Library HoTT.Homotopy.Join.Core
Require Import Basics Types.
Require Import Cubical.DPath Cubical.PathSquare.
Require Import Homotopy.NullHomotopy.
Require Import Extensions.
Require Import Colimits.Pushout.
Require Import Truncations.Core Truncations.Connectedness.
Require Import Pointed.Core.
Require Import WildCat.
Require Import Spaces.Nat.Core.
Local Open Scope pointed_scope.
Local Open Scope path_scope.
Require Import Cubical.DPath Cubical.PathSquare.
Require Import Homotopy.NullHomotopy.
Require Import Extensions.
Require Import Colimits.Pushout.
Require Import Truncations.Core Truncations.Connectedness.
Require Import Pointed.Core.
Require Import WildCat.
Require Import Spaces.Nat.Core.
Local Open Scope pointed_scope.
Local Open Scope path_scope.
Section Join.
Definition Join (A : Type@{i}) (B : Type@{j})
:= Pushout@{k i j k} (@fst A B) (@snd A B).
Definition joinl {A B} : A → Join A B
:= fun a ⇒ @pushl (A×B) A B fst snd a.
Definition joinr {A B} : B → Join A B
:= fun b ⇒ @pushr (A×B) A B fst snd b.
Definition jglue {A B} a b : joinl a = joinr b
:= @pglue (A×B) A B fst snd (a , b).
Definition Join_ind {A B : Type} (P : Join A B → Type)
(P_A : ∀ a, P (joinl a)) (P_B : ∀ b, P (joinr b))
(P_g : ∀ a b, transport P (jglue a b) (P_A a) = (P_B b))
: ∀ (x : Join A B), P x.
apply (Pushout_ind P P_A P_B).
exact (fun ab ⇒ P_g (fst ab) (snd ab)).
Definition Join_ind_beta_jglue {A B : Type} (P : Join A B → Type)
(P_A : ∀ a, P (joinl a)) (P_B : ∀ b, P (joinr b))
(P_g : ∀ a b, transport P (jglue a b) (P_A a) = (P_B b)) a b
: apD (Join_ind P P_A P_B P_g) (jglue a b) = P_g a b
:= Pushout_ind_beta_pglue _ _ _ _ _.
Definition Join (A : Type@{i}) (B : Type@{j})
:= Pushout@{k i j k} (@fst A B) (@snd A B).
Definition joinl {A B} : A → Join A B
:= fun a ⇒ @pushl (A×B) A B fst snd a.
Definition joinr {A B} : B → Join A B
:= fun b ⇒ @pushr (A×B) A B fst snd b.
Definition jglue {A B} a b : joinl a = joinr b
:= @pglue (A×B) A B fst snd (a , b).
Definition Join_ind {A B : Type} (P : Join A B → Type)
(P_A : ∀ a, P (joinl a)) (P_B : ∀ b, P (joinr b))
(P_g : ∀ a b, transport P (jglue a b) (P_A a) = (P_B b))
: ∀ (x : Join A B), P x.
apply (Pushout_ind P P_A P_B).
exact (fun ab ⇒ P_g (fst ab) (snd ab)).
Definition Join_ind_beta_jglue {A B : Type} (P : Join A B → Type)
(P_A : ∀ a, P (joinl a)) (P_B : ∀ b, P (joinr b))
(P_g : ∀ a b, transport P (jglue a b) (P_A a) = (P_B b)) a b
: apD (Join_ind P P_A P_B P_g) (jglue a b) = P_g a b
:= Pushout_ind_beta_pglue _ _ _ _ _.
Definition Join_ind_FlFr {A B P : Type} (f g : Join A B → P)
(Hl : ∀ a, f (joinl a) = g (joinl a))
(Hr : ∀ b, f (joinr b) = g (joinr b))
(Hglue : ∀ a b, ap f (jglue a b) @ Hr b = Hl a @ ap g (jglue a b))
: f == g.
snrapply (Join_ind _ Hl Hr).
intros a b.
nrapply transport_paths_FlFr'.
apply Hglue.
Definition Join_ind_Flr {A B : Type} (f : Join A B → Join A B)
(Hl : ∀ a, f (joinl a) = joinl a)
(Hr : ∀ b, f (joinr b) = joinr b)
(Hglue : ∀ a b, ap f (jglue a b) @ Hr b = Hl a @ jglue a b)
: ∀ x, f x = x.
snrapply (Join_ind _ Hl Hr).
intros a b.
nrapply transport_paths_Flr'.
apply Hglue.
(Hl : ∀ a, f (joinl a) = g (joinl a))
(Hr : ∀ b, f (joinr b) = g (joinr b))
(Hglue : ∀ a b, ap f (jglue a b) @ Hr b = Hl a @ ap g (jglue a b))
: f == g.
snrapply (Join_ind _ Hl Hr).
intros a b.
nrapply transport_paths_FlFr'.
apply Hglue.
Definition Join_ind_Flr {A B : Type} (f : Join A B → Join A B)
(Hl : ∀ a, f (joinl a) = joinl a)
(Hr : ∀ b, f (joinr b) = joinr b)
(Hglue : ∀ a b, ap f (jglue a b) @ Hr b = Hl a @ jglue a b)
: ∀ x, f x = x.
snrapply (Join_ind _ Hl Hr).
intros a b.
nrapply transport_paths_Flr'.
apply Hglue.
And a version for showing that a composite is homotopic to the identity.
Definition Join_ind_FFlr {A B P : Type} (f : Join A B → P) (g : P → Join A B)
(Hl : ∀ a, g (f (joinl a)) = joinl a)
(Hr : ∀ b, g (f (joinr b)) = joinr b)
(Hglue : ∀ a b, ap g (ap f (jglue a b)) @ Hr b = Hl a @ jglue a b)
: ∀ x, g (f x) = x.
snrapply (Join_ind _ Hl Hr).
intros a b.
nrapply transport_paths_FFlr'.
apply Hglue.
Definition Join_ind_FFlFr {A B C P : Type}
(f : Join A B → C) (g : C → P) (h : Join A B → P)
(Hl : ∀ a, g (f (joinl a)) = h (joinl a))
(Hr : ∀ b, g (f (joinr b)) = h (joinr b))
(Hglue : ∀ a b, ap g (ap f (jglue a b)) @ Hr b = Hl a @ ap h (jglue a b))
: g o f == h.
snrapply (Join_ind _ Hl Hr).
intros a b; cbn beta.
nrapply transport_paths_FFlFr'.
apply Hglue.
Definition Join_ind_FlFFr {A B C P : Type}
(f : Join A B → C) (g : C → P) (h : Join A B → P)
(Hl : ∀ a, h (joinl a) = g (f (joinl a)))
(Hr : ∀ b, h (joinr b) = g (f (joinr b)))
(Hglue : ∀ a b, ap h (jglue a b) @ Hr b = Hl a @ ap g (ap f (jglue a b)))
: h == g o f.
snrapply (Join_ind _ Hl Hr).
intros a b; cbn beta.
nrapply transport_paths_FlFFr'.
apply Hglue.
Definition Join_ind_FFlFFr {A B C D P : Type}
(f : Join A B → C) (g : C → P) (h : Join A B → D) (i : D → P)
(Hl : ∀ a, i (h (joinl a)) = g (f (joinl a)))
(Hr : ∀ b, i (h (joinr b)) = g (f (joinr b)))
(Hglue : ∀ a b, ap i (ap h (jglue a b)) @ Hr b = Hl a @ ap g (ap f (jglue a b)))
: i o h == g o f.
snrapply (Join_ind _ Hl Hr).
intros a b; cbn beta.
nrapply transport_paths_FFlFFr'.
apply Hglue.
