Library HoTT.Algebra.AbSES.Core
Require Import Basics Types Truncations.Core.
Require Import HSet WildCat.
Require Import Groups.QuotientGroup Groups.ShortExactSequence.
Require Import AbelianGroup AbGroups.Biproduct AbHom.
Require Import Homotopy.ExactSequence Pointed.
Require Import Modalities.ReflectiveSubuniverse.
Local Open Scope pointed_scope.
Local Open Scope mc_scope.
Local Open Scope type_scope.
Local Open Scope mc_add_scope.
Require Import HSet WildCat.
Require Import Groups.QuotientGroup Groups.ShortExactSequence.
Require Import AbelianGroup AbGroups.Biproduct AbHom.
Require Import Homotopy.ExactSequence Pointed.
Require Import Modalities.ReflectiveSubuniverse.
Local Open Scope pointed_scope.
Local Open Scope mc_scope.
Local Open Scope type_scope.
Local Open Scope mc_add_scope.
Short exact sequences of abelian groups
Declare Scope abses_scope.
Local Open Scope abses_scope.
The type of short exact sequences A → E → B of abelian groups. We decorate it with (') to reserve the undecorated name for the structured version.
Record AbSES' {B A : AbGroup@{u}} := Build_AbSES {
middle : AbGroup@{u};
inclusion : A $-> middle;
projection : middle $-> B;
isembedding_inclusion : IsEmbedding inclusion;
issurjection_projection : IsSurjection projection;
isexact_inclusion_projection : IsExact (Tr (-1)) inclusion projection;
middle : AbGroup@{u};
inclusion : A $-> middle;
projection : middle $-> B;
isembedding_inclusion : IsEmbedding inclusion;
issurjection_projection : IsSurjection projection;
isexact_inclusion_projection : IsExact (Tr (-1)) inclusion projection;
Coercion middle : AbSES' >-> AbGroup.
Global Existing Instances isembedding_inclusion issurjection_projection isexact_inclusion_projection.
Arguments AbSES' B A : clear implicits.
Arguments Build_AbSES {B A}.
Global Existing Instances isembedding_inclusion issurjection_projection isexact_inclusion_projection.
Arguments AbSES' B A : clear implicits.
Arguments Build_AbSES {B A}.
TODO Figure out why printing this term eats memory and seems to never finish.
make_equiv is slow if used in the context of the next result, so we give the abstract form of the goal here.
Local Definition issig_abses_helper {AG : Type} {P : AG → Type} {Q : AG → Type}
{R : ∀ E, P E → Type} {S : ∀ E, Q E → Type} {T : ∀ E, P E → Q E → Type}
: {X : {E : AG & P E × Q E} & R _ (fst X.2) × S _ (snd X.2) × T _ (fst X.2) (snd X.2)}
<~> {E : AG & {H0 : P E & {H1 : Q E & {_ : R _ H0 & {_ : S _ H1 & T _ H0 H1}}}}}
:= ltac:(make_equiv).
{R : ∀ E, P E → Type} {S : ∀ E, Q E → Type} {T : ∀ E, P E → Q E → Type}
: {X : {E : AG & P E × Q E} & R _ (fst X.2) × S _ (snd X.2) × T _ (fst X.2) (snd X.2)}
<~> {E : AG & {H0 : P E & {H1 : Q E & {_ : R _ H0 & {_ : S _ H1 & T _ H0 H1}}}}}
:= ltac:(make_equiv).
A more useful organization of AbSES' as a sigma-type.
Definition issig_abses {B A : AbGroup}
: {X : {E : AbGroup & (A $-> E) × (E $-> B)} &
(IsEmbedding (fst X.2)
× IsSurjection (snd X.2)
× IsExact (Tr (-1)) (fst X.2) (snd X.2))}
<~> AbSES' B A
:= issig_abses_do_not_print oE issig_abses_helper.
Definition iscomplex_abses {A B : AbGroup} (E : AbSES' B A)
: IsComplex (inclusion E) (projection E)
:= cx_isexact.
: {X : {E : AbGroup & (A $-> E) × (E $-> B)} &
(IsEmbedding (fst X.2)
× IsSurjection (snd X.2)
× IsExact (Tr (-1)) (fst X.2) (snd X.2))}
<~> AbSES' B A
:= issig_abses_do_not_print oE issig_abses_helper.
Definition iscomplex_abses {A B : AbGroup} (E : AbSES' B A)
: IsComplex (inclusion E) (projection E)
:= cx_isexact.
Global Instance ispointed_abses {B A : AbGroup@{u}}
: IsPointed (AbSES' B A).
rapply (Build_AbSES (ab_biprod A B) ab_biprod_inl ab_biprod_pr2).
snrapply Build_IsExact.
- srapply phomotopy_homotopy_hset; reflexivity.
- intros [[a b] p]; cbn; cbn in p.
rapply contr_inhabited_hprop.
apply tr.
∃ a.
rapply path_sigma_hprop; cbn.
exact (path_prod' idpath p^).
: IsPointed (AbSES' B A).
rapply (Build_AbSES (ab_biprod A B) ab_biprod_inl ab_biprod_pr2).
snrapply Build_IsExact.
- srapply phomotopy_homotopy_hset; reflexivity.
- intros [[a b] p]; cbn; cbn in p.
rapply contr_inhabited_hprop.
apply tr.
∃ a.
rapply path_sigma_hprop; cbn.
exact (path_prod' idpath p^).
The pointed type of short exact sequences.
Definition abses_path_data_iso
{B A : AbGroup@{u}} (E F : AbSES B A)
:= {phi : GroupIsomorphism E F
& (phi $o inclusion _ == inclusion _)
× (projection _ == projection _ $o phi)}.
Having the path data in a slightly different form is useful for equiv_path_abses_iso.
Local Lemma shuffle_abses_path_data_iso `{Funext}
{B A : AbGroup@{u}} (E F : AbSES B A)
: (abses_path_data_iso E F)
<~> {phi : GroupIsomorphism E F
& (phi $o inclusion _ == inclusion _)
× (projection _ $o grp_iso_inverse phi
== projection _)}.
srapply equiv_functor_sigma_id; intro phi.
srapply equiv_functor_prod'.
1: exact equiv_idmap.
srapply (equiv_functor_forall' phi^-1); intro e; cbn.
apply equiv_concat_r.
exact (ap _ (eisretr _ _)).
{B A : AbGroup@{u}} (E F : AbSES B A)
: (abses_path_data_iso E F)
<~> {phi : GroupIsomorphism E F
& (phi $o inclusion _ == inclusion _)
× (projection _ $o grp_iso_inverse phi
== projection _)}.
srapply equiv_functor_sigma_id; intro phi.
srapply equiv_functor_prod'.
1: exact equiv_idmap.
srapply (equiv_functor_forall' phi^-1); intro e; cbn.
apply equiv_concat_r.
exact (ap _ (eisretr _ _)).
