Library HoTT.Algebra.Rings.Localization

Localization of commutative rings

Localization is a way to make elements in a commutative ring invertible by adding inverses, in the most minimal way possible. It generalizes the familiar operation of a field of fractions.

Multiplicative subsets

A multiplicative subset is formally a submonoid of the multiplicative monoid of a ring. Essentially it is a subset closed under finite products.


Multiplicative subsets of a ring R consist of:
Class IsMultiplicativeSubset {R : CRing} (S : R Type) : Type := {
Contains one
  mss_one : S 1 ;
Closed under multiplication
  mss_mult : x y, S x S y S (x × y) ;

Arguments mss_one {R _ _}.
Arguments mss_mult {R _ _ _ _}.


The multiplicative subset of powers of a ring element.
Global Instance ismultiplicative_powers (R : CRing) (x : R)
  : IsMultiplicativeSubset (fun r n, rng_power x n = r).
  srapply Build_IsMultiplicativeSubset; cbn beta.
  1: by 0%nat.
  intros a b np mq.
  destruct np as [n p], mq as [m q].
   (n + m)%nat.
  lhs_V nrapply rng_power_mult_law.

Invertible elements of a ring form a multiplicative subset.
TODO: Property of being a localization.

Construction of localization

Section Localization.

We now construct the localization of a ring at a multiplicative subset as the following HIT:
  HIT (Quotient fraction_eq) (R : CRing) (S : R -> Type)
    `{IsMultiplicativeSubset R} :=
  | loc_frac (n d : R) (p : S d) : Localization R S
  | loc_frac_eq (n1 d1 n2 d2 : R) (p1 : S d1) (p2 : S d2)
      (x : R) (q : S x) (r : x * (d2 * n1 - n2 * d1) = 0)
      : loc_frac n1 d1 p1 = loc_frac n2 d2 p2
along with the condition that this HIT be a set.
We will implement this HIT by writing it as a set quotient. From now onwards, loc_frac will be implemented as class_of fraction_eq and loc_frac_eq will be implemented as qglue.

  Context (R : CRing) (S : R Type) `{!IsMultiplicativeSubset S}.

Construction of underlying Localization type

The base type will be the type of fractions with respect to a multiplicative subset. This consists of pairs of elements of a ring R where the denominator is in the multiplicative subset S.
  Record Fraction := {
    numerator : R ;
    denominator : R ;
    in_mult_subset_denominator : S denominator ;

We consider two fractions to be equal if we can rearrange the fractions as products and ask for equality upto some scaling factor from the multiplicative subset S.
  Definition fraction_eq : Relation Fraction.
    intros [n1 d1 ?] [n2 d2 ?].
    refine ( (x : R), S x _).
    exact (x × n1 × d2 = x × n2 × d1).

It is convenient to produce elements of this relation specalized to when the scaling factor is 1.
  Definition fraction_eq_simple f1 f2
    (p : numerator f1 × denominator f2 = numerator f2 × denominator f1)
    : fraction_eq f1 f2.
    refine (mss_one, _).
    lhs_V nrapply rng_mult_assoc.
    rhs_V nrapply rng_mult_assoc.
    exact (ap (1 *.) p).

Fraction equality is a reflexive relation.
  Definition fraction_eq_refl f1 : fraction_eq f1 f1.
    apply fraction_eq_simple.

Elements of R can be considered fractions.
  Definition frac_in : R Fraction
    := fun rBuild_Fraction r 1 mss_one.

Now that we have defined the HIT as above, we can define the ring structure.

Addition operation

Fraction addition is the usual addition of fractions.
  Definition frac_add : Fraction Fraction Fraction :=
    fun '(Build_Fraction n1 d1 p1) '(Build_Fraction n2 d2 p2)
      ⇒ Build_Fraction (n1 × d2 + n2 × d1) (d1 × d2) (mss_mult p1 p2).

Fraction addition is well-defined upto equality of fractions.
It is easier to prove well-definedness as a function of both arguments at once.
  Definition frac_add_wd (f1 f1' f2 f2' : Fraction)
    (p : fraction_eq f1 f1') (q : fraction_eq f2 f2')
    : fraction_eq (frac_add f1 f2) (frac_add f1' f2').
    destruct f1 as [a s ss], f1' as [a' s' ss'],
      f2 as [b t st], f2' as [b' t' st'],
      p as [x [sx p]], q as [y [sy q]].
    refine (x × y ; (mss_mult sx sy, _)).
    rewrite 2 rng_dist_l, 2 rng_dist_r.
    snrapply (ap011 (+)).
    - rewrite 4 rng_mult_assoc.
      rewrite 8 (rng_mult_permute_2_3 _ y).
      apply (ap (.* y)).
      rewrite 2 (rng_mult_permute_2_3 _ t).
      apply (ap (.* t)).
      rewrite (rng_mult_permute_2_3 _ t').
    - do 2 lhs_V nrapply rng_mult_assoc.
      do 2 rhs_V nrapply rng_mult_assoc.
      rewrite 6 rng_mult_assoc.
      rewrite 2 (rng_mult_permute_2_3 _ _ t').
      rewrite 2 (rng_mult_permute_2_3 _ _ t).
      lhs_V nrapply rng_mult_assoc.
      rhs_V nrapply rng_mult_assoc.
      f_ap; apply rng_mult_comm.

