Library HoTT.Pointed.pSusp

Require Import Basics.
Require Import Types.
Require Import Pointed.Core.
Require Import Pointed.Loops.
Require Import Pointed.pTrunc.
Require Import Pointed.pEquiv.
Require Import Homotopy.Suspension.
Require Import Homotopy.BlakersMassey.
Require Import Truncations.
Require Import WildCat.

Generalizable Variables X A B f g n.

Local Open Scope path_scope.
Local Open Scope pointed_scope.

Pointedness of Susp and path spaces thereof

We arbitrarily choose North to be the point.
Global Instance ispointed_susp {X : Type} : IsPointed (Susp X) | 0
  := North.

Global Instance ispointed_path_susp `{IsPointed X}
  : IsPointed (North = South :> Susp X) | 0 := merid (point X).

Global Instance ispointed_path_susp' `{IsPointed X}
  : IsPointed (South = North :> Susp X) | 0 := (merid (point X))^.

Definition psusp (X : Type) : pType
  := [Susp X, _].

Suspension Functor

psusp has a functorial action. TODO: make this a displayed functor
Global Instance is0functor_psusp : Is0Functor psusp
  := Build_Is0Functor _ _ _ _ psusp (fun X Y f
      ⇒ Build_pMap (psusp X) (psusp Y) (functor_susp f) 1).

psusp is a 1-functor.
Global Instance is1functor_psusp : Is1Functor psusp.
  snrapply Build_Is1Functor.
Action on 2-cells
  - intros X Y f g p.
    srapply Build_pHomotopy.
    { simpl.
      srapply Susp_ind.
      1,2: reflexivity.
      intro x; cbn.
      rewrite transport_paths_FlFr.
      rewrite concat_p1.
      rewrite 2 Susp_rec_beta_merid.
      destruct (p x).
      apply concat_Vp. }
Preservation of identity.
  - intros X.
    srapply Build_pHomotopy.
    { srapply Susp_ind; try reflexivity.
      intro x.
      refine (transport_paths_FFlr _ _ @ _).
      by rewrite ap_idmap, Susp_rec_beta_merid,
        concat_p1, concat_Vp. }
Preservation of composition.
  - pointed_reduce_rewrite; srefine (Build_pHomotopy _ _); cbn.
    { srapply Susp_ind; try reflexivity; cbn.
      intros x.
      refine (transport_paths_FlFr _ _ @ _).
      rewrite concat_p1; apply moveR_Vp.
      by rewrite concat_p1, ap_compose, !Susp_rec_beta_merid. }

Loop-Suspension Adjunction

Here is the proof of the adjunction isomorphism given in the book (6.5.4); we put it in a non-exported module for reasons discussed below.
  Definition loop_susp_adjoint `{Funext} (A B : pType)
  : (psusp A ->* B) <~> (A ->* loops B).
    refine (_ oE (issig_pmap (psusp A) B)^-1).
    refine (_ oE (equiv_functor_sigma_pb
                 (Q := fun NSmfst NSm.1 = point B)
                 (equiv_Susp_rec A B))).
    transitivity {bp : {b:B & b = point B} & {b:B & A bp.1 = b} }.
    refine (_ oE equiv_contr_sigma _); simpl.
    refine (_ oE (equiv_sigma_contr
                   (A := {p : B & A point B = p})
                   (fun pm{ q : point B = pm.1 & pm.2 (point A) = q }))^-1).

Unfortunately, with this definition it seems to be quite hard to prove that the isomorphism is natural on pointed maps. The following proof gets partway there, but ends with a pretty intractable goal. It's also quite slow, so we don't want to compile it all the time.
  Definition loop_susp_adjoint_nat_r `{Funext} (A B B' : pType)
             (f : psusp A ->* B) (g : B ->* B')
  : loop_susp_adjoint A B' (g o* f)
    ==* fmap loops g o* loop_susp_adjoint A B f.
    pointed_reduce. (* Very slow for some reason. *)
    srefine (Build_pHomotopy _ _).
    - intros a. simpl.
      refine (_ @ (concat_1p _)^).
      refine (_ @ (concat_p1 _)^).
      rewrite !transport_sigma. simpl.
      rewrite !(transport_arrow_fromconst (B := A)).
      rewrite !transport_paths_Fr.
      rewrite !ap_V, !ap_pr1_path_basedpaths.
      Fail rewrite ap_pp, !(ap_compose f g), ap_V. (* This line fails with current versions of the library. *)
      Fail reflexivity.
    - cbn.
      Fail reflexivity.
Thus, instead we will construct the adjunction in terms of a unit and counit natural transformation.