Paths in AbSES correspond to isomorphisms between the middles respecting inclusion and projection. Below we prove the stronger statement equiv_path_abses, which uses this result.
Proposition equiv_path_abses_iso `{Univalence}
{B A : AbGroup@{u}} {E F : AbSES' B A}
: abses_path_data_iso E F <~> E = F.
refine (_ oE shuffle_abses_path_data_iso E F).
refine (equiv_ap_inv issig_abses _ _ oE _).
refine (equiv_path_sigma_hprop _ _ oE _).
refine (equiv_path_sigma _ _ _ oE _).
srapply equiv_functor_sigma'.
1: exact equiv_path_abgroup.
intro q; lazy beta.
snrefine (equiv_concat_l _ _ oE _).
1: exact (q $o inclusion _, projection _ $o grp_iso_inverse q).
2: { refine (equiv_path_prod _ _ oE _).
exact (equiv_functor_prod'
equiv_path_grouphomomorphism). }
refine (transport_prod _ _ @ _).
apply path_prod'.
- apply transport_iso_abgrouphomomorphism_from_const.
- apply transport_iso_abgrouphomomorphism_to_const.
{B A : AbGroup@{u}} {E F : AbSES' B A}
: abses_path_data_iso E F <~> E = F.
refine (_ oE shuffle_abses_path_data_iso E F).
refine (equiv_ap_inv issig_abses _ _ oE _).
refine (equiv_path_sigma_hprop _ _ oE _).
refine (equiv_path_sigma _ _ _ oE _).
srapply equiv_functor_sigma'.
1: exact equiv_path_abgroup.
intro q; lazy beta.
snrefine (equiv_concat_l _ _ oE _).
1: exact (q $o inclusion _, projection _ $o grp_iso_inverse q).
2: { refine (equiv_path_prod _ _ oE _).
exact (equiv_functor_prod'
equiv_path_grouphomomorphism). }
refine (transport_prod _ _ @ _).
apply path_prod'.
- apply transport_iso_abgrouphomomorphism_from_const.
- apply transport_iso_abgrouphomomorphism_to_const.
Global Instance istrunc_abses `{Univalence} {B A : AbGroup@{u}}
: IsTrunc 1 (AbSES B A).
apply istrunc_S.
intros E F.
refine (istrunc_equiv_istrunc _ equiv_path_abses_iso (n:=0)).
rapply istrunc_sigma.
apply ishset_groupisomorphism.
Definition path_abses_iso `{Univalence} {B A : AbGroup@{u}}
{E F : AbSES B A}
(phi : GroupIsomorphism E F) (p : phi $o inclusion _ == inclusion _)
(q : projection _ == projection _ $o phi)
: E = F := equiv_path_abses_iso (phi; (p,q)).
: IsTrunc 1 (AbSES B A).
apply istrunc_S.
intros E F.
refine (istrunc_equiv_istrunc _ equiv_path_abses_iso (n:=0)).
rapply istrunc_sigma.
apply ishset_groupisomorphism.
Definition path_abses_iso `{Univalence} {B A : AbGroup@{u}}
{E F : AbSES B A}
(phi : GroupIsomorphism E F) (p : phi $o inclusion _ == inclusion _)
(q : projection _ == projection _ $o phi)
: E = F := equiv_path_abses_iso (phi; (p,q)).
Given p and q, the map phi just above is automatically an isomorphism. Showing this requires the "short five lemma."
A special case of the "short 5-lemma" where the two outer maps are (definitionally) identities.
Lemma short_five_lemma {B A : AbGroup@{u}}
{E F : AbSES B A} (phi : GroupHomomorphism E F)
(p0 : phi $o inclusion E == inclusion F) (p1 : projection E == projection F $o phi)
: IsEquiv phi.
apply isequiv_surj_emb.
- intro f.
rapply contr_inhabited_hprop.
{E F : AbSES B A} (phi : GroupHomomorphism E F)
(p0 : phi $o inclusion E == inclusion F) (p1 : projection E == projection F $o phi)
: IsEquiv phi.
apply isequiv_surj_emb.
- intro f.
rapply contr_inhabited_hprop.
assert (e0 : Tr (-1) (hfiber (projection E) (projection F f))).
1: apply center, issurjection_projection.
1: apply center, issurjection_projection.
assert (a : Tr (-1) (hfiber (inclusion F) (f + (- phi e0.1)))).
1: { refine (isexact_preimage (Tr (-1)) (inclusion F) (projection F) _ _).
refine (grp_homo_op _ _ _ @ _).
refine (ap _ (grp_homo_inv _ _) @ _).
apply (grp_moveL_1M)^-1.
exact (e0.2^ @ p1 e0.1). }
refine (tr (inclusion E a.1 + e0.1; _)).
refine (grp_homo_op _ _ _ @ _).
refine (ap (fun x ⇒ x + phi e0.1) (p0 a.1 @ a.2) @ _).
refine ((grp_assoc _ _ _)^ @ _).
refine (ap _ (left_inverse (phi e0.1)) @ _).
apply grp_unit_r.
- apply isembedding_grouphomomorphism.
intros e p.
assert (a : Tr (-1) (hfiber (inclusion E) e)).
1: { refine (isexact_preimage _ (inclusion E) (projection E) _ _).
exact (p1 e @ ap (projection F) p @ grp_homo_unit _). }
refine (a.2^ @ ap (inclusion E ) _ @ grp_homo_unit (inclusion E)).
rapply (isinj_embedding (inclusion F) _ _).
refine ((p0 a.1)^ @ (ap phi a.2) @ p @ (grp_homo_unit _)^).
1: { refine (isexact_preimage (Tr (-1)) (inclusion F) (projection F) _ _).
refine (grp_homo_op _ _ _ @ _).
refine (ap _ (grp_homo_inv _ _) @ _).
apply (grp_moveL_1M)^-1.
exact (e0.2^ @ p1 e0.1). }
refine (tr (inclusion E a.1 + e0.1; _)).
refine (grp_homo_op _ _ _ @ _).
refine (ap (fun x ⇒ x + phi e0.1) (p0 a.1 @ a.2) @ _).
refine ((grp_assoc _ _ _)^ @ _).
refine (ap _ (left_inverse (phi e0.1)) @ _).
apply grp_unit_r.
- apply isembedding_grouphomomorphism.
intros e p.
assert (a : Tr (-1) (hfiber (inclusion E) e)).
1: { refine (isexact_preimage _ (inclusion E) (projection E) _ _).
exact (p1 e @ ap (projection F) p @ grp_homo_unit _). }
refine (a.2^ @ ap (inclusion E ) _ @ grp_homo_unit (inclusion E)).
rapply (isinj_embedding (inclusion F) _ _).
refine ((p0 a.1)^ @ (ap phi a.2) @ p @ (grp_homo_unit _)^).
