Library HoTT.Homotopy.HSpace.Moduli

Require Import Basics Types HSpace.Core HSpace.Coherent HSpace.Pointwise
  Pointed Homotopy.EvaluationFibration.

Local Open Scope pointed_scope.
Local Open Scope mc_mult_scope.
Local Open Scope path_scope.

The moduli type of coherent H-space structures

When A is a left-invertible coherent H-space, we construct an equivalence between the ("moduli") type of coherent H-space structures on A and the type A ->* (A ->** A). By the smash-hom adjunction for pointed types, due to Floris van Doorn in HoTT, the latter is also equivalent to the type Smash A A ->* A.
This equivalence generalizes a formula of Arkowitz--Curjel and Copeland for spaces, and appears as Theorem 2.27 in

Paths between H-space structures

Paths between H-space structures correspond to homotopies between the underlying binary operations which respect the identities. This is the type of the latter.
Definition path_ishspace_type {X : pType} (mu nu : IsHSpace X) : Type.
  destruct mu as [mu mu_lid mu_rid], nu as [nu nu_lid nu_rid].
  refine { h : x0 x1, mu x0 x1 = nu x0 x1 & prod ( x:X, _) ( x:X, _) }.
  - exact (mu_lid x = h pt x @ nu_lid x).
  - exact (mu_rid x = h x pt @ nu_rid x).

Transport of left and right identities of binary operations along paths between the underlying functions.
Local Definition transport_binop_lr_id `{Funext} {X : Type} {x : X}
  {mu nu : X X X} `{mu_lid : y, mu x y = y}
  `{mu_rid : y, mu y x = y} (p : mu = nu)
  : transport (fun m : X X X
                 ( y, m x y = y) × ( y, m y x = y))
      p (mu_lid, mu_rid)
    = (fun y(ap100 p _ _)^ @ mu_lid y,
         fun y(ap100 p _ _)^ @ mu_rid y).
  induction p; cbn.
  apply path_prod'; funext y.
  all: exact (concat_1p _)^.

Characterization of paths between H-space structures.
Definition equiv_path_ishspace `{Funext} {X : pType} (mu nu : IsHSpace X)
  : path_ishspace_type mu nu <~> (mu = nu).
  destruct mu as [mu mu_lid mu_rid], nu as [nu nu_lid nu_rid];
    unfold path_ishspace_type.
  nrefine (equiv_ap_inv' issig_ishspace _ _ oE _).
  nrefine (equiv_path_sigma _ _ _ oE _); cbn.
  apply (equiv_functor_sigma' (equiv_path_arrow2 _ _)); intro h; cbn.
  nrefine (equiv_concat_l _ _ oE _).
  1: apply transport_binop_lr_id.
  nrefine (equiv_path_prod _ _ oE _); cbn.
  apply equiv_functor_prod';
    nrefine (equiv_path_forall _ _ oE _);
    apply equiv_functor_forall_id; intro x.
  all: nrefine (equiv_moveR_Vp _ _ _ oE _);
    apply equiv_concat_r;
    apply whiskerR; symmetry;
    apply ap100_path_arrow2.

Sections of evaluation fibrations

We first show that coherent H-space structures on a pointed type correspond to pointed sections of the evaluation fibration ev A.
Definition equiv_iscohhspace_psect `{Funext} (A : pType)
  : IsCohHSpace A <~> pSect (ev A).
  refine (issig_psect (ev A) oE _^-1%equiv oE (issig_iscohhspace A)^-1%equiv).
  unfold SgOp, LeftIdentity, RightIdentity.
  apply equiv_functor_sigma_id; intro mu.
  apply (equiv_functor_sigma' (equiv_apD10 _ _ _)); intro H1; cbn.
  apply equiv_functor_sigma_id; intro H2; cbn.
  refine (equiv_path_inverse _ _ oE _).
  apply equiv_concat_r.
  apply concat_p1.

Our next goal is to see that when A is a left-invertible H-space, then the fibration ev A is trivial.
This lemma says that the family fun a A ->* [A,a] is trivial.
Lemma equiv_pmap_hspace `{Funext} {A : pType}
  (a : A) `{IsHSpace A} `{!IsEquiv (hspace_op a)}
  : (A ->* A) <~> (A ->* [A,a]).
  nrapply pequiv_pequiv_postcompose.
  rapply pequiv_hspace_left_op.

The lemma gives us an equivalence on the total spaces (domains) of ev A and psnd (the projection out of the displayed product).
Proposition equiv_map_pmap_hspace `{Funext} {A : pType}
  `{IsHSpace A} `{ a:A, IsEquiv (a *.)}
  : (A ->* A) × A <~> (A A).
  transitivity {a : A & {f : A A & f pt = a}}.
  2: exact (equiv_sigma_contr _ oE (equiv_sigma_symm _)^-1%equiv).
  refine (_ oE (equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _)^-1%equiv oE equiv_prod_symm _ _).
  apply equiv_functor_sigma_id; intro a.
  exact ((issig_pmap A [A,a])^-1%equiv oE equiv_pmap_hspace a).

The above is a pointed equivalence.
Proposition pequiv_map_pmap_hspace `{Funext} {A : pType}
  `{IsHSpace A} `{ a:A, IsEquiv (a *.)}
  : [(A ->* A) × A, (pmap_idmap, pt)] <~>* selfmaps A.
  snrapply Build_pEquiv'.
  1: exact equiv_map_pmap_hspace.
  apply path_forall, hspace_left_identity.

