Library HoTT.Classes.orders.orders

Require Import

Generalizable Variables A.

Lemma irrefl_neq `{R : Relation A} `{!Irreflexive R}
  : x y, R x y x y.
intros ?? E e;rewrite e in E. apply (irreflexivity _ _ E).

Lemma le_flip `{Le A} `{!TotalRelation (≤)} x y : ~(y x) x y.
intros nle.
destruct (total _ x y) as [?|le];auto.
destruct (nle le).

Section partial_order.
  Context `{PartialOrder A}.

  Lemma eq_le x y : x = y x y.
  intros E.
  rewrite E.
  apply reflexivity.

  Lemma eq_le_flip x y : x = y y x.
  intros E.
  rewrite E.
  apply reflexivity.

  Lemma not_le_ne x y : ~(x y) x y.
  intros E1 E2.
  apply E1.
  rewrite E2.
  apply reflexivity.

  Lemma eq_iff_le x y : x = y x y y x.
  split; intros E.
  - rewrite E. split;apply reflexivity.
  - apply (antisymmetry (≤) x y);apply E.
End partial_order.

Section strict_order.
  Context `{StrictOrder A}.

  Lemma lt_flip x y : x < y ~(y < x).
  intros E1 E2.
  apply (irreflexivity (<) x).
  transitivity y;assumption.

  Lemma lt_antisym x y : ~(x < y < x).
  intros [E1 E2].
  destruct (lt_flip x y);assumption.

  Lemma lt_ne x y : x < y x y.
  intros E1 E2.
  rewrite E2 in E1.
  apply (irreflexivity (<) y). assumption.

  Lemma lt_ne_flip x y : x < y y x.
  apply symmetric_neq, lt_ne.

  Lemma eq_not_lt x y : x = y ~(x < y).
  intros E.
  rewrite E.
  apply (irreflexivity (<)).
End strict_order.

Section pseudo_order.
  Context `{PseudoOrder A}.

  Local Existing Instance pseudo_order_apart.

  Lemma apart_total_lt x y : x y x < y |_| y < x.
  apply apart_iff_total_lt.

  Lemma pseudo_order_lt_apart x y : x < y x y.
  apply apart_iff_total_lt.

  Lemma pseudo_order_lt_apart_flip x y : x < y y x.
  apply apart_iff_total_lt.

  Lemma not_lt_apart_lt_flip x y : ~(x < y) x y y < x.
  intros nlt neq. apply apart_iff_total_lt in neq.
  destruct neq.
  - destruct nlt;auto.
  - auto.

  Lemma pseudo_order_cotrans_twice x₁ y₁ x₂ y₂
    : x₁ < y₁ merely (x₂ < y₂ |_| x₁ < x₂ |_| y₂ < y₁).
  intros E1.
  apply (merely_destruct (cotransitive E1 x₂));intros [?|E2];
  try solve [apply tr;auto].
  apply (merely_destruct (cotransitive E2 y₂));intros [?|?];apply tr;auto.

  Lemma pseudo_order_lt_ext x₁ y₁ x₂ y₂ : x₁ < y₁
    merely (x₂ < y₂ |_| x₁ x₂ |_| y₂ y₁).
  intros E.
  apply (merely_destruct (pseudo_order_cotrans_twice x₁ y₁ x₂ y₂ E));
  intros [?|[?|?]];apply tr;
  auto using pseudo_order_lt_apart.

  Global Instance pseudoorder_strictorder : StrictOrder (_ : Lt A).
  - apply _.
  - intros x E.
    destruct (pseudo_order_antisym x x); auto.
  - intros x y z E1 E2.
    apply (merely_destruct (cotransitive E1 z));intros [?|?]; trivial.
    destruct (pseudo_order_antisym y z); auto.

  Global Instance nlt_trans : Transitive (complement (<)).
  intros x y z.
  intros E1 E2 E3.
  apply (merely_destruct (cotransitive E3 y));
  intros [?|?]; contradiction.

