Library HoTT.Categories.DualFunctor

The functor ᵒᵖ : cat cat

Require Import Category.Core Functor.Core.
Require Import Category.Dual Functor.Dual.
Require Import Functor.Composition.Core Functor.Identity.
Require Import Cat.Core Functor.Paths.
Require Import Basics.Trunc Types.Sigma HoTT.Tactics Types.Forall.

Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.

Local Open Scope category_scope.

Section opposite.
  Context `{Funext}.

  Variable P : PreCategory Type.
  Context `{ C, IsHProp (P C)}.
  Context `{HF : C D, P C P D IsHSet (Functor C D)}.

  Let cat := (@sub_pre_cat _ P HF).

  Hypothesis has_op : C : cat, P C.1^op.

  Definition opposite_functor : Functor cat cat
    := Build_Functor
         cat cat
         (fun C(C.1^op; has_op _))
         (fun _ _ FF^op)%functor
         (fun _ _ _ _ _idpath)
         (fun _idpath).

  Let opposite_functor_involutive_helper (x : cat)
  : (x.1^op^op; has_op (_; has_op _)) = x
    := path_sigma_uncurried
          has_op ((x.1^op)%category;
                  has_op x))
         (Category.Dual.opposite_involutive x.1;
          path_ishprop _ _).

  Local Open Scope functor_scope.

  Local Arguments path_sigma_uncurried : simpl never.

  Definition opposite_functor_involutive
  : opposite_functor o opposite_functor = 1.
    refine (path_forall _ _ opposite_functor_involutive_helper; _).
    repeat (apply path_forall; intro).
    rewrite !transport_forall_constant.
    unfold opposite_functor_involutive_helper.
    rewrite !transport_pr1_path_sigma_uncurried.
    simpl in ×.
    repeat progress change (fun x ⇒ ?f x) with f in ×.
    match goal with
      | [ |- context[transport
                          (fun x' ⇒ ?f x'.1 ?y)
                          (@path_sigma_uncurried ?A ?P ?u ?v ?pq)] ]
        ⇒ rewrite (@transport_pr1_path_sigma_uncurried
                      A P u v pq
                      (fun xf x y))
    simpl in ×.
    hnf in ×.
    destruct_head @sig.
    destruct_head @Functor.
    destruct_head @PreCategory.
End opposite.