Definition Join_rec {A B P : Type} (P_A : A → P) (P_B : B → P)
(P_g : ∀ a b, P_A a = P_B b) : Join A B → P.
apply (Pushout_rec P P_A P_B).
exact (fun ab ⇒ P_g (fst ab) (snd ab)).
Definition Join_rec_beta_jglue {A B P : Type} (P_A : A → P)
(P_B : B → P) (P_g : ∀ a b, P_A a = P_B b) a b
: ap (Join_rec P_A P_B P_g) (jglue a b) = P_g a b.
snrapply Pushout_rec_beta_pglue.
(Hl : ∀ a, g (f (joinl a)) = joinl a)
(Hr : ∀ b, g (f (joinr b)) = joinr b)
(Hglue : ∀ a b, ap g (ap f (jglue a b)) @ Hr b = Hl a @ jglue a b)
: ∀ x, g (f x) = x.
snrapply (Join_ind _ Hl Hr).
intros a b.
nrapply transport_paths_FFlr'.
apply Hglue.
Definition Join_ind_FFlFr {A B C P : Type}
(f : Join A B → C) (g : C → P) (h : Join A B → P)
(Hl : ∀ a, g (f (joinl a)) = h (joinl a))
(Hr : ∀ b, g (f (joinr b)) = h (joinr b))
(Hglue : ∀ a b, ap g (ap f (jglue a b)) @ Hr b = Hl a @ ap h (jglue a b))
: g o f == h.
snrapply (Join_ind _ Hl Hr).
intros a b; cbn beta.
nrapply transport_paths_FFlFr'.
apply Hglue.
Definition Join_ind_FlFFr {A B C P : Type}
(f : Join A B → C) (g : C → P) (h : Join A B → P)
(Hl : ∀ a, h (joinl a) = g (f (joinl a)))
(Hr : ∀ b, h (joinr b) = g (f (joinr b)))
(Hglue : ∀ a b, ap h (jglue a b) @ Hr b = Hl a @ ap g (ap f (jglue a b)))
: h == g o f.
snrapply (Join_ind _ Hl Hr).
intros a b; cbn beta.
nrapply transport_paths_FlFFr'.
apply Hglue.
Definition Join_ind_FFlFFr {A B C D P : Type}
(f : Join A B → C) (g : C → P) (h : Join A B → D) (i : D → P)
(Hl : ∀ a, i (h (joinl a)) = g (f (joinl a)))
(Hr : ∀ b, i (h (joinr b)) = g (f (joinr b)))
(Hglue : ∀ a b, ap i (ap h (jglue a b)) @ Hr b = Hl a @ ap g (ap f (jglue a b)))
: i o h == g o f.
snrapply (Join_ind _ Hl Hr).
intros a b; cbn beta.
nrapply transport_paths_FFlFFr'.
apply Hglue.
Definition Join_rec {A B P : Type} (P_A : A → P) (P_B : B → P)
(P_g : ∀ a b, P_A a = P_B b) : Join A B → P.
apply (Pushout_rec P P_A P_B).
exact (fun ab ⇒ P_g (fst ab) (snd ab)).
Definition Join_rec_beta_jglue {A B P : Type} (P_A : A → P)
(P_B : B → P) (P_g : ∀ a b, P_A a = P_B b) a b
: ap (Join_rec P_A P_B P_g) (jglue a b) = P_g a b.
snrapply Pushout_rec_beta_pglue.
Definition pjoin (A : pType) (B : Type) : pType
:= [Join A B, joinl pt].
End Join.
Arguments joinl {A B}%_type_scope _ , [A] B _.
Arguments joinr {A B}%_type_scope _ , A [B] _.
:= [Join A B, joinl pt].
End Join.
Arguments joinl {A B}%_type_scope _ , [A] B _.
Arguments joinr {A B}%_type_scope _ , A [B] _.
Join_rec gives an equivalence of 0-groupoids
Record JoinRecData {A B P : Type} := {
jl : A → P;
jr : B → P;
jg : ∀ a b, jl a = jr b;
Arguments JoinRecData : clear implicits.
Arguments Build_JoinRecData {A B P}%_type_scope (jl jr jg)%_function_scope.
Definition join_rec {A B P : Type} (f : JoinRecData A B P)
: Join A B $-> P
:= Join_rec (jl f) (jr f) (jg f).
Definition join_rec_beta_jg {A B P : Type} (f : JoinRecData A B P) (a : A) (b : B)
: ap (join_rec f) (jglue a b) = jg f a b
:= Join_rec_beta_jglue _ _ _ a b.
: Join A B $-> P
:= Join_rec (jl f) (jr f) (jg f).
Definition join_rec_beta_jg {A B P : Type} (f : JoinRecData A B P) (a : A) (b : B)
: ap (join_rec f) (jglue a b) = jg f a b
:= Join_rec_beta_jglue _ _ _ a b.
We're next going to define a map in the other direction. We do it via showing that JoinRecData is a 0-coherent 1-functor to Type. We'll later show that it is a 1-functor to 0-groupoids.
Definition joinrecdata_fun {A B P Q : Type} (g : P → Q) (f : JoinRecData A B P)
: JoinRecData A B Q.
snrapply Build_JoinRecData.
- exact (g o jl f).
- exact (g o jr f).
- exact (fun a b ⇒ ap g (jg f a b)).
: JoinRecData A B Q.
snrapply Build_JoinRecData.
- exact (g o jl f).
- exact (g o jr f).
- exact (fun a b ⇒ ap g (jg f a b)).
The join itself has canonical JoinRecData.
Definition joinrecdata_join (A B : Type) : JoinRecData A B (Join A B)
:= Build_JoinRecData joinl joinr jglue.
:= Build_JoinRecData joinl joinr jglue.
Combining these gives a function going in the opposite direction to join_rec.
Definition join_rec_inv {A B P : Type} (f : Join A B → P)
: JoinRecData A B P
:= joinrecdata_fun f (joinrecdata_join A B).
: JoinRecData A B P
:= joinrecdata_fun f (joinrecdata_join A B).
Under Funext, join_rec and join_rec_inv should be inverse equivalences. We'll avoid Funext and show that they are equivalences of 0-groupoids, where we choose the path structures carefully.
Under Funext, this type will be equivalent to the identity type. But without Funext, this definition will be more useful.
The graph structure on JoinRecData A B P
Record JoinRecPath {A B P : Type} {f g : JoinRecData A B P} := {
hl : ∀ a, jl f a = jl g a;
hr : ∀ b, jr f b = jr g b;
hg : ∀ a b, jg f a b @ hr b = hl a @ jg g a b;
Arguments JoinRecPath {A B P} f g.
In the special case where the first two components of f and g agree definitionally, hl and hr can be identity paths, and hg simplifies slightly.
Definition bundle_joinrecpath {A B P : Type} {jl' : A → P} {jr' : B → P}
{f g : ∀ a b, jl' a = jr' b}
(h : ∀ a b, f a b = g a b)
: JoinRecPath (Build_JoinRecData jl' jr' f) (Build_JoinRecData jl' jr' g).
snrapply Build_JoinRecPath.
1, 2: reflexivity.
intros; apply equiv_p1_1q, h.
{f g : ∀ a b, jl' a = jr' b}
(h : ∀ a b, f a b = g a b)
: JoinRecPath (Build_JoinRecData jl' jr' f) (Build_JoinRecData jl' jr' g).
snrapply Build_JoinRecPath.
