Library HoTT.Algebra.Rings.Module

Require Import WildCat.
Require Import Spaces.Nat.Core.
(* Some of the material in abstract_algebra and canonical names could be selectively exported to the user, as is done in Groups/Group.v. *)
Require Import Classes.interfaces.canonical_names.
Require Import Algebra.Groups.QuotientGroup.
Require Import Algebra.AbGroups.AbelianGroup Algebra.AbGroups.Biproduct.
Require Import Rings.Ring.

Declare Scope module_scope.
Local Open Scope module_scope.

Modules over a ring.

Left Modules

An abelian group M is a left R-module when equipped with the following data:
Class IsLeftModule (R : Ring) (M : AbGroup) := {
A function lact (left-action) that takes an element r : R and an element m : M and returns an element lact r m : M, which we also denote r ×L m.
  lact : R M M;
Actions distribute on the left over addition in the abelian group. That is r ×L (m + n) = r ×L m + r ×L n.
Actions distribute on the right over addition in the ring. That is (r + s) ×L m = r ×L m + s ×L m.
Actions are associative. That is (r × s) ×L m = r ×L (s ×L m).
Actions preserve the multiplicative identity. That is 1 ×L m = m.
  lact_unit :: LeftIdentity lact 1;

Infix "*L" := lact : module_scope.

A left R-module is an abelian group equipped with a left R-module structure.
Record LeftModule (R : Ring) := {
  lm_carrier :> AbGroup;
  lm_lact :: IsLeftModule R lm_carrier;

Section LeftModuleAxioms.
  Context {R : Ring} {M : LeftModule R} (r s : R) (m n : M).
Here we state the module axioms in a readable form for direct use.

  Definition lm_dist_l : r ×L (m + n) = r ×L m + r ×L n := lact_left_dist r m n.
  Definition lm_dist_r : (r + s) ×L m = r ×L m + s ×L m := lact_right_dist r s m.
  Definition lm_assoc : r ×L (s ×L m) = (r × s) ×L m := lact_assoc r s m.
  Definition lm_unit : 1 ×L m = m := lact_unit m.

End LeftModuleAxioms.

Facts about left modules

Section LeftModuleFacts.
  Context {R : Ring} {M : LeftModule R} (r : R) (m : M).

Here are some quick facts that hold in modules.
The left action of zero is zero.
  Definition lm_zero_l : 0 ×L m = 0.
    apply (grp_cancelL1 (z := lact 0 m)).
    lhs_V nrapply lm_dist_r.
    apply rng_plus_zero_r.

The left action on zero is zero.
  Definition lm_zero_r : r ×L (0 : M) = 0.
    apply (grp_cancelL1 (z := lact r 0)).
    lhs_V nrapply lm_dist_l.
    apply grp_unit_l.

The left action of -1 is the additive inverse.
  Definition lm_minus_one : -1 ×L m = -m.
     apply grp_moveL_1V.
     lhs nrapply (ap (_ +) (lm_unit m)^).
     lhs_V nrapply lm_dist_r.
     rhs_V nrapply lm_zero_l.
     apply grp_inv_l.

The left action of r on the additive inverse of m is the additive inverse of the left action of r on m.
  Definition lm_neg : r ×L -m = - (r ×L m).
    apply grp_moveL_1V.
    lhs_V nrapply lm_dist_l.
    rhs_V nrapply lm_zero_r.
    apply grp_inv_l.

End LeftModuleFacts.

Every ring R is a left R-module over itself.
Global Instance isleftmodule_ring (R : Ring) : IsLeftModule R R.
  rapply Build_IsLeftModule.

Right Modules

An abelian group M is a right R-module when it is a left R^op-module.
ract (right-action) that takes an element m : M and an element r : R and returns an element ract m r : M which we also denote m ×R r.
Definition ract {R : Ring} {M : AbGroup} `{!IsRightModule R M}
  : M R M
  := fun m rlact (R:=rng_op R) r m.

Infix "*R" := ract.

A right module is a left module over the opposite ring.
Definition RightModule (R : Ring) := LeftModule (rng_op R).

Right modules are right modules.
Global Instance rm_ract {R : Ring} {M : RightModule R} : IsRightModule R M
  := lm_lact (rng_op R) M.

Section RightModuleAxioms.
  Context {R : Ring} {M : RightModule R} (m n : M) (r s : R).
Here we state the module axioms in a readable form for direct use.

