Library HoTT.Homotopy.WhiteheadsPrinciple
Require Import Basics Types.
Require Import Pointed.
Require Import WildCat.Core HFiber.
Require Import Truncations.
Require Import Algebra.Groups.Group.
Require Import Homotopy.HomotopyGroup.
Local Open Scope pointed_scope.
Local Open Scope nat_scope.
Require Import Pointed.
Require Import WildCat.Core HFiber.
Require Import Truncations.
Require Import Algebra.Groups.Group.
Require Import Homotopy.HomotopyGroup.
Local Open Scope pointed_scope.
Local Open Scope nat_scope.
Definition isequiv_issurj_tr0_isequiv_ap
`{Univalence} {A B : Type} (f : A → B)
{i : IsSurjection (Trunc_functor 0 f)}
{ii : ∀ x y, IsEquiv (@ap _ _ f x y)}
: IsEquiv f.
apply (equiv_isequiv_ap_isembedding f)^-1 in ii.
srapply isequiv_surj_emb.
srapply BuildIsSurjection.
cbn; intro b.
pose proof (@center _ (i (tr b))) as p.
revert p.
apply Trunc_functor.
apply sig_ind.
srapply Trunc_ind.
intros a p.
apply (equiv_path_Tr _ _)^-1 in p.
∃ a.
exact p.
`{Univalence} {A B : Type} (f : A → B)
{i : IsSurjection (Trunc_functor 0 f)}
{ii : ∀ x y, IsEquiv (@ap _ _ f x y)}
: IsEquiv f.
apply (equiv_isequiv_ap_isembedding f)^-1 in ii.
srapply isequiv_surj_emb.
srapply BuildIsSurjection.
cbn; intro b.
pose proof (@center _ (i (tr b))) as p.
revert p.
apply Trunc_functor.
apply sig_ind.
srapply Trunc_ind.
intros a p.
apply (equiv_path_Tr _ _)^-1 in p.
∃ a.
exact p.
Definition isequiv_isbij_tr0_isequiv_loops
`{Univalence} {A B : Type} (f : A → B)
{i : IsEquiv (Trunc_functor 0 f)}
{ii : ∀ x, IsEquiv (fmap loops (pmap_from_point f x)) }
: IsEquiv f.
srapply (isequiv_issurj_tr0_isequiv_ap f).
intros x y.
apply isequiv_inhab_codomain.
intro p.
apply (ap (@tr 0 _)) in p.
apply (@equiv_inj _ _ _ i (tr x) (tr y)) in p.
apply (equiv_path_Tr _ _)^-1 in p.
destruct p.
cbn in ii.
snrapply (isequiv_homotopic _ (H:=ii x)).
exact (fun _ ⇒ concat_1p _ @ concat_p1 _).
`{Univalence} {A B : Type} (f : A → B)
{i : IsEquiv (Trunc_functor 0 f)}
{ii : ∀ x, IsEquiv (fmap loops (pmap_from_point f x)) }
: IsEquiv f.
srapply (isequiv_issurj_tr0_isequiv_ap f).
intros x y.
apply isequiv_inhab_codomain.
intro p.
apply (ap (@tr 0 _)) in p.
apply (@equiv_inj _ _ _ i (tr x) (tr y)) in p.
apply (equiv_path_Tr _ _)^-1 in p.
destruct p.
cbn in ii.
snrapply (isequiv_homotopic _ (H:=ii x)).
exact (fun _ ⇒ concat_1p _ @ concat_p1 _).
When the types are 0-connected and the map is pointed, just one loops_functor needs to be checked.
Definition isequiv_is0connected_isequiv_loops
`{Univalence} {A B : pType} `{IsConnected 0 A} `{IsConnected 0 B}
(f : A ->* B)
(e : IsEquiv (fmap loops f))
: IsEquiv f.
apply isequiv_isbij_tr0_isequiv_loops.
`{Univalence} {A B : pType} `{IsConnected 0 A} `{IsConnected 0 B}
(f : A ->* B)
(e : IsEquiv (fmap loops f))
: IsEquiv f.
apply isequiv_isbij_tr0_isequiv_loops.
Since A is 0-connected, it's enough to check the loops_functor condition for the basepoint.
The loops_functor condition for pmap_from_point f _ is equivalent to the loops_functor condition for f with its given pointing.
srapply isequiv_homotopic'.
- exact (equiv_concat_lr (point_eq f) (point_eq f)^ oE (Build_Equiv _ _ _ e)).
- intro r.
