Library HoTT.Categories.Adjoint.UniversalMorphisms.Core

Adjunctions as universal morphisms

Require Import Category.Core Functor.Core NaturalTransformation.Core.
Require Import Functor.Identity Functor.Composition.Core.
Require Import Functor.Dual Category.Dual.
Require Import Adjoint.Core Adjoint.UnitCounit Adjoint.UnitCounitCoercions Adjoint.Dual.
Require Comma.Core.
Local Set Warnings "-notation-overridden". (* work around bug 5567,, notation-overridden,parsing should not trigger for only printing notations *)
Import Comma.Core.
Local Set Warnings "notation-overridden".
Require Import UniversalProperties Comma.Dual InitialTerminalCategory.Core InitialTerminalCategory.Functors.

Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.

Local Open Scope morphism_scope.

Section adjunction_universal.

F G gives an initial object of (Y / G) for all Y : C

  Section initial.
    Variables C D : PreCategory.
    Variable F : Functor C D.
    Variable G : Functor D C.
    Variable A : F -| G.
    Variable Y : C.

    Definition initial_morphism__of__adjunction
    : object (Y / G)
      := @CommaCategory.Build_object
           _ D C
           (! Y) G
           (center _)
           (F Y)
           ((unit A) Y).

    Definition is_initial_morphism__of__adjunction
    : IsInitialMorphism initial_morphism__of__adjunction
      := Build_IsInitialMorphism
           ((A : AdjunctionUnit _ _).2 _).
  End initial.

  Global Arguments initial_morphism__of__adjunction [C D F G] A Y.
  Global Arguments is_initial_morphism__of__adjunction [C D F G] A Y _.

F G gives a terminal object of (F / X) for all X : D

  Section terminal.
    Variables C D : PreCategory.
    Variable F : Functor C D.
    Variable G : Functor D C.
    Variable A : F -| G.
    Variable X : D.

    Definition terminal_morphism__of__adjunction
    : object (F / X)
      := Eval simpl in
            (! X)^op F^op
            (initial_morphism__of__adjunction A^op X).

    Definition is_terminal_morphism__of__adjunction
    : IsTerminalMorphism terminal_morphism__of__adjunction
      := is_initial_morphism__of__adjunction A^op X.
  End terminal.

  Global Arguments terminal_morphism__of__adjunction [C D F G] A X.
  Global Arguments is_terminal_morphism__of__adjunction [C D F G] A X _.
End adjunction_universal.

Section adjunction_from_universal.

an initial object of (Y / G) for all Y : C gives a left adjoint to G

  Section initial.
    Variables C D : PreCategory.

    Variable G : Functor D C.
    Context `(HM : Y, @IsInitialMorphism _ _ Y G (M Y)).

    Local Notation obj_of Y :=
      (IsInitialMorphism_object (@HM Y))
        (only parsing).

    Local Notation mor_of Y0 Y1 f :=
      (let etaY1 := IsInitialMorphism_morphism (@HM Y1) in
       IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism (@HM Y0) _ (etaY1 o f))
        (only parsing).

    Lemma identity_of Y : mor_of Y Y 1 = 1.
      erewrite IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism_unique; [ reflexivity | ].
      rewrite ?identity_of, ?left_identity, ?right_identity.

    Lemma composition_of x y z g f
    : mor_of _ _ (f o g) = mor_of y z f o mor_of x y g.
      erewrite IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism_unique; [ reflexivity | ].
      rewrite ?composition_of.
        rewrite IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism_property.

    Definition functor__of__initial_morphism : Functor C D
      := Build_Functor
           C D
           (fun xobj_of x)
           (fun s d mmor_of s d m)

    Definition adjunction__of__initial_morphism
    : functor__of__initial_morphism -| G.
      refine (adjunction_unit_counit__of__adjunction_unit _).
      eexists (Build_NaturalTransformation
                (G o functor__of__initial_morphism)
                (fun xIsInitialMorphism_morphism (@HM x))
                (fun s d m
                     _ _
                     (IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism_property (@HM s) _ _))).
      exact (fun c ⇒ @IsInitialMorphism_property _ _ c G (M c) (@HM c)).
  End initial.

a terminal object of (F / X) for all X : D gives a right adjoint to F

  Section terminal.
    Variables C D : PreCategory.

    Variable F : Functor C D.
    Context `(HM : X, @IsTerminalMorphism _ _ F X (M X)).

    Definition functor__of__terminal_morphism : Functor D C
      := (@functor__of__initial_morphism
            (D^op) (C^op)
            (fun x : Ddual_functor F !x (M x)) HM)^op.

    Definition adjunction__of__terminal_morphism
    : F -| functor__of__terminal_morphism
      := ((@adjunction__of__initial_morphism
             (D^op) (C^op)
             (fun x : Ddual_functor F !x (M x)) HM)^op)%adjunction.
  End terminal.
End adjunction_from_universal.