Library HoTT.Metatheory.FunextVarieties

(* -*- mode: coq; mode: visual-line -*- *)

Varieties of function extensionality

Require Import HoTT.Basics HoTT.Types.
Require Import Metatheory.Core.
Local Open Scope path_scope.

In the Overture, we defined function extensionality to be the assertion that the map apD10 is an equivalence. We now prove that this follows from a couple of weaker-looking forms of function extensionality. We do require eta conversion, which Coq 8.4+ has judgmentally.
This proof is originally due to Voevodsky; it has since been simplified by Peter Lumsdaine and Michael Shulman.
Naive funext is the simple assertion that pointwise equal functions are equal. The domain and codomain could live in different universes; the third universe argument is essentially the max of i and j (and similarly for all subsequent axioms).

Definition NaiveFunext :=
   (A : Type@{i}) (P : A Type@{j}) (f g : x, P x),
    ( x, f x = g x) (f = g).

Naive non-dependent funext is the same, but only for non-dependent functions.

Definition NaiveNondepFunext :=
   (A B : Type) (f g : A B),
    ( x, f x = g x) (f = g).

Weak funext says that a product of contractible types is contractible.

Definition WeakFunext :=
   (A : Type) (P : A Type),
    ( x, Contr (P x)) Contr ( x, P x).

The obvious implications are Funext -> NaiveFunext -> WeakFunext and NaiveFunext -> NaiveNondepFunext. None of these do anything fiddly with the universes either.

Definition Funext_implies_NaiveFunext@{i j max}
  : Funext_type@{i j max} NaiveFunext@{i j max}.
  intros fe A P f g h.
  unfold Funext_type in ×.
  exact ((@apD10 A P f g)^-1 h).

Definition NaiveFunext_implies_WeakFunext@{i j max}
  : NaiveFunext@{i j max} WeakFunext@{i j max}.
  intros nf A P Pc.
  apply (Build_Contr _ (fun xcenter (P x))).
  intros f; apply nf; intros x.
  apply contr.

Definition NaiveFunext_implies_NaiveNondepFunext@{i j max}
  : NaiveFunext@{i j max} NaiveNondepFunext@{i j max}
  := fun nf A B f gnf A (fun _B) f g.

The non-obvious directions are that WeakFunext implies Funext and that NaiveNondepFunext implies WeakFunext (and hence all four are logically equivalent).

Weak funext implies Funext

To show that WeakFunext implies Funext, the point is that under weak funext, the space of "pointwise homotopies" has the same universal property as the space of paths.

Section Homotopies.

  Context (wf : WeakFunext).
  Context {A:Type} {B : A Type}.

  Context (f : x, B x).

  (* Recall that f == g is the type of pointwise paths (or "homotopies") from f to g. *)
  Let idhtpy : f == f := fun xidpath (f x).

Weak funext implies that the "based homotopy space" of the Pi-type is contractible, just like the based path space. Use priority 1, so we don't override Contr Unit.
  Global Instance contr_basedhtpy : Contr {g : x, B x & f == g } | 1.
    unfold WeakFunext in wf. (* Allow typeclass inference to find it *)
    apply (Build_Contr _ (f;idhtpy)). intros [g h].
    (* The trick is to show that the type {g : x, B x & f == g } is a retract of  x, {y : B x & f x = y}, which is contractible due to J and weak funext.  Here are the retraction and its section. *)
    pose (r := fun kexist (fun gf == g)
      (fun x(k x).1) (fun x(k x).2)).
    pose (s := fun (g : x, B x) (h : f == g) x(g x ; h x)).
    (* Because of judgemental eta-conversion, the retraction is actually definitional, so we can just replace the goal. *)
    change (r (fun x(f x ; idpath (f x))) = r (s g h)).
    apply ap; srapply path_contr.

This enables us to prove that pointwise homotopies have the same elimination rule as the identity type.

  Context (Q : g (h : f == g), Type).
  Context (d : Q f idhtpy).

  Definition htpy_ind g h : Q g h
    := @transport _ (fun ghQ gh.1 gh.2) (f;idhtpy) (g;h)
         (@path_contr _ _ _ _) d.

The computation rule, of course, is only propositional.
  Definition htpy_ind_beta : htpy_ind f idhtpy = d
    := transport (fun p : (f;idhtpy) = (f;idhtpy)
                    transport (fun ghQ gh.1 gh.2) p d = d)
         (@path2_contr _ _ _ _
           (path_contr (f;idhtpy) (f;idhtpy)) (idpath _))^
         (idpath _).

End Homotopies.

Now the proof is fairly easy; we can just use the same induction principle on both sides. This proof also preserves all the universes.
Theorem WeakFunext_implies_Funext@{i j max}
  : WeakFunext@{i j max} Funext_type@{i j max}.
  intros wf; hnf; intros A B f g.
  refine (isequiv_adjointify (@apD10 A B f g)
    (htpy_ind wf f (fun g' _f = g') idpath g) _ _).
  - revert g; refine (htpy_ind wf _ _ _).
    refine (ap _ (htpy_ind_beta wf _ _ _)).
  - intros h; destruct h.
    refine (htpy_ind_beta wf _ _ _).

Definition NaiveFunext_implies_Funext : NaiveFunext Funext_type
  := WeakFunext_implies_Funext o NaiveFunext_implies_WeakFunext.

Naive non-dependent funext implies weak funext

First we show that naive non-dependent funext suffices to show that postcomposition with an equivalence is an equivalence.
Definition equiv_postcompose_from_NaiveNondepFunext
           (nf : NaiveNondepFunext) {A B C : Type} (f : B <~> C)
  : (A B) <~> (A C)
  := Build_Equiv
       _ _ (fun (g:AB) ⇒ f o g)
          (fun (g:AB) ⇒ f o g)
          (fun hf^-1 o h)
          (fun hnf _ _ _ _ (fun xeisretr f (h x)))
          (fun gnf _ _ _ _ (fun yeissect f (g y)))).

Now, if each P x is contractible, the projection pr1 : {x:X & P x} X is an equivalence (this requires no funext). Thus, postcomposition with it is also an equivalence, and hence the fiber of postcomposition over idmap X is contractible. But this fiber is "the type of sections of pr1" and hence equivalent to x:X, P x. The latter equivalence requires full funext to prove, but without any funext we can show that x:X, P x is a *retract* of the type of sections, hence also contractible.
Theorem NaiveNondepFunext_implies_WeakFunext
  : NaiveNondepFunext WeakFunext.
  intros nf X P H.
  pose (T := (hfiber (equiv_postcompose_from_NaiveNondepFunext nf (equiv_pr1 P)) idmap)).
  exact (@contr_retract T _ _
           (fun fp xtransport P (ap10 fp.2 x) (fp.1 x).2)
           (fun f((fun x(x ; f x)) ; 1)) (fun f ⇒ 1)).

Therefore, naive nondependent funext also implies full funext. Interestingly, this requires the universe of the assumption codomain to be not just that of the conclusion codomain, but the max of that universe with the domain universe (which is unchanged).

Functional extensionality is downward closed

If universe U_i is functionally extensional, then so are universes U_i' for i' i.
Lemma Funext_downward_closed@{i j max i' j' max' | imax, jmax, i'max', j'max', i'i, j'j}
  `{H : Funext_type@{i j max}} : Funext_type@{i' j' max'}.
  hnf in ×.
  (* Here we make use of cumulativity. *)
  exact (fun A PH A P).