1, 2: reflexivity.
intros; apply equiv_p1_1q, h.
A tactic that helps us apply the previous result.
Ltac bundle_joinrecpath :=
match goal with |- JoinRecPath ?F ?G ⇒
refine (bundle_joinrecpath (f:=jg F) (g:=jg G) _) end.
match goal with |- JoinRecPath ?F ?G ⇒
refine (bundle_joinrecpath (f:=jg F) (g:=jg G) _) end.
Using JoinRecPath, we can restate the beta rule for join_rec. This says that join_rec_inv is split surjective.
Definition join_rec_beta {A B P : Type} (f : JoinRecData A B P)
: JoinRecPath (join_rec_inv (join_rec f)) f
:= bundle_joinrecpath (join_rec_beta_jg f).
: JoinRecPath (join_rec_inv (join_rec f)) f
:= bundle_joinrecpath (join_rec_beta_jg f).
join_rec_inv is essentially injective, as a map between 0-groupoids.
Definition isinj_join_rec_inv {A B P : Type} {f g : Join A B → P}
(h : JoinRecPath (join_rec_inv f) (join_rec_inv g))
: f == g
:= Join_ind_FlFr _ _ (hl h) (hr h) (hg h).
(h : JoinRecPath (join_rec_inv f) (join_rec_inv g))
: f == g
:= Join_ind_FlFr _ _ (hl h) (hr h) (hg h).
Lemmas and tactics about intervals and squares
Ltac generalize_three f a b :=
let fg := fresh in let fr := fresh in let fl := fresh in
destruct f as [fl fr fg]; cbn;
generalize (fg a b); clear fg;
generalize (fr b); clear fr;
generalize (fl a); clear fl.
let fg := fresh in let fr := fresh in let fl := fresh in
destruct f as [fl fr fg]; cbn;
generalize (fg a b); clear fg;
generalize (fr b); clear fr;
generalize (fl a); clear fl.
For f : JoinRecData A B P, if we have a and b and are trying to prove a statement only involving jl f a, jr f b and jg f a b, we can assume jr f b is jl f a and that jg f a b is reflexivity. This is just path induction, but it requires generalizing the goal appropriately.
Ltac interval_ind f a b :=
generalize_three f a b;
intro f; (* We really only wanted two of them generalized here, so we intro one. *)
apply paths_ind.
generalize_three f a b;
intro f; (* We really only wanted two of them generalized here, so we intro one. *)
apply paths_ind.
Similarly, for h : JoinRecPath f g, if we have a and b and are trying to prove a goal only involving h and g evaluated at those points, we can assume that g is f and that h is "reflexivity". For this, we first define a lemma that is like "path induction on h", and then a tactic that uses it.
Definition square_ind {P : Type} (a b : P) (ab : a = b)
(Q : ∀ (a' b' : P) (ab' : a' = b') (ha : a = a') (hb : b = b') (k : ab @ hb = ha @ ab'), Type)
(s : Q a b ab idpath idpath (equiv_p1_1q idpath))
: ∀ a' b' ab' ha hb k, Q a' b' ab' ha hb k.
destruct ha, hb.
revert k; equiv_intro (equiv_p1_1q (p:=ab) (q:=ab')) k'; destruct k'.
destruct ab.
exact s.
(* g should be the codomain of h. *)
Global Ltac square_ind g h a b :=
generalize_three h a b;
generalize_three g a b;
apply square_ind.
Use the WildCat library to organize things
Global Instance isgraph_joinrecdata (A B P : Type) : IsGraph (JoinRecData A B P)
:= {| Hom := JoinRecPath |}.
Global Instance is01cat_joinrecdata (A B P : Type) : Is01Cat (JoinRecData A B P).
apply Build_Is01Cat.
- intro f.
- intros f1 f2 f3 h2 h1.
snrapply Build_JoinRecPath; intros; cbn beta.
+ exact (hl h1 a @ hl h2 a).
+ exact (hr h1 b @ hr h2 b).
+ (* Some simple path algebra works as well. *)
square_ind f3 h2 a b.
square_ind f2 h1 a b.
by interval_ind f1 a b.
Global Instance is0gpd_joinrecdata (A B P : Type) : Is0Gpd (JoinRecData A B P).
apply Build_Is0Gpd.
intros f g h.
snrapply Build_JoinRecPath; intros; cbn beta.
+ exact (hl h a)^.
+ exact (hr h b)^.
+ (* Some simple path algebra works as well. *)
square_ind g h a b.
by interval_ind f a b.
Definition joinrecdata_0gpd (A B P : Type) : ZeroGpd
:= Build_ZeroGpd (JoinRecData A B P) _ _ _.
:= {| Hom := JoinRecPath |}.
Global Instance is01cat_joinrecdata (A B P : Type) : Is01Cat (JoinRecData A B P).
apply Build_Is01Cat.
- intro f.
- intros f1 f2 f3 h2 h1.
snrapply Build_JoinRecPath; intros; cbn beta.
+ exact (hl h1 a @ hl h2 a).
+ exact (hr h1 b @ hr h2 b).
+ (* Some simple path algebra works as well. *)
square_ind f3 h2 a b.
square_ind f2 h1 a b.
by interval_ind f1 a b.
Global Instance is0gpd_joinrecdata (A B P : Type) : Is0Gpd (JoinRecData A B P).
apply Build_Is0Gpd.
intros f g h.
snrapply Build_JoinRecPath; intros; cbn beta.
+ exact (hl h a)^.
+ exact (hr h b)^.
+ (* Some simple path algebra works as well. *)
square_ind g h a b.
by interval_ind f a b.
Definition joinrecdata_0gpd (A B P : Type) : ZeroGpd
:= Build_ZeroGpd (JoinRecData A B P) _ _ _.
joinrecdata_0gpd A B is a 1-functor from Type to ZeroGpd
Global Instance is0functor_joinrecdata_fun {A B P Q : Type} (g : P → Q)
: Is0Functor (@joinrecdata_fun A B P Q g).
apply Build_Is0Functor.
intros f1 f2 h.
snrapply Build_JoinRecPath; intros; cbn.
- exact (ap g (hl h a)).
- exact (ap g (hr h b)).
- square_ind f2 h a b.
by interval_ind f1 a b.
: Is0Functor (@joinrecdata_fun A B P Q g).
apply Build_Is0Functor.
intros f1 f2 h.
snrapply Build_JoinRecPath; intros; cbn.
- exact (ap g (hl h a)).
- exact (ap g (hr h b)).
- square_ind f2 h a b.
by interval_ind f1 a b.
Global Instance is0functor_joinrecdata_0gpd (A B : Type) : Is0Functor (joinrecdata_0gpd A B).
apply Build_Is0Functor.
intros P Q g.
snrapply Build_Morphism_0Gpd.
- exact (joinrecdata_fun g).
- apply is0functor_joinrecdata_fun.
apply Build_Is0Functor.
intros P Q g.
snrapply Build_Morphism_0Gpd.
- exact (joinrecdata_fun g).
- apply is0functor_joinrecdata_fun.
Global Instance is1functor_joinrecdata_0gpd (A B : Type) : Is1Functor (joinrecdata_0gpd A B).
apply Build_Is1Functor.
(* If g1 g2 : P → Q are homotopic, then the induced maps are homotopic: *)
- intros P Q g1 g2 h f; cbn in ×.
snrapply Build_JoinRecPath; intros; cbn.
1, 2: apply h.
interval_ind f a b; cbn.
apply concat_1p_p1.
