Library HoTT.Homotopy.HSpace.Core

Require Export Classes.interfaces.canonical_names (SgOp, sg_op,
    MonUnit, mon_unit, LeftIdentity, left_identity, RightIdentity, right_identity,
    Negate, negate, Associative, simple_associativity, associativity,
    LeftInverse, left_inverse, RightInverse, right_inverse, Commutative, commutativity).
Export canonical_names.BinOpNotations.
Require Import Basics Types Pointed WildCat.Core.
Require Import Truncations.Core Truncations.Connectedness.

Local Open Scope pointed_scope.
Local Open Scope trunc_scope.
Local Open Scope mc_mult_scope.
Local Open Scope path_scope.


A (noncoherent) H-space X is a pointed type with a binary operation for which the base point is a both a left and a right identity. (See Coherent.v for the notion of a coherent H-space.) We say X is left-invertible if left multiplication by any element is an equivalence, and dually for right-invertible.

Class IsHSpace (X : pType) := {
  hspace_op : SgOp X;
  hspace_left_identity : LeftIdentity hspace_op pt;
  hspace_right_identity : RightIdentity hspace_op pt;
#[export] Existing Instances hspace_left_identity hspace_right_identity hspace_op.

Global Instance hspace_mon_unit {X : pType} `{IsHSpace X} : MonUnit X := pt.

Definition issig_ishspace {X : pType}
  : { mu : X X X & prod ( x, mu pt x = x) ( x, mu x pt = x) }
      <~> IsHSpace X := ltac:(make_equiv).

Left and right multiplication by the base point is always an equivalence.
Global Instance isequiv_hspace_left_op_pt {X : pType} `{IsHSpace X}
  : IsEquiv (pt *.).
  apply (isequiv_homotopic idmap); intro x.
  exact (left_identity x)^.

Global Instance isequiv_hspace_right_op_pt {X : pType} `{IsHSpace X}
  : IsEquiv (.* pt).
  apply (isequiv_homotopic idmap); intro x.
  exact (right_identity x)^.

Definition equiv_hspace_left_op {X : pType} `{IsHSpace X}
  (x : X) `{IsEquiv _ _ (x *.)} : X <~> X
  := Build_Equiv _ _ (x *.) _.

Definition equiv_hspace_right_op {X : pType} `{IsHSpace X}
  (x : X) `{IsEquiv _ _ (.* x)} : X <~> X
  := Build_Equiv _ _ (.* x) _.

Any element of an H-space defines a pointed self-map by left multiplication, in the following sense.
We make (x *.) into a pointed equivalence (when possible). In particular, this makes (pt *.) into a pointed self-equivalence. We could have also used the left identity to make (pt *.) into a pointed self-equivalence, and then we would get a map that's equal to the identity as a pointed map; but without coherence (see Coherent.v) this is not necessarily the case for this map.

Connected H-spaces

For connected H-spaces, left and right multiplication by an element is an equivalence. This is because left and right multiplication by the base point is one, and being an equivalence is a proposition.

Global Instance isequiv_hspace_left_op `{Univalence} {A : pType}
  `{IsHSpace A} `{IsConnected 0 A}
  : (a : A), IsEquiv (a *.).
  nrapply conn_point_elim; exact _.

Global Instance isequiv_hspace_right_op `{Univalence} {A : pType}
  `{IsHSpace A} `{IsConnected 0 A}
  : (a : A), IsEquiv (.* a).
  nrapply conn_point_elim; exact _.

Left-invertible H-spaces are homogeneous

A homogeneous structure on a pointed type A gives, for any point a : A, a self-equivalence of A sending the base point to a. (This is the same data as a left-invertible right-unital binary operation.)
Any homogeneous structure can be modified so that the base point is mapped to the pointed identity map.
This modified structure makes any homogeneous type into a (left-invertible) H-space.
Definition ishspace_homogeneous {A : pType} `{IsHomogeneous A}
  : IsHSpace A.
  snrapply Build_IsHSpace.
  - exact (fun a bhomogeneous_pt_id a b).
  - intro a; cbn.
    apply eisretr.
  - intro a. exact (point_eq (homogeneous_pt_id a)).

