Library HoTT.Colimits.MappingCylinder
Require Import HoTT.Basics Cubical.DPath Cubical.PathSquare.
Require Import Colimits.Pushout.
Local Open Scope path_scope.
As in topology, the mapping cylinder of a function f : A → B is a way to replace it with an equivalent cofibration (dually to how hfiber replaces it with an equivalent fibration). We can't talk *internally* in type theory about cofibrations, but we can say metatheoretically what they are: functions with the isomorphism extension property. So while we can't literally say "let f be a cofibration" we can do a mostly equivalent thing and say "let f be a map and consider its mapping cylinder". Replacing a map by a cofibration can be useful because it allows us to make more equalities true definitionally.
We define the mapping cylinder as the pushout of f and an identity map. Peter Lumsdaine has given a definition of HIT mapping cylinders that are dependent on the codomain, so that the second factor is not just an equivalence but a trivial fibration. However, at the moment we don't have a need for that.
Definition Cyl {A B : Type} (f : A → B) : Type
:= Pushout idmap f.
Section MappingCylinder.
Context {A B : Type} {f : A → B}.
Definition cyl (a : A) : Cyl f
:= pushl a.
Definition cyr (b : B) : Cyl f
:= pushr b.
Definition cyglue (a : A)
: cyl a = cyr (f a)
:= pglue a.
Section CylInd.
Context (P : Cyl f → Type)
(cyla : ∀ a, P (cyl a))
(cylb : ∀ b, P (cyr b))
(cylg : ∀ a, DPath P (cyglue a) (cyla a) (cylb (f a))).
Definition Cyl_ind : ∀ c, P c
:= Pushout_ind _ cyla cylb cylg.
Definition Cyl_ind_beta_cyglue (a : A)
: apD Cyl_ind (cyglue a) = cylg a
:= Pushout_ind_beta_pglue _ _ _ _ _.
End CylInd.
Section CylRec.
Context {P : Type} (cyla : A → P) (cylb : B → P) (cylg : cyla == cylb o f).
Definition Cyl_rec : Cyl f → P
:= Pushout_rec _ cyla cylb cylg.
Definition Cyl_rec_beta_cyglue (a : A)
: ap Cyl_rec (cyglue a) = cylg a
:= Pushout_rec_beta_pglue _ _ _ _ _.
End CylRec.
Definition pr_cyl : Cyl f <~> B.
Rather than adjointifying, we give all parts of the equivalence explicitly, so we can be sure of retaining the computational behavior of eissect and eisretr. However, it's easier to prove eisadj on the other side, so we reverse the equivalence first.
srapply Build_Equiv.
1:exact cyr.
srapply Build_IsEquiv.
- srapply Cyl_rec.
+ exact f.
+ exact idmap.
+ reflexivity.
- srapply Cyl_ind.
+ intros a; cbn.
symmetry; apply cyglue.
+ intros b; reflexivity.
+ intros a; cbn.
apply dp_paths_FFlr.
rewrite Cyl_rec_beta_cyglue.
apply concat_pV_p.
- intros b; reflexivity.
- intros b; reflexivity.
Definition ap_pr_cyl_cyglue (a : A)
: ap pr_cyl (cyglue a) = 1
:= Cyl_rec_beta_cyglue _ _ _ a.
srapply Build_Equiv.
1:exact cyr.
srapply Build_IsEquiv.
- srapply Cyl_rec.
+ exact f.
+ exact idmap.
+ reflexivity.
- srapply Cyl_ind.
+ intros a; cbn.
symmetry; apply cyglue.
+ intros b; reflexivity.
+ intros a; cbn.
apply dp_paths_FFlr.
rewrite Cyl_rec_beta_cyglue.
apply concat_pV_p.
- intros b; reflexivity.
- intros b; reflexivity.
Definition ap_pr_cyl_cyglue (a : A)
: ap pr_cyl (cyglue a) = 1
:= Cyl_rec_beta_cyglue _ _ _ a.
Sometimes we have to specify the map explicitly.
Definition cyl' {A B} (f : A → B) : A → Cyl f := cyl.
Definition pr_cyl' {A B} (f : A → B) : Cyl f → B := pr_cyl.