(* The identity map P → P is sent to a map homotopic to the identity. *)
- intros P f; cbn.
bundle_joinrecpath; intros; cbn.
apply ap_idmap.
(* It respects composition. *)
- intros P Q R g1 g2 f; cbn.
bundle_joinrecpath; intros; cbn.
apply ap_compose.
Definition joinrecdata_0gpd_fun (A B : Type) : Fun11 Type ZeroGpd
:= Build_Fun11 _ _ (joinrecdata_0gpd A B).
apply Build_Is1Functor.
(* If g1 g2 : P → Q are homotopic, then the induced maps are homotopic: *)
- intros P Q g1 g2 h f; cbn in ×.
snrapply Build_JoinRecPath; intros; cbn.
1, 2: apply h.
interval_ind f a b; cbn.
apply concat_1p_p1.
(* The identity map P → P is sent to a map homotopic to the identity. *)
- intros P f; cbn.
bundle_joinrecpath; intros; cbn.
apply ap_idmap.
(* It respects composition. *)
- intros P Q R g1 g2 f; cbn.
bundle_joinrecpath; intros; cbn.
apply ap_compose.
Definition joinrecdata_0gpd_fun (A B : Type) : Fun11 Type ZeroGpd
:= Build_Fun11 _ _ (joinrecdata_0gpd A B).
By the Yoneda lemma, it follows from JoinRecData being a 1-functor that given JoinRecData in J, we get a map (J → P) $-> (JoinRecData A B P) of 0-groupoids which is natural in P. Below we will specialize to the case where J is Join A B with the canonical JoinRecData.
Definition join_nattrans_recdata {A B J : Type} (f : JoinRecData A B J)
: NatTrans (opyon_0gpd J) (joinrecdata_0gpd_fun A B).
snrapply Build_NatTrans.
1: rapply opyoneda_0gpd.
2: exact _.
exact f.
: NatTrans (opyon_0gpd J) (joinrecdata_0gpd_fun A B).
snrapply Build_NatTrans.
1: rapply opyoneda_0gpd.
2: exact _.
exact f.
Thus we get a map (Join A B → P) $-> (JoinRecData A B P) of 0-groupoids, natural in P. The underlying map is join_rec_inv A B P.
Definition join_rec_inv_nattrans (A B : Type)
: NatTrans (opyon_0gpd (Join A B)) (joinrecdata_0gpd_fun A B)
:= join_nattrans_recdata (joinrecdata_join A B).
: NatTrans (opyon_0gpd (Join A B)) (joinrecdata_0gpd_fun A B)
:= join_nattrans_recdata (joinrecdata_join A B).
This natural transformation is in fact a natural equivalence of 0-groupoids.
Definition join_rec_inv_natequiv (A B : Type)
: NatEquiv (opyon_0gpd (Join A B)) (joinrecdata_0gpd_fun A B).
snrapply Build_NatEquiv'.
1: apply join_rec_inv_nattrans.
intro P.
apply isequiv_0gpd_issurjinj.
apply Build_IsSurjInj.
- intros f; cbn in f.
∃ (join_rec f).
apply join_rec_beta.
- exact (@isinj_join_rec_inv A B P).
: NatEquiv (opyon_0gpd (Join A B)) (joinrecdata_0gpd_fun A B).
snrapply Build_NatEquiv'.
1: apply join_rec_inv_nattrans.
intro P.
apply isequiv_0gpd_issurjinj.
apply Build_IsSurjInj.
- intros f; cbn in f.
∃ (join_rec f).
apply join_rec_beta.
- exact (@isinj_join_rec_inv A B P).
It will be handy to name the inverse natural equivalence.
join_rec_natequiv A B P is an equivalence of 0-groupoids whose underlying function is definitionally join_rec.
Local Definition join_rec_natequiv_check (A B P : Type)
: equiv_fun_0gpd (join_rec_natequiv A B P) = @join_rec A B P
:= idpath.
: equiv_fun_0gpd (join_rec_natequiv A B P) = @join_rec A B P
:= idpath.
Global Instance is0functor_join_rec (A B P : Type) : Is0Functor (@join_rec A B P).
change (Is0Functor (equiv_fun_0gpd (join_rec_natequiv A B P))).
exact _.
change (Is0Functor (equiv_fun_0gpd (join_rec_natequiv A B P))).
exact _.
And that join_rec A B is natural. The $== in the statement is just ==, but we use WildCat notation so that we can invert and compose these with WildCat notation.
Definition join_rec_nat (A B : Type) {P Q : Type} (g : P → Q) (f : JoinRecData A B P)
: join_rec (joinrecdata_fun g f) $== g o join_rec f.
exact (isnat (join_rec_natequiv A B) g f).
: join_rec (joinrecdata_fun g f) $== g o join_rec f.
exact (isnat (join_rec_natequiv A B) g f).
Section JoinNatSq.
Definition join_natsq {A B : Type} {a a' : A} {b b' : B}
(p : a = a') (q : b = b')
: (ap joinl p) @ (jglue a' b') = (jglue a b) @ (ap joinr q).
destruct p, q.
apply concat_1p_p1.
Definition join_natsq_v {A B : Type} {a a' : A} {b b' : B}
(p : a = a') (q : b = b')
: PathSquare (ap joinl p) (ap joinr q) (jglue a b) (jglue a' b').
destruct p, q.
apply sq_refl_v.
Definition join_natsq_h {A B : Type} {a a' : A} {b b' : B}
(p : a = a') (q : b = b')
: PathSquare (jglue a b) (jglue a' b') (ap joinl p) (ap joinr q).
destruct p, q.
apply sq_refl_h.
End JoinNatSq.
Definition join_natsq {A B : Type} {a a' : A} {b b' : B}
(p : a = a') (q : b = b')
: (ap joinl p) @ (jglue a' b') = (jglue a b) @ (ap joinr q).
destruct p, q.
apply concat_1p_p1.
Definition join_natsq_v {A B : Type} {a a' : A} {b b' : B}
(p : a = a') (q : b = b')
: PathSquare (ap joinl p) (ap joinr q) (jglue a b) (jglue a' b').
destruct p, q.
apply sq_refl_v.
Definition join_natsq_h {A B : Type} {a a' : A} {b b' : B}
(p : a = a') (q : b = b')
: PathSquare (jglue a b) (jglue a' b') (ap joinl p) (ap joinr q).
destruct p, q.
apply sq_refl_h.
End JoinNatSq.
The triangles that arise when one of the given paths is reflexivity.
Section Triangle.
Context {A B : Type}.
Definition triangle_h {a a' : A} (b : B) (p : a = a')
: ap joinl p @ (jglue a' b) = jglue a b.
destruct p.
apply concat_1p.
Definition triangle_h' {a a' : A} (b : B) (p : a = a')
: jglue a b @ (jglue a' b)^ = ap joinl p.
destruct p.
apply concat_pV.
Definition triangle_v (a : A) {b b' : B} (p : b = b')
: jglue a b @ ap joinr p = jglue a b'.
destruct p.
apply concat_p1.
Definition triangle_v' (a : A) {b b' : B} (p : b = b')
: (jglue a b)^ @ jglue a b' = ap joinr p.
destruct p.
apply concat_Vp.
Context {A B : Type}.
Definition triangle_h {a a' : A} (b : B) (p : a = a')
: ap joinl p @ (jglue a' b) = jglue a b.
destruct p.
apply concat_1p.
Definition triangle_h' {a a' : A} (b : B) (p : a = a')
: jglue a b @ (jglue a' b)^ = ap joinl p.
destruct p.
apply concat_pV.