Left-invertible H-spaces are homogeneous, giving a logical equivalence between left-invertible H-spaces and homogeneous types. (In fact, the type of homogeneous types with the base point sent to the pointed identity map is equivalent to the type of left-invertible coherent H-spaces, but we don't prove that here.) See equiv_iscohhspace_ptd_action for a closely related result.
Global Instance ishomogeneous_hspace {A : pType} `{IsHSpace A}
  `{ a, IsEquiv (a *.)}
  : IsHomogeneous A
  := (fun apequiv_hspace_left_op a).

Promoting unpointed homotopies to pointed homotopies

Two pointed maps f g : Y ->* X into an H-space are equal if and only if they are equal as unpointed maps. (Note: This is a logical "iff", not an equivalence of types.) This was first observed by Evan Cavallo for homogeneous types. Below we show a generalization due to Egbert Rijke, which we then specialize to H-spaces. Notably, the specialization does not require left-invertibility. This appears as Lemma 2.6 in
First a version that assumes an equality of the unpointed maps.
Definition phomotopy_from_path_arrow {A B : pType}
  (m : (a : A), (point A) = (point A) a = a)
  (q : m pt == idmap) {f g : B ->* A} (K : pointed_fun f = pointed_fun g)
  : f ==* g.
  nrapply issig_phomotopy.
  destruct f as [f fpt], g as [g gpt]; cbn in ×.
  induction K.
  destruct A as [A a0]; cbn in ×.
  induction fpt.
   (fun bm (f b) (idpath @ gpt^)).
  apply q.

Assuming Funext, we may take K to be a homotopy. With a more elaborate proof, Funext could be avoided here and therefore in the next result as well.
Definition phomotopy_from_homotopy `{Funext} {A B : pType}
  (m : (a : A), (point A) = (point A) a = a)
  (q : m pt == idmap) {f g : B ->* A} (K : f == g)
  : f ==* g
  := phomotopy_from_path_arrow m q (path_forall _ _ K).

We specialize to H-spaces.
Definition hspace_phomotopy_from_homotopy `{Funext} {A B : pType}
  `{IsHSpace A} {f g : B ->* A} (K : f == g)
  : f ==* g.
  snrapply (phomotopy_from_homotopy _ _ K).
  - intro a.
    exact (fmap loops (pmap_hspace_left_op a o× (pequiv_hspace_left_op pt)^-1*)).
  - lazy beta.
    transitivity (fmap (b:=A) loops pmap_idmap).
    2: rapply (fmap_id loops).
    rapply (fmap2 loops).
    nrapply peisretr.

A version with actual paths.
Definition hspace_path_pforall_from_path_arrow `{Funext} {A B : pType}
  `{IsHSpace A} {f g : B ->* A} (K : pointed_fun f = pointed_fun g)
  : f = g.
  apply path_pforall, hspace_phomotopy_from_homotopy.
  apply (path_arrow _ _)^-1.
  exact K.

A type equivalent to an H-space is an H-space.
Definition ishspace_equiv_hspace {X Y : pType} `{IsHSpace Y} (f : X <~>* Y)
  : IsHSpace X.
  snrapply Build_IsHSpace.
  - exact (fun a bf^-1 (f a × f b)).
  - intro b.
    rhs_V nrapply (eissect f b).
    apply ap.
    lhs nrapply (ap (.* f b) (point_eq f)).
    apply left_identity.
  - intro a.
    rhs_V nrapply (eissect f a).
    apply ap.
    lhs nrapply (ap (f a *.) (point_eq f)).
    apply right_identity.

Every loop space is an H-space. Making this an instance breaks CayleyDickson.v because Coq finds this instance rather than the expected one.
Definition ishspace_loops {X : pType} : IsHSpace (loops X).
  snrapply Build_IsHSpace.
  - exact concat.
  - exact concat_1p.
  - exact concat_p1.