  Global Instance nlt_antisymm : AntiSymmetric (complement (<)).
  intros x y H1 H2.
  apply tight_apart. intros nap. apply apart_iff_total_lt in nap.
  destruct nap;auto.

  Lemma ne_total_lt `{!TrivialApart A} x y : x y x < y |_| y < x.
  intros neq;apply trivial_apart in neq.
  apply apart_total_lt. assumption.

  Global Instance lt_trichotomy `{!TrivialApart A} `{DecidablePaths A}
    : Trichotomy (<).
  intros x y.
  destruct (dec (x = y)) as [?|?]; try auto.
  destruct (ne_total_lt x y); auto.
End pseudo_order.

Section full_partial_order.
  Context `{FullPartialOrder A}.

  Local Existing Instance strict_po_apart.

  (* Duplicate of strong_setoids.apart_ne. This is useful because a
    StrongSetoid is not defined as a substructure of a FullPartialOrder *)

  Instance strict_po_apart_ne x y : PropHolds (x y) PropHolds (x y).
  intros; apply _.

  Global Instance fullpartialorder_strictorder : StrictOrder (<).
  split; try apply _.
  - apply strict_po_mere_lt.
  - intros x. red. intros E;apply lt_iff_le_apart in E.
    destruct E as [_ ?].
    apply (irreflexivity (≶) x).

  Lemma lt_le x y : PropHolds (x < y) PropHolds (x y).
  apply lt_iff_le_apart.

  Lemma not_le_not_lt x y : ~(x y) ~(x < y).
  intros E1 E2.
  apply E1. apply lt_le. assumption.

  Lemma lt_apart x y : x < y x y.
  apply lt_iff_le_apart.

  Lemma lt_apart_flip x y : x < y y x.
  apply symmetry, lt_iff_le_apart.

  Lemma le_not_lt_flip x y : y x ~(x < y).
  intros E1 E2;apply lt_iff_le_apart in E2.
  destruct E2 as [E2a E2b].
  revert E2b. apply tight_apart.
  apply (antisymmetry (≤));assumption.

  Lemma lt_not_le_flip x y : y < x ~(x y).
  intros E1 E2.
  apply (le_not_lt_flip y x);assumption.

  Lemma lt_le_trans x y z : x < y y z x < z.
  intros E1 E2.
  apply lt_iff_le_apart. apply lt_iff_le_apart in E1.
  destruct E1 as [E1a E1b].
  - transitivity y;assumption.
  - apply (merely_destruct (cotransitive E1b z));intros [E3 | E3]; trivial.
    apply lt_apart. apply symmetry in E3.
    transitivity y;apply lt_iff_le_apart; auto.

  Lemma le_lt_trans x y z : x y y < z x < z.
  intros E2 E1.
  apply lt_iff_le_apart. apply lt_iff_le_apart in E1.
  destruct E1 as [E1a E1b].
  - transitivity y;auto.
  - apply (merely_destruct (cotransitive E1b x));intros [E3 | E3]; trivial.
    apply lt_apart. apply symmetry in E3.
    transitivity y; apply lt_iff_le_apart; auto.

  Lemma lt_iff_le_ne `{!TrivialApart A} x y : x < y x y x y.
   transitivity (x y apart x y).
   - apply lt_iff_le_apart.
   - split;intros [E1 E2];split;trivial;apply trivial_apart;trivial.

  Lemma le_equiv_lt `{!TrivialApart A} `{ x y : A, Decidable (x = y)} x y
    : x y x = y |_| x < y.
  destruct (dec (x = y)); try auto.
  apply lt_iff_le_ne; auto.

  Instance dec_from_lt_dec `{!TrivialApart A} `{ x y, Decidable (x y)}
    : DecidablePaths A.
  intros x y.
  destruct (decide_rel (<=) x y) as [E1|E1];
  [destruct (decide_rel (<=) y x) as [E2|E2]|].
  - left. apply (antisymmetry (<=));assumption.
  - right. intros E3;apply E2.
    pattern y. apply (transport _ E3).
    apply reflexivity.
  - right. intros E3;apply E1.
    pattern y; apply (transport _ E3).
    apply reflexivity.