  Definition rm_dist_r : (m + n) ×R r = m ×R r + n ×R r
    := lm_dist_l (R:=rng_op R) r m n.
  Definition rm_dist_l : m ×R (r + s) = m ×R r + m ×R s
    := lm_dist_r (R:=rng_op R) r s m.
  Definition rm_assoc : (m ×R r) ×R s = m ×R (r × s)
    := lm_assoc (R:=rng_op R) s r m.
  Definition rm_unit : m ×R 1 = m
    := lm_unit (R:=rng_op R) m.

End RightModuleAxioms.

Facts about right modules

Section RightModuleFacts.
  Context {R : Ring} {M : RightModule R} (m : M) (r : R).

The right action on zero is zero.
  Definition rm_zero_l : (0 : M) ×R r = 0
    := lm_zero_r (R:=rng_op R) r.

The right adtion of zero is zero.
  Definition rm_zero_r : m ×R 0 = 0
    := lm_zero_l (R:=rng_op R) m.

The right action of -1 is the additive inverse.
  Definition rm_minus_one : m ×R -1 = -m
    := lm_minus_one (R:=rng_op R) m.

The right action of r on the additive inverse of m is the additive inverse of the right action of r on m.
  Definition rm_neg : -m ×R r = - (m ×R r)
    := lm_neg (R:=rng_op R) r m.

End RightModuleFacts.

Every ring R is a right R-module over itself.
Global Instance isrightmodule_ring (R : Ring) : IsRightModule R R
  := isleftmodule_ring (rng_op R).


A subgroup of a left R-module is a left submodule if it is closed under the action of R.
Class IsLeftSubmodule {R : Ring} {M : LeftModule R} (N : M Type) := {
  ils_issubgroup :: IsSubgroup N;
  is_left_submodule : r m, N m N (r ×L m);

A subgroup of a right R-module is a right submodule if it is a left submodule over the opposite ring.
A left submodule is a subgroup of the abelian group closed under the left action of R.
Record LeftSubmodule {R : Ring} (M : LeftModule R) := {
  lsm_carrier :> M Type;
  lsm_submodule :: IsLeftSubmodule lsm_carrier;

A right submodule is a subgroup of the abelian group closed under the right action of R.
Left submodules inherit the left R-module structure of their parent.
Global Instance isleftmodule_leftsubmodule {R : Ring}
  {M : LeftModule R} (N : LeftSubmodule M)
  : IsLeftModule R N.
  snrapply Build_IsLeftModule.
  - intros r [n n_in_N].
     (r ×L n).
    by apply lsm_submodule.
  - intros r [n] [m]; apply path_sigma_hprop.
    apply lact_left_dist.
  - intros r s [n]; apply path_sigma_hprop.
    apply lact_right_dist.
  - intros r s [n]; apply path_sigma_hprop.
    apply lact_assoc.
  - intros [n]; apply path_sigma_hprop.
    apply lact_unit.

Right submodules inherit the right R-module structure of their parent.
Any left submodule of a left R-module is a left R-module.
Any right submodule of a right R-module is a right R-module.
The submodule criterion. This is a convenient way to build submodules.
Definition Build_IsLeftSubmodule' {R : Ring} {M : LeftModule R}
  (H : M Type) `{ x, IsHProp (H x)}
  (z : H zero)
  (c : r n m, H n H m H (n + r ×L m))
  : IsLeftSubmodule H.
  snrapply Build_IsLeftSubmodule.
  - snrapply Build_IsSubgroup'.
    + exact _.
    + exact z.
    + intros x y hx hy.
      change (sg_op ?x ?y) with (x + y).
      pose proof (p := c (-1) x y hx hy).
      rewrite lm_minus_one in p.
      exact p.
  - intros r m hm.
    rewrite <- (grp_unit_l).
    by apply c.

Definition Build_IsRightSubmodule' {R : Ring} {M : RightModule R}
  (H : M Type) `{ x, IsHProp (H x)}
  (z : H zero)
  (c : r n m, H n H m H (n + ract m r))
  : IsRightSubmodule H
  := Build_IsLeftSubmodule' (R:=rng_op R) H z c.

Definition Build_LeftSubmodule' {R : Ring} {M : LeftModule R}
  (H : M Type) `{ x, IsHProp (H x)}
  (z : H zero)
  (c : r n m, H n H m H (n + r ×L m))
  : LeftSubmodule M.
  pose (p := Build_IsLeftSubmodule' H z c).
  snrapply Build_LeftSubmodule.
  1: snrapply (Build_Subgroup _ H).
  2: exact p.
  rapply ils_issubgroup.

