Library HoTT.Modalities.Notnot

Require Import HoTT.Basics HoTT.Types Universes.HProp.
Require Import Modality.

Local Open Scope path_scope.

The double negation modality

The operation sending X to ~~X is a modality. This is Exercise 7.12 in the book. Note that it is (apparently) *not* accessible unless we assume propositional resizing.
Definition NotNot `{Funext} : Modality.
  snrapply easy_modality.
  - intros X; exact (~~X).
  - exact @not_not_unit.
  - cbn beta; intros A B f z nBz.
    apply z; intros a.
    exact (f a (transport (fun x¬ (B x))
                          (path_ishprop _ _)
  - cbn beta; intros A B f a.
    apply path_ishprop.
  - cbn beta; intros A z z'.
    refine (isequiv_iff_hprop _ _).
    intros; apply path_ishprop.

By definition, the local types for this modality are the types such that not_not_unit : P ~~P is an equivalence. These are exactly the stable propositions, i.e. those propositions P such that ~~P P.