Library HoTT.Algebra.AbSES.BaerSum
Require Import Basics Types.
Require Import WildCat Pointed.Core.
Require Import AbGroups.AbelianGroup AbGroups.Biproduct AbGroups.AbHom.
Require Import AbSES.Core AbSES.Pullback AbSES.Pushout AbSES.DirectSum.
Require Import Homotopy.HSpace.Core.
Local Open Scope mc_scope.
Local Open Scope mc_add_scope.
Require Import WildCat Pointed.Core.
Require Import AbGroups.AbelianGroup AbGroups.Biproduct AbGroups.AbHom.
Require Import AbSES.Core AbSES.Pullback AbSES.Pushout AbSES.DirectSum.
Require Import Homotopy.HSpace.Core.
Local Open Scope mc_scope.
Local Open Scope mc_add_scope.
The Baer sum of two short exact sequences, lemmas and consequences.
Definition abses_baer_sum `{Univalence} {B A : AbGroup@{u}} (E F : AbSES B A)
:= abses_pullback ab_diagonal (abses_pushout ab_codiagonal (abses_direct_sum E F)).
:= abses_pullback ab_diagonal (abses_pushout ab_codiagonal (abses_direct_sum E F)).
AbSES' is a bifunctor
Lemma abses_pushout_is_pullback' `{Univalence} {A A' B B' : AbGroup@{u}}
{E : AbSES B A} {E' : AbSES B' A'} (f : AbSESMorphism E E')
: abses_pushout (component1 f) E $== abses_pullback (component3 f) E'.
(* The morphism f : E → E' factors as E → f_1 E → E', where the first map is the map defining the pushout f_1 E and the second map is denoted abses_pushout_morphism_rec f below. This second map is the identity on the first component, so it presents its domain as the pullback of E' along f_3. *)
exact (abses_pullback_component1_id' (abses_pushout_morphism_rec f) (fun _ ⇒ idpath)).
{E : AbSES B A} {E' : AbSES B' A'} (f : AbSESMorphism E E')
: abses_pushout (component1 f) E $== abses_pullback (component3 f) E'.
(* The morphism f : E → E' factors as E → f_1 E → E', where the first map is the map defining the pushout f_1 E and the second map is denoted abses_pushout_morphism_rec f below. This second map is the identity on the first component, so it presents its domain as the pullback of E' along f_3. *)
exact (abses_pullback_component1_id' (abses_pushout_morphism_rec f) (fun _ ⇒ idpath)).
Given a morphism f of short exact sequences, the pushout of the domain along f_1 equals the pullback of the codomain along f_3.
Definition abses_pushout_is_pullback `{Univalence} {A A' B B' : AbGroup}
{E : AbSES B A} {E' : AbSES B' A'} (f : AbSESMorphism E E')
: abses_pushout (component1 f) E = abses_pullback (component3 f) E'
:= equiv_path_abses_iso (abses_pushout_is_pullback' f).
Definition abses_pushout_pullback_reorder' `{Univalence} {A A' B B' : AbGroup}
(E : AbSES B A) (f : A $-> A') (g : B' $-> B)
: abses_pushout f (abses_pullback g E) $== abses_pullback g (abses_pushout f E).
(* There are morphisms Eg → E and E → fE by definition of the pullback and pushout. We define F : Eg → fE to be the composite. Its first and third components are f o id and id o g. *)
pose (F := absesmorphism_compose (abses_pushout_morphism E f) (abses_pullback_morphism E g)).
(* We change F to a morphism that is the same except that the first and third components are f and g. Then abses_pushout_is_pullback shows that the pushout of Eg along f is equal to the pullback of fE along g. *)
refine (abses_pushout_is_pullback' (Build_AbSESMorphism f (component2 F) g _ _)); apply F.
{E : AbSES B A} {E' : AbSES B' A'} (f : AbSESMorphism E E')
: abses_pushout (component1 f) E = abses_pullback (component3 f) E'
:= equiv_path_abses_iso (abses_pushout_is_pullback' f).
Definition abses_pushout_pullback_reorder' `{Univalence} {A A' B B' : AbGroup}
(E : AbSES B A) (f : A $-> A') (g : B' $-> B)
: abses_pushout f (abses_pullback g E) $== abses_pullback g (abses_pushout f E).