Below we prove that homomorphisms respecting projection and inclusion correspond to paths in AbSES B A. We refer to such homomorphisms simply as path data in AbSES B A.
Definition abses_path_data {B A : AbGroup@{u}} (E F : AbSES B A)
:= {phi : GroupHomomorphism E F
& (phi $o inclusion _ == inclusion _)
× (projection _ == projection _ $o phi)}.
Definition abses_path_data_to_iso {B A : AbGroup@{u}} (E F: AbSES B A)
: abses_path_data E F → abses_path_data_iso E F.
- intros [phi [p q]].
exact ({| grp_iso_homo := phi; isequiv_group_iso := short_five_lemma phi p q |}; (p, q)).
Proposition equiv_path_abses_data `{Funext} {B A : AbGroup@{u}} (E F: AbSES B A)
: abses_path_data E F <~> abses_path_data_iso E F.
srapply equiv_adjointify.
- apply abses_path_data_to_iso.
- srapply (functor_sigma (grp_iso_homo _ _)).
exact (fun _ ⇒ idmap).
- intros [phi [p q]].
apply path_sigma_hprop.
by apply equiv_path_groupisomorphism.
- reflexivity.
Definition equiv_path_abses `{Univalence} {B A : AbGroup@{u}} {E F : AbSES B A}
: abses_path_data E F <~> E = F
:= equiv_path_abses_iso oE equiv_path_abses_data E F.
Definition path_abses `{Univalence} {B A : AbGroup@{u}}
{E F : AbSES B A} (phi : middle E $-> F)
(p : phi $o inclusion _ == inclusion _) (q : projection _ == projection _ $o phi)
: E = F := equiv_path_abses (phi; (p,q)).
:= {phi : GroupHomomorphism E F
& (phi $o inclusion _ == inclusion _)
× (projection _ == projection _ $o phi)}.
Definition abses_path_data_to_iso {B A : AbGroup@{u}} (E F: AbSES B A)
: abses_path_data E F → abses_path_data_iso E F.
- intros [phi [p q]].
exact ({| grp_iso_homo := phi; isequiv_group_iso := short_five_lemma phi p q |}; (p, q)).
Proposition equiv_path_abses_data `{Funext} {B A : AbGroup@{u}} (E F: AbSES B A)
: abses_path_data E F <~> abses_path_data_iso E F.
srapply equiv_adjointify.
- apply abses_path_data_to_iso.
- srapply (functor_sigma (grp_iso_homo _ _)).
exact (fun _ ⇒ idmap).
- intros [phi [p q]].
apply path_sigma_hprop.
by apply equiv_path_groupisomorphism.
- reflexivity.
Definition equiv_path_abses `{Univalence} {B A : AbGroup@{u}} {E F : AbSES B A}
: abses_path_data E F <~> E = F
:= equiv_path_abses_iso oE equiv_path_abses_data E F.
Definition path_abses `{Univalence} {B A : AbGroup@{u}}
{E F : AbSES B A} (phi : middle E $-> F)
(p : phi $o inclusion _ == inclusion _) (q : projection _ == projection _ $o phi)
: E = F := equiv_path_abses (phi; (p,q)).
Global Instance isgraph_abses_path_data {A B : AbGroup@{u}} (E F : AbSES B A)
: IsGraph (abses_path_data_iso E F)
:= isgraph_induced (grp_iso_homo _ _ o pr1).
Global Instance is01cat_abses_path_data {A B : AbGroup@{u}} (E F : AbSES B A)
: Is01Cat (abses_path_data_iso E F)
:= is01cat_induced (grp_iso_homo _ _ o pr1).
Global Instance is0gpd_abses_path_data {A B : AbGroup@{u}} (E F : AbSES B A)
: Is0Gpd (abses_path_data_iso E F)
:= is0gpd_induced (grp_iso_homo _ _ o pr1).
Global Instance isgraph_abses {A B : AbGroup@{u}} : IsGraph (AbSES B A)
:= Build_IsGraph _ abses_path_data_iso.
The path data corresponding to idpath.
Definition abses_path_data_1 {B A : AbGroup@{u}} (E : AbSES B A)
: E $-> E := (grp_iso_id; (fun _ ⇒ idpath, fun _ ⇒ idpath)).
: E $-> E := (grp_iso_id; (fun _ ⇒ idpath, fun _ ⇒ idpath)).
Definition abses_path_data_compose {B A : AbGroup@{u}} {E F G : AbSES B A}
(p : E $-> F) (q : F $-> G) : E $-> G
:= (q.1 $oE p.1; ((fun x ⇒ ap q.1 (fst p.2 x) @ fst q.2 x),
(fun x ⇒ snd p.2 x @ snd q.2 (p.1 x)))).
Global Instance is01cat_abses {A B : AbGroup@{u}}
: Is01Cat (AbSES B A)
:= Build_Is01Cat _ _ abses_path_data_1
(fun _ _ _ q p ⇒ abses_path_data_compose p q).
Definition abses_path_data_inverse
{B A : AbGroup@{u}} {E F : AbSES B A}
: (E $-> F) → (F $-> E).
intros [phi [p q]].
srefine (_; (_,_)).
- exact (grp_iso_inverse phi).
- intro a.
exact (ap _ (p a)^ @ eissect _ (inclusion E a)).
- intro a; simpl.
exact (ap (projection F) (eisretr _ _)^ @ (q _)^).
Global Instance is0gpd_abses
{A B : AbGroup@{u}} : Is0Gpd (AbSES B A)
:= {| gpd_rev := fun _ _ ⇒ abses_path_data_inverse |}.
Global Instance is2graph_abses
{A B : AbGroup@{u}} : Is2Graph (AbSES B A)
:= fun E F ⇒ isgraph_abses_path_data E F.
(p : E $-> F) (q : F $-> G) : E $-> G
:= (q.1 $oE p.1; ((fun x ⇒ ap q.1 (fst p.2 x) @ fst q.2 x),
(fun x ⇒ snd p.2 x @ snd q.2 (p.1 x)))).
Global Instance is01cat_abses {A B : AbGroup@{u}}
: Is01Cat (AbSES B A)
:= Build_Is01Cat _ _ abses_path_data_1
(fun _ _ _ q p ⇒ abses_path_data_compose p q).
Definition abses_path_data_inverse
{B A : AbGroup@{u}} {E F : AbSES B A}
: (E $-> F) → (F $-> E).
intros [phi [p q]].
srefine (_; (_,_)).
- exact (grp_iso_inverse phi).
- intro a.
exact (ap _ (p a)^ @ eissect _ (inclusion E a)).
- intro a; simpl.
exact (ap (projection F) (eisretr _ _)^ @ (q _)^).