  Definition frac_add_wd_l (f1 f1' f2 : Fraction) (p : fraction_eq f1 f1')
    : fraction_eq (frac_add f1 f2) (frac_add f1' f2).
    pose (fraction_eq_refl f2).
    by apply frac_add_wd.

  Definition frac_add_wd_r (f1 f2 f2' : Fraction) (p : fraction_eq f2 f2')
    : fraction_eq (frac_add f1 f2) (frac_add f1 f2').
    pose (fraction_eq_refl f1).
    by apply frac_add_wd.

The addition operation on the localization is induced from the addition operation for fractions.
  Instance plus_rng_localization : Plus (Quotient fraction_eq).
    srapply Quotient_rec2.
    - cbn.
      intros f1 f2.
      exact (class_of _ (frac_add f1 f2)).
    - intros f1 f1' f2 p. by apply qglue, frac_add_wd_l.
    - intros f1 f2 f2' q. by apply qglue, frac_add_wd_r.

Multiplication operation

  Definition frac_mult : Fraction Fraction Fraction :=
    fun '(Build_Fraction n1 d1 p1) '(Build_Fraction n2 d2 p2)
      ⇒ Build_Fraction (n1 × n2) (d1 × d2) (mss_mult p1 p2).

  Definition frac_mult_wd_l f1 f1' f2 (p : fraction_eq f1 f1')
    : fraction_eq (frac_mult f1 f2) (frac_mult f1' f2).
    destruct p as [x [s p]].
    refine (x; (s, _)); simpl.
    rewrite 4 rng_mult_assoc.
    rewrite (rng_mult_permute_2_3 _ _ (denominator f1')).
    rewrite (rng_mult_permute_2_3 _ _ (denominator f1)).
    lhs_V nrapply rng_mult_assoc.
    rhs_V nrapply rng_mult_assoc.

  Definition frac_mult_wd_r f1 f2 f2' (p : fraction_eq f2 f2')
    : fraction_eq (frac_mult f1 f2) (frac_mult f1 f2').
    destruct p as [x [s p]].
    refine (x; (s, _)); simpl.
    rewrite 4 rng_mult_assoc.
    rewrite (rng_mult_permute_2_3 _ _ (numerator f2)).
    rewrite 2 (rng_mult_permute_2_3 _ _ (denominator f2')).
    rewrite (rng_mult_permute_2_3 _ _ (numerator f2')).
    rewrite 2 (rng_mult_permute_2_3 _ _ (denominator f2)).
    lhs_V nrapply rng_mult_assoc.
    rhs_V nrapply rng_mult_assoc.

  Instance mult_rng_localization: Mult (Quotient fraction_eq).
    srapply Quotient_rec2.
    - cbn.
      intros f1 f2.
      exact (class_of _ (frac_mult f1 f2)).
    - intros f1 f1' f2 p; cbn beta.
      by apply qglue, frac_mult_wd_l.
    - intros f1 f2 f2' q; cbn beta.
      by apply qglue, frac_mult_wd_r.

Zero element

One element

Negation operation

  Definition frac_negate : Fraction Fraction
    := fun '(Build_Fraction n d p) ⇒ Build_Fraction (- n) d p.

  Definition frac_negate_wd f1 f2 (p : fraction_eq f1 f2)
    : fraction_eq (frac_negate f1) (frac_negate f2).
    destruct p as [x [s p]].
    refine (x; (s,_)); simpl.
    rewrite 2 rng_mult_negate_r, 2 rng_mult_negate_l.

  Instance negate_rng_localization : Negate (Quotient fraction_eq).
    srapply Quotient_rec.
    - intros f.
      apply class_of.
      exact (frac_negate f).
    - intros f1 f2 p.
      by apply qglue, frac_negate_wd.

Ring laws

Commutativity of addition
  Instance commutative_plus_rng_localization
    : Commutative plus_rng_localization.
    srapply Quotient_ind2_hprop; intros x y.
    apply qglue, fraction_eq_simple; simpl.
    rewrite (rng_mult_comm (denominator y) (denominator x)).
    f_ap; apply rng_plus_comm.

