Library HoTT.HIT.epi
Require Import Basics.
Require Import Types.
Require Import TruncType.
Require Import ReflectiveSubuniverse.
Require Import Colimits.Pushout Truncations.Core HIT.SetCone.
Local Open Scope path_scope.
Section AssumingUA.
Context `{ua:Univalence}.
Require Import Types.
Require Import TruncType.
Require Import ReflectiveSubuniverse.
Require Import Colimits.Pushout Truncations.Core HIT.SetCone.
Local Open Scope path_scope.
Section AssumingUA.
Context `{ua:Univalence}.
We will now prove that for sets, epis and surjections are equivalent.
Definition isepi {X Y} `(f:X→Y) := ∀ Z: HSet,
∀ g h: Y → Z, g o f = h o f → g = h.
Definition isepi_funext {X Y : Type} (f : X → Y)
:= ∀ Z : HSet, ∀ g0 g1 : Y → Z, g0 o f == g1 o f → g0 == g1.
Definition isepi' {X Y} `(f : X → Y) :=
∀ (Z : HSet) (g : Y → Z), Contr { h : Y → Z | g o f = h o f }.
Lemma equiv_isepi_isepi' {X Y} f : @isepi X Y f <~> @isepi' X Y f.
unfold isepi, isepi'.
apply (@equiv_functor_forall' _ _ _ _ _ (equiv_idmap _)); intro Z.
apply (@equiv_functor_forall' _ _ _ _ _ (equiv_idmap _)); intro g.
unfold equiv_idmap; simpl.
refine (transitivity (@equiv_sig_ind _ (fun h : Y → Z ⇒ g o f = h o f) (fun h ⇒ g = h.1)) _).
∀ g h: Y → Z, g o f = h o f → g = h.
Definition isepi_funext {X Y : Type} (f : X → Y)
:= ∀ Z : HSet, ∀ g0 g1 : Y → Z, g0 o f == g1 o f → g0 == g1.
Definition isepi' {X Y} `(f : X → Y) :=
∀ (Z : HSet) (g : Y → Z), Contr { h : Y → Z | g o f = h o f }.
Lemma equiv_isepi_isepi' {X Y} f : @isepi X Y f <~> @isepi' X Y f.
unfold isepi, isepi'.
apply (@equiv_functor_forall' _ _ _ _ _ (equiv_idmap _)); intro Z.
apply (@equiv_functor_forall' _ _ _ _ _ (equiv_idmap _)); intro g.
unfold equiv_idmap; simpl.
refine (transitivity (@equiv_sig_ind _ (fun h : Y → Z ⇒ g o f = h o f) (fun h ⇒ g = h.1)) _).
TODO(JasonGross): Can we do this entirely by chaining equivalences?
apply equiv_iff_hprop.
{ intro hepi.
nrapply (Build_Contr _ (g; idpath)).
intro xy; specialize (hepi xy).
apply path_sigma_uncurried.
∃ hepi.
apply path_ishprop. }
{ intros hepi xy.
exact (ap pr1 ((contr (g; 1))^ @ contr xy)). }
Definition equiv_isepi_isepi_funext {X Y : Type} (f : X → Y)
: isepi f <~> isepi_funext f.
apply equiv_iff_hprop.
- intros e ? g0 g1 h.
apply equiv_path_arrow.
apply e.
by apply path_arrow.
- intros e ? g0 g1 p.
apply path_arrow.
apply e.
by apply equiv_path_arrow.
Section cones.
Lemma isepi'_contr_cone `{Funext} {A B : HSet} (f : A → B) : isepi' f → Contr (setcone f).
intros hepi.
apply (Build_Contr _ (setcone_point _)).
pose (alpha1 := @pglue A B Unit f (const_tt _)).
pose (tot:= { h : B → setcone f & tr o push o inl o f = h o f }).
transparent assert (l : tot).
{ simple refine (tr o _ o inl; _).
{ refine push. }
{ refine idpath. } }
pose (r := (@const B (setcone f) (setcone_point _); (ap (fun f ⇒ @tr 0 _ o f) (path_forall _ _ alpha1))) : tot).
subst tot.
assert (X : l = r).