Definition triangle_v (a : A) {b b' : B} (p : b = b')
: jglue a b @ ap joinr p = jglue a b'.
destruct p.
apply concat_p1.
Definition triangle_v' (a : A) {b b' : B} (p : b = b')
: (jglue a b)^ @ jglue a b' = ap joinr p.
destruct p.
apply concat_Vp.
For just one of the above, we give a rule for how it behaves on inverse paths.
Definition triangle_v_V (a : A) {b b' : B} (p : b = b')
: triangle_v a p^ = (1 @@ ap_V joinr p) @ moveR_pV _ _ _ (triangle_v a p)^.
destruct p; cbn.
rhs nrapply concat_1p.
symmetry; apply concat_pV_p.
End Triangle.
: triangle_v a p^ = (1 @@ ap_V joinr p) @ moveR_pV _ _ _ (triangle_v a p)^.
destruct p; cbn.
rhs nrapply concat_1p.
symmetry; apply concat_pV_p.
End Triangle.
Diamond lemmas for Join
Section Diamond.
Context {A B : Type}.
Definition Diamond (a a' : A) (b b' : B)
:= PathSquare (jglue a b) (jglue a' b')^ (jglue a b') (jglue a' b)^.
Definition diamond_h {a a' : A} (b b' : B) (p : a = a')
: jglue a b @ (jglue a' b)^ = jglue a b' @ (jglue a' b')^.
destruct p.
exact (concat_pV _ @ (concat_pV _)^).
Definition diamond_h_sq {a a' : A} (b b' : B) (p : a = a')
: Diamond a a' b b'.
by apply sq_path, diamond_h.
Definition diamond_v (a a' : A) {b b' : B} (p : b = b')
: jglue a b @ (jglue a' b)^ = jglue a b' @ (jglue a' b')^.
by destruct p.
Definition diamond_v_sq (a a' : A) {b b' : B} (p : b = b')
: Diamond a a' b b'.
by apply sq_path, diamond_v.
Lemma diamond_symm (a : A) (b : B)
: diamond_v_sq a a 1 = diamond_h_sq b b 1.
unfold diamond_v_sq, diamond_h_sq, diamond_v, diamond_h.
symmetry; apply ap, concat_pV.
End Diamond.
Definition diamond_twist {A : Type} {a a' : A} (p : a = a')
: DPath (fun x ⇒ Diamond a' x a x) p
(diamond_v_sq a' a 1) (diamond_h_sq a a' 1).
destruct p.
apply diamond_symm.
Context {A B : Type}.
Definition Diamond (a a' : A) (b b' : B)
:= PathSquare (jglue a b) (jglue a' b')^ (jglue a b') (jglue a' b)^.
Definition diamond_h {a a' : A} (b b' : B) (p : a = a')
: jglue a b @ (jglue a' b)^ = jglue a b' @ (jglue a' b')^.
destruct p.
exact (concat_pV _ @ (concat_pV _)^).
Definition diamond_h_sq {a a' : A} (b b' : B) (p : a = a')
: Diamond a a' b b'.
by apply sq_path, diamond_h.
Definition diamond_v (a a' : A) {b b' : B} (p : b = b')
: jglue a b @ (jglue a' b)^ = jglue a b' @ (jglue a' b')^.
by destruct p.
Definition diamond_v_sq (a a' : A) {b b' : B} (p : b = b')
: Diamond a a' b b'.
by apply sq_path, diamond_v.
Lemma diamond_symm (a : A) (b : B)
: diamond_v_sq a a 1 = diamond_h_sq b b 1.
unfold diamond_v_sq, diamond_h_sq, diamond_v, diamond_h.
symmetry; apply ap, concat_pV.
End Diamond.
Definition diamond_twist {A : Type} {a a' : A} (p : a = a')
: DPath (fun x ⇒ Diamond a' x a x) p
(diamond_v_sq a' a 1) (diamond_h_sq a a' 1).
destruct p.
apply diamond_symm.
In some cases, we'll need to refer to the recursion data that defines functor_join, so we make it a separate definition.
Definition functor_join_recdata {A B C D} (f : A → C) (g : B → D)
: JoinRecData A B (Join C D)
:= {| jl := joinl o f; jr := joinr o g; jg := fun a b ⇒ jglue (f a) (g b); |}.
Definition functor_join {A B C D} (f : A → C) (g : B → D)
: Join A B → Join C D
:= join_rec (functor_join_recdata f g).
Definition functor_join_beta_jglue {A B C D : Type} (f : A → C) (g : B → D)
(a : A) (b : B)
: ap (functor_join f g) (jglue a b) = jglue (f a) (g b)
:= join_rec_beta_jg _ a b.
Definition functor_join_compose {A B C D E F}
(f : A → C) (g : B → D) (h : C → E) (i : D → F)
: functor_join (h o f) (i o g) == functor_join h i o functor_join f g.
snrapply Join_ind_FlFFr.
1,2: reflexivity.
intros a b.
apply equiv_p1_1q.
lhs nrapply functor_join_beta_jglue; symmetry.
lhs nrefine (ap _ (functor_join_beta_jglue _ _ _ _)).
nrapply (functor_join_beta_jglue _ _ (f a) (g b)).
Definition functor_join_idmap {A B}
: functor_join idmap idmap == (idmap : Join A B → Join A B).
snrapply Join_ind_FlFr.
1,2: reflexivity.
intros a b.
apply equiv_p1_1q.
lhs nrapply functor_join_beta_jglue.
symmetry; apply ap_idmap.
Definition functor2_join {A B C D} {f f' : A → C} {g g' : B → D}
(h : f == f') (k : g == g')
: functor_join f g == functor_join f' g'.
srapply Join_ind_FlFr.
- simpl; intros; apply ap, h.
- simpl; intros; apply ap, k.
- intros a b; cbn beta.
lhs nrapply (functor_join_beta_jglue _ _ _ _ @@ 1).
lhs nrapply (1 @@ functor_join_beta_jglue _ _ _ _).
apply join_natsq.
Global Instance isequiv_functor_join {A B C D}
(f : A → C) `{!IsEquiv f} (g : B → D) `{!IsEquiv g}
: IsEquiv (functor_join f g).
snrapply isequiv_adjointify.
- apply (functor_join f^-1 g^-1).
- etransitivity.
1: symmetry; apply functor_join_compose.
1: exact (functor2_join (eisretr f) (eisretr g)).
apply functor_join_idmap.
- etransitivity.
1: symmetry; apply functor_join_compose.
1: exact (functor2_join (eissect f) (eissect g)).
apply functor_join_idmap.
Definition equiv_functor_join {A B C D} (f : A <~> C) (g : B <~> D)
: Join A B <~> Join C D := Build_Equiv _ _ (functor_join f g) _.
Global Instance is0bifunctor_join : Is0Bifunctor Join.
snrapply Build_Is0Bifunctor'.
1,2: exact _.
apply Build_Is0Functor.
intros A B [f g].
exact (functor_join f g).
Global Instance is1bifunctor_join : Is1Bifunctor Join.
snrapply Build_Is1Bifunctor'.
nrapply Build_Is1Functor.
- intros A B f g [p q].
exact (functor2_join p q).
- intros A; exact functor_join_idmap.
- intros A B C [f g] [h k].
exact (functor_join_compose f g h k).
End FunctorJoin.
: JoinRecData A B (Join C D)
:= {| jl := joinl o f; jr := joinr o g; jg := fun a b ⇒ jglue (f a) (g b); |}.