(* There are morphisms Eg → E and E → fE by definition of the pullback and pushout. We define F : Eg → fE to be the composite. Its first and third components are f o id and id o g. *)
pose (F := absesmorphism_compose (abses_pushout_morphism E f) (abses_pullback_morphism E g)).
(* We change F to a morphism that is the same except that the first and third components are f and g. Then abses_pushout_is_pullback shows that the pushout of Eg along f is equal to the pullback of fE along g. *)
refine (abses_pushout_is_pullback' (Build_AbSESMorphism f (component2 F) g _ _)); apply F.
This is the statement that AbSES' is a bifunctor, but we state it separately because Coq is slow to unify IsBifunctor AbSES' against goals written in this form.
Definition abses_pushout_pullback_reorder `{Univalence} {A A' B B' : AbGroup}
(E : AbSES B A) (f : A $-> A') (g : B' $-> B)
: abses_pushout f (abses_pullback g E) = abses_pullback g (abses_pushout f E).
apply equiv_path_abses_iso.
apply abses_pushout_pullback_reorder'.
Global Instance is0bifunctor_abses' `{Univalence}
: Is0Bifunctor (AbSES' : AbGroup^op → AbGroup → Type).
rapply Build_Is0Bifunctor''.
Global Instance is1bifunctor_abses' `{Univalence}
: Is1Bifunctor (AbSES' : AbGroup^op → AbGroup → Type).
snrapply Build_Is1Bifunctor''.
1,2: exact _.
intros ? ? g ? ? f E; cbn.
exact (abses_pushout_pullback_reorder E f g).
(E : AbSES B A) (f : A $-> A') (g : B' $-> B)
: abses_pushout f (abses_pullback g E) = abses_pullback g (abses_pushout f E).
apply equiv_path_abses_iso.
apply abses_pushout_pullback_reorder'.
Global Instance is0bifunctor_abses' `{Univalence}
: Is0Bifunctor (AbSES' : AbGroup^op → AbGroup → Type).
rapply Build_Is0Bifunctor''.
Global Instance is1bifunctor_abses' `{Univalence}
: Is1Bifunctor (AbSES' : AbGroup^op → AbGroup → Type).
snrapply Build_Is1Bifunctor''.
1,2: exact _.
intros ? ? g ? ? f E; cbn.
exact (abses_pushout_pullback_reorder E f g).
Given a short exact sequence A → E → B and maps f : A → A', g : B' → B, we can change the order of pushing out along f and pulling back along g.
Lemma abses_reorder_pullback_pushout `{Univalence} {A A' B B' : AbGroup}
(E : AbSES B A) (f : A $-> A') (g : B' $-> B)
: abses_pushout f (abses_pullback g E) = abses_pullback g (abses_pushout f E).
(* There are morphisms Eg → E and E → fE by definition of the pullback and pushout. We define F : Eg → fE to be the composite. Its first and third components are f o id and id o g. *)
pose (F := absesmorphism_compose (abses_pushout_morphism E f) (abses_pullback_morphism E g)).
(* We change F to a morphism that is the same except that the first and third components are f and g. Then abses_pushout_is_pullback shows that the pushout of Eg along f is equal to the pullback of fE along g. *)
refine (abses_pushout_is_pullback (Build_AbSESMorphism f (component2 F) g _ _)); apply F.
(E : AbSES B A) (f : A $-> A') (g : B' $-> B)
: abses_pushout f (abses_pullback g E) = abses_pullback g (abses_pushout f E).
(* There are morphisms Eg → E and E → fE by definition of the pullback and pushout. We define F : Eg → fE to be the composite. Its first and third components are f o id and id o g. *)
pose (F := absesmorphism_compose (abses_pushout_morphism E f) (abses_pullback_morphism E g)).
(* We change F to a morphism that is the same except that the first and third components are f and g. Then abses_pushout_is_pullback shows that the pushout of Eg along f is equal to the pullback of fE along g. *)
refine (abses_pushout_is_pullback (Build_AbSESMorphism f (component2 F) g _ _)); apply F.
The Baer sum distributes over pullbacks.
Lemma baer_sum_distributive_pullbacks `{Univalence} {A B B' : AbGroup}
{E : AbSES B A} (f g : ab_hom B' B)
: abses_pullback (f + g) E = abses_baer_sum (abses_pullback f E) (abses_pullback g E).
unfold abses_baer_sum.
refine ((abses_pullback_compose (B1:=ab_biprod B B) _ _ E)^ @ _).
refine (ap (abses_pullback _) (abses_pushout_is_pullback (abses_codiagonal E))^ @ _).
unfold abses_codiagonal, component1.
refine (_^ @ _ @ _).
