Library HoTT.Algebra.AbSES.SixTerm
Require Import Basics Types WildCat HSet Pointed.Core Pointed.pTrunc Pointed.pEquiv
Modalities.ReflectiveSubuniverse Truncations.Core Truncations.SeparatedTrunc
AbGroups Homotopy.ExactSequence Spaces.Int Spaces.FreeInt
AbSES.Core AbSES.Pullback AbSES.Pushout BaerSum Ext PullbackFiberSequence.
Modalities.ReflectiveSubuniverse Truncations.Core Truncations.SeparatedTrunc
AbGroups Homotopy.ExactSequence Spaces.Int Spaces.FreeInt
AbSES.Core AbSES.Pullback AbSES.Pushout BaerSum Ext PullbackFiberSequence.
The contravariant six-term sequence of Ext
Definition isexact_abses_sixterm_i `{Funext}
{B A G : AbGroup} (E : AbSES B A)
: IsExact (Tr (-1))
(pconst : pUnit ->* ab_hom B G)
(fmap10 (A:=Group^op) ab_hom (projection E) G).
apply isexact_purely_O.
rapply isexact_homotopic_i.
2: apply iff_grp_isexact_isembedding.
1: by apply phomotopy_homotopy_hset.
exact _. (* isembedding_precompose_surjection_ab *)
{B A G : AbGroup} (E : AbSES B A)
: IsExact (Tr (-1))
(pconst : pUnit ->* ab_hom B G)
(fmap10 (A:=Group^op) ab_hom (projection E) G).
apply isexact_purely_O.
rapply isexact_homotopic_i.
2: apply iff_grp_isexact_isembedding.
1: by apply phomotopy_homotopy_hset.
exact _. (* isembedding_precompose_surjection_ab *)
Exactness of ab_hom B G → ab_hom E G → ab_hom A G. One can also deduce this from isexact_abses_pullback.
Definition isexact_ext_contra_sixterm_ii `{Funext}
{B A G : AbGroup} (E : AbSES B A)
: IsExact (Tr (-1))
(fmap10 (A:=Group^op) ab_hom (projection E) G)
(fmap10 (A:=Group^op) ab_hom (inclusion E) G).
snrapply Build_IsExact.
{ apply phomotopy_homotopy_hset; intro f.
apply equiv_path_grouphomomorphism; intro b; cbn.
refine (ap f _ @ grp_homo_unit f).
apply isexact_inclusion_projection. }
hnf. intros [f q]; rapply contr_inhabited_hprop.
srefine (tr (_; _)).
{ refine (grp_homo_compose _
(abses_cokernel_iso (inclusion E) (projection E))^-1$).
apply (quotient_abgroup_rec _ _ f).
intros e; rapply Trunc_ind.
intros [b r].
refine (ap f r^ @ _).
exact (equiv_path_grouphomomorphism^-1 q _). }
lazy beta.
apply path_sigma_hprop.
apply equiv_path_grouphomomorphism; unfold pr1.
intro x.
exact (ap (quotient_abgroup_rec _ _ f _)
(abses_cokernel_iso_inv_beta _ _ _)).
{B A G : AbGroup} (E : AbSES B A)
: IsExact (Tr (-1))
(fmap10 (A:=Group^op) ab_hom (projection E) G)
(fmap10 (A:=Group^op) ab_hom (inclusion E) G).
snrapply Build_IsExact.
{ apply phomotopy_homotopy_hset; intro f.
apply equiv_path_grouphomomorphism; intro b; cbn.
refine (ap f _ @ grp_homo_unit f).
apply isexact_inclusion_projection. }
hnf. intros [f q]; rapply contr_inhabited_hprop.
srefine (tr (_; _)).
{ refine (grp_homo_compose _
(abses_cokernel_iso (inclusion E) (projection E))^-1$).
apply (quotient_abgroup_rec _ _ f).
intros e; rapply Trunc_ind.
intros [b r].
refine (ap f r^ @ _).
exact (equiv_path_grouphomomorphism^-1 q _). }
lazy beta.
apply path_sigma_hprop.
apply equiv_path_grouphomomorphism; unfold pr1.
intro x.
exact (ap (quotient_abgroup_rec _ _ f _)
(abses_cokernel_iso_inv_beta _ _ _)).