Definition Build_RightSubmodule {R : Ring} {M : RightModule R}
  (H : M Type) `{ x, IsHProp (H x)}
  (z : H zero)
  (c : r n m, H n H m H (n + m ×R r))
  : RightSubmodule M
  := Build_LeftSubmodule' (R:=rng_op R) H z c.

R-module homomorphisms

A left module homomorphism is a group homomorphism that commutes with the left action of R.
Record LeftModuleHomomorphism {R : Ring} (M N : LeftModule R) := {
  lm_homo_map :> GroupHomomorphism M N;
  lm_homo_lact : r m, lm_homo_map (r ×L m) = r ×L lm_homo_map m;

Definition RightModuleHomomorphism {R : Ring} (M N : RightModule R)
  := LeftModuleHomomorphism (R:=rng_op R) M N.

Definition rm_homo_map {R : Ring} {M N : RightModule R}
  : RightModuleHomomorphism M N GroupHomomorphism M N
  := lm_homo_map (R:=rng_op R) M N.
Coercion rm_homo_map : RightModuleHomomorphism >-> GroupHomomorphism.

Definition rm_homo_ract {R : Ring} {M N : RightModule R}
  (f : RightModuleHomomorphism M N)
  : m r, f (ract m r) = ract (f m) r
  := fun m rlm_homo_lact (R:=rng_op R) M N f r m.

Definition lm_homo_id {R : Ring} (M : LeftModule R) : LeftModuleHomomorphism M M.
  snrapply Build_LeftModuleHomomorphism.
  - exact grp_homo_id.
  - reflexivity.

Definition rm_homo_id {R : Ring} (M : RightModule R) : RightModuleHomomorphism M M
  := lm_homo_id (R:=rng_op R) M.

Definition lm_homo_compose {R : Ring} {M N L : LeftModule R}
  : LeftModuleHomomorphism N L LeftModuleHomomorphism M N
   LeftModuleHomomorphism M L.
  intros f g.
  snrapply Build_LeftModuleHomomorphism.
  - exact (grp_homo_compose f g).
  - intros r m.
    rhs_V nrapply lm_homo_lact.
    apply (ap f).
    apply lm_homo_lact.

Definition rm_homo_compose {R : Ring} {M N L : RightModule R}
  : RightModuleHomomorphism N L RightModuleHomomorphism M N
   RightModuleHomomorphism M L
  := lm_homo_compose (R:=rng_op R).

Smart constructor for building left module homomorphisms from a map.
Definition Build_LeftModuleHomomorphism' {R : Ring} {M N : LeftModule R}
  (f : M N) (p : r x y, f (r ×L x + y) = r ×L f x + f y)
  : LeftModuleHomomorphism M N.
  snrapply Build_LeftModuleHomomorphism.
  - snrapply Build_GroupHomomorphism.
    + exact f.
    + intros x y.
      rewrite <- (lm_unit (f x)).
      set (lact 1 (f x)).
      rewrite <- (lm_unit x).
      apply p.
  - intros r m.
    rewrite <- (grp_unit_r (lact r m)).
    rewrite p.
    rhs_V nrapply grp_unit_r.
    apply grp_cancelL.
    specialize (p 1 0 0).
    rewrite 2 lm_unit in p.
    apply (grp_cancelL1 (z := f 0)).
    lhs_V nrapply p.
    apply ap.
    apply grp_unit_l.

Definition Build_RightModuleHomomorphism' {R :Ring} {M N : RightModule R}
  (f : M N) (p : r x y, f (x ×R r + y) = f x ×R r + f y)
  : RightModuleHomomorphism M N
  := Build_LeftModuleHomomorphism' (R:=rng_op R) f p.

Record LeftModuleIsomorphism {R : Ring} (M N : LeftModule R) := {
  lm_iso_map :> LeftModuleHomomorphism M N;
  isequiv_lm_iso_map :: IsEquiv lm_iso_map;

Definition RightModuleIsomorphism {R : Ring} (M N : RightModule R)
  := LeftModuleIsomorphism (R:=rng_op R) M N.