Global Instance is0gpd_abses
{A B : AbGroup@{u}} : Is0Gpd (AbSES B A)
:= {| gpd_rev := fun _ _ ⇒ abses_path_data_inverse |}.
Global Instance is2graph_abses
{A B : AbGroup@{u}} : Is2Graph (AbSES B A)
:= fun E F ⇒ isgraph_abses_path_data E F.
Global Instance is1cat_abses {A B : AbGroup@{u}}
: Is1Cat (AbSES B A).
snrapply Build_Is1Cat'.
1: intros ? ?; apply is01cat_abses_path_data.
1: intros ? ?; apply is0gpd_abses_path_data.
3-5: cbn; reflexivity.
1,2: intros E F G f;
srapply Build_Is0Functor;
intros p q h e; cbn.
- exact (ap f.1 (h e)).
- exact (h (f.1 e)).
Global Instance is1gpd_abses {A B : AbGroup@{u}}
: Is1Gpd (AbSES B A).
rapply Build_Is1Gpd;
intros E F p e; cbn.
- apply eissect.
- apply eisretr.
Global Instance hasmorext_abses `{Funext} {A B : AbGroup@{u}}
: HasMorExt (AbSES B A).
srapply Build_HasMorExt;
intros E F f g.
srapply isequiv_homotopic'; cbn.
1: exact (((equiv_path_groupisomorphism _ _)^-1%equiv)
oE (equiv_path_sigma_hprop _ _)^-1%equiv).
intro p; by induction p.
: Is1Cat (AbSES B A).
snrapply Build_Is1Cat'.
1: intros ? ?; apply is01cat_abses_path_data.
1: intros ? ?; apply is0gpd_abses_path_data.
3-5: cbn; reflexivity.
1,2: intros E F G f;
srapply Build_Is0Functor;
intros p q h e; cbn.
- exact (ap f.1 (h e)).
- exact (h (f.1 e)).
Global Instance is1gpd_abses {A B : AbGroup@{u}}
: Is1Gpd (AbSES B A).
rapply Build_Is1Gpd;
intros E F p e; cbn.
- apply eissect.
- apply eisretr.
Global Instance hasmorext_abses `{Funext} {A B : AbGroup@{u}}
: HasMorExt (AbSES B A).
srapply Build_HasMorExt;
intros E F f g.
srapply isequiv_homotopic'; cbn.
1: exact (((equiv_path_groupisomorphism _ _)^-1%equiv)
oE (equiv_path_sigma_hprop _ _)^-1%equiv).
intro p; by induction p.
Path data lemmas
Definition equiv_path_abses_1 `{Univalence} {B A : AbGroup@{u}} {E : AbSES B A}
: equiv_path_abses_iso (abses_path_data_1 E) = idpath.
apply (equiv_ap_inv' equiv_path_abses_iso).
refine (eissect _ _ @ _).
srapply path_sigma_hprop; simpl.
srapply equiv_path_groupisomorphism.
Definition equiv_path_absesV_1 `{Univalence} {B A : AbGroup@{u}} {E : AbSES B A}
: (@equiv_path_abses_iso _ B A E E)^-1 idpath = Id E.
apply moveR_equiv_M; symmetry.
apply equiv_path_abses_1.
Definition abses_path_data_V `{Univalence} {B A : AbGroup@{u}} {E F : AbSES B A}
(p : abses_path_data_iso E F)
: (equiv_path_abses_iso p)^ = equiv_path_abses_iso (abses_path_data_inverse p).
revert p.
equiv_intro (equiv_path_abses_iso (E:=E) (F:=F))^-1 p; induction p.
refine (ap _ (eisretr _ _) @ _); symmetry.
nrefine (ap (equiv_path_abses_iso o abses_path_data_inverse) equiv_path_absesV_1 @ _).
refine (ap equiv_path_abses_iso gpd_strong_rev_1 @ _).
exact equiv_path_abses_1.
Composition of path data corresponds to composition of paths.
Definition abses_path_compose_beta `{Univalence} {B A : AbGroup@{u}} {E F G : AbSES B A}
(p : E = F) (q : F = G)
: p @ q = equiv_path_abses_iso
(equiv_path_abses_iso^-1 p) (equiv_path_abses_iso^-1 q)).
induction p, q.
refine (equiv_path_abses_1^ @ _).
apply (ap equiv_path_abses_iso).
apply path_sigma_hprop.
by apply equiv_path_groupisomorphism.
(p : E = F) (q : F = G)
: p @ q = equiv_path_abses_iso
(equiv_path_abses_iso^-1 p) (equiv_path_abses_iso^-1 q)).
induction p, q.
refine (equiv_path_abses_1^ @ _).
apply (ap equiv_path_abses_iso).
apply path_sigma_hprop.
by apply equiv_path_groupisomorphism.
A second beta-principle where you start with path data instead of actual paths.
Definition abses_path_data_compose_beta `{Univalence} {B A : AbGroup@{u}} {E F G : AbSES B A}
(p : abses_path_data_iso E F) (q : abses_path_data_iso F G)
: equiv_path_abses_iso p @ equiv_path_abses_iso q
= equiv_path_abses_iso (abses_path_data_compose p q).
generalize p, q.
equiv_intro ((equiv_path_abses_iso (E:=E) (F:=F))^-1) x.
equiv_intro ((equiv_path_abses_iso (E:=F) (F:=G))^-1) y.
refine ((eisretr _ _ @@ eisretr _ _) @ _).
rapply abses_path_compose_beta.
(p : abses_path_data_iso E F) (q : abses_path_data_iso F G)
: equiv_path_abses_iso p @ equiv_path_abses_iso q
= equiv_path_abses_iso (abses_path_data_compose p q).
generalize p, q.
equiv_intro ((equiv_path_abses_iso (E:=E) (F:=F))^-1) x.
equiv_intro ((equiv_path_abses_iso (E:=F) (F:=G))^-1) y.
refine ((eisretr _ _ @@ eisretr _ _) @ _).
rapply abses_path_compose_beta.
Definition equiv_path_data_homotopy `{Univalence} {X : Type} {B A : AbGroup@{u}}
(f g : X → AbSES B A) : (f $=> g) <~> f == g.
srapply equiv_functor_forall_id; intro x; cbn.
srapply equiv_path_abses_iso.
Definition pmap_abses_const {B' A' B A : AbGroup@{u}} : AbSES B A -->* AbSES B' A'
:= Build_BasepointPreservingFunctor (const pt) (Id pt).
Definition to_pointed `{Univalence} {B' A' B A : AbGroup@{u}}
: (AbSES B A -->* AbSES B' A') → (AbSES B A ->* AbSES B' A')
:= fun f ⇒ Build_pMap _ _ f (equiv_path_abses_iso (bp_pointed f)).
Lemma pmap_abses_const_to_pointed `{Univalence} {B' A' B A : AbGroup@{u}}
: pconst ==* to_pointed (@pmap_abses_const B' A' B A).
srapply Build_pHomotopy.