Exactness of ab_hom E G → ab_hom A G → Ext B G
Lemma abses_pushout_trivial_factors_inclusion `{Univalence}
{B A A' : AbGroup} (alpha : A $-> A') (E : AbSES B A)
: abses_pushout alpha E = pt → ∃ phi, alpha = phi $o inclusion E.
equiv_intros (equiv_path_abses (E:=abses_pushout alpha E) (F:=pt)) p.
destruct p as [phi [p q]].
∃ (ab_biprod_pr1 $o phi $o ab_pushout_inr).
apply equiv_path_grouphomomorphism; intro a.
(* We embed into the biproduct and prove equality there. *)
apply (isinj_embedding (@ab_biprod_inl A' B) _).
refine ((p (alpha a))^ @ _).
refine (ap phi _ @ _).
1: exact (left_square (abses_pushout_morphism E alpha) a).
apply (path_prod' idpath).
refine ((q _)^ @ _).
refine (right_square (abses_pushout_morphism E alpha) _ @ _); cbn.
apply isexact_inclusion_projection.
Global Instance isexact_ext_contra_sixterm_iii@{u v +} `{Univalence}
{B A G : AbGroup@{u}} (E : AbSES@{u v} B A)
: IsExact (Tr (-1))
(fmap10 (A:=Group^op) ab_hom (inclusion E) G)
(abses_pushout_ext E).
snrapply Build_IsExact.
- apply phomotopy_homotopy_hset; intro g; cbn.
(* this equation holds purely *)
apply (ap tr@{v}).
refine (abses_pushout_compose _ _ _ @ ap _ _ @ _).
1: apply abses_pushout_inclusion.
apply abses_pushout_point.
- intros [F p].
(* since we are proving a proposition, we may convert p to an actual path *)
pose proof (p' := (equiv_path_Tr _ _)^-1 p).
(* slightly faster than strip_truncations: *)
revert p'; apply Trunc_rec; intro p'.
rapply contr_inhabited_hprop; apply tr.
(* now we construct a preimage *)
pose (g := abses_pushout_trivial_factors_inclusion _ E p');
destruct g as [g k].
∃ g.
apply path_sigma_hprop; cbn.
exact k^.
{B A A' : AbGroup} (alpha : A $-> A') (E : AbSES B A)
: abses_pushout alpha E = pt → ∃ phi, alpha = phi $o inclusion E.
equiv_intros (equiv_path_abses (E:=abses_pushout alpha E) (F:=pt)) p.
destruct p as [phi [p q]].
∃ (ab_biprod_pr1 $o phi $o ab_pushout_inr).
apply equiv_path_grouphomomorphism; intro a.
(* We embed into the biproduct and prove equality there. *)
apply (isinj_embedding (@ab_biprod_inl A' B) _).
refine ((p (alpha a))^ @ _).
refine (ap phi _ @ _).
1: exact (left_square (abses_pushout_morphism E alpha) a).
apply (path_prod' idpath).
refine ((q _)^ @ _).
refine (right_square (abses_pushout_morphism E alpha) _ @ _); cbn.
apply isexact_inclusion_projection.
Global Instance isexact_ext_contra_sixterm_iii@{u v +} `{Univalence}
{B A G : AbGroup@{u}} (E : AbSES@{u v} B A)
: IsExact (Tr (-1))
(fmap10 (A:=Group^op) ab_hom (inclusion E) G)
(abses_pushout_ext E).
snrapply Build_IsExact.
- apply phomotopy_homotopy_hset; intro g; cbn.
(* this equation holds purely *)
apply (ap tr@{v}).
refine (abses_pushout_compose _ _ _ @ ap _ _ @ _).
1: apply abses_pushout_inclusion.
apply abses_pushout_point.
- intros [F p].
(* since we are proving a proposition, we may convert p to an actual path *)
pose proof (p' := (equiv_path_Tr _ _)^-1 p).
(* slightly faster than strip_truncations: *)
revert p'; apply Trunc_rec; intro p'.
rapply contr_inhabited_hprop; apply tr.
(* now we construct a preimage *)
pose (g := abses_pushout_trivial_factors_inclusion _ E p');
destruct g as [g k].
∃ g.
apply path_sigma_hprop; cbn.
exact k^.