1,3: apply abses_reorder_pullback_pushout.
refine (ap (abses_pushout _) _).
refine (ap (fun h ⇒ abses_pullback h _) (ab_biprod_corec_diagonal _ _) @ _).
refine ((abses_pullback_compose _ _ (abses_direct_sum E E))^ @ _).
exact (ap (abses_pullback _) (abses_directsum_distributive_pullbacks f g)).
{E : AbSES B A} (f g : ab_hom B' B)
: abses_pullback (f + g) E = abses_baer_sum (abses_pullback f E) (abses_pullback g E).
unfold abses_baer_sum.
refine ((abses_pullback_compose (B1:=ab_biprod B B) _ _ E)^ @ _).
refine (ap (abses_pullback _) (abses_pushout_is_pullback (abses_codiagonal E))^ @ _).
unfold abses_codiagonal, component1.
refine (_^ @ _ @ _).
1,3: apply abses_reorder_pullback_pushout.
refine (ap (abses_pushout _) _).
refine (ap (fun h ⇒ abses_pullback h _) (ab_biprod_corec_diagonal _ _) @ _).
refine ((abses_pullback_compose _ _ (abses_direct_sum E E))^ @ _).
exact (ap (abses_pullback _) (abses_directsum_distributive_pullbacks f g)).
The Baer sum is commutative.
Lemma baer_sum_commutative `{Univalence} {A B : AbGroup} (E F : AbSES B A)
: abses_baer_sum E F = abses_baer_sum F E.
unfold abses_baer_sum.
(* The next line uses that direct_sum_swap $o ab_diagonal is definitionally equal to ab_diagonal: *)
refine (_ @ abses_pullback_compose ab_diagonal direct_sum_swap _).
refine (ap (abses_pullback ab_diagonal) _).
refine (ap (fun f ⇒ abses_pushout f _) ab_codiagonal_swap^ @ _).
refine ((abses_pushout_compose _ _ _) @ _).
refine (ap _ (abses_pushout_is_pullback (abses_swap_morphism E F)) @ _).
unfold abses_swap_morphism, component3.
apply abses_pushout_pullback_reorder.
: abses_baer_sum E F = abses_baer_sum F E.
unfold abses_baer_sum.
(* The next line uses that direct_sum_swap $o ab_diagonal is definitionally equal to ab_diagonal: *)
refine (_ @ abses_pullback_compose ab_diagonal direct_sum_swap _).
refine (ap (abses_pullback ab_diagonal) _).
refine (ap (fun f ⇒ abses_pushout f _) ab_codiagonal_swap^ @ _).
refine ((abses_pushout_compose _ _ _) @ _).
refine (ap _ (abses_pushout_is_pullback (abses_swap_morphism E F)) @ _).
unfold abses_swap_morphism, component3.
apply abses_pushout_pullback_reorder.
The right unit law for the Baer sum says that for all E : AbSES B A, E + E_0 = E, where E_0 is the split short exact sequence.
Lemma baer_sum_unit_r `{Univalence} {A B : AbGroup} (E : AbSES B A)
: abses_baer_sum E (point (AbSES B A)) = E.
refine (ap (abses_baer_sum E) _ @ _).
- exact (abses_pullback_const E).
- refine (ap (fun F ⇒ abses_baer_sum F (abses_pullback grp_homo_const E)) (abses_pullback_id E)^ @ _).
refine ((baer_sum_distributive_pullbacks grp_homo_id grp_homo_const)^ @ _).
refine (ap (fun f ⇒ abses_pullback f E) (grp_unit_r (G := ab_hom _ _) _) @ _).
apply abses_pullback_id.
: abses_baer_sum E (point (AbSES B A)) = E.
refine (ap (abses_baer_sum E) _ @ _).
- exact (abses_pullback_const E).
- refine (ap (fun F ⇒ abses_baer_sum F (abses_pullback grp_homo_const E)) (abses_pullback_id E)^ @ _).
refine ((baer_sum_distributive_pullbacks grp_homo_id grp_homo_const)^ @ _).
refine (ap (fun f ⇒ abses_pullback f E) (grp_unit_r (G := ab_hom _ _) _) @ _).
apply abses_pullback_id.
The left unit law for the Baer sum is analogous.
