Library HoTT.Spaces.BAut.Bool

Require Import HoTT.Basics HoTT.Types.
Require Import Constant.
Require Import HoTT.Truncations.Core HoTT.Truncations.Connectedness.
Require Import Universes.BAut.
Require Import Pointed.Core.

Local Open Scope trunc_scope.
Local Open Scope path_scope.
Local Open Scope pointed_scope.


Section AssumeUnivalence.
  Context `{Univalence}.

Nontrivial central homotopy

The equivalence Bool <~> (Bool <~> Bool), and particularly its consequence abelian_aut_bool, implies that BAut Bool has a nontrivial center.

  Definition negb_center_baut_bool
  : (Z:BAut Bool), Z = Z.
    apply center_baut; try exact _.
    intros g; apply abelian_aut_bool.

  Definition nontrivial_negb_center_baut_bool
  : negb_center_baut_bool (fun Zidpath Z).
    intros oops.
    pose (p := ap10_equiv
                 ((ap (center_baut Bool))^-1
                  (oops @ (id_center_baut Bool)^))..1 true).
    exact (false_ne_true p).

In particular, every element of BAut Bool has a canonical flip automorphism.
  Definition negb_baut_bool (Z : BAut Bool) : Z <~> Z
    := equiv_path Z Z (negb_center_baut_bool Z)..1.

  Definition negb_baut_bool_ne_idmap (Z : BAut Bool)
  : negb_baut_bool Z equiv_idmap Z.
    intros oops.
    apply nontrivial_negb_center_baut_bool.
    apply path_forall; intros Z'.
    pose (p := merely_path_component Z Z').
    clearbody p. strip_truncations.
    destruct p.
    unfold negb_baut_bool in oops.
    apply moveL_equiv_V in oops.
    refine (_ @ ap (equiv_path_sigma_hprop _ _)
                   (oops @ path_universe_1) @ _).
    - symmetry.
      refine (eisretr (equiv_path_sigma_hprop Z Z) _).
    - apply moveR_equiv_M; reflexivity.

If Z is Bool, then the flip is the usual one.
  Definition negb_baut_bool_bool_negb
  : negb_baut_bool pt = equiv_negb.
    pose (c := aut_bool_idmap_or_negb (negb_baut_bool pt)).
    destruct c.
    - pose (negb_baut_bool_ne_idmap pt p).
    - assumption.

  Definition ap_pr1_negb_baut_bool_bool
  : (negb_center_baut_bool pt)..1 = path_universe negb.
    apply moveL_equiv_V.
    apply negb_baut_bool_bool_negb.

Moreover, we can show that every automorphism of a Z : BAut Bool must be either the flip or the identity.
  Definition aut_baut_bool_idmap_or_negb (Z : BAut Bool) (e : Z <~> Z)
  : (e = equiv_idmap Z) + (e = negb_baut_bool Z).
    assert (IsHProp ((e = equiv_idmap Z) + (e = negb_baut_bool Z))).
    { apply ishprop_sum; try exact _.
      intros p q; exact (negb_baut_bool_ne_idmap Z (q^ @ p)). }
    case (aut_bool_idmap_or_negb e).
    - intros p; exact (inl p).
    - intros q; apply inr.
      exact (q @ negb_baut_bool_bool_negb^).


  Global Instance isminusoneconnected_baut_bool `{Funext} (Z : BAut Bool)
  : IsConnected (-1) Z.
    rapply contr_inhabited_hprop.
    exact (tr true).

  Definition merely_inhab_baut_bool `{Funext} (Z : BAut Bool)
  : merely Z
    := center (merely Z).

Equivalence types

As soon as an element of BAut Bool is inhabited, it is (purely) equivalent to Bool. (Of course, every element of BAut Bool is *merely* inhabited, since Bool is.) In fact, it is equivalent in two canonical ways.
First we define the function that will be the equivalence.
  Definition inhab_baut_bool_from_bool (t : Bool)
             (Z : BAut Bool) (z : Z)
  : Bool Z
    := fun bif t then
                  if b then z else negb_baut_bool Z z
                  if b then negb_baut_bool Z z else z.

We compute this in the case when Z is Bool.
  Definition inhab_baut_bool_from_bool_bool (t : Bool)
  : inhab_baut_bool_from_bool t pt =
    fun (z : point (BAut Bool)) (b : Bool) ⇒
      if t then
        if b then z else negb z
        if b then negb z else z.
    apply path_forall; intros z'; simpl in z'.
    apply path_forall; intros b.
    destruct z', b, t; simpl;
    try reflexivity;
    try apply (ap10_equiv negb_baut_bool_bool_negb).