{ let lem := constr:(fun X push' ⇒ hepi (Build_HSet (setcone f)) (tr o push' o @inl _ X)) in
pose (lem _ push).
refine (path_contr l r). }
subst l r.
pose (I0 b := ap10 (X ..1) b).
refine (Trunc_ind _ _).
pose (fun a : B + Unit ⇒ (match a as a return setcone_point _ = tr (push a) with
| inl a' ⇒ (I0 a')^
| inr tt ⇒ idpath
end)) as I0f.
refine (Pushout_ind _ (fun a' ⇒ I0f (inl a')) (fun u ⇒ (I0f (inr u))) _).
simpl. subst alpha1. intros.
unfold setcone_point.
subst I0. simpl.
pose (X..2) as p. simpl in p.
rewrite (transport_precompose f _ _ X..1) in p.
assert (H':=concat (ap (fun x ⇒ ap10 x a) p) (ap10_ap_postcompose tr (path_arrow (pushl o f) (pushr o const_tt _) pglue) _)).
rewrite ap10_path_arrow in H'.
clear p.
{ intro hepi.
nrapply (Build_Contr _ (g; idpath)).
intro xy; specialize (hepi xy).
apply path_sigma_uncurried.
∃ hepi.
apply path_ishprop. }
{ intros hepi xy.
exact (ap pr1 ((contr (g; 1))^ @ contr xy)). }
Definition equiv_isepi_isepi_funext {X Y : Type} (f : X → Y)
: isepi f <~> isepi_funext f.
apply equiv_iff_hprop.
- intros e ? g0 g1 h.
apply equiv_path_arrow.
apply e.
by apply path_arrow.
- intros e ? g0 g1 p.
apply path_arrow.
apply e.
by apply equiv_path_arrow.
Section cones.
Lemma isepi'_contr_cone `{Funext} {A B : HSet} (f : A → B) : isepi' f → Contr (setcone f).
intros hepi.
apply (Build_Contr _ (setcone_point _)).
pose (alpha1 := @pglue A B Unit f (const_tt _)).
pose (tot:= { h : B → setcone f & tr o push o inl o f = h o f }).
transparent assert (l : tot).
{ simple refine (tr o _ o inl; _).
{ refine push. }
{ refine idpath. } }
pose (r := (@const B (setcone f) (setcone_point _); (ap (fun f ⇒ @tr 0 _ o f) (path_forall _ _ alpha1))) : tot).
subst tot.
assert (X : l = r).
{ let lem := constr:(fun X push' ⇒ hepi (Build_HSet (setcone f)) (tr o push' o @inl _ X)) in
pose (lem _ push).
refine (path_contr l r). }
subst l r.
pose (I0 b := ap10 (X ..1) b).
refine (Trunc_ind _ _).
pose (fun a : B + Unit ⇒ (match a as a return setcone_point _ = tr (push a) with
| inl a' ⇒ (I0 a')^
| inr tt ⇒ idpath
end)) as I0f.
refine (Pushout_ind _ (fun a' ⇒ I0f (inl a')) (fun u ⇒ (I0f (inr u))) _).
simpl. subst alpha1. intros.
unfold setcone_point.
subst I0. simpl.
pose (X..2) as p. simpl in p.
rewrite (transport_precompose f _ _ X..1) in p.
assert (H':=concat (ap (fun x ⇒ ap10 x a) p) (ap10_ap_postcompose tr (path_arrow (pushl o f) (pushr o const_tt _) pglue) _)).
rewrite ap10_path_arrow in H'.
clear p.
Apparently pose; clearbody is only ~.8 seconds, while pose proof is ~4 seconds?
pose (concat (ap10_ap_precompose f (X ..1) a)^ H') as p.
clearbody p.
simpl in p.
rewrite p.
rewrite transport_paths_Fr.
apply concat_Vp.
End cones.
Lemma issurj_isepi {X Y} (f:X→Y): IsSurjection f → isepi f.
intros sur ? ? ? ep. apply path_forall. intro y.
specialize (sur y). pose (center (merely (hfiber f y))).
apply (Trunc_rec (n:=-1) (A:=(sig (fun x : X ⇒ f x = y))));
try assumption.
intros [x p]. set (p0:=apD10 ep x).
transitivity (g (f x)).
- by apply ap.
- transitivity (h (f x));auto with path_hints. by apply ap.
Corollary issurj_isepi_funext {X Y} (f:X→Y) : IsSurjection f → isepi_funext f.
intro s.
apply equiv_isepi_isepi_funext.
by apply issurj_isepi.
clearbody p.
simpl in p.
rewrite p.
rewrite transport_paths_Fr.
apply concat_Vp.
