Library HoTT.Homotopy.HSpace.Pointwise

Require Import Basics Types Pointed HSpace.Core HSpace.Coherent.

Local Open Scope pointed_scope.
Local Open Scope mc_mult_scope.
Local Open Scope path_scope.

Pointwise H-space structures

Whenever X is an H-space, so is the type of maps into X.
Global Instance ishspace_map `{Funext} (X : pType) (Y : Type)
  `{IsHSpace X} : IsHSpace [Y X, const pt].
(* Note: When writing f × g, Coq only finds this instance if f is explicitly in the pointed type [Y X, const pt]. *)
  snrapply Build_IsHSpace.
  - exact (fun f g y(f y) × (g y)).
  - intro g; funext y.
    apply hspace_left_identity.
  - intro f; funext y.
    apply hspace_right_identity.

If X is coherent, so is [Y X, const pt].
Global Instance iscoherent_ishspace_map `{Funext} (X : pType) (Y : Type)
  `{IsCoherent X} : IsCoherent [Y X, const pt].
  hnf; cbn.
  refine (ap _ _).
  funext y; apply iscoherent.

If X is left-invertible, so is [Y X, const pt].
Global Instance isleftinvertible_hspace_map `{Funext} (X : pType) (Y : Type)
  `{IsHSpace X} `{ x, IsEquiv (x *.)}
  : f : [Y X, const pt], IsEquiv (f *.).
  intro f; cbn.
Left multiplication by f unifies with functor_forall.
  exact (isequiv_functor_forall (P:=const X) (f:=idmap)
           (g:=fun y gy(f y) × gy)).

For the type of pointed maps Y ->** X, coherence of X is needed even to get a noncoherent H-space structure on Y ->** X.
Global Instance ishspace_pmap `{Funext} (X Y : pType) `{IsCoherent X}
  : IsHSpace (Y ->** X).
  snrapply Build_IsHSpace.
  - intros f g.
    snrapply Build_pMap.
    + exact (fun yhspace_op (f y) (g y)).
    + cbn.
      refine (ap _ (point_eq g) @ _); cbn.
      refine (ap (.* pt) (point_eq f) @ _).
      apply hspace_left_identity.
  - intro g.
    apply path_pforall.
    snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
    + intro y; cbn.
      apply hspace_left_identity.
    + cbn.
      apply moveL_pV.
      exact (1 @@ concat_1p _ @ concat_A1p _ _)^.
  - intro f.
    apply path_pforall.
    snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
    + intro y; cbn.
      apply hspace_right_identity.
    + pelim f; cbn.
      lhs nrapply (concat_p1 _ @ concat_1p _ @ concat_1p _).
      apply iscoherent.

Global Instance iscoherent_hspace_pmap `{Funext} (X Y : pType) `{IsCoherent X}
  : IsCoherent (Y ->** X).
  (* Note that pt sometimes means the constant map Y ->* X. *)
  unfold IsCoherent.
  (* Both identities are created using path_pforall. *)
  refine (ap path_pforall _).
  apply path_pforall.
  snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
  - intro y; cbn.
    apply iscoherent.
  - cbn.
    generalize iscoherent as isc.
    unfold left_identity, right_identity.
    (* The next line is essentially the same as generalize, but for some reason that tactic doesn't work here. *)
    set (p := hspace_left_identity pt); clearbody p.
    intros [].
    induction p.

If the H-space structure on X is left-invertible, so is the one induced on Y ->** X.
Global Instance isleftinvertible_hspace_pmap `{Funext} (X Y : pType)
  `{IsCoherent X} `{ x, IsEquiv (x *.)}
  : f : Y ->** X, IsEquiv (f *.).
  intro f.
  srefine (isequiv_homotopic (equiv_functor_pforall_id _ _) _).
  - exact (fun aequiv_hspace_left_op (f a)).
  - cbn. exact (right_identity _ @ point_eq f).
  - intro g.
    apply path_pforall; snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
    + intro y; cbn.
    + cbn. apply (moveR_1M _ _)^-1.
      apply whiskerL.
      refine (whiskerL _ iscoherent @ _).
      exact (concat_A1p right_identity (point_eq f)).