Definition loop_susp_unit (X : pType) : X ->* loops (psusp X)
  := Build_pMap X (loops (psusp X))
      (fun xmerid x @ (merid (point X))^) (concat_pV _).

By Freudenthal, we have that this map is (2n+2)-connected when X is (n+1)-connected.
Global Instance conn_map_loop_susp_unit `{Univalence} (n : trunc_index)
  (X : pType) `{IsConnected n.+1 X}
  : IsConnMap (n +2+ n) (loop_susp_unit X).
  refine (conn_map_compose _ merid (equiv_concat_r (merid pt)^ _)).

We also have this corollary:
Definition pequiv_ptr_loop_psusp `{Univalence} (X : pType) n `{IsConnected n.+1 X}
  : pTr (n +2+ n) X <~>* pTr (n +2+ n) (loops (psusp X)).
  snrapply Build_pEquiv.
  1:rapply (fmap (pTr _) (loop_susp_unit _)).
  rapply O_inverts_conn_map.

Definition loop_susp_unit_natural {X Y : pType} (f : X ->* Y)
  : loop_susp_unit Y o× f
  ==* fmap loops (fmap psusp f) o× loop_susp_unit X.
  simple refine (Build_pHomotopy _ _); cbn.
  - intros x; symmetry.
    refine (concat_1p _@ (concat_p1 _ @ _)).
    refine (ap_pp (Susp_rec North South (merid o f))
                  (merid x) (merid (point X))^ @ _).
    refine ((1 @@ ap_V _ _) @ _).
    refine (Susp_rec_beta_merid _ @@ inverse2 (Susp_rec_beta_merid _)).
  - cbn. apply moveL_pV. rewrite !inv_pp, !concat_pp_p, concat_1p; symmetry.
    apply moveL_Vp.
    refine (concat_pV_inverse2 _ _ (Susp_rec_beta_merid (point X)) @ _).
    apply moveL_Vp, moveL_Vp.
    refine (ap_pp_concat_pV _ _ @ _).
    apply moveL_Vp, moveL_Vp.
    rewrite concat_p1_1, concat_1p_1.
    cbn; symmetry.
    refine (concat_p1 _ @ _).
    refine (ap_compose
      (fun p' ⇒ (ap (Susp_rec North South (merid o f))) p' @ 1)
      (fun p' ⇒ 1 @ p')
      (concat_pV (merid (point X))) @ _).
    apply ap.
    refine (ap_compose (ap (Susp_rec North South (merid o f)))
      (fun p'p' @ 1) _).

Definition loop_susp_counit (X : pType) : psusp (loops X) ->* X
  := Build_pMap (psusp (loops X)) X (Susp_rec (point X) (point X) idmap) 1.

Definition loop_susp_counit_natural {X Y : pType} (f : X ->* Y)
  : f o× loop_susp_counit X
  ==* loop_susp_counit Y o× fmap psusp (fmap loops f).
  simple refine (Build_pHomotopy _ _); simpl.
  - simple refine (Susp_ind _ _ _ _); cbn; try reflexivity; intros p.
    rewrite transport_paths_FlFr, ap_compose, concat_p1.
    apply moveR_Vp.
    refine (ap_compose
              (Susp_rec North South (fun x0merid (1 @ (ap f x0 @ 1))))
              (Susp_rec (point Y) (point Y) idmap) (merid p) @ _).
    do 2 rewrite Susp_rec_beta_merid.
    refine (concat_1p _ @ _). f_ap. f_ap. symmetry.
    refine (Susp_rec_beta_merid _).
  - reflexivity.