End cones.
Lemma issurj_isepi {X Y} (f:X→Y): IsSurjection f → isepi f.
intros sur ? ? ? ep. apply path_forall. intro y.
specialize (sur y). pose (center (merely (hfiber f y))).
apply (Trunc_rec (n:=-1) (A:=(sig (fun x : X ⇒ f x = y))));
try assumption.
intros [x p]. set (p0:=apD10 ep x).
transitivity (g (f x)).
- by apply ap.
- transitivity (h (f x));auto with path_hints. by apply ap.
Corollary issurj_isepi_funext {X Y} (f:X→Y) : IsSurjection f → isepi_funext f.
intro s.
apply equiv_isepi_isepi_funext.
by apply issurj_isepi.
Old-style proof using polymorphic Omega. Needs resizing for the isepi proof to live in the
same universe as X and Y (the Z quantifier is instantiated with an HSet at a level higher)
Lemma isepi_issurj {X Y} (f:X->Y): isepi f -> issurj f. Proof. intros epif y. set (g :=fun _:Y => Unit_hp). set (h:=(fun y:Y => (hp (hexists (fun _ : Unit => {x:X & y = (f x)})) _ ))). assert (X1: g o f = h o f ). - apply path_forall. intro x. apply path_equiv_biimp_rec;[|done]. intros _ . apply min1. exists tt. by (exists x). - specialize (epif _ g h). specialize (epif X1). clear X1. set (p:=apD10 epif y). apply (@minus1Trunc_map (sig (fun _ : Unit => sig (fun x : X => y = f x)))). + intros [ _ [x eq]]. exists x. by symmetry. + apply (transport hproptype p tt). Defined.
Section isepi_issurj.
Context {X Y : HSet} (f : X → Y) (Hisepi : isepi f).
Definition epif := equiv_isepi_isepi' _ Hisepi.
Definition fam (c : setcone f) : HProp.
pose (fib y := hexists (fun x : X ⇒ f x = y)).
apply (fun f ⇒ @Trunc_rec _ _ HProp _ f c).
refine (Pushout_rec HProp fib (fun _ ⇒ Unit_hp) (fun x ⇒ _)).
Prove that the truncated sigma is equivalent to Unit
pose (contr_inhabited_hprop (fib (f x)) (tr (x; idpath))) as i.
apply path_hprop. simpl. simpl in i.
apply (equiv_contr_unit).
Lemma isepi_issurj : IsSurjection f.
intros y.
pose (i := isepi'_contr_cone _ epif).
assert (X0 : ∀ x : setcone f, fam x = fam (setcone_point f)).
{ intros. apply contr_dom_equiv. apply i. }
specialize (X0 (tr (push (inl y)))). simpl in X0.
unfold IsConnected.
refine (transport (fun A ⇒ Contr A) (ap trunctype_type X0)^ _); exact _.
End isepi_issurj.
Lemma isepi_isequiv X Y (f : X → Y) `{IsEquiv _ _ f}
: isepi f.
intros ? g h H'.
apply ap10 in H'.
apply path_forall.
intro x.
transitivity (g (f (f^-1 x))).
- by rewrite eisretr.
- transitivity (h (f (f^-1 x))).
× apply H'.
× by rewrite eisretr.
End AssumingUA.
apply path_hprop. simpl. simpl in i.
apply (equiv_contr_unit).
Lemma isepi_issurj : IsSurjection f.
intros y.
pose (i := isepi'_contr_cone _ epif).
assert (X0 : ∀ x : setcone f, fam x = fam (setcone_point f)).
{ intros. apply contr_dom_equiv. apply i. }
specialize (X0 (tr (push (inl y)))). simpl in X0.
unfold IsConnected.
refine (transport (fun A ⇒ Contr A) (ap trunctype_type X0)^ _); exact _.
End isepi_issurj.
Lemma isepi_isequiv X Y (f : X → Y) `{IsEquiv _ _ f}
: isepi f.
intros ? g h H'.
apply ap10 in H'.
apply path_forall.
intro x.
transitivity (g (f (f^-1 x))).
- by rewrite eisretr.
- transitivity (h (f (f^-1 x))).
× apply H'.
× by rewrite eisretr.
End AssumingUA.