  Definition lt_dec_slow `{!TrivialApart A} `{ x y, Decidable (x y)} :
     x y, Decidable (x < y).
  intros x y.
  destruct (dec (x y));
  [destruct (dec (x = y))|].
  - right. apply eq_not_lt. assumption.
  - left. apply lt_iff_le_ne. auto.
  - right. apply not_le_not_lt. assumption.
End full_partial_order.

(* Due to bug 2528 *)
Hint Extern 5 (PropHolds (_ _)) ⇒
  eapply @strict_po_apart_ne : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 10 (PropHolds (_ _)) ⇒
  eapply @lt_le : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 20 (Decidable (_ < _)) ⇒
  eapply @lt_dec_slow : typeclass_instances.

Section full_pseudo_order.
  Context `{FullPseudoOrder A}.

  Local Existing Instance pseudo_order_apart.

  Lemma not_lt_le_flip x y : ~(y < x) x y.
  apply le_iff_not_lt_flip.

  Instance fullpseudo_partial : PartialOrder (≤) | 10.
  repeat split.
  - apply _.
  - apply _.
  - intros x. apply not_lt_le_flip, (irreflexivity (<)).
  - intros x y z E1 E2.
    apply le_iff_not_lt_flip;
    apply le_iff_not_lt_flip in E1;
    apply le_iff_not_lt_flip in E2.
    change (complement (<) z x).
    transitivity y;assumption.
  - intros x y E1 E2.
    apply le_iff_not_lt_flip in E1;
    apply le_iff_not_lt_flip in E2.
    apply (antisymmetry (complement (<)));assumption.

  Lemma fullpseudo_fullpartial' : FullPartialOrder Ale Alt.
  split; try apply _.
  intros x y.
  - intros E. split.
    + apply not_lt_le_flip. apply lt_flip;assumption.
    + apply pseudo_order_lt_apart. assumption.
  - intros [? E]. apply not_lt_apart_lt_flip;[|symmetry;trivial].
    apply le_iff_not_lt_flip. trivial.

  Global Instance fullpseudo_fullpartial@{i} : FullPartialOrder Ale Alt
    := ltac:(first [exact fullpseudo_fullpartial'@{i i Set Set Set}|
                    exact fullpseudo_fullpartial'@{i i}]).

  Global Instance le_stable : x y, Stable (x y).
  intros x y. unfold Stable.
  intros dn. apply le_iff_not_lt_flip.
  intros E. apply dn.
  intros E';apply le_iff_not_lt_flip in E';auto.

  Lemma le_or_lt `{!TrivialApart A} `{DecidablePaths A} x y : x y |_| y < x.
  destruct (trichotomy (<) x y) as [|[|]]; try auto.
  - left. apply lt_le;trivial.
  - left. apply eq_le;trivial.

  Global Instance le_total `{!TrivialApart A} `{DecidablePaths A}
    : TotalOrder (≤).
  split; try apply _.
  intros x y.
  destruct (le_or_lt x y); auto.
  right. apply lt_le.

  Lemma not_le_lt_flip `{!TrivialApart A} `{DecidablePaths A} x y
    : ~(y x) x < y.
  destruct (le_or_lt y x); auto.

  Existing Instance dec_from_lt_dec.

  Definition lt_dec `{!TrivialApart A} `{ x y, Decidable (x y)}
    : x y, Decidable (x < y).
  destruct (decide_rel (<=) y x).
  - right;apply le_not_lt_flip;assumption.
  - left; apply not_le_lt_flip;assumption.
End full_pseudo_order.

Hint Extern 8 (Decidable (_ < _)) ⇒ eapply @lt_dec : typeclass_instances.
The following instances would be tempting, but turn out to be a bad idea.

[export] Hint Extern 10 (PropHolds (_ <> _)) => eapply @le_ne : typeclass_instances. export
Hint Extern 10 (PropHolds (_ <> _)) => eapply @le_ne_flip : typeclass_instances.

It will then loop like:

semirings.lt_0_1 -> lt_ne_flip -> ...

