Library HoTT.Spaces.BAut.Cantor

(* -*- mode: coq; mode: visual-line -*- *)
Require Import HoTT.Basics HoTT.Types.
Require Import Idempotents.
Require Import HoTT.Truncations.Core Spaces.BAut Spaces.Cantor.

Local Open Scope equiv_scope.
Local Open Scope path_scope.


A pre-idempotent on BAut Cantor that does not split

We go into a non-exported module so that we can use short names for definitions without polluting the global namespace.

Module BAut_Cantor_Idempotent.
Section Assumptions.
  Context `{Univalence}.

  Definition f : BAut Cantor BAut Cantor.
    intros Z.
Here is the important part of this definition.
     (Z + Cantor).
The rest is just a proof that Z+Cantor is again equivalent to Cantor, using cantor_fold and the assumption that Z is equivalent to Cantor.
    pose (e := Z.2); simpl in e; clearbody e.
    apply tr.
    apply path_universe_uncurried.
    refine (equiv_cantor_fold oE _).
    refine (equiv_path _ _ e +E 1).

For the pre-idempotence of f, the main point is again the existence of the equivalence fold_cantor.
  Definition preidem_f : IsPreIdempotent f.
    intros Z.
    apply path_baut.
    unfold f; simpl.
    refine (_ oE equiv_sum_assoc Z Cantor Cantor).
    apply (1 +E equiv_cantor_fold).

We record how the action of f and f o f on paths corresponds to an action on equivalences.
  Definition ap_f {Z Z' : BAut Cantor} (p : Z = Z')
  : equiv_path _ _ (ap f p)..1
    = equiv_path Z Z' p..1 +E 1.
    destruct p. apply path_equiv, path_arrow.
    intros [z|a]; reflexivity.

  Definition ap_ff {Z Z' : BAut Cantor} (p : Z = Z')
  : equiv_path _ _ (ap (f o f) p)..1
    = equiv_path Z Z' p..1 +E 1 +E 1.
    destruct p. apply path_equiv, path_arrow.
    intros [[z|a]|a]; reflexivity.

Now let's assume f is quasi-idempotent, but not necessarily using the same witness of pre-idempotency.
  Context (Ip : IsPreIdempotent f) (Jp : @IsQuasiIdempotent _ f Ip).

  Definition I (Z : BAut Cantor)
  : (Z + Cantor) + Cantor <~> Z + Cantor
    := equiv_path _ _ (Ip Z)..1.

  Definition I0
  : Cantor + Cantor + Cantor + Cantor <~> Cantor + Cantor + Cantor
    := I (f (point (BAut Cantor))).

We don't know much about I0, but we can show that it maps the rightmost two summands to the rightmost one, using the naturality of I. Here is the naturality.
  Definition Inat (Z Z' : BAut Cantor) (e : Z <~> Z')
  : I Z' oE (e +E 1 +E 1)
    = (e +E 1) oE I Z.
    revert e; equiv_intro (equiv_path Z Z') q.
    revert q; equiv_intro ((equiv_path_sigma_hprop Z Z')^-1) p.
    simpl. rewrite <- ap_ff, <- ap_f.
    unfold I. refine ((equiv_path_pp _ _)^ @ _ @ (equiv_path_pp _ _)).
    apply ap.
    refine ((pr1_path_pp (ap (f o f) p) (Ip Z'))^ @ _ @ pr1_path_pp _ _).
    apply ap. apply (concat_Ap Ip).

To show our claim about the action of I0, we will apply this naturality to the flip automorphism of Cantor + Cantor. Here are the images of that automorphism under f and f o f.
The naturality of I implies that I0 commutes with these images of the flip.
  Definition I0nat_flip
        (x : ((Cantor + Cantor) + Cantor) + Cantor)
  : I0 (ff_flip x) = f_flip (I0 x)
    := ap10_equiv
         (Inat (f (point (BAut Cantor))) (f (point (BAut Cantor)))
               (equiv_sum_symm Cantor Cantor))

The value of this is that we can detect which summand an element is in depending on whether or not it is fixed by f_flip or ff_flip.
  Definition f_flip_fixed_iff_inr (x : Cantor + Cantor + Cantor)
  : (f_flip x = x) is_inr x.
    split; intros p; destruct x as [[c|c]|c]; simpl in p.
    - apply path_sum_inl in p.
      elim (inl_ne_inr _ _ p^).
    - apply path_sum_inl in p.
      elim (inl_ne_inr _ _ p).
    - exact tt.
    - elim p.
    - elim p.
    - reflexivity.

  Definition ff_flip_fixed_iff_inr
        (x : Cantor + Cantor + Cantor + Cantor)
  : (ff_flip x = x) (is_inr x + is_inl_and is_inr x).
    split; intros p; destruct x as [[[c|c]|c]|c]; simpl in p.
    - do 2 apply path_sum_inl in p.
      elim (inl_ne_inr _ _ p^).
    - do 2 apply path_sum_inl in p.
      elim (inl_ne_inr _ _ p).
    - exact (inr tt).
    - exact (inl tt).
    - destruct p as [e|e]; elim e.
    - destruct p as [e|e]; elim e.
    - destruct p as [e|_]; [ elim e | reflexivity ].
    - destruct p as [_|e]; [ reflexivity | elim e ].

And the naturality guarantees that I0 preserves fixed points.
  Definition I0_fixed_iff_fixed
        (x : Cantor + Cantor + Cantor + Cantor)
  : (ff_flip x = x) (f_flip (I0 x) = I0 x).
    split; intros p.
    - refine ((I0nat_flip x)^ @ ap I0 p).
    - apply (equiv_inj I0).
      refine (I0nat_flip x @ p).

Putting it all together, here is the proof of our claim about I0.
  Definition I0_preserves_inr
        (x : Cantor + Cantor + Cantor + Cantor)
  : (is_inr x + is_inl_and is_inr x) is_inr (I0 x).
    refine (iff_compose _ (f_flip_fixed_iff_inr (I0 x))).
    refine (iff_compose _ (I0_fixed_iff_fixed x)).
    apply iff_inverse, ff_flip_fixed_iff_inr.

Now we bring quasi-idempotence into play.
  Definition J (Z : BAut Cantor)
  : I Z +E 1
    = I (f Z).
    unfold I; simpl.
    refine ((ap_f (Ip Z))^ @ _).
    do 2 apply ap.
    apply Jp.

We reach a contradiction by showing that the two maps which J claims are equal send elements of the third summand of the domain into different summands of the codomain.
  Definition impossible : Empty.
    pose (x := inl (inr (fun ntrue))
               : ((f (point (BAut Cantor))) + Cantor) + Cantor).
    apply (not_is_inl_and_inr' (I (f (point (BAut Cantor))) x)).
    - exact (transport is_inl
                       (ap10_equiv (J (point (BAut Cantor))) x) tt).
    - exact (fst (I0_preserves_inr x) (inr tt)).

End Assumptions.
End BAut_Cantor_Idempotent.

Let's make the important conclusions available globally.