Definition baer_sum_unit_l `{Univalence} {A B : AbGroup} (E : AbSES B A)
: abses_baer_sum (point (AbSES B A)) E = E
:= baer_sum_commutative _ _ @ baer_sum_unit_r _.
: abses_baer_sum (point (AbSES B A)) E = E
:= baer_sum_commutative _ _ @ baer_sum_unit_r _.
For any E : AbSES B A, the pullback of E along -id_B acts as an additive inverse for E with respect to the Baer sum.
Lemma baer_sum_inverse_l `{Univalence} {A B : AbGroup} (E : AbSES B A)
: abses_baer_sum E (abses_pullback (- grp_homo_id) E) = point (AbSES B A).
refine (ap (fun F ⇒ abses_baer_sum F (abses_pullback _ E)) (abses_pullback_id E)^ @ _).
refine ((baer_sum_distributive_pullbacks grp_homo_id (-grp_homo_id))^ @ _).
refine (ap (fun f ⇒ abses_pullback f _) (grp_inv_r (G := ab_hom _ _) _) @ _).
symmetry; apply abses_pullback_const.
: abses_baer_sum E (abses_pullback (- grp_homo_id) E) = point (AbSES B A).
refine (ap (fun F ⇒ abses_baer_sum F (abses_pullback _ E)) (abses_pullback_id E)^ @ _).
refine ((baer_sum_distributive_pullbacks grp_homo_id (-grp_homo_id))^ @ _).
refine (ap (fun f ⇒ abses_pullback f _) (grp_inv_r (G := ab_hom _ _) _) @ _).
symmetry; apply abses_pullback_const.
The right inverse law follows by commutativity.
Definition baer_sum_inverse_r `{Univalence} {A B : AbGroup} (E : AbSES B A)
: abses_baer_sum (abses_pullback (-grp_homo_id) E) E = point (AbSES B A)
:= baer_sum_commutative _ _ @ baer_sum_inverse_l _.
: abses_baer_sum (abses_pullback (-grp_homo_id) E) E = point (AbSES B A)
:= baer_sum_commutative _ _ @ baer_sum_inverse_l _.
The Baer sum distributes over pushouts.
Lemma baer_sum_distributive_pushouts `{Univalence}
{A A' B : AbGroup} {E : AbSES B A'} (f g : ab_hom A' A)
: abses_pushout (f + g) E = abses_baer_sum (abses_pushout f E) (abses_pushout g E).
unfold abses_baer_sum.
refine (abses_pushout_compose (A1 := ab_biprod A A) _ _ E @ _).
refine (_ @ abses_pushout_pullback_reorder _ _ _).
refine (ap (abses_pushout ab_codiagonal) _).
refine (ap (fun f ⇒ abses_pushout f E) (ab_biprod_corec_diagonal f g) @ _).
refine (abses_pushout_compose _ _ E @ _).
refine (ap (abses_pushout _) (abses_pushout_is_pullback (abses_diagonal E)) @ _).
refine (abses_pushout_pullback_reorder _ _ _ @ _).
exact (ap (abses_pullback _) (abses_directsum_distributive_pushouts f g)).
{A A' B : AbGroup} {E : AbSES B A'} (f g : ab_hom A' A)
: abses_pushout (f + g) E = abses_baer_sum (abses_pushout f E) (abses_pushout g E).
unfold abses_baer_sum.
refine (abses_pushout_compose (A1 := ab_biprod A A) _ _ E @ _).
refine (_ @ abses_pushout_pullback_reorder _ _ _).
refine (ap (abses_pushout ab_codiagonal) _).
refine (ap (fun f ⇒ abses_pushout f E) (ab_biprod_corec_diagonal f g) @ _).
refine (abses_pushout_compose _ _ E @ _).
refine (ap (abses_pushout _) (abses_pushout_is_pullback (abses_diagonal E)) @ _).
refine (abses_pushout_pullback_reorder _ _ _ @ _).
exact (ap (abses_pullback _) (abses_directsum_distributive_pushouts f g)).
Our next goal is to prove that the Baer sum is associative. Rather than showing this directly, we first prove baer_sum_twist, which says that abses_baer_sum (abses_baer_sum E F) G = abses_baer_sum (abses_baer_sum G F) E. The proof of this mimics the proof of commutativity above. Then we prove associativity by combining this with commutativity.
The trinary Baer sum of three short exact sequences.