Section dec_strict_setoid_order.
  Context `{StrictOrder A} `{Apart A} `{!TrivialApart A} `{DecidablePaths A}.

  Instance: IsApart A := dec_strong_setoid.

  Context `{!Trichotomy (<)}.

  Instance dec_strict_pseudo_order: PseudoOrder (<).
  split; try apply _.
  - intros x y [??].
    destruct (lt_antisym x y); auto.
  - intros x y Exy z.
    destruct (trichotomy (<) x z) as [? | [Exz | Exz]];apply tr; try auto.
    right. rewrite <-Exz. assumption.
  - intros x y. transitivity (x y);[split;apply trivial_apart|].
    + destruct (trichotomy (<) x y) as [?|[?|?]]; auto.
      intros E;contradiction E.
    + intros [?|?];[apply lt_ne|apply lt_ne_flip];trivial.
End dec_strict_setoid_order.

Section dec_partial_order.
  Context `{PartialOrder A} `{DecidablePaths A}.

  Definition dec_lt: Lt A := fun x yx y x y.

  Context `{Alt : Lt A} `{is_mere_relation A lt}
    (lt_correct : x y, x < y x y x y).

  Instance dec_order: StrictOrder (<).
  - apply _.
  - intros x E. apply lt_correct in E. destruct E as [_ []];trivial.
  - intros x y z E1 E2.
    apply lt_correct;
    apply lt_correct in E1;
    apply lt_correct in E2.
    destruct E1 as [E1a E1b],E2 as [E2a E2b].
    + transitivity y;trivial.
    + intros E3. destruct E2b.
      apply (antisymmetry (≤)); trivial.
      rewrite <-E3. assumption.

  Context `{Apart A} `{!TrivialApart A}.

  Instance: IsApart A := dec_strong_setoid.

  Instance dec_full_partial_order: FullPartialOrder (≤) (<).
  split;try apply _.
  intros. transitivity (x y x y);[|
  split;intros [? ?];split;trivial;apply trivial_apart;trivial].
  apply lt_correct.

  Context `{!TotalRelation (≤)}.

  Instance: Trichotomy (<).
  intros x y.
  destruct (dec (x = y)); try auto.
  destruct (total (≤) x y);[left|right;right];
  apply lt_correct;auto.
  intro E;apply symmetry in E;auto.

  Instance dec_pseudo_order: PseudoOrder (<) := dec_strict_pseudo_order.

  Instance dec_full_pseudo_order: FullPseudoOrder (≤) (<).
  split; try apply _.
  intros x y.
  - intros ? E. apply lt_correct in E;destruct E as [? []].
    apply (antisymmetry (≤));assumption.
  - intros E1.
    destruct (total (≤) x y); trivial.
    destruct (dec (x = y)) as [E2|E2].
    + rewrite E2. apply reflexivity.
    + destruct E1. apply lt_correct;split;auto.
      apply symmetric_neq;assumption.
End dec_partial_order.

Lemma lt_eq_trans `{Lt A} : x y z, x < y y = z x < z.
intros ???? [];trivial.

Section pseudo.
  Context {A : Type}.
  Context `{PseudoOrder A}.

  Lemma nlt_lt_trans {x y z : A} : ¬ (y < x) y < z x < z.
    intros nltyx ltyz.
    assert (disj := cotransitive ltyz x).
    destruct disj as [ltyx|ltxz].
    - destruct (nltyx ltyx).
    - exact ltxz.

  Lemma lt_nlt_trans {x y z : A} : x < y ¬ (z < y) x < z.
    intros ltxy nltzy.
    assert (disj := cotransitive ltxy z).
    destruct disj as [ltxz|ltzy].
    - exact ltxz.
    - destruct (nltzy ltzy).

  Lemma lt_transitive : Transitive (_ : Lt A).
    intros x y z ltxy ltyz.
    assert (ltxyz := cotransitive ltxy z).
    destruct ltxyz as [ltxz|ltzy].
    - assumption.
    - destruct (pseudo_order_antisym y z (ltyz , ltzy)).

  Global Existing Instance lt_transitive.

End pseudo.