Definition Build_LeftModuleIsomorphism' {R : Ring} (M N : LeftModule R)
  (f : GroupIsomorphism M N) (p : r x, f (r ×L x) = r ×L f x)
  : LeftModuleIsomorphism M N.
  snrapply Build_LeftModuleIsomorphism.
  - snrapply Build_LeftModuleHomomorphism.
    + exact f.
    + exact p.
  - exact _.

Definition Build_RightModuleIsomorphism' {R : Ring} (M N : RightModule R)
  (f : GroupIsomorphism M N) (p : r x, f (ract x r) = ract (f x) r)
  : RightModuleIsomorphism M N
  := Build_LeftModuleIsomorphism' (R:=rng_op R) M N f p.

Definition lm_iso_inverse {R : Ring} {M N : LeftModule R}
  : LeftModuleIsomorphism M N LeftModuleIsomorphism N M.
  intros f.
  snrapply Build_LeftModuleIsomorphism.
  - snrapply Build_LeftModuleHomomorphism'.
    + exact f^-1.
    + intros r m n.
      apply moveR_equiv_V.
      rhs nrapply grp_homo_op.
      2: apply eisretr.
      lhs nrapply lm_homo_lact.
      apply ap.
      apply eisretr.
  - exact _.

Definition rm_iso_inverse {R : Ring} {M N : RightModule R}
  : RightModuleIsomorphism M N RightModuleIsomorphism N M
  := lm_iso_inverse (R:=rng_op R).

Category of left and right R-modules

TODO: define as a displayed category over Ring

Category of left R-modules

Global Instance isgraph_leftmodule {R : Ring} : IsGraph (LeftModule R)
  := Build_IsGraph _ LeftModuleHomomorphism.

Global Instance is01cat_leftmodule {R : Ring} : Is01Cat (LeftModule R)
  := Build_Is01Cat _ _ lm_homo_id (@lm_homo_compose R).

Global Instance is2graph_leftmodule {R : Ring} : Is2Graph (LeftModule R)
  := fun M Nisgraph_induced (@lm_homo_map R M N).

Global Instance is1cat_leftmodule {R : Ring} : Is1Cat (LeftModule R).
  snrapply Build_Is1Cat'.
  - intros M N; rapply is01cat_induced.
  - intros M N; rapply is0gpd_induced.
  - intros M N L h.
    snrapply Build_Is0Functor.
    intros f g p m.
    exact (ap h (p m)).
  - intros M N L f.
    snrapply Build_Is0Functor.
    intros g h p m.
    exact (p (f m)).
  - simpl; reflexivity.
  - simpl; reflexivity.
  - simpl; reflexivity.

Global Instance hasequivs_leftmodule {R : Ring} : HasEquivs (LeftModule R).
  snrapply Build_HasEquivs.
  - exact LeftModuleIsomorphism.
  - intros M N; exact IsEquiv.
  - intros M N f; exact f.
  - simpl; exact _.
  - apply Build_LeftModuleIsomorphism.
  - reflexivity.
  - intros M N; apply lm_iso_inverse.
  - intros M N f; apply eissect.
  - intros M N f; apply eisretr.
  - intros M N f g fg gf.
    exact (isequiv_adjointify f g fg gf).

Category of right R-modules

Global Instance isgraph_rightmodule {R : Ring} : IsGraph (RightModule R)
  := isgraph_leftmodule (R:=rng_op R).

Global Instance is01cat_rightmodule {R : Ring} : Is01Cat (RightModule R)
  := is01cat_leftmodule (R:=rng_op R).

Global Instance is2graph_rightmodule {R : Ring} : Is2Graph (RightModule R)
  := is2graph_leftmodule (R:=rng_op R).

Global Instance is1cat_rightmodule {R : Ring} : Is1Cat (RightModule R)
  := is1cat_leftmodule (R:=rng_op R).

Global Instance hasequivs_rightmodule {R : Ring} : HasEquivs (RightModule R)
  := hasequivs_leftmodule (R:=rng_op R).

Kernel of module homomorphism

Global Instance isleftsubmodule_grp_kernel {R : Ring}
  {M N : LeftModule R} (f : M $-> N)
  : IsLeftSubmodule (grp_kernel f).
  srapply Build_IsLeftSubmodule.
  intros r m n.
  lhs nrapply lm_homo_lact.
  rhs_V nrapply (lm_zero_r r).
  apply ap.
  exact n.

