Library HoTT.Modalities.Topological
Require Import HoTT.Basics HoTT.Types.
Require Import Extensions HoTT.Truncations.
Require Import Accessible Lex Nullification.
Local Open Scope path_scope.
Require Import Extensions HoTT.Truncations.
Require Import Accessible Lex Nullification.
Local Open Scope path_scope.
Topological localizations
Topological modalities are lex
Global Instance lex_topological `{Univalence}
(O : Modality) `{IsAccModality O} `{Topological O}
: Lex O.
snrapply lex_from_inO_typeO; [ exact _ | intros i ].
apply ((equiv_ooextendable_isequiv _ _)^-1%equiv).
srapply isequiv_adjointify; cbn.
- intros B _.
refine ((∀ a, B a) ; _).
exact _.
- intros B.
apply path_arrow; intros a.
apply path_TypeO, path_universe_uncurried.
unfold composeD; simpl.
simple refine (equiv_adjointify _ _ _ _).
+ intros f. exact (f a).
+ intros b a'. exact (transport B (path_ishprop a a') b).
+ intros b.
refine (transport2 B (path_contr _ 1) b).
+ intros f. apply path_forall; intros a'.
exact (apD f _).
- intros B.
apply path_arrow; intros [].
apply path_TypeO, path_universe_uncurried.
unfold composeD; simpl.
pose (e := isequiv_ooextendable _ _
(fst (inO_iff_isnull O (B tt)) (inO_TypeO (B tt)) i)).
unfold composeD in e; simpl in e.
refine (_ oE (Build_Equiv _ _ _ e)^-1).
exact (equiv_contr_forall _).
Global Instance lex_nullification `{Univalence}
(S : NullGenerators) `{∀ i, IsHProp (S i)}
: Lex (Nul S).
rapply lex_topological.
Lex modalities generated by n-types are topological
Definition topological_lex_trunc_acc `{Funext}
(B : NullGenerators) {Olex : Lex (Nul B)}
(n : trunc_index) (gtr : ∀ a, IsTrunc n (ngen_type B a))
: { D : NullGenerators &
(∀ c, IsHProp (ngen_type D c)) ×
(Nul D <=> Nul B) }.
destruct n.
{ ∃ (Build_NullGenerators Empty (fun _ ⇒ Unit)).
split; [ exact _ | split; intros X _; [ | intros [] ] ].
intros i.
apply ooextendable_equiv, isequiv_contr_contr. }
pose (O := Nul B).
pose (OeqB := reflexive_O_eq O : O <=> (Nul B)).
change (Nul B) with O in Olex.
clearbody O OeqB.
revert B OeqB gtr.
induction n; intros B OeqB gtr.
{ ∃ B; split; [ assumption | reflexivity ]. }
pose (A := ngen_indices B).
pose (C := A + { a:A & B(a) × B(a) }).
pose (D := Build_NullGenerators
C (fun c:C ⇒ match c with
| inl a ⇒ merely (B a)
| inr (a ; (b1, b2)) ⇒ (b1 = b2)
end : Type)).
assert (Dtrunc : ∀ c:C, IsTrunc n.+1 (D c)).
{ intros [a | [a [b1 b2]]]; [ cbn | exact _ ].
(* Because trunc_hprop can't be used as an idmap... *)
destruct n; exact _. }
assert (OeqD : O <=> (Nul D)).
{ split; intros X.
- intros X_inO c.
assert (Bc : ∀ a:A, IsConnected O (B a)).
{ intros a.
rapply (@isconnected_O_leq O (Nul B)).
exact (isconnected_acc_ngen (Nul B) a). }
apply (ooextendable_const_isconnected_inO O);
[ destruct c as [a | [a [b1 b2]]] | exact X_inO ].
+ apply isconnected_from_elim_to_O.
destruct (isconnected_elim O (O (merely (B a)))
(fun b ⇒ to O _ (tr b)))
as [x h].
∃ x; intros y; cbn in y.
exact (h y).
+ cbn. rapply isconnected_paths.
- intros Dnull; rapply (@inO_leq (Nul B) O).
intros a; cbn in a; cbn.
apply ((equiv_ooextendable_isequiv
(unit_name X) (fun _:B a ⇒ tt))^-1).
apply isequiv_contr_map; intros f; cbn in f.
refine (contr_equiv' { x:X & ∀ u:B a, x = f u } _).
{ refine (equiv_functor_sigma' (equiv_unit_rec X) _).
intros x; unfold composeD; cbn.
apply equiv_path_arrow. }
refine ((isconnected_elim (Nul D) (A := D (inl a)) _ _).1).
{ rapply isconnected_acc_ngen. }
intros b; cbn in b. strip_truncations.
assert (bc : IsConnMap (Nul D) (unit_name b)).
{ intros x; unfold hfiber.
apply (isconnected_equiv (Nul D) (b = x)
(equiv_contr_sigma _)^-1).
rapply (isconnected_acc_ngen (Nul D) (inr (a;(b,x)))). }
pose (p := conn_map_elim (Nul D) (unit_name b)
(fun u ⇒ f b = f u) (fun _ ⇒ 1)).
apply (Build_Contr _ (f b ; p)); intros [x q].
refine (path_sigma' _ (q b)^ _); apply path_forall.
refine (conn_map_elim (Nul D) (unit_name b) _ _); intros [].
rewrite transport_forall_constant, transport_paths_l, inv_V.
rewrite (conn_map_comp (Nul D) (unit_name b)
(fun u:B a ⇒ f b = f u)
(fun _ ⇒ 1) tt : p b = 1).
apply concat_p1. }
destruct (IHn D OeqD _) as [E [HE EeqD]].
∃ E; split; [ exact HE | ].
refine (transitivity EeqD _).
refine (transitivity _ OeqB).
symmetry; assumption.