Definition pr_cyl' {A B} (f : A → B) : Cyl f → B := pr_cyl.
Section FunctorCyl.
Context {A B A' B': Type} {f : A → B} {f' : A' → B'}
{ga : A → A'} {gb : B → B'}
(g : f' o ga == gb o f).
Definition functor_cyl : Cyl f → Cyl f'.
srapply Cyl_rec.
- exact (cyl o ga).
- exact (cyr o gb).
- intros a.
refine (_ @ ap cyr (g a)).
exact (cyglue (ga a)).
Definition ap_functor_cyl_cyglue (a : A)
: ap functor_cyl (cyglue a) = cyglue (ga a) @ ap cyr (g a)
:= Cyl_rec_beta_cyglue _ _ _ a.
The benefit of passing to the mapping cylinder is that it makes a square commute definitionally.
The other square also commutes, though not definitionally.
Definition pr_functor_cyl (c : Cyl f)
: pr_cyl (functor_cyl c) = gb (pr_cyl c)
:= ap (pr_cyl o functor_cyl) (eissect pr_cyl c)^.
Definition pr_functor_cyl_cyl (a : A)
: pr_functor_cyl (cyl a) = g a.
: pr_cyl (functor_cyl c) = gb (pr_cyl c)
:= ap (pr_cyl o functor_cyl) (eissect pr_cyl c)^.
Definition pr_functor_cyl_cyl (a : A)
: pr_functor_cyl (cyl a) = g a.
refine (ap _ (inv_V _) @ _).
refine (ap_compose functor_cyl pr_cyl (cyglue a) @ _).
refine (ap _ (ap_functor_cyl_cyglue a) @ _).
refine (ap_pp _ _ _ @ _).
refine (whiskerR (ap_pr_cyl_cyglue (ga a)) _ @ concat_1p _ @ _).
refine ((ap_compose cyr _ (g a))^ @ _).
apply ap_idmap.
End FunctorCyl.
refine (ap_compose functor_cyl pr_cyl (cyglue a) @ _).
refine (ap _ (ap_functor_cyl_cyglue a) @ _).
refine (ap_pp _ _ _ @ _).
refine (whiskerR (ap_pr_cyl_cyglue (ga a)) _ @ concat_1p _ @ _).
refine ((ap_compose cyr _ (g a))^ @ _).
apply ap_idmap.
End FunctorCyl.
Section CylCoeq.
Context {B A f g B' A' f' g'}
{h : B → B'} {k : A → A'}
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : k o g == g' o h).
Definition CylCoeq : Type
:= Coeq (functor_cyl p) (functor_cyl q).
Definition cyl_cylcoeq : Coeq f g → CylCoeq
:= functor_coeq cyl cyl (functor_cyl_cyl p) (functor_cyl_cyl q).
Definition ap_cyl_cylcoeq_cglue (b : B)
: ap cyl_cylcoeq (cglue b) = cglue (cyl b).
1:rapply functor_coeq_beta_cglue.
exact (concat_p1 _ @ concat_1p _).
Definition pr_cylcoeq : CylCoeq <~> Coeq f' g'
:= equiv_functor_coeq pr_cyl pr_cyl (pr_functor_cyl p) (pr_functor_cyl q).
Definition ap_pr_cylcoeq_cglue (x : Cyl h)
: PathSquare (ap pr_cylcoeq (cglue x)) (cglue (pr_cyl x))
(ap coeq (pr_functor_cyl p x))
(ap coeq (pr_functor_cyl q x)).
apply sq_path.
apply moveR_pM.
rewrite <- (ap_V coeq).
rapply functor_coeq_beta_cglue.
Definition pr_cyl_cylcoeq
: functor_coeq h k p q == pr_cylcoeq o cyl_cylcoeq.
intros c.
refine (_ @ functor_coeq_compose cyl cyl (functor_cyl_cyl p) (functor_cyl_cyl q)
pr_cyl pr_cyl (pr_functor_cyl p) (pr_functor_cyl q) c).
srapply functor_coeq_homotopy.
all:intros b; cbn.
all:refine (concat_1p _ @ concat_1p _ @ _ @ (concat_p1 _)^).
all:apply pr_functor_cyl_cyl.
End CylCoeq.