Library HoTT.Modalities.Open

(* -*- mode: coq; mode: visual-line -*-  *)

Require Import HoTT.Basics HoTT.Types.
Require Import Extensions.
Require Import Modality Accessible Nullification Lex.

Local Open Scope path_scope.

Open modalities


Definition Op `{Funext} (U : HProp) : Modality.
  snrapply easy_modality.
  - intros X; exact (U X).
  - intros T x; cbn.
    exact (fun _x).
  - cbn; intros A B f z u.
    refine (transport B _ (f (z u) u)).
    apply path_arrow; intros u'.
    apply ap; apply path_ishprop.
  - cbn; intros A B f a.
    apply path_arrow; intros u.
    transitivity (transport B 1 (f a u));
      auto with path_hints.
    apply (ap (fun ptransport B p (f a u))).
    transitivity (path_arrow (fun _a) (fun _a) (@ap10 U _ _ _ 1));
      auto with path_hints.
    × apply ap.
      apply path_forall; intros u'.
      apply ap_const.
    × apply eta_path_arrow.
  - intros A z z'.
    srefine (isequiv_adjointify _ _ _ _).
    × intros f; apply path_arrow; intros u.
      exact (ap10 (f u) u).
    × intros f; apply path_arrow; intros u.
      transitivity (path_arrow z z' (ap10 (f u))).
      + unfold to; apply ap.
        apply path_forall; intros u'.
        apply (ap (fun u0ap10 (f u0) u')).
        apply path_ishprop.
      + apply eta_path_arrow.
    × intros p.
      refine (eta_path_arrow _ _ _).

The open modality is lex

Note that unlike most other cases, we can prove this without univalence (though we do of course need funext).
Global Instance lex_open `{Funext} (U : HProp)
  : Lex (Op U).
  apply lex_from_isconnected_paths.
  intros A Ac x y.
  nrapply contr_forall.
  intro u.
  pose (contr_inhabited_hprop U u).
  rapply contr_paths_contr.
  refine (contr_equiv (U A) (equiv_contr_forall _)).
  exact Ac.

The open modality is accessible.

Global Instance acc_open `{Funext} (U : HProp)
  : IsAccModality (Op U).
  unshelve econstructor.
  - econstructor.
    exact (unit_name U).
  - intros X; split.
    + intros X_inO u.
      apply (equiv_inverse (equiv_ooextendable_isequiv _ _)).
      refine (cancelR_isequiv (fun x (u:Unit) ⇒ x)).
      apply X_inO.
    + intros ext; specialize (ext tt).
      refine (isequiv_compose (f := (fun xunit_name x))
                              (g := (fun hh o const_tt U))).
      refine (isequiv_ooextendable (fun _X) (const_tt U) ext).

Thus, arguably a better definition of Op would be as a nullification modality, as it would not require Funext and would have a judgmental computation rule. However, the above definition is also nice to know, as it doesn't use HITs. We name the other version Op'.
Definition Op' (U : HProp) : Modality
  := Nul (Build_NullGenerators Unit (fun _U)).