Library HoTT.Homotopy.Wedge

Require Import Basics Types.
Require Import Pointed.Core Pointed.pSusp.
Require Import Colimits.Pushout.
Require Import WildCat.
Require Import Homotopy.Suspension.

Local Set Universe Minimization ToSet.

Wedge sums

Local Open Scope pointed_scope.

Definition Wedge (X Y : pType) : pType
  := [Pushout (fun _ : Unitpoint X) (fun _point Y), pushl (point X)].

Notation "X \/ Y" := (Wedge X Y) : pointed_scope.

Definition wedge_inl {X Y} : X $-> X Y.
  snrapply Build_pMap.
  - exact (fun xpushl x).
  - reflexivity.

Definition wedge_inr {X Y} : Y $-> X Y.
  snrapply Build_pMap.
  - exact (fun xpushr x).
  - symmetry.
    by rapply pglue.

Definition wglue {X Y : pType}
  : pushl (point X) = (pushr (point Y)) :> (X Y) := pglue tt.

Wedge recursion into an unpointed type.
Definition wedge_rec' {X Y : pType} {Z : Type}
  (f : X Z) (g : Y Z) (w : f pt = g pt)
  : Wedge X Y Z.
  snrapply Pushout_rec.
  - exact f.
  - exact g.
  - intro.
    exact w.

Definition wedge_rec {X Y : pType} {Z : pType} (f : X $-> Z) (g : Y $-> Z)
  : X Y $-> Z.
  snrapply Build_pMap.
  - snrapply (wedge_rec' f g).
    exact (point_eq f @ (point_eq g)^).
  - exact (point_eq f).

Definition wedge_rec_beta_wglue {X Y Z : pType} (f : X $-> Z) (g : Y $-> Z)
  : ap (wedge_rec f g) wglue = point_eq f @ (point_eq g)^
  := Pushout_rec_beta_pglue _ f g _ tt.

Definition wedge_pr1 {X Y : pType} : X Y $-> X
  := wedge_rec pmap_idmap pconst.

Definition wedge_pr2 {X Y : pType} : X Y $-> Y
  := wedge_rec pconst pmap_idmap.

Definition wedge_incl (X Y : pType) : X Y $-> X × Y
  := pprod_corec _ wedge_pr1 wedge_pr2.

Definition wedge_incl_beta_wglue {X Y : pType}
  : ap (@wedge_incl X Y) wglue = 1.
  lhs_V nrapply eta_path_prod.
  lhs nrapply ap011.
  - lhs_V nrapply ap_compose.
    nrapply wedge_rec_beta_wglue.
  - lhs_V nrapply ap_compose.
    nrapply wedge_rec_beta_wglue.
  - reflexivity.

1-universal property of wedge.
Lemma wedge_up X Y Z (f g : X Y $-> Z)
  : f $o wedge_inl $== g $o wedge_inl
   f $o wedge_inr $== g $o wedge_inr
   f $== g.
  intros p q.
  snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
  - snrapply (Pushout_ind _ p q).
    intros [].
    nrapply transport_paths_FlFr'.
    lhs nrapply (whiskerL _ (dpoint_eq q)).
    rhs nrapply (whiskerR (dpoint_eq p)).
    clear p q.
    lhs nrapply concat_p_pp.
    apply moveR_pV.
    lhs nrapply whiskerL.
    { nrapply whiskerR.
      apply ap_V. }
    lhs nrapply concat_p_pp.
    lhs nrapply whiskerR.
    1: apply concat_pV.
    rhs nrapply concat_p_pp.
    apply moveL_pM.
    lhs_V nrapply concat_p1.
    lhs nrapply concat_pp_p.
    lhs_V nrapply whiskerL.
    1: apply (inv_pp 1).
    rhs nrapply whiskerL.
    2: apply ap_V.
    apply moveL_pV.
  - simpl; pelim p q.
    1: apply concat_1p.
    lhs nrapply inv_pp.
    apply concat_p1.

