Library HoTT.Pointed.pTrunc
Require Import Basics Types WildCat Truncations
Pointed.Core Pointed.pEquiv Pointed.Loops Pointed.pModality.
Local Open Scope pointed_scope.
Pointed.Core Pointed.pEquiv Pointed.Loops Pointed.pModality.
Local Open Scope pointed_scope.
Truncations of pointed types
We specialize pto and pequiv_pto from pModalities.v to truncations.
Definition ptr {n : trunc_index} {A : pType} : A ->* pTr n A
:= pto (Tr n) _.
Definition pequiv_ptr {n : trunc_index} {A : pType} `{IsTrunc n A}
: A <~>* pTr n A := @pequiv_pto (Tr n) A _.
We could specialize pO_rec to give the following result, but since maps induced by truncation-recursion compute on elements of the form tr _, we can give a better proof of pointedness than the one coming from pO_rec.
Definition pTr_rec n {X Y : pType} `{IsTrunc n Y} (f : X ->* Y)
: pTr n X ->* Y
:= Build_pMap (pTr n X) Y (Trunc_rec f) (point_eq f).
: pTr n X ->* Y
:= Build_pMap (pTr n X) Y (Trunc_rec f) (point_eq f).
Note that we get an equality of pointed functions here, without Funext, while pO_rec_beta only gives a pointed homotopy. This is because pTr_rec computes on elements of the form tr _.
Definition pTr_rec_beta_path n {X Y : pType} `{IsTrunc n Y} (f : X ->* Y)
: pTr_rec n f o× ptr = f.
unfold pTr_rec, "o*"; cbn.
(* Since f is definitionally equal to Build_pMap _ _ f (point_eq f), this works: *)
apply (ap (Build_pMap _ _ f)).
apply concat_1p.
: pTr_rec n f o× ptr = f.
unfold pTr_rec, "o*"; cbn.
(* Since f is definitionally equal to Build_pMap _ _ f (point_eq f), this works: *)
apply (ap (Build_pMap _ _ f)).
apply concat_1p.
The version with a pointed homotopy.
Definition pTr_rec_beta n {X Y : pType} `{IsTrunc n Y} (f : X ->* Y)
: pTr_rec n f o× ptr ==* f
:= phomotopy_path (pTr_rec_beta_path n f).
: pTr_rec n f o× ptr ==* f
:= phomotopy_path (pTr_rec_beta_path n f).
A pointed version of the induction principle.
Definition pTr_ind n {X : pType} {Y : pFam (pTr n X)} `{∀ x, IsTrunc n (Y x)}
(f : pForall X (Build_pFam (Y o tr) (dpoint Y)))
: pForall (pTr n X) Y
:= Build_pForall (pTr n X) Y (Trunc_ind Y f) (dpoint_eq f).
Definition pequiv_ptr_rec `{Funext} {n} {X Y : pType} `{IsTrunc n Y}
: (pTr n X ->** Y) <~>* (X ->** Y)
:= pequiv_o_pto_O _ X Y.
(f : pForall X (Build_pFam (Y o tr) (dpoint Y)))
: pForall (pTr n X) Y
:= Build_pForall (pTr n X) Y (Trunc_ind Y f) (dpoint_eq f).
Definition pequiv_ptr_rec `{Funext} {n} {X Y : pType} `{IsTrunc n Y}
: (pTr n X ->** Y) <~>* (X ->** Y)
:= pequiv_o_pto_O _ X Y.
Functoriality of pTr
Global Instance is0functor_ptr n : Is0Functor (pTr n).
apply Build_Is0Functor.
intros X Y f.
exact (pTr_rec _ (ptr o× f)).
Global Instance is1functor_ptr n : Is1Functor (pTr n).
apply Build_Is1Functor.
- intros X Y f g p.
srapply pTr_ind; cbn.
snrapply Build_pForall.
+ cbn. exact (fun x ⇒ ap tr (p x)).
+ pointed_reduce.
exact (concat_p1 _ @ concat_p1 _ @ ap _ (concat_p1 _))^.
- intros X.
srapply Build_pHomotopy.
1: apply Trunc_rec_tr.
cbn. reflexivity.