Global Instance isrightsubmodule_grp_kernel {R : Ring}
  {M N : RightModule R} (f : M $-> N)
  : IsRightSubmodule (grp_kernel f)
  := isleftsubmodule_grp_kernel (R:=rng_op R) f.

Definition lm_kernel {R : Ring} {M N : LeftModule R} (f : M $-> N)
  : LeftSubmodule M
  := Build_LeftSubmodule _ _ (grp_kernel f) _.

Definition rm_kernel {R : Ring} {M N : RightModule R} (f : M $-> N)
  : RightSubmodule M
  := lm_kernel (R:=rng_op R) f.

Image of module homomorphism

Global Instance isleftsubmodule_grp_image {R : Ring}
  {M N : LeftModule R} (f : M $-> N)
  : IsLeftSubmodule (grp_image f).
  srapply Build_IsLeftSubmodule.
  intros r m; apply Trunc_functor; intros [n p].
   (r ×L n).
  lhs nrapply lm_homo_lact.
  apply ap.
  exact p.

Global Instance isrightsubmodule_grp_image {R : Ring}
  {M N : RightModule R} (f : M $-> N)
  : IsRightSubmodule (grp_image f)
  := isleftsubmodule_grp_image (R:=rng_op R) f.

Definition lm_image {R : Ring} {M N : LeftModule R} (f : M $-> N)
  : LeftSubmodule N
  := Build_LeftSubmodule _ _ (grp_image f) _.

Definition rm_image {R : Ring} {M N : RightModule R} (f : M $-> N)
  : RightSubmodule N
  := lm_image (R:=rng_op R) f.

Quotient Modules

The quotient abelian group of a module and a submodule has a natural ring action.
Global Instance isleftmodule_quotientabgroup {R : Ring}
  (M : LeftModule R) (N : LeftSubmodule M)
  : IsLeftModule R (QuotientAbGroup M N).
  snrapply Build_IsLeftModule.
  - intros r.
    snrapply quotient_abgroup_rec.
    + refine (grp_quotient_map $o _).
      snrapply Build_GroupHomomorphism.
      × exact (lact r).
      × intros x y.
        apply lm_dist_l.
    + intros n Nn; simpl.
      apply qglue.
      apply issubgroup_in_inv_op.
      2: apply issubgroup_in_unit.
      by apply is_left_submodule.
  - intros r m n; revert m.
    snrapply Quotient_ind_hprop; [exact _ | intros m; revert n].
    snrapply Quotient_ind_hprop; [exact _ | intros n; simpl].
    rapply ap.
    apply lm_dist_l.
  - intros r s.
    snrapply Quotient_ind_hprop; [exact _| intros m; simpl].
    rapply ap.
    apply lm_dist_r.
  - intros r s.
    snrapply Quotient_ind_hprop; [exact _| intros m; simpl].
    rapply ap.
    apply lm_assoc.
  - snrapply Quotient_ind_hprop; [exact _| intros m; simpl].
    rapply ap.
    apply lm_unit.

Global Instance isrightmodule_quotientabgroup {R : Ring}
  (M : RightModule R) (N : RightSubmodule M)
  : IsRightModule R (QuotientAbGroup M N)
  := isleftmodule_quotientabgroup (R:=rng_op R) M N.

We can therefore form the quotient module of a module by its submodule.
Definition QuotientLeftModule {R : Ring} (M : LeftModule R) (N : LeftSubmodule M)
  : LeftModule R
  := Build_LeftModule R (QuotientAbGroup M N) _.

Definition QuotientRightModule {R : Ring} (M : RightModule R) (N : RightSubmodule M)
  : RightModule R
  := QuotientLeftModule (R:=rng_op R) M N.

Infix "/" := QuotientLeftModule : module_scope.

TODO: Notation for right module quotient?

First Isomorphism Theorem

Local Open Scope module_scope.
Local Open Scope wc_iso_scope.

Definition lm_first_iso `{Funext} {R : Ring} {M N : LeftModule R} (f : M $-> N)
  : M / lm_kernel f lm_image f.
  snrapply Build_LeftModuleIsomorphism'.
  1: rapply abgroup_first_iso.
  intros r.
  srapply Quotient_ind_hprop; intros m.
  apply path_sigma_hprop; simpl.
  apply lm_homo_lact.

Definition rm_first_iso `{Funext} {R : Ring} {M N : RightModule R} (f : M $-> N)
  : QuotientRightModule M (rm_kernel f) rm_image f
  := lm_first_iso (R:=rng_op R) f.