Definition isexact_ext_contra_sixterm_iv_mor `{Univalence}
{B A G : AbGroup} (E : AbSES B A)
(F : AbSES B G) (p : abses_pullback (projection E) F = pt)
: AbSESMorphism E F.
pose (p' := equiv_path_abses^-1 p^);
destruct p' as [p' [pl pr]].
srefine (Build_AbSESMorphism _ _ grp_homo_id _ _).
- refine (grp_homo_compose
(abses_kernel_iso (inclusion F) (projection F))) _).
(* now it's easy to construct map into the kernel *)
snrapply grp_kernel_corec.
1: exact (grp_pullback_pr1 _ _ $o p' $o ab_biprod_inr $o inclusion E).
intro x.
refine (right_square (abses_pullback_morphism F _) _ @ _).
refine (ap (projection E) (pr _)^ @ _); cbn.
apply isexact_inclusion_projection.
- exact (grp_pullback_pr1 _ _ $o p' $o ab_biprod_inr).
- intro a.
nrapply abses_kernel_iso_inv_beta.
- intro e.
refine (right_square (abses_pullback_morphism F _) _
@ ap (projection E) _).
exact (pr _)^.
Global Instance isexact_ext_contra_sixterm_iv `{Univalence}
{B A G : AbGroup@{u}} (E : AbSES@{u v} B A)
: IsExact (Tr (-1)) (abses_pushout_ext E)
(fmap (pTr 0) (abses_pullback_pmap (A:=G) (projection E))).
snrapply Build_IsExact.
- apply phomotopy_homotopy_hset; intro g; cbn.
(* this equation holds purely *)
apply (ap tr@{v}).
refine ((abses_pushout_pullback_reorder _ _ _)^
@ ap _ _ @ _).
1: exact (abses_pullback_projection _)^.
apply abses_pushout_point.
(* since we are proving a proposition, we may convert p to an actual path *)
- intros [F p].
revert dependent F; nrapply (Trunc_ind (n:=0) (A:=AbSES B G)).
(* exact _. works here, but is slow. *)
{ intro x; nrapply istrunc_forall.
intro y; rapply (istrunc_leq (trunc_index_leq_succ _)). }
intro F.
equiv_intros (equiv_path_Tr (n:=-1) (abses_pullback (projection E) F) pt) p.
rapply contr_inhabited_hprop; apply tr.
pose (g := isexact_ext_contra_sixterm_iv_mor E F p).
∃ (component1 g).
apply path_sigma_hprop, (ap tr).
by rapply (abses_pushout_component3_id g).
{B A G : AbGroup} (E : AbSES B A)
(F : AbSES B G) (p : abses_pullback (projection E) F = pt)
: AbSESMorphism E F.
pose (p' := equiv_path_abses^-1 p^);
destruct p' as [p' [pl pr]].
srefine (Build_AbSESMorphism _ _ grp_homo_id _ _).
- refine (grp_homo_compose
(abses_kernel_iso (inclusion F) (projection F))) _).
(* now it's easy to construct map into the kernel *)
snrapply grp_kernel_corec.
1: exact (grp_pullback_pr1 _ _ $o p' $o ab_biprod_inr $o inclusion E).
intro x.
refine (right_square (abses_pullback_morphism F _) _ @ _).
refine (ap (projection E) (pr _)^ @ _); cbn.
apply isexact_inclusion_projection.
- exact (grp_pullback_pr1 _ _ $o p' $o ab_biprod_inr).
- intro a.
nrapply abses_kernel_iso_inv_beta.
- intro e.
refine (right_square (abses_pullback_morphism F _) _
@ ap (projection E) _).
exact (pr _)^.
Global Instance isexact_ext_contra_sixterm_iv `{Univalence}
{B A G : AbGroup@{u}} (E : AbSES@{u v} B A)
: IsExact (Tr (-1)) (abses_pushout_ext E)
(fmap (pTr 0) (abses_pullback_pmap (A:=G) (projection E))).
snrapply Build_IsExact.
- apply phomotopy_homotopy_hset; intro g; cbn.
(* this equation holds purely *)
apply (ap tr@{v}).
refine ((abses_pushout_pullback_reorder _ _ _)^
@ ap _ _ @ _).