Left additive identity
  Instance leftidentity_plus_rng_localization
    : LeftIdentity plus_rng_localization zero_rng_localization.
    srapply Quotient_ind_hprop; intros f.
    apply qglue, fraction_eq_simple; simpl.
    - rewrite rng_mult_zero_l.
      rewrite rng_plus_zero_l.
      apply rng_mult_one_r.
    - symmetry.
      apply rng_mult_one_l.

  Instance leftinverse_plus_rng_localization
    : LeftInverse plus_rng_localization negate_rng_localization zero_rng_localization.
    srapply Quotient_ind_hprop; intros f.
    apply qglue, fraction_eq_simple; simpl.
    refine (rng_mult_one_r _ @ _).
    refine (_ @ (rng_mult_zero_l _)^).
    rewrite rng_mult_negate_l.
    apply rng_plus_negate_l.

  Instance associative_plus_rng_localization
    : Associative plus_rng_localization.
    srapply Quotient_ind3_hprop; intros x y z.
    apply qglue, fraction_eq_simple.
    rewrite ? rng_dist_r.
    rewrite ? rng_mult_assoc.
    rewrite ? rng_plus_assoc.
    do 4 f_ap.
    all: rewrite <- ? rng_mult_assoc.
    all: f_ap.
    2: apply rng_mult_comm.
    rewrite rng_mult_assoc.
    apply rng_mult_comm.

  Instance leftidentity_mult_rng_localization
    : LeftIdentity mult_rng_localization one_rng_localization.
    srapply Quotient_ind_hprop; intros f.
    apply qglue, fraction_eq_simple; simpl.
    f_ap; [|symmetry]; apply rng_mult_one_l.

  Instance associative_mult_rng_localization
    : Associative mult_rng_localization.
    srapply Quotient_ind3_hprop; intros x y z.
    apply qglue, fraction_eq_simple.
    f_ap; [|symmetry]; apply rng_mult_assoc.

  Instance commutative_mult_rng_localization
    : Commutative mult_rng_localization.
    srapply Quotient_ind2_hprop; intros x y.
    apply qglue, fraction_eq_simple; simpl.
    f_ap; rapply rng_mult_comm.

  Instance leftdistribute_rng_localization
    : LeftDistribute mult_rng_localization plus_rng_localization.
    srapply Quotient_ind3_hprop; intros x y z.
    apply qglue, fraction_eq_simple.
    rewrite ? rng_dist_l, ? rng_dist_r.
    rewrite ? rng_mult_assoc.
    do 2 f_ap.
    all: rewrite <- ? rng_mult_assoc.
    all: do 2 f_ap.
    all: rewrite ? rng_mult_assoc.
    all: rewrite (rng_mult_comm (_ x)).
    all: rewrite <- ? rng_mult_assoc.
    all: f_ap.
    all: rewrite (rng_mult_comm _ (_ y)).
    all: rewrite <- ? rng_mult_assoc.
    all: f_ap.

  Definition rng_localization : CRing.
    snrapply Build_CRing'.
    1: rapply (Build_AbGroup' (Quotient fraction_eq)).
    all: exact _.

  Definition loc_in : R $-> rng_localization.
    snrapply Build_RingHomomorphism.
    1: exact (class_of _ o frac_in).
    snrapply Build_IsSemiRingPreserving.
    - snrapply Build_IsMonoidPreserving.
      + intros x y.
        snrapply qglue.
        apply fraction_eq_simple.
        by simpl; rewrite 5 rng_mult_one_r.
      + reflexivity.
    - snrapply Build_IsMonoidPreserving.
      + intros x y.
        snrapply qglue.
        apply fraction_eq_simple.
        by simpl; rewrite 3 rng_mult_one_r.
      + reflexivity.

  Section Rec.

    Context (T : CRing) (f : R $-> T)
      (H : x, S x IsInvertible T (f x)).

    Definition rng_localization_rec_map : rng_localization T.
      srapply Quotient_rec.
      - intros [n d sd].
        refine (f n × inverse_elem (f d)).
        exact (H d sd).
      - simpl.
        intros x y z.
        apply rng_inv_moveR_rV.
        rhs_V nrapply rng_mult_move_left_assoc.
        rhs_V nrapply rng_mult_assoc.
        apply rng_inv_moveL_Vr.
        lhs_V nrapply rng_homo_mult.
        rhs_V nrapply rng_homo_mult.
        nrapply (equiv_inj (f z.1 *.)).
        { nrapply isequiv_rng_inv_mult_l.
          exact (H _ (fst z.2)). }
        lhs_V nrapply rng_homo_mult.
        rhs_V nrapply rng_homo_mult.
        lhs nrapply ap.
        1: lhs nrapply rng_mult_assoc.
        1: nrapply rng_mult_permute_2_3.
        rhs nrapply ap.
        2: nrapply rng_mult_assoc.
        exact (ap f (snd z.2)).

