Library HoTT.Spaces.Finite.FinSeq

Finite-dimensional sequence. It is often referred to as vector, but we call it finite sequence FinSeq to avoid confusion with vector from linear algebra.
Note that the induction principle finseq_

Definition FinSeq@{u} (n : nat) (A : Type@{u}) : Type@{u} := Fin n A.

The empty finite sequence.

Definition fsnil {A : Type} : FinSeq 0 A := Empty_rec.

Definition path_fsnil `{Funext} {A : Type} (v : FinSeq 0 A) : fsnil = v.
  apply path_contr.

Add an element in the end of a finite sequence, fscons' and fscons.

Definition fscons' {A : Type} (n : nat) (a : A) (v : FinSeq (nat_pred n) A)
  : FinSeq n A
  := fun ifin_rec (fun nFinSeq (nat_pred n) A A)
                       (fun _ _a) (fun n' i _ vv i) i v.

Definition fscons {A : Type} {n : nat} : A FinSeq n A FinSeq n.+1 A
  := fscons' n.+1.

Take the first element of a non-empty finite sequence, fshead' and fshead.

Definition fshead' {A} (n : nat) : 0 < n FinSeq n A A
  := match n with
     | 0 ⇒ fun N _Empty_rec (not_lt_zero_r _ N)
     | n'.+1fun _ vv fin_zero

Definition fshead {A} {n : nat} : FinSeq n.+1 A A := fshead' n.+1 _.

Definition fshead'_beta_fscons' {A} n (N : n > 0) (a : A) (v : FinSeq (nat_pred n) A)
  : fshead' n N (fscons' n a v) = a.
  destruct n; [elim (lt_irrefl _ N)|].
  exact (apD10 (fin_rec_beta_zero _ _ _ _) v).

Definition fshead_beta_fscons {A} {n} (a : A) (v : FinSeq n A)
  : fshead (fscons a v) = a.
  apply fshead'_beta_fscons'.

If the sequence is non-empty, then remove the first element.

Definition fstail' {A} (n : nat) : FinSeq n A FinSeq (nat_pred n) A
  := match n with
     | 0 ⇒ fun _Empty_rec
     | n'.+1fun v iv (fsucc i)

Remove the first element from a non-empty sequence.

Definition fstail {A} {n : nat} : FinSeq n.+1 A FinSeq n A := fstail' n.+1.

Definition fstail'_beta_fscons' {A} n (a : A) (v : FinSeq (nat_pred n) A)
  : fstail' n (fscons' n a v) == v.
  intro i.
  destruct n; [elim i|].
  exact (apD10 (fin_rec_beta_fsucc _ _ _ _) v).

Definition fstail_beta_fscons `{Funext} {A} {n} (a : A) (v : FinSeq n A)
  : fstail (fscons a v) = v.
  funext i.
  apply fstail'_beta_fscons'.

A non-empty finite sequence is equal to fscons of head and tail, path_expand_fscons' and path_expand_fscons.

Lemma path_expand_fscons' {A : Type} (n : nat)
  (i : Fin n) (N : n > 0) (v : FinSeq n A)
  : fscons' n (fshead' n N v) (fstail' n v) i = v i.
  induction i using fin_ind.
  - apply fshead_beta_fscons.
  - apply (fstail'_beta_fscons' n.+1 (fshead v) (fstail v)).

Lemma path_expand_fscons `{Funext} {A} {n} (v : FinSeq n.+1 A)
  : fscons (fshead v) (fstail v) = v.
  funext i.
  apply path_expand_fscons'.

The following path_fscons' and path_fscons gives a way to construct a path between fscons finite sequences. They cooperate nicely with path_expand_fscons' and path_expand_fscons.

Definition path_fscons' {A} n {a1 a2 : A} {v1 v2 : FinSeq (nat_pred n) A}
  (p : a1 = a2) (q : i, v1 i = v2 i) (i : Fin n)
  : fscons' n a1 v1 i = fscons' n a2 v2 i.
  induction i using fin_ind.
  - exact (fshead_beta_fscons _ _ @ p @ (fshead_beta_fscons _ _)^).
  - refine (_ @ (fstail'_beta_fscons' n.+1 a2 v2 i)^).
    exact (fstail'_beta_fscons' n.+1 a1 v1 i @ q i).

