Library HoTT.Categories.Structure.IdentityPrinciple

The Structure Identity Principle

Require Import Category.Core Category.Univalent Category.Morphisms.
Require Import Structure.Core.
Require Import Types.Sigma Trunc Equivalences.
Require Import Basics.Tactics.

Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.

Local Open Scope path_scope.
Local Open Scope category_scope.
Local Open Scope morphism_scope.
Local Open Scope structure_scope.

Quoting the Homotopy Type Theory Book (with slight changes for notational consistency):
Theorem (Structure identity principle): If X is a category and (P, H) is a standard notion of structure over X, then the precategory Str_{(P, H)}(X) is a category.
Section sip.
  Variable X : PreCategory.
  Variable P : NotionOfStructure X.
  Context `{IsCategory X}.
  Context `{@IsStandardNotionOfStructure X P}.

  Let StrX := @precategory_of_structures X P.

  Definition sip_isotoid_helper (xa yb : StrX)
             (f : xa <~=~> yb)
  : xa.1 <~=~> yb.1.
     (PreCategoryOfStructures.f (f : morphism _ _ _)).
     (PreCategoryOfStructures.f f^-1).
    - exact (ap (@PreCategoryOfStructures.f _ _ _ _) (@left_inverse _ _ _ _ f)).
    - exact (ap (@PreCategoryOfStructures.f _ _ _ _) (@right_inverse _ _ _ _ f)).

  Lemma sip_isotoid_helper_refl (xa : StrX)
  : @sip_isotoid_helper xa xa (reflexivity _) = reflexivity _.
    unfold sip_isotoid_helper, reflexivity, isomorphic_refl.
    apply ap.
    apply path_ishprop.

  Lemma sip_helper x y (p : x = y) (a : P x) (b : P y)
  : transport P p a = b
     is_structure_homomorphism P _ _ (idtoiso X p) a b ×
        is_structure_homomorphism P _ _ (idtoiso X p)^-1 b a.
    - intros; path_induction; split; apply reflexivity.
    - intros [H0 H1]; path_induction; simpl in ×.
      apply antisymmetry_structure; assumption.

  Definition sip_isotoid (xa yb : StrX)
             (f : xa <~=~> yb)
  : xa = yb.
    refine (path_sigma_uncurried
              _ _ _
                 (sip_isotoid_helper f);
    apply sip_helper; simpl.
      lazymatch goal with
        | [ |- context[idtoiso ?X ((isotoid ?X ?x ?y) ?m)] ]
          ⇒ pose proof (eisretr (@idtoiso X x y) m) as H';
             pattern (idtoiso X ((isotoid X x y) m))
      refine (transport _ H'^ _); clear H'; simpl;
      apply PreCategoryOfStructures.h.

  Lemma sip_isotoid_refl xa
  : @sip_isotoid xa xa (reflexivity _) = reflexivity _.
    refine (_ @ eta_path_sigma_uncurried _).
    refine (ap (path_sigma_uncurried _ _ _) _).
    apply equiv_path_sigma_hprop.
    refine (_ @ eisretr (isotoid X xa.1 xa.1) 1%path).
    apply ap.
    apply sip_isotoid_helper_refl.

  Lemma path_f_idtoiso_precategory_of_structures xa yb (p : xa = yb)
  : PreCategoryOfStructures.f (idtoiso (precategory_of_structures P) p : morphism _ _ _)
    = idtoiso X p..1.
    induction p; reflexivity.

  Lemma structure_identity_principle_helper
        (xa yb : StrX)
        (x : xa <~=~> yb)
  : PreCategoryOfStructures.f
      (idtoiso (precategory_of_structures P) (sip_isotoid x) : morphism _ _ _)
    = PreCategoryOfStructures.f (x : morphism _ _ _).
    refine (path_f_idtoiso_precategory_of_structures _ @ _).
    refine ((ap _ (ap _ _))
              @ (ap (@morphism_isomorphic _ _ _)
                    (eisretr (@idtoiso X xa.1 yb.1) (sip_isotoid_helper _)))).
    exact (pr1_path_sigma_uncurried _).

  Global Instance structure_identity_principle
  : IsCategory (precategory_of_structures P).
    intros xa yb.
    refine (isequiv_adjointify
              _ (@sip_isotoid xa yb)
              _ _);
      intro; simpl in ×.
    - abstract (
          apply path_isomorphic; simpl;
          apply PreCategoryOfStructures.path_morphism;
          apply structure_identity_principle_helper
    - abstract (induction x; apply sip_isotoid_refl).
End sip.