- intros X Y Z f g.
srapply Build_pHomotopy.
1: by rapply Trunc_ind.
by pointed_reduce.
Naturality of ptr. Note that we get a equality of pointed functions, not just a pointed homotopy.
Definition ptr_natural_path (n : trunc_index) {X Y : pType} (f : X ->* Y)
: fmap (pTr n) f o× ptr = ptr o× f
:= pTr_rec_beta_path n (ptr o× f).
: fmap (pTr n) f o× ptr = ptr o× f
:= pTr_rec_beta_path n (ptr o× f).
The version with a pointed homotopy.
Definition ptr_natural (n : trunc_index) {X Y : pType} (f : X ->* Y)
: fmap (pTr n) f o× ptr ==* ptr o× f
:= phomotopy_path (ptr_natural_path n f).
Definition ptr_functor_pconst {X Y : pType} n
: fmap (pTr n) (@pconst X Y) ==* pconst.
srapply Build_pHomotopy.
1: by rapply Trunc_ind.
Definition pequiv_ptr_functor {X Y : pType} (n : trunc_index) (f : X <~>* Y)
: pTr n X <~>* pTr n Y
:= emap (pTr n) f.
Definition ptr_loops `{Univalence} (n : trunc_index) (A : pType)
: pTr n (loops A) <~>* loops (pTr n.+1 A).
srapply Build_pEquiv'.
1: apply equiv_path_Tr.
Definition ptr_iterated_loops `{Univalence} (n : trunc_index)
(k : nat) (A : pType)
: pTr n (iterated_loops k A) <~>* iterated_loops k (pTr (trunc_index_inc' n k) A).
revert A n.
induction k.
{ intros A n; cbn.
reflexivity. }
intros A n.
cbn; etransitivity.
1: apply ptr_loops.
rapply (emap loops).
apply IHk.
Definition ptr_loops_eq `{Univalence} (n : trunc_index) (A : pType)
: pTr n (loops A) = loops (pTr n.+1 A) :> pType
:= path_ptype (ptr_loops n A).
(* This lemma generalizes a goal that appears in ptr_loops_commutes, allowing us to prove it by path induction. *)
Definition path_Tr_commutes (n : trunc_index) (A : Type) (a0 a1 : A) (p : a0 = a1)
: path_Tr (n:=n) (tr p) = ap tr p.
by destruct p.
(* ptr_loops commutes with the two ptr maps. *)
Definition ptr_loops_commutes `{Univalence} (n : trunc_index) (A : pType)
: (ptr_loops n A) o× ptr ==* fmap loops ptr.
srapply Build_pHomotopy.
- intro p.
refine (_ @ _).
+ apply path_Tr_commutes.
+ symmetry; refine (_ @ _).
× apply concat_1p.
× apply concat_p1.
- simpl.
: fmap (pTr n) f o× ptr ==* ptr o× f
:= phomotopy_path (ptr_natural_path n f).
Definition ptr_functor_pconst {X Y : pType} n
: fmap (pTr n) (@pconst X Y) ==* pconst.
srapply Build_pHomotopy.
1: by rapply Trunc_ind.
Definition pequiv_ptr_functor {X Y : pType} (n : trunc_index) (f : X <~>* Y)
: pTr n X <~>* pTr n Y
:= emap (pTr n) f.
Definition ptr_loops `{Univalence} (n : trunc_index) (A : pType)
: pTr n (loops A) <~>* loops (pTr n.+1 A).
srapply Build_pEquiv'.
1: apply equiv_path_Tr.
Definition ptr_iterated_loops `{Univalence} (n : trunc_index)
(k : nat) (A : pType)
: pTr n (iterated_loops k A) <~>* iterated_loops k (pTr (trunc_index_inc' n k) A).
revert A n.
induction k.
{ intros A n; cbn.
reflexivity. }
intros A n.
cbn; etransitivity.
1: apply ptr_loops.
rapply (emap loops).
apply IHk.
Definition ptr_loops_eq `{Univalence} (n : trunc_index) (A : pType)
: pTr n (loops A) = loops (pTr n.+1 A) :> pType
:= path_ptype (ptr_loops n A).