Definition path_fscons'_beta {A} (n : nat)
    (a : A) (v : FinSeq (nat_pred n) A) (i : Fin n)
    : path_fscons' n (idpath a) (fun jidpath (v j)) i = idpath.
  induction i using fin_ind; unfold path_fscons'.
  - rewrite fin_ind_beta_zero.
    refine (ap (fun pp @ _) (concat_p1 _) @ _).
    apply concat_pV.
  - rewrite fin_ind_beta_fsucc.
    refine (ap (fun pp @ _) (concat_p1 _) @ _).
    apply concat_pV.

Definition path_fscons `{Funext} {A} {n} {a1 a2 : A} (p : a1 = a2)
  {v1 v2 : FinSeq n A} (q : v1 = v2)
  : fscons a1 v1 = fscons a2 v2.
  funext i. apply path_fscons'.
  - assumption.
  - intro j. exact (apD10 q j).

Lemma path_fscons_beta `{Funext} {A} {n} (a : A) (v : FinSeq n A)
  : path_fscons (idpath a) (idpath v) = idpath.
  refine (ap (path_forall _ _) _ @ eta_path_forall _ _ _).
  funext i. exact (path_fscons'_beta n.+1 a v i).

Lemma path_expand_fscons_fscons' {A : Type} (n : nat)
  (N : n > 0) (a : A) (v : FinSeq (nat_pred n) A) (i : Fin n)
  : path_expand_fscons' n i N (fscons' n a v) =
    path_fscons' n (fshead'_beta_fscons' n N a v) (fstail'_beta_fscons' n a v) i.
  induction i using fin_ind; unfold path_fscons', path_expand_fscons'.
  - do 2 rewrite fin_ind_beta_zero.
    refine (_ @ concat_p_pp _ _ _).
    refine (_ @ (ap (fun p_ @ p) (concat_pV _))^).
    exact (concat_p1 _)^.
  - do 2 rewrite fin_ind_beta_fsucc.
    refine (_ @ concat_p_pp _ _ _).
    refine (_ @ (ap (fun p_ @ p) (concat_pV _))^).
    exact (concat_p1 _)^.

Lemma path_expand_fscons_fscons `{Funext}
  {A : Type} {n : nat} (a : A) (v : FinSeq n A)
  : path_expand_fscons (fscons a v) =
    path_fscons (fshead_beta_fscons a v) (fstail_beta_fscons a v).
  refine (ap (path_forall _ _) _).
  funext i.
  pose (p := eisretr apD10 (fstail'_beta_fscons' n.+1 a v)).
  refine (_ @ (ap (fun f_ f i) p)^).
  exact (path_expand_fscons_fscons' n.+1 _ a v i).

The induction principle for finite sequence, finseq_ind. Note that it uses funext and does not compute.

Lemma finseq_ind `{Funext} {A : Type} (P : n, FinSeq n A Type)
  (z : P 0 fsnil) (s : n a (v : FinSeq n A), P n v P n.+1 (fscons a v))
  {n : nat} (v : FinSeq n A)
  : P n v.
  induction n.
  - exact (transport (P 0) (path_fsnil v) z).
  - refine (transport (P n.+1) (path_expand_fscons v) _).
    apply s. apply IHn.

Lemma finseq_ind_beta_fsnil `{Funext} {A : Type}
  (P : n, FinSeq n A Type) (z : P 0 fsnil)
  (s : (n : nat) (a : A) (v : FinSeq n A), P n v P n.+1 (fscons a v))
  : finseq_ind P z s fsnil = z.
  exact (ap (fun x_ x z) (hset_path2 1 (path_fsnil fsnil)))^.

Lemma finseq_ind_beta_fscons `{Funext} {A : Type}
  (P : n, FinSeq n A Type) (z : P 0 fsnil)
  (s : (n : nat) (a : A) (v : FinSeq n A), P n v P n.+1 (fscons a v))
  {n : nat} (a : A) (v : FinSeq n A)
  : finseq_ind P z s (fscons a v) = s n a v (finseq_ind P z s v).
  induction (path_expand_fscons_fscons a v)^.
  set (p1 := fshead_beta_fscons a v).
  set (p2 := fstail_beta_fscons a v).
  induction p1, p2.
  exact (ap (fun ptransport _ p _) (path_fscons_beta _ _)).