Definition functor_join {A B C D} (f : A → C) (g : B → D)
: Join A B → Join C D
:= join_rec (functor_join_recdata f g).
Definition functor_join_beta_jglue {A B C D : Type} (f : A → C) (g : B → D)
(a : A) (b : B)
: ap (functor_join f g) (jglue a b) = jglue (f a) (g b)
:= join_rec_beta_jg _ a b.
Definition functor_join_compose {A B C D E F}
(f : A → C) (g : B → D) (h : C → E) (i : D → F)
: functor_join (h o f) (i o g) == functor_join h i o functor_join f g.
snrapply Join_ind_FlFFr.
1,2: reflexivity.
intros a b.
apply equiv_p1_1q.
lhs nrapply functor_join_beta_jglue; symmetry.
lhs nrefine (ap _ (functor_join_beta_jglue _ _ _ _)).
nrapply (functor_join_beta_jglue _ _ (f a) (g b)).
Definition functor_join_idmap {A B}
: functor_join idmap idmap == (idmap : Join A B → Join A B).
snrapply Join_ind_FlFr.
1,2: reflexivity.
intros a b.
apply equiv_p1_1q.
lhs nrapply functor_join_beta_jglue.
symmetry; apply ap_idmap.
Definition functor2_join {A B C D} {f f' : A → C} {g g' : B → D}
(h : f == f') (k : g == g')
: functor_join f g == functor_join f' g'.
srapply Join_ind_FlFr.
- simpl; intros; apply ap, h.
- simpl; intros; apply ap, k.
- intros a b; cbn beta.
lhs nrapply (functor_join_beta_jglue _ _ _ _ @@ 1).
lhs nrapply (1 @@ functor_join_beta_jglue _ _ _ _).
apply join_natsq.
Global Instance isequiv_functor_join {A B C D}
(f : A → C) `{!IsEquiv f} (g : B → D) `{!IsEquiv g}
: IsEquiv (functor_join f g).
snrapply isequiv_adjointify.
- apply (functor_join f^-1 g^-1).
- etransitivity.
1: symmetry; apply functor_join_compose.
1: exact (functor2_join (eisretr f) (eisretr g)).
apply functor_join_idmap.
- etransitivity.
1: symmetry; apply functor_join_compose.
1: exact (functor2_join (eissect f) (eissect g)).
apply functor_join_idmap.
Definition equiv_functor_join {A B C D} (f : A <~> C) (g : B <~> D)
: Join A B <~> Join C D := Build_Equiv _ _ (functor_join f g) _.
Global Instance is0bifunctor_join : Is0Bifunctor Join.
snrapply Build_Is0Bifunctor'.
1,2: exact _.
apply Build_Is0Functor.
intros A B [f g].
exact (functor_join f g).
Global Instance is1bifunctor_join : Is1Bifunctor Join.
snrapply Build_Is1Bifunctor'.
nrapply Build_Is1Functor.
- intros A B f g [p q].
exact (functor2_join p q).
- intros A; exact functor_join_idmap.
- intros A B C [f g] [h k].
exact (functor_join_compose f g h k).
End FunctorJoin.
Symmetry of Join
Section JoinSym.
Definition joinrecdata_sym (A B P : Type)
: joinrecdata_0gpd A B P $-> joinrecdata_0gpd B A P.
snrapply Build_Morphism_0Gpd.
(* The map of types JoinRecData A B P → JoinRecData B A P: *)
- intros [fl fr fg].
snrapply (Build_JoinRecData fr fl).
intros b a; exact (fg a b)^.
(* It respects the paths. *)
- apply Build_Is0Functor.
intros f g h; simpl.
snrapply Build_JoinRecPath; simpl.
1, 2: intros; apply h.
intros b a.
square_ind g h a b.
by interval_ind f a b.
This map is its own inverse in the 1-category of 0-groupoids.
Definition joinrecdata_sym_inv (A B P : Type)
: joinrecdata_sym B A P $o joinrecdata_sym A B P $== Id _.
intro f; simpl.
intros a b; simpl.
apply inv_V.
: joinrecdata_sym B A P $o joinrecdata_sym A B P $== Id _.
intro f; simpl.
intros a b; simpl.
apply inv_V.
We get the symmetry natural equivalence on TriJoinRecData.
Definition joinrecdata_sym_natequiv (A B : Type)
: NatEquiv (joinrecdata_0gpd_fun A B) (joinrecdata_0gpd_fun B A).
snrapply Build_NatEquiv.
(* An equivalence of 0-groupoids for each P: *)
- intro P.
snrapply cate_adjointify.
1, 2: apply joinrecdata_sym.
1, 2: apply joinrecdata_sym_inv.
(* Naturality: *)
- snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros P Q g f; simpl.
intros b a; simpl.
symmetry; apply ap_V.
: NatEquiv (joinrecdata_0gpd_fun A B) (joinrecdata_0gpd_fun B A).
snrapply Build_NatEquiv.
(* An equivalence of 0-groupoids for each P: *)
- intro P.
snrapply cate_adjointify.
1, 2: apply joinrecdata_sym.
1, 2: apply joinrecdata_sym_inv.
(* Naturality: *)
- snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros P Q g f; simpl.
intros b a; simpl.
symmetry; apply ap_V.
Combining with the recursion equivalence join_rec_inv_natequiv and its inverse gives the symmetry natural equivalence between the representable functors.
Definition joinrecdata_fun_sym (A B : Type)
: NatEquiv (opyon_0gpd (Join A B)) (opyon_0gpd (Join B A))
:= natequiv_compose (join_rec_natequiv B A)
(natequiv_compose (joinrecdata_sym_natequiv A B) (join_rec_inv_natequiv A B)).
: NatEquiv (opyon_0gpd (Join A B)) (opyon_0gpd (Join B A))
:= natequiv_compose (join_rec_natequiv B A)
(natequiv_compose (joinrecdata_sym_natequiv A B) (join_rec_inv_natequiv A B)).
The Yoneda lemma for 0-groupoid valued functors therefore gives us an equivalence between the representing objects. We mark this with a prime, since we'll use a homotopic map with a slightly simpler definition.
Definition equiv_join_sym' (A B : Type)
: Join A B <~> Join B A.
rapply (opyon_equiv_0gpd (A:=Type)).
apply joinrecdata_fun_sym.
: Join A B <~> Join B A.
rapply (opyon_equiv_0gpd (A:=Type)).
apply joinrecdata_fun_sym.
It has the nice property that the underlying function of the inverse is again equiv_join_sym', with arguments permuted.
Local Definition equiv_join_sym_check1 (A B : Type)
: (equiv_join_sym' A B)^-1 = equiv_fun (equiv_join_sym' B A)
:= idpath.
: (equiv_join_sym' A B)^-1 = equiv_fun (equiv_join_sym' B A)
:= idpath.
The definition we end up with is almost the same as the obvious one, but has an extra ap idmap in it.
Local Definition equiv_join_sym_check2 (A B : Type)
: equiv_fun (equiv_join_sym' A B) = Join_rec (fun a : A ⇒ joinr a) (fun b : B ⇒ joinl b)
(fun (a : A) (b : B) ⇒ (ap idmap (jglue b a))^)
:= idpath.
: equiv_fun (equiv_join_sym' A B) = Join_rec (fun a : A ⇒ joinr a) (fun b : B ⇒ joinl b)
(fun (a : A) (b : B) ⇒ (ap idmap (jglue b a))^)
:= idpath.
The next two give the obvious definition.
Definition join_sym_recdata (A B : Type)
: JoinRecData A B (Join B A)
:= Build_JoinRecData joinr joinl (fun a b ⇒ (jglue b a)^).
