Library HoTT.Algebra.AbSES.DirectSum

Require Import Basics Types Truncations.Core.
Require Import Pointed.Core.
Require Import WildCat.Core Homotopy.ExactSequence.
Require Import AbGroups.AbelianGroup AbSES.Core AbGroups.Biproduct.

Local Open Scope pointed_scope.
Local Open Scope type_scope.
Local Open Scope mc_add_scope.

The direct sum of short exact sequences

Biproducts of abelian groups preserve exactness.
Lemma ab_biprod_exact {A E B X F Y : AbGroup}
      (i : A $-> E) (p : E $-> B) `{ex0 : IsExact (Tr (-1)) _ _ _ i p}
      (j : X $-> F) (q : F $-> Y) `{ex1 : IsExact (Tr (-1)) _ _ _ j q}
  : IsExact (Tr (-1)) (functor_ab_biprod i j)
            (functor_ab_biprod p q).
  snrapply Build_IsExact.
  - snrapply phomotopy_homotopy_hset.
    1: exact _.
    intro x; apply path_prod; cbn.
    + apply ex0.
    + apply ex1.
  - intros [[e f] u]; cbn.
    rapply contr_inhabited_hprop.
    pose (U := (equiv_path_prod _ _)^-1 u); cbn in U.
    pose proof (a := isexact_preimage _ i p e (fst U)).
    pose proof (x := isexact_preimage _ j q f (snd U)).
    strip_truncations; apply tr.
     (ab_biprod_inl a.1 + ab_biprod_inr x.1); cbn.
    pose (IS := sg_set (ab_biprod B Y)). (* This hint speeds up the next line. *)
    apply path_sigma_hprop; cbn.
    apply path_prod; cbn.
    + rewrite right_identity.
      exact a.2.
    + rewrite left_identity.
      exact x.2.

The pointwise direct sum of two short exact sequences.
Definition abses_direct_sum `{Funext} {B A B' A' : AbGroup} (E : AbSES B A) (F : AbSES B' A')
  : AbSES (ab_biprod B B') (ab_biprod A A')
  := Build_AbSES (ab_biprod E F)
                 (functor_ab_biprod (inclusion E) (inclusion F))
                 (functor_ab_biprod (projection E) (projection F))
                 (functor_ab_biprod_embedding _ _)
                 (functor_ab_biprod_surjection _ _)
                 (ab_biprod_exact _ _ _ _).

For any short exact sequences E, E', F, F', and morphisms f : E E' and g : F F' there is a morphism E + F E' + F'.
Lemma functor_abses_directsum `{Funext} {A A' B B' C C' D D' : AbGroup}
      {E : AbSES B A} {E' : AbSES B' A'} {F : AbSES D C} {F' : AbSES D' C'}
      (f : AbSESMorphism E E') (g : AbSESMorphism F F')
  : AbSESMorphism (abses_direct_sum E F) (abses_direct_sum E' F').
  snrapply Build_AbSESMorphism.
  + exact (functor_ab_biprod (component1 f) (component1 g)).
  + exact (functor_ab_biprod (component2 f) (component2 g)).
  + exact (functor_ab_biprod (component3 f) (component3 g)).
  + intro x.
    apply path_prod; apply left_square.
  + intro x.
    apply path_prod; apply right_square.

For any short exact sequence E, there is a morphism E abses_direct_sum E E, where each component is ab_diagonal.
Definition abses_diagonal `{Funext} {A B : AbGroup} (E : AbSES B A)
  : AbSESMorphism E (abses_direct_sum E E).
  snrapply Build_AbSESMorphism.
  1,2,3: exact ab_diagonal.
  all: reflexivity.

For any short exact sequence E, there is dually a morphism abses_direct_sum E E E, with each component being the codiagonal.
Definition abses_codiagonal `{Funext} {A B : AbGroup} (E : AbSES B A)
  : AbSESMorphism (abses_direct_sum E E) E.
  snrapply Build_AbSESMorphism.
  1,2,3: exact ab_codiagonal.
  all: intro x; cbn; apply grp_homo_op.

There is always a morphism abses_direct_sum E F abses_direct_sum F E of short exact sequences, for any E : AbSES B A and F : AbSES B' A'.
Definition abses_swap_morphism `{Funext} {A A' B B' : AbGroup}
           (E : AbSES B A) (F : AbSES B' A')
  : AbSESMorphism (abses_direct_sum E F) (abses_direct_sum F E).
  snrapply Build_AbSESMorphism.
  1,2,3: exact direct_sum_swap.
  all: reflexivity.

For E, F, G : AbSES B A, there is a morphism (E + F) + G (G + F) + E induced by the above map, where + denotes abses_direct_sum.
Lemma abses_twist_directsum `{Funext} {A B : AbGroup} (E F G : AbSES B A)
  : AbSESMorphism (abses_direct_sum (abses_direct_sum E F) G)
                  (abses_direct_sum (abses_direct_sum G F) E).
  snrapply Build_AbSESMorphism.
  1,2,3: exact ab_biprod_twist.
  all: reflexivity.