    Instance issemiringpreserving_rng_localization_rec_map
      : IsSemiRingPreserving rng_localization_rec_map.
      snrapply Build_IsSemiRingPreserving.
      - snrapply Build_IsMonoidPreserving.
        + srapply Quotient_ind2_hprop.
          intros x y; simpl.
          apply rng_inv_moveR_rV.
          rhs nrapply rng_dist_r.
          rewrite rng_homo_plus.
          rewrite 3 rng_homo_mult.
          1,2: rhs_V nrapply rng_mult_assoc.
          1,2: f_ap.
          1,2: lhs_V nrapply rng_mult_one_l.
          1,2: rhs nrapply rng_mult_assoc.
          2: rhs nrapply rng_mult_comm.
          2: rhs nrapply rng_mult_assoc.
          1,2: f_ap.
          1,2: symmetry.
          × apply rng_inv_l.
          × apply rng_inv_r.
        + hnf; simpl. rewrite rng_homo_zero.
          nrapply rng_mult_zero_l.
      - snrapply Build_IsMonoidPreserving.
        + srapply Quotient_ind2_hprop.
          intros x y; simpl.
          apply rng_inv_moveR_rV.
          lhs nrapply rng_homo_mult.
          rhs_V nrapply rng_mult_assoc.
          rhs_V nrapply rng_mult_assoc.
          apply ap.
          apply rng_inv_moveL_Vr.
          lhs nrapply rng_mult_comm.
          rhs_V nrapply rng_mult_assoc.
          apply ap.
          apply rng_inv_moveL_Vr.
          rhs nrapply rng_mult_comm.
          nrapply rng_homo_mult.
        + apply rng_inv_moveR_rV; symmetry.
          apply rng_mult_one_l.

    Definition rng_localization_rec : rng_localization $-> T
      := Build_RingHomomorphism rng_localization_rec_map _.

    Definition rng_localization_rec_beta
      : rng_localization_rec $o loc_in $== f.
      intros x; simpl.
      apply rng_inv_moveR_rV.
      lhs_V nrapply rng_mult_one_r.
      nrapply ap; symmetry.
      apply rng_homo_one.

  End Rec.

Elements belonging to the multiplicative subset S of R become invertible in rng_localization R S.
  Global Instance isinvertible_rng_localization (x : R) (Sx : S x)
    : IsInvertible rng_localization (loc_in x).
    snrapply isinvertible_cring.
    - exact (class_of _ (Build_Fraction 1 x Sx)).
    - apply qglue, fraction_eq_simple.
      exact (rng_mult_assoc _ _ _)^.

As a special case, any denominator of a fraction must necessarily be invertible.
  Global Instance isinvertible_denominator (f : Fraction)
    : IsInvertible rng_localization (loc_in (denominator f)).
    snrapply isinvertible_rng_localization.
    exact (in_mult_subset_denominator f).

Elements that were invertible in the original ring R, continue to be invertible in rng_localization R S. Since loc_in is a ring homomorphism this is automatic.
We can factor any fraction as the multiplication of the numerator and the inverse of the denominator.
  Definition fraction_decompose (f : Fraction)
    : class_of fraction_eq f
      = loc_in (numerator f) × inverse_elem (loc_in (denominator f)).
    apply qglue, fraction_eq_simple.
    nrapply rng_mult_assoc.

  Definition rng_localization_ind
    (P : rng_localization Type)
    (H : x, IsHProp (P x))
    (Hin : x, P (loc_in x))
    (Hinv : x (H : IsInvertible rng_localization x),
      P x P (inverse_elem x))
    (Hmul : x y, P x P y P (x × y))
    : x, P x.
    srapply Quotient_ind.
    - intros f.
      refine (transport P (fraction_decompose f)^ _).
      apply Hmul.
      + apply Hin.
      + apply Hinv, Hin.
    - intros f1 f2 p.
      apply path_ishprop.

  Definition rng_localization_ind_homotopy {T : CRing}
    {f g : rng_localization $-> T}
    (p : f $o loc_in $== g $o loc_in)
    : f $== g.
    srapply rng_localization_ind.
    - exact p.
    - hnf; intros x H q.
      change (inverse_elem (f x) = inverse_elem (g x)).
      apply isinvertible_unique.
      exact q.
    - hnf; intros x y q r.
      lhs nrapply rng_homo_mult.
      rhs nrapply rng_homo_mult.

End Localization.

TODO: Show construction is a localization.