Definition join_sym (A B : Type)
: Join A B → Join B A
:= join_rec (join_sym_recdata A B).
Definition join_sym_beta_jglue {A B} (a : A) (b : B)
: ap (join_sym A B) (jglue a b) = (jglue b a)^
:= Join_rec_beta_jglue _ _ _ _ _.
: JoinRecData A B (Join B A)
:= Build_JoinRecData joinr joinl (fun a b ⇒ (jglue b a)^).
Definition join_sym (A B : Type)
: Join A B → Join B A
:= join_rec (join_sym_recdata A B).
Definition join_sym_beta_jglue {A B} (a : A) (b : B)
: ap (join_sym A B) (jglue a b) = (jglue b a)^
:= Join_rec_beta_jglue _ _ _ _ _.
The obvious definition is homotopic to the definition via the Yoneda lemma.
Both sides are join_rec applied to JoinRecData:
rapply (fmap join_rec).
bundle_joinrecpath; intros; cbn.
refine (ap inverse _).
apply ap_idmap.
bundle_joinrecpath; intros; cbn.
refine (ap inverse _).
apply ap_idmap.
Therefore the obvious definition is also an equivalence, and the inverse function can also be chosen to be join_sym.
Definition equiv_join_sym (A B : Type) : Join A B <~> Join B A
:= equiv_homotopic_inverse (equiv_join_sym' A B)
(join_sym_homotopic A B)
(join_sym_homotopic B A).
Global Instance isequiv_join_sym A B : IsEquiv (join_sym A B)
:= equiv_isequiv (equiv_join_sym A B).
:= equiv_homotopic_inverse (equiv_join_sym' A B)
(join_sym_homotopic A B)
(join_sym_homotopic B A).
Global Instance isequiv_join_sym A B : IsEquiv (join_sym A B)
:= equiv_isequiv (equiv_join_sym A B).
It's also straightforward to directly prove that join_sym is an equivalence. The above approach is meant to illustrate the Yoneda lemma. In the case of equiv_trijoin_twist, the Yoneda approach seems to be more straightforward.
Definition join_sym_inv A B : join_sym A B o join_sym B A == idmap.
snrapply (Join_ind_FFlr (join_sym B A)).
- reflexivity.
- reflexivity.
- intros a b; cbn beta.
apply equiv_p1_1q.
refine (ap _ (join_rec_beta_jg _ a b) @ _); cbn.
refine (ap_V _ (jglue b a) @ _).
refine (ap inverse (join_rec_beta_jg _ b a) @ _).
apply inv_V.
snrapply (Join_ind_FFlr (join_sym B A)).
- reflexivity.
- reflexivity.
- intros a b; cbn beta.
apply equiv_p1_1q.
refine (ap _ (join_rec_beta_jg _ a b) @ _); cbn.
refine (ap_V _ (jglue b a) @ _).
refine (ap inverse (join_rec_beta_jg _ b a) @ _).
apply inv_V.
Finally, one can also prove that the join is symmetric using pushout_sym and equiv_prod_symm, but this results in an equivalence whose inverse isn't of the same form.
We give a direct proof that join_sym is natural.
Definition join_sym_nat {A B A' B'} (f : A → A') (g : B → B')
: join_sym A' B' o functor_join f g == functor_join g f o join_sym A B.
snrapply Join_ind_FFlFFr.
1, 2: reflexivity.
intros a b; cbn beta.
apply equiv_p1_1q.
lhs nrefine (ap _ (functor_join_beta_jglue _ _ _ _)).
lhs nrapply join_sym_beta_jglue.
lhs nrefine (ap _ (join_sym_beta_jglue a b)).
refine (ap_V _ (jglue b a) @ ap inverse _).
apply functor_join_beta_jglue.
End JoinSym.
: join_sym A' B' o functor_join f g == functor_join g f o join_sym A B.
snrapply Join_ind_FFlFFr.
1, 2: reflexivity.
intros a b; cbn beta.
apply equiv_p1_1q.
lhs nrefine (ap _ (functor_join_beta_jglue _ _ _ _)).
lhs nrapply join_sym_beta_jglue.
lhs nrefine (ap _ (join_sym_beta_jglue a b)).
refine (ap_V _ (jglue b a) @ ap inverse _).
apply functor_join_beta_jglue.
End JoinSym.
Joining with a contractible type produces a contractible type
Global Instance contr_join A B `{Contr A} : Contr (Join A B).
apply (Build_Contr _ (joinl (center A))).
snrapply Join_ind.
- intros a; apply ap, contr.
- intros b; apply jglue.
- intros a b; cbn.
lhs nrapply transport_paths_r.
apply triangle_h.
apply (Build_Contr _ (joinl (center A))).
snrapply Join_ind.
- intros a; apply ap, contr.
- intros b; apply jglue.
- intros a b; cbn.
lhs nrapply transport_paths_r.
apply triangle_h.
The join of hprops is an hprop
Global Instance ishprop_join `{Funext} A B `{IsHProp A} `{IsHProp B} : IsHProp (Join A B).
apply hprop_inhabited_contr.
snrapply Join_rec.
- intros a; apply contr_join.
exact (contr_inhabited_hprop A a).
- intros b; refine (contr_equiv (Join B A) (equiv_join_sym B A)).
apply contr_join.
exact (contr_inhabited_hprop B b).
(* The two proofs of contractibility are equal because Contr is an HProp. This uses Funext. *)
- intros a b; apply path_ishprop.
Lemma equiv_into_hprop `{Funext} {A B P : Type} `{IsHProp P} (f : A → P)
: (Join A B → P) <~> (B → P).
apply equiv_iff_hprop.
1: exact (fun f ⇒ f o joinr).
intros g.
snrapply Join_rec.
1,2: assumption.
intros a b.
apply path_ishprop.
apply hprop_inhabited_contr.
snrapply Join_rec.
- intros a; apply contr_join.
exact (contr_inhabited_hprop A a).
- intros b; refine (contr_equiv (Join B A) (equiv_join_sym B A)).
apply contr_join.
exact (contr_inhabited_hprop B b).
(* The two proofs of contractibility are equal because Contr is an HProp. This uses Funext. *)
- intros a b; apply path_ishprop.
Lemma equiv_into_hprop `{Funext} {A B P : Type} `{IsHProp P} (f : A → P)
: (Join A B → P) <~> (B → P).
apply equiv_iff_hprop.
1: exact (fun f ⇒ f o joinr).
intros g.
snrapply Join_rec.
1,2: assumption.
intros a b.
apply path_ishprop.
And coincides with their disjunction
Definition equiv_join_hor `{Funext} A B `{IsHProp A} `{IsHProp B}
: Join A B <~> hor A B.
apply equiv_iff_hprop.
- exact (Join_rec (fun a ⇒ tr (inl a)) (fun b ⇒ tr (inr b)) (fun _ _ ⇒ path_ishprop _ _)).
- apply Trunc_rec, push.
: Join A B <~> hor A B.
apply equiv_iff_hprop.
- exact (Join_rec (fun a ⇒ tr (inl a)) (fun b ⇒ tr (inr b)) (fun _ _ ⇒ path_ishprop _ _)).
- apply Trunc_rec, push.
Joins add connectivity
Global Instance isconnected_join `{Funext} {m n : trunc_index}
(A B : Type) `{IsConnected m A} `{IsConnected n B}
: IsConnected (m +2+ n) (Join A B).
apply isconnected_from_elim; intros C ? k.
pose @istrunc_inO_tr.
pose proof (istrunc_extension_along_conn
(fun b:B ⇒ tt) (fun _ ⇒ C) (k o joinr)).
unfold ExtensionAlong in ×.
transparent assert (f : (A → {s : Unit → C &
∀ x, s tt = k (joinr x)})).