Now we show that it is an equivalence.
  Global Instance isequiv_inhab_baut_bool_from_bool (t : Bool)
         (Z : BAut Bool) (z : Z)
  : IsEquiv (inhab_baut_bool_from_bool t Z z).
    refine (transport IsEquiv (ap10 (inhab_baut_bool_from_bool_bool t)^ z) _).
    simpl in z; destruct z, t; simpl.
    - refine (isequiv_homotopic idmap _); intros []; reflexivity.
    - apply isequiv_negb.
    - apply isequiv_negb.
    - refine (isequiv_homotopic idmap _); intros []; reflexivity.

  Definition equiv_inhab_baut_bool_bool (t : Bool)
             (Z : BAut Bool) (z : Z)
  : Bool <~> Z
    := Build_Equiv _ _ (inhab_baut_bool_from_bool t Z z) _.

  Definition path_baut_bool_inhab (Z : BAut Bool) (z : Z)
  : (point (BAut Bool)) = Z.
    apply path_baut.
    exact (equiv_inhab_baut_bool_bool true Z z).
true is a choice!

In fact, the map sending z:Z to this equivalence Bool <~> Z is also an equivalence. To assist with computing the result when Z is Bool, we prove it with an extra parameter first.
  Definition isequiv_equiv_inhab_baut_bool_bool_lemma
             (t : Bool) (Z : BAut Bool) (m : merely (pt = Z))
  : IsEquiv (equiv_inhab_baut_bool_bool t Z).
    strip_truncations. destruct m.
    refine (isequiv_adjointify _ (fun (e : Bool <~> Bool) ⇒ e t) _ _).
    + intros e.
      apply path_equiv.
      refine (ap10 (inhab_baut_bool_from_bool_bool t) (e t) @ _).
      apply path_arrow; intros []; destruct t.
      × reflexivity.
      × refine (abelian_aut_bool equiv_negb e false).
      × refine (abelian_aut_bool equiv_negb e true).
      × reflexivity.
    + intros z.
      refine (ap10 (ap10 (inhab_baut_bool_from_bool_bool t) z) t @ _).
      destruct t; reflexivity.

  Global Instance isequiv_equiv_inhab_baut_bool_bool
         (t : Bool) (Z : BAut Bool)
  : IsEquiv (equiv_inhab_baut_bool_bool t Z).
    exact (isequiv_equiv_inhab_baut_bool_bool_lemma t Z
            (merely_path_component _ _)).

The names are getting pretty ridiculous; below we suggest a better name for this.
  Definition equiv_equiv_inhab_baut_bool_bool (t : Bool)
             (Z : BAut Bool)
  : Z <~> (Bool <~> Z)
    := Build_Equiv _ _ (equiv_inhab_baut_bool_bool t Z) _.

We compute its inverse in the case of Bool.
  Definition equiv_equiv_inhab_baut_bool_bool_bool_inv (t : Bool)
             (e : Bool <~> Bool)
  : equiv_inverse (equiv_equiv_inhab_baut_bool_bool t pt) e = e t.
    pose (alt := Build_Equiv _ _ (equiv_inhab_baut_bool_bool t pt)
                      t pt (tr 1))).
    assert (p : equiv_equiv_inhab_baut_bool_bool t pt = alt).
    { apply (ap (fun iBuild_Equiv _ _ _ i)).
      apply (ap (isequiv_equiv_inhab_baut_bool_bool_lemma t pt)).
      apply path_ishprop. }
    exact (ap10_equiv (ap equiv_inverse p) e).

Group structure

Homotopically, BAut Bool is a K(Z/2,1). In particular, it has a (coherent) abelian group structure induced from that of Z/2. With our definition of BAut Bool, we can construct this operation as follows.

  Definition baut_bool_pairing : BAut Bool BAut Bool BAut Bool.
    intros Z W.
     (Z <~> W).
    baut_reduce; simpl.
    apply tr, symmetry.
    exact (path_universe equiv_bool_aut_bool).

  Declare Scope baut_bool_scope.
  Notation "Z ** W" := (baut_bool_pairing Z W) : baut_bool_scope.
  Local Open Scope baut_bool_scope.

Now equiv_equiv_inhab_baut_bool_bool is revealed as simply the left unit law of this pairing.
  Definition baut_bool_pairing_1Z Z : pt ** Z = Z.
    apply path_baut, equiv_inverse, equiv_equiv_inhab_baut_bool_bool.
    exact true.
This is a choice!

The pairing is obviously symmetric.
  Definition baut_bool_pairing_symm Z W : Z ** W = W ** Z.
    apply path_baut, equiv_equiv_inverse.

