Library HoTT.Algebra.AbGroups.AbProjective

Projective abelian groups

We define projective abelian groups and show that P is projective if and only if every epimorphism A P merely splits.
An abelian group P is projective if for any map P B and epimorphism A B, there merely exists a lift P A making the following triangle commute:
A ^ | l / | | e / | V P ---> B f
Class IsAbProjective@{u +} (P : AbGroup@{u}) : Type :=
  isabprojective : (A B : AbGroup@{u}), (e : A $-> B),
     (f : P $-> B), IsSurjection e merely ( l : P $-> A, e $o l == f).

An abelian group is projective iff epis into it merely split.
Proposition iff_isabprojective_surjections_split (P : AbGroup)
  : IsAbProjective P
     ( A, p : A $-> P, IsSurjection p
                           merely ( s : P $-> A, p $o s == grp_homo_id)).
  - intros H A B.
    apply H.
  - intros H A B e f H1.
    pose proof (s := H (ab_pullback f e) (grp_pullback_pr1 f e)
                       (conn_map_pullback _ f e)).
    destruct s as [s h].
    refine (tr ((grp_pullback_pr2 f e) $o s; _)); intro x.
    refine ((pullback_commsq f e _)^ @ _).
    exact (ap f (h x)).