{ intros a; ∃ (fun _ ⇒ k (joinl a)); intros b.
exact (ap k (jglue a b)). }
assert (h := isconnected_elim
m {s : Unit → C & ∀ x : B, s tt = k (joinr x)} f).
unfold NullHomotopy in *; destruct h as [[c g] h].
∃ (c tt).
snrapply Join_ind.
- intros a; cbn. exact (ap10 (h a)..1 tt).
- intros b; cbn. exact ((g b)^).
- intros a b.
rewrite transport_paths_FlFr, ap_const, concat_p1; cbn.
subst f; set (ha := h a); clearbody ha; clear h;
assert (ha2 := ha..2); set (ha1 := ha..1) in *;
clearbody ha1; clear ha; cbn in ×.
rewrite <- (inv_V (ap10 ha1 tt)).
rewrite <- inv_pp.
apply inverse2.
refine (_ @ apD10 ha2 b); clear ha2.
rewrite transport_forall_constant, transport_paths_FlFr.
rewrite ap_const, concat_p1.
End JoinTrunc.
(A B : Type) `{IsConnected m A} `{IsConnected n B}
: IsConnected (m +2+ n) (Join A B).
apply isconnected_from_elim; intros C ? k.
pose @istrunc_inO_tr.
pose proof (istrunc_extension_along_conn
(fun b:B ⇒ tt) (fun _ ⇒ C) (k o joinr)).
unfold ExtensionAlong in ×.
transparent assert (f : (A → {s : Unit → C &
∀ x, s tt = k (joinr x)})).
{ intros a; ∃ (fun _ ⇒ k (joinl a)); intros b.
exact (ap k (jglue a b)). }
assert (h := isconnected_elim
m {s : Unit → C & ∀ x : B, s tt = k (joinr x)} f).
unfold NullHomotopy in *; destruct h as [[c g] h].
∃ (c tt).
snrapply Join_ind.
- intros a; cbn. exact (ap10 (h a)..1 tt).
- intros b; cbn. exact ((g b)^).
- intros a b.
rewrite transport_paths_FlFr, ap_const, concat_p1; cbn.
subst f; set (ha := h a); clearbody ha; clear h;
assert (ha2 := ha..2); set (ha1 := ha..1) in *;
clearbody ha1; clear ha; cbn in ×.
rewrite <- (inv_V (ap10 ha1 tt)).
rewrite <- inv_pp.
apply inverse2.
refine (_ @ apD10 ha2 b); clear ha2.
rewrite transport_forall_constant, transport_paths_FlFr.
rewrite ap_const, concat_p1.
End JoinTrunc.
Join with Empty
Section JoinEmpty.
Definition equiv_join_empty_right A : Join A Empty <~> A.
snrapply equiv_adjointify.
- apply join_rec; snrapply (Build_JoinRecData idmap); contradiction.
- exact joinl.
- reflexivity.
- snrapply Join_ind; [reflexivity| |]; contradiction.
Definition equiv_join_empty_left A : Join Empty A <~> A
:= equiv_join_empty_right _ oE equiv_join_sym _ _.
Global Instance join_right_unitor : RightUnitor Join Empty.
snrapply Build_NatEquiv.
- apply equiv_join_empty_right.
- snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros A B f.
cbn -[equiv_join_empty_right].
snrapply Join_ind_FlFr.
+ intro a.
+ intros [].
+ intros a [].
Global Instance join_left_unitor : LeftUnitor Join Empty.
snrapply Build_NatEquiv.
- apply equiv_join_empty_left.
- snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros A B f x.
cbn -[equiv_join_empty_right].
rhs_V rapply (isnat_natequiv join_right_unitor).
cbn -[equiv_join_empty_right].
apply ap, join_sym_nat.
End JoinEmpty.
Arguments equiv_join_empty_right : simpl never.
Definition equiv_join_empty_right A : Join A Empty <~> A.
snrapply equiv_adjointify.
- apply join_rec; snrapply (Build_JoinRecData idmap); contradiction.
- exact joinl.
- reflexivity.
- snrapply Join_ind; [reflexivity| |]; contradiction.
Definition equiv_join_empty_left A : Join Empty A <~> A
:= equiv_join_empty_right _ oE equiv_join_sym _ _.
Global Instance join_right_unitor : RightUnitor Join Empty.
snrapply Build_NatEquiv.
- apply equiv_join_empty_right.
- snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros A B f.
cbn -[equiv_join_empty_right].
snrapply Join_ind_FlFr.
+ intro a.
+ intros [].
+ intros a [].
Global Instance join_left_unitor : LeftUnitor Join Empty.
snrapply Build_NatEquiv.
- apply equiv_join_empty_left.
- snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros A B f x.
cbn -[equiv_join_empty_right].
rhs_V rapply (isnat_natequiv join_right_unitor).
cbn -[equiv_join_empty_right].
apply ap, join_sym_nat.
End JoinEmpty.
Arguments equiv_join_empty_right : simpl never.
Iterated Join powers of a type.
The join of n.+1 copies of a type. This is convenient because it produces A definitionally when n is 0. We annotate the universes to reduce universe variables.
The join of n copies of a type. This is sometimes convenient for proofs by induction as it gives a trivial base case.
Definition join_power (A : Type@{u}) (n : nat) : Type@{u}
:= nat_iter n (Join A) (Empty : Type@{u}).
Definition equiv_join_powers (A : Type) (n : nat) : join_power A n.+1 <~> iterated_join A n.
induction n as [|n IHn]; simpl.
- exact (equiv_join_empty_right A).
- exact (equiv_functor_join equiv_idmap IHn).
End JoinPower.
:= nat_iter n (Join A) (Empty : Type@{u}).
Definition equiv_join_powers (A : Type) (n : nat) : join_power A n.+1 <~> iterated_join A n.
induction n as [|n IHn]; simpl.
- exact (equiv_join_empty_right A).
- exact (equiv_functor_join equiv_idmap IHn).
End JoinPower.
Section Rec2.
Context {A B C D : Type} (P : Type)
(P_AC : A → C → P) (P_AD : A → D → P) (P_BC : B → C → P) (P_BD : B → D → P)
(P_gAx : ∀ a c d, P_AC a c = P_AD a d)
(P_gBx : ∀ b c d, P_BC b c = P_BD b d)
(P_gxC : ∀ c a b, P_AC a c = P_BC b c)
(P_gxD : ∀ d a b, P_AD a d = P_BD b d)
(P_g : ∀ a b c d, P_gAx a c d @ P_gxD d a b = P_gxC c a b @ P_gBx b c d).
Definition Join_rec2 : Join A B → Join C D → P.
intros x y; revert x.
snrapply Join_rec.
1: intros a; exact (Join_rec (P_AC a) (P_AD a) (P_gAx a) y).
1: intros b; exact (Join_rec (P_BC b) (P_BD b) (P_gBx b) y).
intros a b.
revert y.
snrapply Join_ind_FlFr.
1: intros c; exact (P_gxC c a b).
1: intros d; exact (P_gxD d a b).
intros c d.
lhs nrapply whiskerR.
1: apply Join_rec_beta_jglue.
rhs nrapply whiskerL.
2: apply Join_rec_beta_jglue.
exact (P_g a b c d).
End Rec2.