Whence we get the right unit law as well.
Every element is its own inverse.
  Definition baut_bool_pairing_ZZ Z : Z ** Z = pt.
    apply symmetry, path_baut_bool_inhab.
    apply equiv_idmap.
A choice! Could be the flip.

Associativity is easiest to think about in terms of "curried 2-variable equivalences". We start with some auxiliary lemmas.
  Definition baut_bool_pairing_ZZ_Z_symm_part1 {Y Z W}
             (e : Y ** (Z ** W)) (z : Z)
  : Y ** W.
    simple refine (equiv_adjointify _ _ _ _).
    + exact (fun ye y z).
    + intros w.
      destruct (path_baut_bool_inhab W w).
      destruct (path_baut_bool_inhab Z z).
It might be tempting to just say e^-1 (equiv_idmap _) here, but for the rest of the proof to work, we actually need to choose between idmap and negb based on whether z and w are equal or not.
      destruct (dec (z=w)).
      × exact (e^-1 (equiv_idmap _)).
      × exact (e^-1 equiv_negb).
    + intros w.
      destruct (path_baut_bool_inhab W w).
      destruct (path_baut_bool_inhab Z z).
      destruct z,w; simpl; refine (ap10_equiv (eisretr e _) _).
    + intros y.
      destruct (path_baut_bool_inhab Y y).
      destruct (path_baut_bool_inhab Z z).
      destruct (path_baut_bool_inhab W (e y z)).
      case (dec (z = e y z)); intros p; apply moveR_equiv_V;
      destruct (aut_bool_idmap_or_negb (e y)) as [q|q].
      × symmetry; assumption.
      × case (not_fixed_negb z (p @ ap10_equiv q z)^).
      × case (p (ap10_equiv q z)^).
      × symmetry; assumption.

  Definition baut_bool_pairing_ZZ_Z_symm_lemma {Y Z W}
             (e : Y ** (Z ** W)) (f : Y ** W)
  : merely Y Z.
    pose (k := (fun y(e y)^-1 (f y))).
    refine (merely_rec_hset k); intros y1 y2.
    destruct (path_baut_bool_inhab Y y1).
    destruct (path_baut_bool_inhab W (f y1)).
    destruct (path_baut_bool_inhab Z (k y1)).
    destruct (aut_bool_idmap_or_negb f) as [p|p];
      refine (ap (e y1)^-1 (ap10_equiv p y1) @ _);
      refine (_ @ (ap (e y2)^-1 (ap10_equiv p y2))^);
      clear p f k; simpl.
    + destruct (dec (y1=y2)) as [p|p].
      { exact (ap (fun y(e y)^-1 y) p). }
      destruct (aut_bool_idmap_or_negb (e y1)) as [q1|q1];
        destruct (aut_bool_idmap_or_negb (e y2)) as [q2|q2].
      × case (p ((ap e)^-1 (q1 @ q2^))).
      × rewrite q1, q2. exact (negb_ne p).
      × rewrite q1, q2. symmetry. exact (negb_ne (fun rp r^)).
      × case (p ((ap e)^-1 (q1 @ q2^))).
    + destruct (dec (y1=y2)) as [p|p].
      { exact (ap (fun y(e y)^-1 (negb y)) p). }
      destruct (aut_bool_idmap_or_negb (e y1)) as [q1|q1];
        destruct (aut_bool_idmap_or_negb (e y2)) as [q2|q2].
      × case (p ((ap e)^-1 (q1 @ q2^))).
      × rewrite q1, q2.
        exact (negb_ne (fun rp ((ap negb)^-1 r))).
      × rewrite q1, q2. symmetry.
        exact (negb_ne (fun rp ((ap negb)^-1 r)^)).
      × case (p ((ap e)^-1 (q1 @ q2^))).

  Definition baut_bool_pairing_ZZ_Z_symm_map Y Z W
  : Y ** (Z ** W) Z ** (Y ** W).
    intros e.
    simple refine (equiv_adjointify (baut_bool_pairing_ZZ_Z_symm_part1 e)
                             _ _ _).
    - intros f.
      exact (baut_bool_pairing_ZZ_Z_symm_lemma e f
               (merely_inhab_baut_bool Y)).
    - intros f.
      apply path_equiv, path_arrow; intros y.
      change ((e y)
                (baut_bool_pairing_ZZ_Z_symm_lemma e f
                  (merely_inhab_baut_bool Y)) = f y).
      refine (ap (e y o baut_bool_pairing_ZZ_Z_symm_lemma e f)
                 (path_ishprop _ (tr y)) @ _).
      simpl. apply eisretr.
    - intros z.
      assert (IsHSet Z) by exact _.
      refine (Trunc_rec _ (merely_inhab_baut_bool Y)); intros y.
      refine (ap (baut_bool_pairing_ZZ_Z_symm_lemma e _)
                 (path_ishprop _ (tr y)) @ _).
      simpl. refine (eissect _ _).