Global Instance hasbinarycoproducts : HasBinaryCoproducts pType.
  intros X Y.
  snrapply Build_BinaryCoproduct.
  - exact (X Y).
  - exact wedge_inl.
  - exact wedge_inr.
  - intros Z f g.
    by apply wedge_rec.
  - intros Z f g.
    snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
    1: reflexivity.
    by simpl; pelim f.
  - intros Z f g.
    snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
    1: reflexivity.
    apply moveL_pV.
    apply moveL_pM.
    refine (_ @ (ap_V _ (pglue tt))^).
    apply moveR_Mp.
    apply moveL_pV.
    apply moveR_Vp.
    refine (Pushout_rec_beta_pglue _ f g _ _ @ _).
    by pelim f g.
  - intros Z f g p q.
    by apply wedge_up.

Lemmas about wedge functions

Lemma wedge_pr1_inl {X Y} : wedge_pr1 $o (@wedge_inl X Y) $== pmap_idmap.

Lemma wedge_pr1_inr {X Y} : wedge_pr1 $o (@wedge_inr X Y) $== pconst.
  snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
  1: reflexivity.
  rhs nrapply concat_p1.
  rhs nrapply concat_p1.
  rhs nrapply (ap_V _ wglue).
  exact (inverse2 (wedge_rec_beta_wglue pmap_idmap pconst)^).

Lemma wedge_pr2_inl {X Y} : wedge_pr2 $o (@wedge_inl X Y) $== pconst.

Lemma wedge_pr2_inr {X Y} : wedge_pr2 $o (@wedge_inr X Y) $== pmap_idmap.
  snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
  1: reflexivity.
  rhs nrapply concat_p1.
  rhs nrapply concat_p1.
  rhs nrapply (ap_V _ wglue).
  exact (inverse2 (wedge_rec_beta_wglue pconst pmap_idmap)^).

Wedge of an indexed family of pointed types
Note that the index type is not necessarily pointed. An empty wedge is the unit type which is the zero object in the category of pointed types.
Definition FamilyWedge (I : Type) (X : I pType) : pType.
  snrapply Build_pType.
  - srefine (Pushout (A := I) (B := sig X) (C := pUnit) _ _).
    + exact (fun i(i; pt)).
    + exact (fun _pt).
  - apply pushr.
    exact pt.

Definition fwedge_in' (I : Type) (X : I pType)
  : i, X i $-> FamilyWedge I X
  := fun iBuild_pMap _ _ (fun xpushl (i; x)) (pglue i).

We have an inclusion map pushl : sig X FamilyWedge X. When I is pointed, so is sig X, and then this inclusion map is pointed.
Definition fwedge_in (I : pType) (X : I pType)
  : psigma (pointed_fam X) $-> FamilyWedge I X
  := Build_pMap _ _ pushl (pglue pt).

Recursion principle for the wedge of an indexed family of pointed types.
Definition fwedge_rec (I : Type) (X : I pType) (Z : pType)
  (f : i, X i $-> Z)
  : FamilyWedge I X $-> Z.
  snrapply Build_pMap.
  - snrapply Pushout_rec.
    + apply (sig_rec _ _ _ f).
    + exact pconst.
    + intros i.
      exact (point_eq (f i)).
  - exact idpath.

We specify a universe variable here to prevent minimization to Set.
Global Instance hasallcoproducts_ptype : HasAllCoproducts pType@{u}.
  intros I X.
  snrapply Build_Coproduct.
  - exact (FamilyWedge I X).
  - exact (fwedge_in' I X).
  - exact (fwedge_rec I X).
  - intros Z f i.
    snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
    1: reflexivity.
    apply moveL_pV.
    apply equiv_1p_q1.
    exact (Pushout_rec_beta_pglue Z _ (unit_name pt) (fun ipoint_eq (f i)) _).
  - intros Z f g h.
    snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
    + snrapply Pushout_ind.
      × intros [i x].
        nrapply h.
      × intros [].
        exact (point_eq _ @ (point_eq _)^).
      × intros i; cbn.
        nrapply transport_paths_FlFr'.
        lhs nrapply concat_p_pp.
        apply moveR_pV.
        rhs nrapply concat_pp_p.
        apply moveL_pM.
        exact (dpoint_eq (h i)).
    + reflexivity.

Wedge inclusions into the product can be defined if the indexing type has decidable paths. This is because we need to choose which factor a given wedge summand should land in.
Definition fwedge_incl `{Funext} (I : Type) `(DecidablePaths I) (X : I pType)
  : FamilyWedge I X $-> pproduct X
  := cat_coprod_prod X.