Definition abses_trinary_baer_sum `{Univalence}
{A B : AbGroup@{u}} (E F G : AbSES B A)
:= abses_pullback ab_triagonal
(abses_pushout ab_cotriagonal
(abses_direct_sum (abses_direct_sum E F) G)).
{A B : AbGroup@{u}} (E F G : AbSES B A)
:= abses_pullback ab_triagonal
(abses_pushout ab_cotriagonal
(abses_direct_sum (abses_direct_sum E F) G)).
For E, F, G : AbSES B A, the Baer sum of E, F and G (associated left) is equal to the trinary Baer sum of E, F and G.
Lemma baer_sum_is_trinary `{Univalence} {A B : AbGroup@{u}} (E F G : AbSES B A)
: abses_baer_sum (abses_baer_sum E F) G = abses_trinary_baer_sum E F G.
unfold abses_baer_sum, abses_trinary_baer_sum, ab_triagonal, ab_cotriagonal.
refine (ap (abses_pullback _ o abses_pushout _) _^ @ _).
- refine (_ @ ap (abses_direct_sum _) (abses_pullback_id G)).
refine (_ @ abses_directsum_distributive_pullbacks _ _).
refine (ap (abses_pullback _) _).
refine (_ @ ap (abses_direct_sum _) (abses_pushout_id G)).
apply abses_directsum_distributive_pushouts.
- refine (ap (abses_pullback _) (abses_pushout_pullback_reorder _ _ _) @ _).
refine (abses_pullback_compose _ _ _ @ _).
refine (ap (abses_pullback _) _^).
apply abses_pushout_compose.
: abses_baer_sum (abses_baer_sum E F) G = abses_trinary_baer_sum E F G.
unfold abses_baer_sum, abses_trinary_baer_sum, ab_triagonal, ab_cotriagonal.
refine (ap (abses_pullback _ o abses_pushout _) _^ @ _).
- refine (_ @ ap (abses_direct_sum _) (abses_pullback_id G)).
refine (_ @ abses_directsum_distributive_pullbacks _ _).
refine (ap (abses_pullback _) _).
refine (_ @ ap (abses_direct_sum _) (abses_pushout_id G)).
apply abses_directsum_distributive_pushouts.
- refine (ap (abses_pullback _) (abses_pushout_pullback_reorder _ _ _) @ _).
refine (abses_pullback_compose _ _ _ @ _).
refine (ap (abses_pullback _) _^).
apply abses_pushout_compose.
Lemma twist_trinary_baer_sum `{Univalence}
{A B : AbGroup@{u}} (E F G : AbSES B A)
: abses_trinary_baer_sum E F G = abses_trinary_baer_sum G F E.
unfold abses_trinary_baer_sum.
(* The next line uses the fact that ab_triagonal is definitionally equal to ab_biprod_twist $o ab_triagonal: *)
refine (_ @ abses_pullback_compose ab_triagonal ab_biprod_twist _).
refine (ap (abses_pullback _) _).
refine (ap (fun f ⇒ abses_pushout f _) ab_cotriagonal_twist^ @ _).
refine (abses_pushout_compose _ _ _ @ _).
refine (ap _ (abses_pushout_is_pullback (abses_twist_directsum E F G)) @ _).
unfold abses_twist_directsum, component3.
exact (abses_pushout_pullback_reorder _ _ _).
{A B : AbGroup@{u}} (E F G : AbSES B A)
: abses_trinary_baer_sum E F G = abses_trinary_baer_sum G F E.
unfold abses_trinary_baer_sum.
(* The next line uses the fact that ab_triagonal is definitionally equal to ab_biprod_twist $o ab_triagonal: *)
refine (_ @ abses_pullback_compose ab_triagonal ab_biprod_twist _).
refine (ap (abses_pullback _) _).
refine (ap (fun f ⇒ abses_pushout f _) ab_cotriagonal_twist^ @ _).
refine (abses_pushout_compose _ _ _ @ _).
refine (ap _ (abses_pushout_is_pullback (abses_twist_directsum E F G)) @ _).
unfold abses_twist_directsum, component3.
exact (abses_pushout_pullback_reorder _ _ _).
It now follows that we can twist the order of the summands in the Baer sum.
Lemma baer_sum_twist `{Univalence} {A B : AbGroup@{u}} (E F G : AbSES B A)
: abses_baer_sum (abses_baer_sum E F) G = abses_baer_sum (abses_baer_sum G F) E.
refine ((baer_sum_is_trinary E F G) @ _ @ (baer_sum_is_trinary G F E)^).
apply twist_trinary_baer_sum.