1: reflexivity.
apply moveL_pV.
refine (concat_1p _ @ _).
apply equiv_path_abses_1.
Lemma abses_ap_fmap `{Univalence} {B0 B1 A0 A1 : AbGroup@{u}}
(f : AbSES B0 A0 → AbSES B1 A1) `{!Is0Functor f, !Is1Functor f}
{E F : AbSES B0 A0} (p : E $== F)
: ap f (equiv_path_abses_iso p) = equiv_path_abses_iso (fmap f p).
revert p.
apply (equiv_ind equiv_path_abses_iso^-1%equiv);
intro p.
induction p.
refine (ap (ap f) (eisretr _ _) @ _).
nrefine (_ @ ap equiv_path_abses_iso _).
2: { rapply path_hom.
srefine (_ $@ fmap2 _ _).
2: exact (Id E).
2: intro x; reflexivity.
exact (fmap_id f _)^$. }
exact equiv_path_abses_1^.
Definition to_pointed_compose `{Univalence} {B0 B1 B2 A0 A1 A2 : AbGroup@{u}}
(f : AbSES B0 A0 -->* AbSES B1 A1) (g : AbSES B1 A1 -->* AbSES B2 A2)
`{!Is1Functor f, !Is1Functor g}
: to_pointed g o× to_pointed f ==* to_pointed (g $o× f).
srapply Build_pHomotopy.
1: reflexivity.
lazy beta.
nrapply moveL_pV.
nrefine (concat_1p _ @ _).
unfold pmap_compose, Build_pMap, pointed_fun, point_eq, dpoint_eq.
refine (_ @ ap (fun x ⇒ x @ _) _^).
2: apply (abses_ap_fmap g).
nrefine (_ @ (abses_path_data_compose_beta _ _)^).
nrapply (ap equiv_path_abses_iso).
rapply path_hom.
Definition equiv_ptransformation_phomotopy `{Univalence} {B' A' B A : AbGroup@{u}}
{f g : AbSES B A -->* AbSES B' A'}
: f $=>* g <~> to_pointed f ==* to_pointed g.
refine (issig_pforall _ _ oE _).
apply (equiv_functor_sigma' (equiv_path_data_homotopy f g)); intro h.
refine (equiv_concat_r _ _ oE _).
1: exact ((abses_path_data_compose_beta _ _)^ @ ap (fun x ⇒ _ @ x) (abses_path_data_V _)^).
refine (equiv_ap' equiv_path_abses_iso _ _ oE _).
refine (equiv_path_sigma_hprop _ _ oE _).
apply equiv_path_groupisomorphism.
Characterisation of loops of short exact sequences
Lemma abses_endomorphism_trivial `{Funext} {B A : AbGroup@{u}}
: {phi : GroupHomomorphism (point (AbSES B A)) (point (AbSES B A)) &
(phi o inclusion _ == inclusion _)
× (projection _ == projection _ o phi)}
<~> (B $-> A).
srapply equiv_adjointify.
- intros [phi _].
exact (ab_biprod_pr1 $o phi $o ab_biprod_inr).
- intro f.
snrefine (_;_).
+ refine (ab_biprod_rec ab_biprod_inl _).
refine (ab_biprod_corec f grp_homo_id).
+ split; intro x; cbn.
× apply path_prod; cbn.
-- exact (ap _ (grp_homo_unit f) @ right_identity _).
-- exact (right_identity _).
× exact (left_identity _)^.
- intro f.
rapply equiv_path_grouphomomorphism; intro b; cbn.
exact (left_identity _).
- intros [phi [p q]].
apply path_sigma_hprop; cbn.
rapply equiv_path_grouphomomorphism; intros [a b]; cbn.
apply path_prod; cbn.
+ rewrite (grp_prod_decompose a b).
refine (_ @ (grp_homo_op (ab_biprod_pr1 $o phi) _ _)^).
apply grp_cancelR; symmetry.
exact (ap fst (p a)).
+ rewrite (grp_prod_decompose a b).
refine (_ @ (grp_homo_op (ab_biprod_pr2 $o phi) _ _)^); cbn; symmetry.
exact (ap011 _ (ap snd (p a)) (q (group_unit, b))^).
: {phi : GroupHomomorphism (point (AbSES B A)) (point (AbSES B A)) &
(phi o inclusion _ == inclusion _)
× (projection _ == projection _ o phi)}
<~> (B $-> A).
srapply equiv_adjointify.
- intros [phi _].
exact (ab_biprod_pr1 $o phi $o ab_biprod_inr).
- intro f.
snrefine (_;_).
+ refine (ab_biprod_rec ab_biprod_inl _).
refine (ab_biprod_corec f grp_homo_id).
+ split; intro x; cbn.
× apply path_prod; cbn.
-- exact (ap _ (grp_homo_unit f) @ right_identity _).
-- exact (right_identity _).
× exact (left_identity _)^.
- intro f.
rapply equiv_path_grouphomomorphism; intro b; cbn.
exact (left_identity _).
- intros [phi [p q]].
apply path_sigma_hprop; cbn.
rapply equiv_path_grouphomomorphism; intros [a b]; cbn.
apply path_prod; cbn.
+ rewrite (grp_prod_decompose a b).
refine (_ @ (grp_homo_op (ab_biprod_pr1 $o phi) _ _)^).
apply grp_cancelR; symmetry.
exact (ap fst (p a)).
+ rewrite (grp_prod_decompose a b).
refine (_ @ (grp_homo_op (ab_biprod_pr2 $o phi) _ _)^); cbn; symmetry.
exact (ap011 _ (ap snd (p a)) (q (group_unit, b))^).
Consequently, the loop space of AbSES B A is GroupHomomorphism B A. (In fact, B $-> A are the loops of any short exact sequence, but the trivial case is easiest to show.)
Definition loops_abses `{Univalence} {A B : AbGroup}
: (B $-> A) <~> loops (AbSES B A)
:= equiv_path_abses oE abses_endomorphism_trivial^-1.
: (B $-> A) <~> loops (AbSES B A)
:= equiv_path_abses oE abses_endomorphism_trivial^-1.
We can transfer a loop of the trivial short exact sequence to any other.
Definition hom_loops_data_abses {A B : AbGroup} (E : AbSES B A)
: (B $-> A) → abses_path_data E E.
intro phi.
srefine (_; (_, _)).
- exact (ab_homo_add grp_homo_id (inclusion E $o phi $o projection E)).
- intro a; cbn.
refine (ap (fun x ⇒ _ + inclusion E (phi x)) _ @ _).
1: apply iscomplex_abses.
refine (ap (fun x ⇒ _ + x) (grp_homo_unit (inclusion E $o phi)) @ _).
apply grp_unit_r.