The pinch map on the suspension

Given a suspension, there is a natural map from the suspension to the wedge of the suspension with itself. This is known as the pinch map.
This is the image to keep in mind:
                                  / | \
    Susp X                       /  |  \
                                /   |   \
       *                       * merid(x)*
      /|\                       \   |   /
     / | \                       \  |  /
    /  |  \                       \ | /
   /   |   \      Pinch            \|/
  * merid(x)*   ---------->         *
   \   |   /                       /|\
    \  |  /                       / | \
     \ | /                       /  |  \
      \|/                       /   |   \
       *                       * merid(x)*
                                \   |   /
                                 \  |  /
                                  \ | /
Note that this is only a conceptual picture as we aren't working with "reduced suspensions". This means we have to track back along merid pt making this map a little trickier to imagine.
The pinch map for a suspension.
Definition psusp_pinch (X : pType) : psusp X $-> psusp X psusp X.
  refine (Build_pMap _ _ (Susp_rec pt pt _) idpath).
  intros x.
  refine (ap wedge_inl _ @ wglue @ ap wedge_inr _ @ wglue^).
  1,2: exact (loop_susp_unit X x).

It should compute when aped on a merid.
Definition psusp_pinch_beta_merid {X : pType} (x : X)
  : ap (psusp_pinch X) (merid x)
    = ap wedge_inl (loop_susp_unit X x) @ wglue
    @ ap wedge_inr (loop_susp_unit X x) @ wglue^.
  rapply Susp_rec_beta_merid.

Doing wedge projections on the pinch map gives the identity.
Definition wedge_pr1_psusp_pinch {X}
  : wedge_pr1 $o psusp_pinch X $== Id (psusp X).
  snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
  - snrapply Susp_ind_FlFr.
    + reflexivity.
    + exact (merid pt).
    + intros x.
      rhs nrapply concat_1p.
      rhs nrapply ap_idmap.
      apply moveR_pM.
      change (?t = _) with (t = loop_susp_unit X x).
      lhs nrapply (ap_compose (psusp_pinch X)).
      lhs nrapply (ap _ (psusp_pinch_beta_merid x)).
      lhs nrapply ap_pp.
      lhs nrapply (ap (fun x_ @ x) (ap_V _ _)).
      apply moveR_pV.
      rhs nrapply (whiskerL _ (wedge_rec_beta_wglue _ _)).
      lhs nrapply ap_pp.
      lhs nrapply (ap (fun x_ @ x)).
      { lhs_V nrapply ap_compose.
        apply ap_const. }
      lhs nrapply concat_p1.
      lhs nrapply ap_pp.
      lhs nrapply (ap (fun x_ @ x) (wedge_rec_beta_wglue _ _)).
      lhs_V nrapply (ap_compose wedge_inl).
      apply ap_idmap.
  - reflexivity.

Definition wedge_pr2_psusp_pinch {X}
  : wedge_pr2 $o psusp_pinch X $== Id (psusp X).
  snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
  - snrapply Susp_ind_FlFr.
    + reflexivity.
    + exact (merid pt).
    + intros x.
      rhs nrapply concat_1p.
      rhs nrapply ap_idmap.
      apply moveR_pM.
      change (?t = _) with (t = loop_susp_unit X x).
      lhs nrapply (ap_compose (psusp_pinch X)).
      lhs nrapply (ap _ (psusp_pinch_beta_merid x)).
      lhs nrapply ap_pp.
      lhs nrapply (ap (fun x_ @ x) (ap_V _ _)).
      apply moveR_pV.
      rhs nrapply (whiskerL _ (wedge_rec_beta_wglue _ _)).
      lhs nrapply ap_pp.
      lhs nrapply (ap (fun x_ @ x) _).
      { lhs_V nrapply ap_compose.
        apply ap_idmap. }
      rhs nrapply concat_p1.
      apply moveR_pM.
      lhs nrapply ap_pp.
      rhs nrapply concat_pV.
      lhs nrapply (ap _ (wedge_rec_beta_wglue _ _)).
      apply moveR_pM.
      lhs_V nrapply (ap_compose wedge_inl).
      rapply ap_const.
  - reflexivity.