- exact (equiv_concat_lr (point_eq f) (point_eq f)^ oE (Build_Equiv _ _ _ e)).
- intro r.
Truncated Whitehead's principle (8.8.3)
Definition whiteheads_principle
{ua : Univalence} {A B : Type} {f : A → B}
(n : trunc_index) {H0 : IsTrunc n A} {H1 : IsTrunc n B}
{i : IsEquiv (Trunc_functor 0 f)}
{ii : ∀ (x : A) (k : nat), IsEquiv (fmap (Pi k.+1) (pmap_from_point f x)) }
: IsEquiv f.
revert A B H0 H1 f i ii.
induction n as [|n IHn].
1: intros; apply isequiv_contr_contr.
intros A B H0 H1 f i ii.
nrefine (@isequiv_isbij_tr0_isequiv_loops ua _ _ f i _).
intro x.
nrefine (isequiv_homotopic (@ap _ _ f x x) _).
2:{intros p; cbn.
symmetry; exact (concat_1p _ @ concat_p1 _). }
pose proof (@istrunc_paths _ _ H0 x x) as h0.
pose proof (@istrunc_paths _ _ H1 (f x) (f x)) as h1.
nrefine (IHn (x=x) (f x=f x) h0 h1 (@ap _ _ f x x) _ _).
- pose proof (ii x 0) as h2.
unfold is0functor_pi in h2; cbn in h2.
refine (@isequiv_homotopic _ _ _ _ h2 _).
apply (O_functor_homotopy (Tr 0)); intros p.
exact (concat_1p _ @ concat_p1 _).
- intros p k; revert p.
assert (h3 : ∀ (y:A) (q:x=y),
IsEquiv (fmap (Pi k.+1) (pmap_from_point (@ap _ _ f x y) q))).
2:exact (h3 x).
intros y q. destruct q.
snrefine (isequiv_homotopic _ _).
1: exact (fmap (Pi k.+1) (fmap loops (pmap_from_point f x))).
2:{ rapply (fmap2 (Pi k.+1)); srefine (Build_pHomotopy _ _).
- intros p; cbn.
refine (concat_1p _ @ concat_p1 _).
- reflexivity. }
nrefine (isequiv_commsq _ _ _ _ (fmap_pi_loops k.+1 (pmap_from_point f x))).
2-3:refine (equiv_isequiv (pi_loops _ _)).
exact (ii x k.+1).
{ua : Univalence} {A B : Type} {f : A → B}
(n : trunc_index) {H0 : IsTrunc n A} {H1 : IsTrunc n B}
{i : IsEquiv (Trunc_functor 0 f)}
{ii : ∀ (x : A) (k : nat), IsEquiv (fmap (Pi k.+1) (pmap_from_point f x)) }
: IsEquiv f.
revert A B H0 H1 f i ii.
induction n as [|n IHn].
1: intros; apply isequiv_contr_contr.
intros A B H0 H1 f i ii.
nrefine (@isequiv_isbij_tr0_isequiv_loops ua _ _ f i _).
intro x.
nrefine (isequiv_homotopic (@ap _ _ f x x) _).
2:{intros p; cbn.
symmetry; exact (concat_1p _ @ concat_p1 _). }
pose proof (@istrunc_paths _ _ H0 x x) as h0.
pose proof (@istrunc_paths _ _ H1 (f x) (f x)) as h1.
nrefine (IHn (x=x) (f x=f x) h0 h1 (@ap _ _ f x x) _ _).
- pose proof (ii x 0) as h2.
unfold is0functor_pi in h2; cbn in h2.
refine (@isequiv_homotopic _ _ _ _ h2 _).
apply (O_functor_homotopy (Tr 0)); intros p.
exact (concat_1p _ @ concat_p1 _).
- intros p k; revert p.
assert (h3 : ∀ (y:A) (q:x=y),
IsEquiv (fmap (Pi k.+1) (pmap_from_point (@ap _ _ f x y) q))).
2:exact (h3 x).
intros y q. destruct q.
snrefine (isequiv_homotopic _ _).
1: exact (fmap (Pi k.+1) (fmap loops (pmap_from_point f x))).
2:{ rapply (fmap2 (Pi k.+1)); srefine (Build_pHomotopy _ _).
- intros p; cbn.
refine (concat_1p _ @ concat_p1 _).
- reflexivity. }
nrefine (isequiv_commsq _ _ _ _ (fmap_pi_loops k.+1 (pmap_from_point f x))).
2-3:refine (equiv_isequiv (pi_loops _ _)).
exact (ii x k.+1).