(* This lemma generalizes a goal that appears in ptr_loops_commutes, allowing us to prove it by path induction. *)
Definition path_Tr_commutes (n : trunc_index) (A : Type) (a0 a1 : A) (p : a0 = a1)
: path_Tr (n:=n) (tr p) = ap tr p.
by destruct p.
(* ptr_loops commutes with the two ptr maps. *)
Definition ptr_loops_commutes `{Univalence} (n : trunc_index) (A : pType)
: (ptr_loops n A) o× ptr ==* fmap loops ptr.
srapply Build_pHomotopy.
- intro p.
refine (_ @ _).
+ apply path_Tr_commutes.
+ symmetry; refine (_ @ _).
× apply concat_1p.
× apply concat_p1.
- simpl.
Pointed truncation preserves binary products.
Definition pequiv_ptr_prod (n : trunc_index) (A B : pType)
: pTr n (A × B) <~>* pTr n A × pTr n B.
snrapply Build_pEquiv'.
1: nrapply equiv_Trunc_prod_cmp.
: pTr n (A × B) <~>* pTr n A × pTr n B.
snrapply Build_pEquiv'.
1: nrapply equiv_Trunc_prod_cmp.
Truncatedness of pForall and pMap
Definition istrunc_pforall `{Univalence} {m n : trunc_index}
(X : pType@{u}) {iscX : IsConnected m.+1 X}
(Y : pFam@{u v} X) {istY : ∀ x, IsTrunc (n +2+ m) (Y x)}
: IsTrunc@{w} n (pForall X Y).
nrapply (istrunc_equiv_istrunc _ (equiv_extension_along_pforall@{v w u} Y)).
rapply (istrunc_extension_along_conn (n:=m) _ Y (HP:=istY)).
(X : pType@{u}) {iscX : IsConnected m.+1 X}
(Y : pFam@{u v} X) {istY : ∀ x, IsTrunc (n +2+ m) (Y x)}
: IsTrunc@{w} n (pForall X Y).
nrapply (istrunc_equiv_istrunc _ (equiv_extension_along_pforall@{v w u} Y)).
rapply (istrunc_extension_along_conn (n:=m) _ Y (HP:=istY)).
From this we deduce the non-dependent version, which is Corollary 4.3 of BvDR. We include n = -2 here as well, but in this case it is not interesting. Since X ->* Y is inhabited, the n = -1 case also gives contractibility, with weaker hypotheses.
Definition istrunc_pmap `{Univalence} {m n : trunc_index} (X Y : pType)
`{!IsConnected m.+1 X} `{!IsTrunc (n +2+ m) Y}
: IsTrunc n (X ->* Y)
:= istrunc_pforall X (pfam_const Y).
`{!IsConnected m.+1 X} `{!IsTrunc (n +2+ m) Y}
: IsTrunc n (X ->* Y)
:= istrunc_pforall X (pfam_const Y).
We can give a different proof of the n = -1 case (with the conclusion upgraded to contractibility). This proof works with Tr (m.+1) replaced with any reflective subuniverse O and doesn't require univalence. Is it possible to generalize this to dependent functions while still avoiding univalence and/or keeping O a general RSU or modality? Can istrunc_pmap be proven without univalence? What about istrunc_pforall? If the n = -2 or n = -1 cases can be proven without univalence, the rest can be done inductively without univalence.
Definition contr_pmap_isconnected_inO `{Funext} (O : ReflectiveSubuniverse)
(X : pType) `{IsConnected O X} (Y : pType) `{In O Y}
: Contr (X ->* Y).
srapply (contr_equiv' ([O X, _] ->* Y)).
rapply pequiv_o_pto_O.
(X : pType) `{IsConnected O X} (Y : pType) `{In O Y}
: Contr (X ->* Y).
srapply (contr_equiv' ([O X, _] ->* Y)).
rapply pequiv_o_pto_O.
Every pointed type is (-1)-connected.
Global Instance is_minus_one_connected_pointed (X : pType)
: IsConnected (Tr (-1)) X
:= contr_inhabited_hprop _ (tr pt).
: IsConnected (Tr (-1)) X
:= contr_inhabited_hprop _ (tr pt).