- intro e; symmetry.
refine (grp_homo_op (projection E) _ _ @ _); cbn.
refine (ap (fun x ⇒ _ + x) _ @ _).
1: apply iscomplex_abses.
apply grp_unit_r.
: (B $-> A) → abses_path_data E E.
intro phi.
srefine (_; (_, _)).
- exact (ab_homo_add grp_homo_id (inclusion E $o phi $o projection E)).
- intro a; cbn.
refine (ap (fun x ⇒ _ + inclusion E (phi x)) _ @ _).
1: apply iscomplex_abses.
refine (ap (fun x ⇒ _ + x) (grp_homo_unit (inclusion E $o phi)) @ _).
apply grp_unit_r.
- intro e; symmetry.
refine (grp_homo_op (projection E) _ _ @ _); cbn.
refine (ap (fun x ⇒ _ + x) _ @ _).
1: apply iscomplex_abses.
apply grp_unit_r.
Morphisms of short exact sequences
Record AbSESMorphism {A X B Y : AbGroup@{u}}
{E : AbSES B A} {F : AbSES Y X} := {
component1 : A $-> X;
component2 : middle E $-> middle F;
component3 : B $-> Y;
left_square : (inclusion _) $o component1 == component2 $o (inclusion _);
right_square : (projection _) $o component2 == component3 $o (projection _);
Arguments AbSESMorphism {A X B Y} E F.
Arguments Build_AbSESMorphism {_ _ _ _ _ _} _ _ _ _ _.
Definition issig_AbSESMorphism {A X B Y : AbGroup@{u}}
{E : AbSES B A} {F : AbSES Y X}
: { f : (A $-> X) × (middle E $-> middle F) × (B $-> Y)
& ((inclusion _) $o (fst (fst f)) == (snd (fst f)) $o (inclusion _))
× ((projection F) $o (snd (fst f)) == (snd f) $o (projection _)) }
<~> AbSESMorphism E F := ltac:(make_equiv).
{E : AbSES B A} {F : AbSES Y X} := {
component1 : A $-> X;
component2 : middle E $-> middle F;
component3 : B $-> Y;
left_square : (inclusion _) $o component1 == component2 $o (inclusion _);
right_square : (projection _) $o component2 == component3 $o (projection _);
Arguments AbSESMorphism {A X B Y} E F.
Arguments Build_AbSESMorphism {_ _ _ _ _ _} _ _ _ _ _.
Definition issig_AbSESMorphism {A X B Y : AbGroup@{u}}
{E : AbSES B A} {F : AbSES Y X}
: { f : (A $-> X) × (middle E $-> middle F) × (B $-> Y)
& ((inclusion _) $o (fst (fst f)) == (snd (fst f)) $o (inclusion _))
× ((projection F) $o (snd (fst f)) == (snd f) $o (projection _)) }
<~> AbSESMorphism E F := ltac:(make_equiv).
Lemma abses_morphism_id {A B : AbGroup@{u}} (E : AbSES B A)
: AbSESMorphism E E.
snrapply (Build_AbSESMorphism grp_homo_id grp_homo_id grp_homo_id).
1,2: reflexivity.
Definition absesmorphism_compose {A0 A1 A2 B0 B1 B2 : AbGroup@{u}}
{E : AbSES B0 A0} {F : AbSES B1 A1} {G : AbSES B2 A2}
(g : AbSESMorphism F G) (f : AbSESMorphism E F)
: AbSESMorphism E G.
rapply (Build_AbSESMorphism (component1 g $o component1 f)
(component2 g $o component2 f)
(component3 g $o component3 f)).
- intro x; cbn.
exact (left_square g _ @ ap _ (left_square f _)).
- intro x; cbn.
exact (right_square g _ @ ap _ (right_square f _)).
: AbSESMorphism E E.
snrapply (Build_AbSESMorphism grp_homo_id grp_homo_id grp_homo_id).
1,2: reflexivity.
Definition absesmorphism_compose {A0 A1 A2 B0 B1 B2 : AbGroup@{u}}
{E : AbSES B0 A0} {F : AbSES B1 A1} {G : AbSES B2 A2}
(g : AbSESMorphism F G) (f : AbSESMorphism E F)
: AbSESMorphism E G.
rapply (Build_AbSESMorphism (component1 g $o component1 f)
(component2 g $o component2 f)
(component3 g $o component3 f)).
- intro x; cbn.
exact (left_square g _ @ ap _ (left_square f _)).
- intro x; cbn.
exact (right_square g _ @ ap _ (right_square f _)).
(* We characterize trivial short exact sequences in AbSES as those for which projection splits. *)
If projection E splits, we get an induced map fun e ⇒ e - s (projection E e) from E to ab_kernel (projection E).
Definition projection_split_to_kernel {B A : AbGroup} (E : AbSES B A)
{s : B $-> E} (h : projection _ $o s == idmap)
: (middle E) $-> (@ab_kernel E B (projection _)).
snrapply (grp_kernel_corec (G:=E) (A:=E)).
- refine (ab_homo_add grp_homo_id
(grp_homo_compose ab_homo_negation (s $o (projection _)))).
- intro x; simpl.
refine (grp_homo_op (projection _) x _ @ _).
refine (ap (fun y ⇒ (projection _) x + y) _ @ right_inverse ((projection _) x)).
refine (grp_homo_inv _ _ @ ap negate _ ).
apply h.
{s : B $-> E} (h : projection _ $o s == idmap)
: (middle E) $-> (@ab_kernel E B (projection _)).
snrapply (grp_kernel_corec (G:=E) (A:=E)).
- refine (ab_homo_add grp_homo_id
(grp_homo_compose ab_homo_negation (s $o (projection _)))).
- intro x; simpl.
refine (grp_homo_op (projection _) x _ @ _).
refine (ap (fun y ⇒ (projection _) x + y) _ @ right_inverse ((projection _) x)).
refine (grp_homo_inv _ _ @ ap negate _ ).
apply h.
Lemma projection_split_to_kernel_beta {B A : AbGroup} (E : AbSES B A)
{s : B $-> E} (h : (projection _) $o s == idmap)
: (projection_split_to_kernel E h) $o (inclusion _) == grp_cxfib cx_isexact.
intro a.
apply path_sigma_hprop; cbn.
apply grp_cancelL1.
refine (ap (fun x ⇒ - s x) _ @ _).
1: rapply cx_isexact.
exact (ap _ (grp_homo_unit _) @ negate_mon_unit).
{s : B $-> E} (h : (projection _) $o s == idmap)
: (projection_split_to_kernel E h) $o (inclusion _) == grp_cxfib cx_isexact.
intro a.
apply path_sigma_hprop; cbn.
apply grp_cancelL1.
refine (ap (fun x ⇒ - s x) _ @ _).
1: rapply cx_isexact.
exact (ap _ (grp_homo_unit _) @ negate_mon_unit).