  Definition baut_bool_pairing_ZZ_Z_symm_inv Y Z W
  : baut_bool_pairing_ZZ_Z_symm_map Y Z W
    o baut_bool_pairing_ZZ_Z_symm_map Z Y W
    == idmap.
    intros e.
    apply path_equiv, path_arrow; intros z.
    apply path_equiv, path_arrow; intros y.

  Definition baut_bool_pairing_ZZ_Z_symm Y Z W
  : Y ** (Z ** W) <~> Z ** (Y ** W).
    refine (equiv_adjointify
              (baut_bool_pairing_ZZ_Z_symm_map Y Z W)
              (baut_bool_pairing_ZZ_Z_symm_map Z Y W)
              (baut_bool_pairing_ZZ_Z_symm_inv Y Z W)
              (baut_bool_pairing_ZZ_Z_symm_inv Z Y W)).

Finally, we can prove associativity.
  Definition baut_bool_pairing_ZZ_Z Z W Y
  : (Z ** W) ** Y = Z ** (W ** Y).
    refine (baut_bool_pairing_symm (Z ** W) Y @ _).
    refine (_ @ ap (fun XZ ** X) (baut_bool_pairing_symm Y W)).
    apply path_baut, baut_bool_pairing_ZZ_Z_symm.

Since BAut Bool is not a set, we ought to have some coherence for these operations too, but we'll leave that for another time.

Automorphisms of BAut Bool

Interestingly, like Bool itself, BAut Bool is equivalent to its own automorphism group.
An initial lemma: every automorphism of BAut Bool and its inverse are "adjoint" with respect to the pairing.
  Definition aut_baut_bool_moveR_pairing_V
             (e : BAut Bool <~> BAut Bool) (Z W : BAut Bool)
  : (e^-1 Z ** W) = (Z ** e W).
    apply path_baut; simpl.
    refine ((equiv_equiv_path _ _) oE _ oE (equiv_equiv_path _ _)^-1).
    refine (_ oE (@equiv_moveL_equiv_M _ _ e _ W Z) oE _).
    - apply equiv_inverse, equiv_path_sigma_hprop.
    - apply equiv_path_sigma_hprop.

  Definition equiv_baut_bool_aut_baut_bool
  : BAut Bool <~> (BAut Bool <~> BAut Bool).
    simple refine (equiv_adjointify _ _ _ _).
    - intros Z.
      refine (equiv_involution (fun WZ ** W) _).
      intros W.
      refine ((baut_bool_pairing_ZZ_Z Z Z W)^ @ _).
      refine (_ @ baut_bool_pairing_1Z W).
      apply (ap (fun YY ** W)).
      apply baut_bool_pairing_ZZ.
    - intros e.
      exact (e^-1 pt).
    - intros e.
      apply path_equiv, path_arrow; intros Z; simpl.
      refine (aut_baut_bool_moveR_pairing_V e pt Z @ _).
      apply baut_bool_pairing_1Z.
    - intros Z.
      apply baut_bool_pairing_Z1.

BAut (BAut Bool)

Putting all of this together, we can construct a nontrivial 2-central element of BAut (BAut Bool).

  Definition center_baut_bool_central
             (g : BAut Bool <~> BAut Bool) (W : BAut Bool)
  : ap g (negb_center_baut_bool W) = negb_center_baut_bool (g W).
    revert g; equiv_intro equiv_baut_bool_aut_baut_bool Z.
    refine (_ @ apD negb_center_baut_bool (baut_bool_pairing_1Z pt)^).
    rewrite transport_paths_lr, inv_V.
    apply moveL_pV.
    exact (concat_A1p baut_bool_pairing_1Z (negb_center_baut_bool pt)).

  Definition negb_center2_baut_baut_bool
  : B : BAut (BAut Bool), (idpath B) = (idpath B).
    refine (center2_baut (BAut Bool) _).
    apply center_baut_bool_central.

  Definition nontrivial_negb_center_baut_baut_bool
  : negb_center2_baut_baut_bool (fun Zidpath (idpath Z)).
    intros oops.
    exact (nontrivial_negb_center_baut_bool
             (((ap (center2_baut (BAut Bool)))^-1
                (oops @ (id_center2_baut (BAut Bool))^))..1)).

End AssumeUnivalence.