When A is coherent, the pointed equivalence pequiv_map_pmap_hspace is a pointed equivalence over A, i.e., a trivialization of ev A.
Proposition hspace_ev_trivialization `{Funext} {A : pType}
  `{IsCoherent A} `{ a:A, IsEquiv (a *.)}
  : ev A o× pequiv_map_pmap_hspace ==* psnd (A:=[A ->* A, pmap_idmap]).
  snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
  { intros [f x]; cbn.
    exact (ap _ (dpoint_eq f) @ hspace_right_identity _). }
  refine (concat_1p _ @ _^).
  refine (concat_p1 _ @ concat_p1 _ @ _).
  refine (ap10_path_forall _ _ _ _ @ _).
  apply iscoherent.

The equivalence IsCohHSpace A <~> (A ->* (A ->** A))

Theorem equiv_cohhspace_ppmap `{Funext} {A : pType}
  `{IsCoherent A} `{ a:A, IsEquiv (hspace_op a)}
  : IsCohHSpace A <~> (A ->* (A ->** A)).
  refine (_ oE equiv_iscohhspace_psect A).
  refine (_ oE (equiv_pequiv_pslice_psect _ _ _ hspace_ev_trivialization^*)^-1%equiv).
  refine (_ oE equiv_psect_psnd (A:=[A ->* A, pmap_idmap])).
  refine (pequiv_pequiv_postcompose _); symmetry.
  rapply pequiv_hspace_left_op.

Here is a third characterization of the type of coherent H-space structures. It simply involves shuffling the data around and using Funext.
Definition equiv_iscohhspace_ptd_action `{Funext} (A : pType)
  : IsCohHSpace A <~> { act : a, A ->* [A,a] & act pt ==* pmap_idmap }.
  refine (_ oE (issig_iscohhspace A)^-1).
  unfold IsPointed.
  (* First we shuffle the data on the LHS to be of this form: *)
  equiv_via {s : {act : A (A A) & a, act a pt = a} & {h : s.1 pt == idmap & h pt = s.2 pt}}.
  1: make_equiv.
  (* Then we break up ->* and ==* on the RHS using issig lemmas, and handle a trailing @ 1. *)
  snrapply equiv_functor_sigma'.
  - refine (equiv_functor_forall_id (fun aissig_pmap A [A,a]) oE _).
    unfold IsPointed.
    nrapply equiv_sig_coind.
  - cbn.
    intros [act p]; simpl.
    refine (issig_phomotopy _ _ oE _); cbn.
    apply equiv_functor_sigma_id; intro q.
    apply equiv_concat_r; symmetry; apply concat_p1.

It follows that any homogeneous type is a coherent H-space. This generalizes ishspace_homogeneous.
Definition iscohhspace_homogeneous `{Funext} {A : pType} `{IsHomogeneous A}
  : IsCohHSpace A.
  apply (equiv_iscohhspace_ptd_action A)^-1.
  apply homogeneous_pt_id_beta.

One can also show directly that the H-space structure defined by ishspace_homogeneous is coherent. This also avoids Funext.
Definition iscoherent_homogeneous {A : pType} `{IsHomogeneous A}
  : @IsCoherent A (ishspace_homogeneous).
  unfold IsCoherent; cbn.
  set (f := ishomogeneous pt).
  change (eisretr f pt = ap f (moveR_equiv_V pt pt (point_eq f)^) @ point_eq f).
  rewrite <- (point_eq f).
  unfold moveR_equiv_V; simpl.
  rhs nrapply concat_p1.
  lhs nrapply (eisadj f).
  apply ap.
  symmetry; apply concat_1p.

Using either of these, we can "upgrade" any left-invertible H-space structure to a coherent one. This one has a prime because the direct proof below computes better.
Definition iscohhspace_hspace' (A : pType)
  `{IsHSpace A} `{ a, IsEquiv (a *.)}
  : IsCohHSpace A.
  snrapply Build_IsCohHSpace.
  { nrapply ishspace_homogeneous.
    apply ishomogeneous_hspace. }
  apply iscoherent_homogeneous.

The new multiplication is homotopic to the original one. Relative to this, we expect that one of the identity laws also agrees, but that the other does not.
Definition iscohhspace_hspace'_beta_mu `{Funext} (A : pType)
  {m : IsHSpace A} `{ a, IsEquiv (a *.)}
  : @hspace_op A (@ishspace_cohhspace A (iscohhspace_hspace' A)) = @hspace_op A m.
  cbn. (* ×sg_op and hspace_op all denote the original operation. *)
  funext a b.
  refine (ap (a *.) _).
  apply moveR_equiv_V.
  symmetry; apply left_identity.

Here's a different proof that directly upgrades an H-space structure, leaving the multiplication and left-identity definitionally the same, but changing the right-identity.
Definition iscohhspace_hspace (A : pType)
  {m : IsHSpace A} `{ a, IsEquiv (a *.)}
  : IsCohHSpace A.
  snrapply Build_IsCohHSpace.
  1: snrapply Build_IsHSpace.
  - exact (@hspace_op A m).
  - exact (@hspace_left_identity A m).
  - intro a.
    lhs nrapply (ap (a *.) (hspace_right_identity pt))^.
    lhs nrapply (ap (a *.) (hspace_left_identity pt)).
    exact (hspace_right_identity a).
  - unfold IsCoherent; cbn.
    apply moveL_Vp.
    lhs nrapply concat_A1p.
    refine (_ @@ 1).
    apply (cancelR _ _ (hspace_left_identity pt)).
    symmetry; apply concat_A1p.