The induced map E → ab_kernel (projection E) + B is an isomorphism. We suffix it with 1 since it is the first composite in the desired isomorphism E → A + B.
Definition projection_split_iso1 {B A : AbGroup} (E : AbSES B A)
{s : GroupHomomorphism B E} (h : (projection _) $o s == idmap)
: GroupIsomorphism E (ab_biprod (@ab_kernel E B (projection _)) B).
srapply Build_GroupIsomorphism.
- refine (ab_biprod_corec _ (projection _)).
exact (projection_split_to_kernel E h).
- srapply isequiv_adjointify.
+ refine (ab_biprod_rec _ s).
rapply subgroup_incl.
+ intros [a b]; simpl.
apply path_prod'.
× srapply path_sigma_hprop; cbn.
refine ((associativity _ _ _)^ @ _).
apply grp_cancelL1.
refine (ap _ _ @ right_inverse _).
apply (ap negate).
apply (ap s).
refine (grp_homo_op (projection _) a.1 (s b) @ _).
exact (ap (fun y ⇒ y + _) a.2 @ left_identity _ @ h b).
× refine (grp_homo_op (projection _) a.1 (s b) @ _).
exact (ap (fun y ⇒ y + _) a.2 @ left_identity _ @ h b).
+ intro e; simpl.
by apply grp_moveR_gM.
{s : GroupHomomorphism B E} (h : (projection _) $o s == idmap)
: GroupIsomorphism E (ab_biprod (@ab_kernel E B (projection _)) B).
srapply Build_GroupIsomorphism.
- refine (ab_biprod_corec _ (projection _)).
exact (projection_split_to_kernel E h).
- srapply isequiv_adjointify.
+ refine (ab_biprod_rec _ s).
rapply subgroup_incl.
+ intros [a b]; simpl.
apply path_prod'.
× srapply path_sigma_hprop; cbn.
refine ((associativity _ _ _)^ @ _).
apply grp_cancelL1.
refine (ap _ _ @ right_inverse _).
apply (ap negate).
apply (ap s).
refine (grp_homo_op (projection _) a.1 (s b) @ _).
exact (ap (fun y ⇒ y + _) a.2 @ left_identity _ @ h b).
× refine (grp_homo_op (projection _) a.1 (s b) @ _).
exact (ap (fun y ⇒ y + _) a.2 @ left_identity _ @ h b).
+ intro e; simpl.
by apply grp_moveR_gM.
Definition projection_split_iso {B A : AbGroup@{u}}
(E : AbSES B A) {s : GroupHomomorphism B E}
(h : (projection _) $o s == idmap)
: GroupIsomorphism E (ab_biprod A B).
etransitivity (ab_biprod (ab_kernel _) B).
- exact (projection_split_iso1 E h).
- srapply (equiv_functor_ab_biprod
(grp_iso_inverse _) grp_iso_id).
rapply grp_iso_cxfib.
Proposition projection_split_beta {B A : AbGroup} (E : AbSES B A)
{s : B $-> E} (h : (projection _) $o s == idmap)
: projection_split_iso E h o (inclusion _) == ab_biprod_inl.
intro a.
(* The next two lines might help the reader, but both are definitional equalities:
lhs nrapply (ap _ (grp_prod_corec_natural _ _ _ _)).
lhs nrapply ab_biprod_functor_beta.
nrapply path_prod'.
2: rapply cx_isexact.
(* The LHS of the remaining goal is definitionally equal to
(grp_iso_inverse (grp_iso_cxfib (isexact_inclusion_projection E)) o inclusion E)) a
allowing us to do: *)
lhs nrapply (ap _ (projection_split_to_kernel_beta E h a)).
apply eissect.
(E : AbSES B A) {s : GroupHomomorphism B E}
(h : (projection _) $o s == idmap)
: GroupIsomorphism E (ab_biprod A B).
etransitivity (ab_biprod (ab_kernel _) B).
- exact (projection_split_iso1 E h).
- srapply (equiv_functor_ab_biprod
(grp_iso_inverse _) grp_iso_id).
rapply grp_iso_cxfib.
Proposition projection_split_beta {B A : AbGroup} (E : AbSES B A)
{s : B $-> E} (h : (projection _) $o s == idmap)
: projection_split_iso E h o (inclusion _) == ab_biprod_inl.
intro a.
(* The next two lines might help the reader, but both are definitional equalities:
lhs nrapply (ap _ (grp_prod_corec_natural _ _ _ _)).
lhs nrapply ab_biprod_functor_beta.
nrapply path_prod'.
2: rapply cx_isexact.
(* The LHS of the remaining goal is definitionally equal to
(grp_iso_inverse (grp_iso_cxfib (isexact_inclusion_projection E)) o inclusion E)) a
allowing us to do: *)
lhs nrapply (ap _ (projection_split_to_kernel_beta E h a)).
apply eissect.
Proposition iff_abses_trivial_split `{Univalence}
{B A : AbGroup@{u}} (E : AbSES B A)
: {s : B $-> E & (projection _) $o s == idmap}
↔ (E = point (AbSES B A)).
refine (iff_compose _ (iff_equiv equiv_path_abses_iso)); split.
- intros [s h].
∃ (projection_split_iso E h).
+ nrapply projection_split_beta.
+ reflexivity.
- intros [phi [g h]].
∃ (grp_homo_compose (grp_iso_inverse phi) ab_biprod_inr).
intro x; cbn.
exact (h _ @ ap snd (eisretr _ _)).
{B A : AbGroup@{u}} (E : AbSES B A)
: {s : B $-> E & (projection _) $o s == idmap}
↔ (E = point (AbSES B A)).
refine (iff_compose _ (iff_equiv equiv_path_abses_iso)); split.
- intros [s h].
∃ (projection_split_iso E h).
+ nrapply projection_split_beta.
+ reflexivity.
- intros [phi [g h]].
∃ (grp_homo_compose (grp_iso_inverse phi) ab_biprod_inr).
intro x; cbn.
exact (h _ @ ap snd (eisretr _ _)).
Constructions of short exact sequences
Definition abses_from_inclusion `{Univalence}
{A E : AbGroup@{u}} (i : A $-> E) `{IsEmbedding i}
: AbSES (QuotientAbGroup E (grp_image_embedding i)) A.
srapply (Build_AbSES E i).
1: exact grp_quotient_map.
1: exact _.
srapply Build_IsExact.
- srapply phomotopy_homotopy_hset.
intro x.
apply qglue; cbn.
∃ (-x).
exact (grp_homo_inv _ _ @ (grp_unit_r _)^).
- snrapply (conn_map_homotopic (Tr (-1)) (B:=grp_kernel (@grp_quotient_map E _))).
+ exact (grp_kernel_quotient_iso _ o ab_image_in_embedding i).
+ intro a.
by rapply (isinj_embedding (subgroup_incl _)).