1: exact (abses_pullback_projection _)^.
apply abses_pushout_point.
(* since we are proving a proposition, we may convert p to an actual path *)
- intros [F p].
revert dependent F; nrapply (Trunc_ind (n:=0) (A:=AbSES B G)).
(* exact _. works here, but is slow. *)
{ intro x; nrapply istrunc_forall.
intro y; rapply (istrunc_leq (trunc_index_leq_succ _)). }
intro F.
equiv_intros (equiv_path_Tr (n:=-1) (abses_pullback (projection E) F) pt) p.
rapply contr_inhabited_hprop; apply tr.
pose (g := isexact_ext_contra_sixterm_iv_mor E F p).
∃ (component1 g).
apply path_sigma_hprop, (ap tr).
by rapply (abses_pushout_component3_id g).
Exactness of Ext B G → Ext E G → Ext A G
Global Instance isexact_ext_contra_sixterm_v `{Univalence}
{B A G : AbGroup} (E : AbSES B A)
: IsExact (Tr (-1))
(fmap (pTr 0) (abses_pullback_pmap (A:=G) (projection E)))
(fmap (pTr 0) (abses_pullback_pmap (A:=G) (inclusion E))).
rapply isexact_ptr.
rapply isexact_purely_O.
{B A G : AbGroup} (E : AbSES B A)
: IsExact (Tr (-1))
(fmap (pTr 0) (abses_pullback_pmap (A:=G) (projection E)))
(fmap (pTr 0) (abses_pullback_pmap (A:=G) (inclusion E))).
rapply isexact_ptr.
rapply isexact_purely_O.
Ext Z/n A is isomorphic to A/n
Definition cyclic' `{Funext} (n : nat) `{IsEmbedding (Z1_mul_nat n)}
: AbGroup := ab_cokernel_embedding (Z1_mul_nat n).
: AbGroup := ab_cokernel_embedding (Z1_mul_nat n).
We first show that ab_hom Z A → ab_hom Z A → Ext (cyclic n) A is exact. We could inline the proof below, but factoring it out is faster.
Local Definition isexact_ext_cyclic_ab_iii@{u v w | u < v, v < w} `{Univalence}
(n : nat) `{IsEmbedding (Z1_mul_nat n)} {A : AbGroup@{u}}
: IsExact (Tr (-1))
(fmap10 (A:=Group^op) ab_hom (Z1_mul_nat n) A)
(abses_pushout_ext (abses_from_inclusion (Z1_mul_nat n)))
:= isexact_ext_contra_sixterm_iii
(abses_from_inclusion (Z1_mul_nat n)).
(n : nat) `{IsEmbedding (Z1_mul_nat n)} {A : AbGroup@{u}}
: IsExact (Tr (-1))
(fmap10 (A:=Group^op) ab_hom (Z1_mul_nat n) A)
(abses_pushout_ext (abses_from_inclusion (Z1_mul_nat n)))
:= isexact_ext_contra_sixterm_iii
(abses_from_inclusion (Z1_mul_nat n)).
We show exactness of A → A → Ext Z/n A where the first map is multiplication by n, but considered in universe v.
Local Definition ext_cyclic_exact@{u v w} `{Univalence}
(n : nat) `{IsEmbedding (Z1_mul_nat n)} {A : AbGroup@{u}}
: IsExact@{v v v v v} (Tr (-1))
(ab_mul (A:=A) n)
(abses_pushout_ext@{u w v} (abses_from_inclusion (Z1_mul_nat n))
o× (pequiv_groupisomorphism (equiv_Z1_hom A))^-1*).
(* we first move equiv_Z1_hom across the total space *)
apply moveL_isexact_equiv.
(* now we change the left map so as to apply exactness at iii from above *)
snrapply (isexact_homotopic_i (Tr (-1))).
1: exact (fmap10 (A:=Group^op) ab_hom (Z1_mul_nat n) A o×
(pequiv_groupisomorphism (equiv_Z1_hom A)))).
- apply phomotopy_homotopy_hset.
rapply (equiv_ind (equiv_Z1_hom A)); intro f.
refine (_ @ ap _ (eissect _ _)^).
apply moveR_equiv_V; symmetry.
refine (ap f _ @ _).
1: apply Z1_rec_beta.
exact (ab_mul_natural f n Z1_gen).