: abses_baer_sum (abses_baer_sum E F) G = abses_baer_sum (abses_baer_sum G F) E.
refine ((baer_sum_is_trinary E F G) @ _ @ (baer_sum_is_trinary G F E)^).
apply twist_trinary_baer_sum.
From these results, it finally follows that the Baer sum is associative.
Lemma baer_sum_associative `{Univalence}
{A B : AbGroup@{u}} (E F G : AbSES B A)
: abses_baer_sum (abses_baer_sum E F) G = abses_baer_sum E (abses_baer_sum F G).
refine ((baer_sum_twist _ _ _)^ @ _).
refine (baer_sum_commutative _ _ @ _).
apply ap.
apply baer_sum_commutative.
{A B : AbGroup@{u}} (E F G : AbSES B A)
: abses_baer_sum (abses_baer_sum E F) G = abses_baer_sum E (abses_baer_sum F G).
refine ((baer_sum_twist _ _ _)^ @ _).
refine (baer_sum_commutative _ _ @ _).
apply ap.
apply baer_sum_commutative.
The Baer sum makes AbSES B A into an H-space. (In fact, a coherent H-space, but we leave that for now.)
Global Instance ishspace_abses `{Univalence} {B A : AbGroup}
: IsHSpace (AbSES B A).
snrapply Build_IsHSpace.
- exact abses_baer_sum.
- intro; apply baer_sum_unit_l.
- intro; apply baer_sum_unit_r.
Global Instance is0bifunctor_abses `{Univalence}
: Is0Bifunctor (AbSES : AbGroup^op → AbGroup → pType).
rapply Build_Is0Bifunctor''.
Global Instance is1bifunctor_abses `{Univalence}
: Is1Bifunctor (AbSES : AbGroup^op → AbGroup → pType).
snrapply Build_Is1Bifunctor''.
1,2: exact _.
intros ? ? f ? ? g.
rapply hspace_phomotopy_from_homotopy.
1: apply ishspace_abses.
intro E; cbn.
apply abses_pushout_pullback_reorder.
: IsHSpace (AbSES B A).
snrapply Build_IsHSpace.
- exact abses_baer_sum.
- intro; apply baer_sum_unit_l.
- intro; apply baer_sum_unit_r.
Global Instance is0bifunctor_abses `{Univalence}
: Is0Bifunctor (AbSES : AbGroup^op → AbGroup → pType).
rapply Build_Is0Bifunctor''.
Global Instance is1bifunctor_abses `{Univalence}
: Is1Bifunctor (AbSES : AbGroup^op → AbGroup → pType).
snrapply Build_Is1Bifunctor''.
1,2: exact _.
intros ? ? f ? ? g.
rapply hspace_phomotopy_from_homotopy.
1: apply ishspace_abses.
intro E; cbn.
apply abses_pushout_pullback_reorder.
Definition baer_sum_pushout `{Univalence}
{A A' B : AbGroup} (f : A $-> A') (E F : AbSES B A)
: abses_pushout f (abses_baer_sum E F)
= abses_baer_sum (abses_pushout f E) (abses_pushout f F).
unfold abses_baer_sum.
refine (abses_pushout_pullback_reorder _ _ _
@ ap _ _).
refine ((abses_pushout_compose _ _ _)^ @ _).
refine (abses_pushout_homotopic _ _ _ _ @ _).
1: apply ab_codiagonal_natural.
refine (abses_pushout_compose _ _ _ @ ap _ _).
apply abses_directsum_distributive_pushouts.
Definition baer_sum_pullback `{Univalence}
{A B B' : AbGroup} (f : B' $-> B) (E F : AbSES B A)
: abses_pullback f (abses_baer_sum E F)
= abses_baer_sum (abses_pullback f E) (abses_pullback f F).
unfold abses_baer_sum.
refine (abses_pullback_compose _ _ _ @ _).
refine ((abses_pushout_pullback_reorder _ _ _)^
@ ap _ _
@ abses_pushout_pullback_reorder _ _ _).
refine (abses_pullback_homotopic
_ (functor_ab_biprod f f $o ab_diagonal) _ _ @ _).
1: reflexivity.
refine ((abses_pullback_compose _ _ _)^ @ ap _ _).
apply abses_directsum_distributive_pullbacks.