+ rapply conn_map_isequiv.
{A E : AbGroup@{u}} (i : A $-> E) `{IsEmbedding i}
: AbSES (QuotientAbGroup E (grp_image_embedding i)) A.
srapply (Build_AbSES E i).
1: exact grp_quotient_map.
1: exact _.
srapply Build_IsExact.
- srapply phomotopy_homotopy_hset.
intro x.
apply qglue; cbn.
∃ (-x).
exact (grp_homo_inv _ _ @ (grp_unit_r _)^).
- snrapply (conn_map_homotopic (Tr (-1)) (B:=grp_kernel (@grp_quotient_map E _))).
+ exact (grp_kernel_quotient_iso _ o ab_image_in_embedding i).
+ intro a.
by rapply (isinj_embedding (subgroup_incl _)).
+ rapply conn_map_isequiv.
Conversely, given a short exact sequence A → E → B, A is the kernel of E → B. (We don't need exactness at B, so we drop this assumption.)
Lemma abses_kernel_iso `{Funext} {A E B : AbGroup} (i : A $-> E) (p : E $-> B)
`{IsEmbedding i, IsExact (Tr (-1)) _ _ _ i p}
: GroupIsomorphism A (ab_kernel p).
snrapply Build_GroupIsomorphism.
- apply (grp_kernel_corec i).
rapply cx_isexact.
- apply isequiv_surj_emb.
2: rapply (cancelL_mapinO _ (grp_kernel_corec _ _) _).
intros [y q].
assert (a : Tr (-1) (hfiber i y)).
1: by rapply isexact_preimage.
strip_truncations; destruct a as [a r].
rapply contr_inhabited_hprop.
refine (tr (a; _)); cbn.
apply path_sigma_hprop; cbn.
exact r.
`{IsEmbedding i, IsExact (Tr (-1)) _ _ _ i p}
: GroupIsomorphism A (ab_kernel p).
snrapply Build_GroupIsomorphism.
- apply (grp_kernel_corec i).
rapply cx_isexact.
- apply isequiv_surj_emb.
2: rapply (cancelL_mapinO _ (grp_kernel_corec _ _) _).
intros [y q].
assert (a : Tr (-1) (hfiber i y)).
1: by rapply isexact_preimage.
strip_truncations; destruct a as [a r].
rapply contr_inhabited_hprop.
refine (tr (a; _)); cbn.
apply path_sigma_hprop; cbn.
exact r.
Lemma abses_kernel_iso_inv_beta `{Funext} {A E B : AbGroup} (i : A $-> E) (p : E $-> B)
`{IsEmbedding i, IsExact (Tr (-1)) _ _ _ i p}
: i o (abses_kernel_iso i p)^-1 == subgroup_incl _.
rapply (equiv_ind (abses_kernel_iso i p)); intro a.
exact (ap i (eissect (abses_kernel_iso i p) _)).
(* Any surjection p : E $-> B induces a short exact sequence by taking the kernel. *)
Lemma abses_from_surjection {E B : AbGroup@{u}} (p : E $-> B) `{IsSurjection p}
: AbSES B (ab_kernel p).
srapply (Build_AbSES E _ p).
1: exact (subgroup_incl _).
1: exact _.
snrapply Build_IsExact.
- apply phomotopy_homotopy_hset.
intros [e q]; cbn.
exact q.
- rapply conn_map_isequiv.
`{IsEmbedding i, IsExact (Tr (-1)) _ _ _ i p}
: i o (abses_kernel_iso i p)^-1 == subgroup_incl _.
rapply (equiv_ind (abses_kernel_iso i p)); intro a.
exact (ap i (eissect (abses_kernel_iso i p) _)).
(* Any surjection p : E $-> B induces a short exact sequence by taking the kernel. *)
Lemma abses_from_surjection {E B : AbGroup@{u}} (p : E $-> B) `{IsSurjection p}
: AbSES B (ab_kernel p).
srapply (Build_AbSES E _ p).
1: exact (subgroup_incl _).
1: exact _.
snrapply Build_IsExact.
- apply phomotopy_homotopy_hset.
intros [e q]; cbn.
exact q.
- rapply conn_map_isequiv.
Conversely, given a short exact sequence A → E → B, B is the cokernel of A → E. In fact, we don't need exactness at A, so we drop this from the statement.
Lemma abses_cokernel_iso `{Funext}
{A E B : AbGroup@{u}} (f : A $-> E) (g : GroupHomomorphism E B)
`{IsSurjection g, IsExact (Tr (-1)) _ _ _ f g}
: GroupIsomorphism (ab_cokernel f) B.
snrapply Build_GroupIsomorphism.
- snrapply (quotient_abgroup_rec _ _ g).
intros e; rapply Trunc_rec; intros [a p].
refine (ap _ p^ @ _).
rapply cx_isexact.
- apply isequiv_surj_emb.
1: rapply cancelR_conn_map.
apply isembedding_isinj_hset.
srapply Quotient_ind2_hprop; intros x y.
intro p.
apply qglue; cbn.
refine (isexact_preimage (Tr (-1)) _ _ (-x + y) _).
refine (grp_homo_op _ _ _ @ _).
rewrite grp_homo_inv.
apply grp_moveL_M1^-1.
exact p^.
Definition abses_cokernel_iso_inv_beta `{Funext}
{A E B : AbGroup} (f : A $-> E) (g : GroupHomomorphism E B)
`{IsSurjection g, IsExact (Tr (-1)) _ _ _ f g}
: (abses_cokernel_iso f g)^-1 o g == grp_quotient_map.
intro x; by apply moveR_equiv_V.
{A E B : AbGroup@{u}} (f : A $-> E) (g : GroupHomomorphism E B)
`{IsSurjection g, IsExact (Tr (-1)) _ _ _ f g}
: GroupIsomorphism (ab_cokernel f) B.
snrapply Build_GroupIsomorphism.
- snrapply (quotient_abgroup_rec _ _ g).
intros e; rapply Trunc_rec; intros [a p].
refine (ap _ p^ @ _).
rapply cx_isexact.
- apply isequiv_surj_emb.
1: rapply cancelR_conn_map.
apply isembedding_isinj_hset.
srapply Quotient_ind2_hprop; intros x y.
intro p.
apply qglue; cbn.
refine (isexact_preimage (Tr (-1)) _ _ (-x + y) _).
refine (grp_homo_op _ _ _ @ _).
rewrite grp_homo_inv.
apply grp_moveL_M1^-1.
exact p^.
Definition abses_cokernel_iso_inv_beta `{Funext}
{A E B : AbGroup} (f : A $-> E) (g : GroupHomomorphism E B)
`{IsSurjection g, IsExact (Tr (-1)) _ _ _ f g}
: (abses_cokernel_iso f g)^-1 o g == grp_quotient_map.
intro x; by apply moveR_equiv_V.