- (* we get rid of equiv_Z1_hom *)
apply isexact_equiv_fiber.
apply isexact_ext_cyclic_ab_iii.
(n : nat) `{IsEmbedding (Z1_mul_nat n)} {A : AbGroup@{u}}
: IsExact@{v v v v v} (Tr (-1))
(ab_mul (A:=A) n)
(abses_pushout_ext@{u w v} (abses_from_inclusion (Z1_mul_nat n))
o× (pequiv_groupisomorphism (equiv_Z1_hom A))^-1*).
(* we first move equiv_Z1_hom across the total space *)
apply moveL_isexact_equiv.
(* now we change the left map so as to apply exactness at iii from above *)
snrapply (isexact_homotopic_i (Tr (-1))).
1: exact (fmap10 (A:=Group^op) ab_hom (Z1_mul_nat n) A o×
(pequiv_groupisomorphism (equiv_Z1_hom A)))).
- apply phomotopy_homotopy_hset.
rapply (equiv_ind (equiv_Z1_hom A)); intro f.
refine (_ @ ap _ (eissect _ _)^).
apply moveR_equiv_V; symmetry.
refine (ap f _ @ _).
1: apply Z1_rec_beta.
exact (ab_mul_natural f n Z1_gen).
- (* we get rid of equiv_Z1_hom *)
apply isexact_equiv_fiber.
apply isexact_ext_cyclic_ab_iii.
The main result of this section.
Theorem ext_cyclic_ab@{u v w | u < v, v < w} `{Univalence}
(n : nat) `{emb : IsEmbedding (Z1_mul_nat n)} {A : AbGroup@{u}}
: ab_cokernel@{v w} (ab_mul (A:=A) n)
$<~> ab_ext@{u v} (cyclic'@{u v} n) A.
(* We take a large cokernel in order to apply abses_cokernel_iso. *)
pose (E := abses_from_inclusion (Z1_mul_nat n)).
snrefine (abses_cokernel_iso (ab_mul n) _).
- exact (grp_homo_compose
(abses_pushout_ext E)
(grp_iso_inverse (equiv_Z1_hom A))).
- apply (conn_map_compose _ (grp_iso_inverse (equiv_Z1_hom A))).
1: rapply conn_map_isequiv.
(* Coq knows that Ext Z1 A is contractible since Z1 is projective, so exactness at spot iv gives us this: *)
exact (isconnmap_O_isexact_base_contr _ _
(fmap (pTr 0)
(abses_pullback_pmap (A:=A)
(projection E)))).
- (* we change grp_homo_compose to o× *)
srapply isexact_homotopic_f.
1: exact (abses_pushout_ext (abses_from_inclusion (Z1_mul_nat n))
o× (pequiv_groupisomorphism (equiv_Z1_hom A))^-1*).
1: by apply phomotopy_homotopy_hset.
apply ext_cyclic_exact.
(n : nat) `{emb : IsEmbedding (Z1_mul_nat n)} {A : AbGroup@{u}}
: ab_cokernel@{v w} (ab_mul (A:=A) n)
$<~> ab_ext@{u v} (cyclic'@{u v} n) A.
(* We take a large cokernel in order to apply abses_cokernel_iso. *)
pose (E := abses_from_inclusion (Z1_mul_nat n)).
snrefine (abses_cokernel_iso (ab_mul n) _).
- exact (grp_homo_compose
(abses_pushout_ext E)
(grp_iso_inverse (equiv_Z1_hom A))).
- apply (conn_map_compose _ (grp_iso_inverse (equiv_Z1_hom A))).
1: rapply conn_map_isequiv.
(* Coq knows that Ext Z1 A is contractible since Z1 is projective, so exactness at spot iv gives us this: *)
exact (isconnmap_O_isexact_base_contr _ _
(fmap (pTr 0)
(abses_pullback_pmap (A:=A)
(projection E)))).
- (* we change grp_homo_compose to o× *)
srapply isexact_homotopic_f.
1: exact (abses_pushout_ext (abses_from_inclusion (Z1_mul_nat n))
o× (pequiv_groupisomorphism (equiv_Z1_hom A))^-1*).
1: by apply phomotopy_homotopy_hset.
apply ext_cyclic_exact.