grp_pow a n).
intros a b.
apply grp_pow_mul, commutativity.
snrapply Build_GroupHomomorphism.
1: exact (fun a ⇒ grp_pow a n).
intros a b.
apply grp_pow_mul, commutativity.
ab_mul n is natural.
Definition ab_mul_natural {A B : AbGroup}
(f : GroupHomomorphism A B) (n : Int)
: f o ab_mul n == ab_mul n o f
:= grp_pow_natural f n.
(f : GroupHomomorphism A B) (n : Int)
: f o ab_mul n == ab_mul n o f
:= grp_pow_natural f n.
The image of an inclusion is a normal subgroup.
Definition ab_image_embedding {A B : AbGroup} (f : A $-> B) `{IsEmbedding f} : NormalSubgroup B
:= {| normalsubgroup_subgroup := grp_image_embedding f; normalsubgroup_isnormal := _ |}.
Definition ab_image_in_embedding {A B : AbGroup} (f : A $-> B) `{IsEmbedding f}
: GroupIsomorphism A (ab_image_embedding f)
:= grp_image_in_embedding f.
:= {| normalsubgroup_subgroup := grp_image_embedding f; normalsubgroup_isnormal := _ |}.
Definition ab_image_in_embedding {A B : AbGroup} (f : A $-> B) `{IsEmbedding f}
: GroupIsomorphism A (ab_image_embedding f)
:= grp_image_in_embedding f.
The cokernel of a homomorphism into an abelian group.
Definition ab_cokernel {G : Group@{u}} {A : AbGroup@{u}} (f : GroupHomomorphism G A)
: AbGroup := QuotientAbGroup _ (grp_image f).
Definition ab_cokernel_embedding {G : Group} {A : AbGroup} (f : G $-> A) `{IsEmbedding f}
: AbGroup := QuotientAbGroup _ (grp_image_embedding f).
Definition ab_cokernel_embedding_rec {G: Group} {A B : AbGroup} (f : G $-> A) `{IsEmbedding f}
(h : A $-> B) (p : grp_homo_compose h f $== grp_homo_const)
: ab_cokernel_embedding f $-> B.
snrapply (grp_quotient_rec _ _ h).
intros a [g q].
induction q.
exact (p g).
: AbGroup := QuotientAbGroup _ (grp_image f).
Definition ab_cokernel_embedding {G : Group} {A : AbGroup} (f : G $-> A) `{IsEmbedding f}
: AbGroup := QuotientAbGroup _ (grp_image_embedding f).
Definition ab_cokernel_embedding_rec {G: Group} {A B : AbGroup} (f : G $-> A) `{IsEmbedding f}
(h : A $-> B) (p : grp_homo_compose h f $== grp_homo_const)
: ab_cokernel_embedding f $-> B.
snrapply (grp_quotient_rec _ _ h).
intros a [g q].
induction q.
exact (p g).