Now the triangle identities

Definition loop_susp_triangle1 (X : pType)
  : fmap loops (loop_susp_counit X) o× loop_susp_unit (loops X)
  ==* pmap_idmap.
  simple refine (Build_pHomotopy _ _).
  - intros p; cbn.
    refine (concat_1p _ @ (concat_p1 _ @ _)).
    refine (ap_pp (Susp_rec (point X) (point X) idmap)
                  (merid p) (merid (point (point X = point X)))^ @ _).
    refine ((1 @@ ap_V _ _) @ _).
    refine ((Susp_rec_beta_merid p
      @@ inverse2 (Susp_rec_beta_merid (point (loops X)))) @ _).
    exact (concat_p1 _).
  - apply moveL_pV. destruct X as [X x]; cbn; unfold point.
    apply whiskerR.
    rewrite (concat_pV_inverse2
               (ap (Susp_rec x x idmap) (merid 1))
               1 (Susp_rec_beta_merid 1)).
    rewrite (ap_pp_concat_pV (Susp_rec x x idmap) (merid 1)).
    rewrite ap_compose, (ap_compose _ (fun pp @ 1)).
    rewrite concat_1p_1; apply ap.
    apply concat_p1_1.

Definition loop_susp_triangle2 (X : pType)
  : loop_susp_counit (psusp X) o× fmap psusp (loop_susp_unit X)
  ==* pmap_idmap.
  simple refine (Build_pHomotopy _ _);
  [ simple refine (Susp_ind _ _ _ _) | ]; try reflexivity; cbn.
  - exact (merid (point X)).
  - intros x.
    rewrite transport_paths_FlFr, ap_idmap, ap_compose.
    rewrite Susp_rec_beta_merid.
    apply moveR_pM; rewrite concat_p1.
    refine (inverse2 (Susp_rec_beta_merid _) @ _).
    rewrite inv_pp, inv_V; reflexivity.

Now we can finally construct the adjunction equivalence.

Definition loop_susp_adjoint `{Funext} (A B : pType)
  : (psusp A ->** B) <~>* (A ->** loops B).
  snrapply Build_pEquiv'.
  - refine (equiv_adjointify
              (fun ffmap loops f o× loop_susp_unit A)
              (fun gloop_susp_counit B o× fmap psusp g) _ _).
    + intros g. apply path_pforall.
      refine (pmap_prewhisker _ (fmap_comp loops _ _) @* _).
      refine (pmap_compose_assoc _ _ _ @* _).
      refine (pmap_postwhisker _ (loop_susp_unit_natural g)^* @* _).
      refine ((pmap_compose_assoc _ _ _)^* @* _).
      refine (pmap_prewhisker g (loop_susp_triangle1 B) @* _).
      apply pmap_postcompose_idmap.
    + intros f. apply path_pforall.
      refine (pmap_postwhisker _ (fmap_comp psusp _ _) @* _).
      refine ((pmap_compose_assoc _ _ _)^* @* _).
      refine (pmap_prewhisker _ (loop_susp_counit_natural f)^* @* _).
      refine (pmap_compose_assoc _ _ _ @* _).
      refine (pmap_postwhisker f (loop_susp_triangle2 A) @* _).
      apply pmap_precompose_idmap.
  - apply path_pforall.
    unfold equiv_adjointify, equiv_fun.
    nrapply (pmap_prewhisker _ fmap_loops_pconst @* _).
    rapply cat_zero_l.

And its naturality is easy.

Definition loop_susp_adjoint_nat_r `{Funext} (A B B' : pType)
  (f : psusp A ->* B) (g : B ->* B') : loop_susp_adjoint A B' (g o× f)
  ==* fmap loops g o× loop_susp_adjoint A B f.
  refine (_ @* pmap_compose_assoc _ _ _).
  apply pmap_prewhisker.
  refine (fmap_comp loops f g).

Definition loop_susp_adjoint_nat_l `{Funext} (A A' B : pType)
  (f : A ->* loops B) (g : A' ->* A) : (loop_susp_adjoint A' B)^-1 (f o× g)
  ==* (loop_susp_adjoint A B)^-1 f o× fmap psusp g.
  refine (_ @* (pmap_compose_assoc _ _ _)^*).
  apply pmap_postwhisker.
  exact (fmap_comp psusp g f).

Global Instance is1natural_loop_susp_adjoint_r `{Funext} (A : pType)
  : Is1Natural (opyon (psusp A)) (opyon A o loops)
      (loop_susp_adjoint A).
  snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
  intros B B' g f.
  refine ( _ @ cat_assoc_strong _ _ _).
  refine (ap (fun xx o× loop_susp_unit A) _).
  apply path_pforall.
  rapply (fmap_comp loops).

Lemma natequiv_loop_susp_adjoint_r `{Funext} (A : pType)
  : NatEquiv (opyon (psusp A)) (opyon A o loops).
  rapply Build_NatEquiv.