Direct products

TODO: generalise to biproducts The direct product of modules
Definition lm_prod {R : Ring} : LeftModule R LeftModule R LeftModule R.
  intros M N.
  snrapply (Build_LeftModule R (ab_biprod M N)).
  snrapply Build_IsLeftModule.
  - intros r.
    apply functor_prod; exact (lact r).
  - intros r m n.
    apply path_prod; apply lm_dist_l.
  - intros r m n.
    apply path_prod; apply lm_dist_r.
  - intros r s m.
    apply path_prod; apply lm_assoc.
  - intros r.
    apply path_prod; apply lm_unit.

Definition rm_prod {R : Ring} : RightModule R RightModule R RightModule R
  := lm_prod (R:=rng_op R).

Definition lm_prod_fst {R : Ring} {M N : LeftModule R} : lm_prod M N $-> M.
  snrapply Build_LeftModuleHomomorphism.
  - apply grp_prod_pr1.
  - reflexivity.

Definition rm_prod_fst {R : Ring} {M N : RightModule R} : rm_prod M N $-> M
  := lm_prod_fst (R:=rng_op R).

Definition lm_prod_snd {R : Ring} {M N : LeftModule R} : lm_prod M N $-> N.
  snrapply Build_LeftModuleHomomorphism.
  - apply grp_prod_pr2.
  - reflexivity.

Definition rm_prod_snd {R : Ring} {M N : RightModule R} : rm_prod M N $-> N
  := lm_prod_snd (R:=rng_op R).

Definition lm_prod_corec {R : Ring} {M N : LeftModule R} (L : LeftModule R)
  (f : L $-> M) (g : L $-> N)
  : L $-> lm_prod M N.
  snrapply Build_LeftModuleHomomorphism.
  - apply (grp_prod_corec f g).
  - intros r l.
    apply path_prod; apply lm_homo_lact.

Definition rm_prod_corec {R : Ring} {M N : RightModule R} (R' : RightModule R)
  (f : R' $-> M) (g : R' $-> N)
  : R' $-> rm_prod M N
  := lm_prod_corec (R:=rng_op R) R' f g.

Global Instance hasbinaryproducts_leftmodule {R : Ring}
  : HasBinaryProducts (LeftModule R).
  intros M N.
  snrapply Build_BinaryProduct.
  - exact (lm_prod M N).
  - exact lm_prod_fst.
  - exact lm_prod_snd.
  - exact lm_prod_corec.
  - cbn; reflexivity.
  - cbn; reflexivity.
  - intros L f g p q a.
    exact (path_prod' (p a) (q a)).

Global Instance hasbinaryproducts_rightmodule {R : Ring}
  : HasBinaryProducts (RightModule R)
  := hasbinaryproducts_leftmodule (R:=rng_op R).

Finite Sums

Left scalar multplication distributes over finite sums of left module elements.
Definition lm_sum_dist_l {R : Ring} (M : LeftModule R) (n : nat)
  (f : k, (k < n)%nat M) (r : R)
  : r ×L ab_sum n f = ab_sum n (fun k Hkr ×L f k Hk).
  induction n as [|n IHn].
  1: apply lm_zero_r.
  lhs nrapply lm_dist_l; simpl; f_ap.

Right scalar multiplication distributes over finite sums of right module elements.
Definition rm_sum_dist_r {R : Ring} (M : RightModule R) (n : nat)
  (f : k, (k < n)%nat M) (r : R)
  : ab_sum n f ×R r = ab_sum n (fun k Hkf k Hk ×R r)
  := lm_sum_dist_l (R:=rng_op R) M n f r.

Left module elements distribute over finite sums of scalars.
Definition lm_sum_dist_r {R : Ring} (M : LeftModule R) (n : nat)
  (f : k, (k < n)%nat R) (x : M)
  : ab_sum n f ×L x = ab_sum n (fun k Hkf k Hk ×L x).
  induction n as [|n IHn].
  1: apply lm_zero_l.
  lhs nrapply lm_dist_r; simpl; f_ap.

Right module elements distribute over finite sums of scalar.
Definition rm_sum_dist_l {R : Ring} (M : RightModule R) (n : nat)
  (f : k, (k < n)%nat R) (x : M)
  : x ×R ab_sum n f = ab_sum n (fun k Hkx ×R f k Hk)
  := lm_sum_dist_r (R:=rng_op R) M n f x.