Library HoTT.Spaces.Finite.Finite

(* -*- mode: coq; mode: visual-line -*- *)
Require Import Basics.
Require Import Types.
Require Import HSet.
Require Import Spaces.Nat.Core Spaces.Nat.Factorial.
Require Import HFiber.
Require Import Factorization.
Require Import Truncations.
Require Import Colimits.Quotient.
Require Import Projective.
Require Import Fin.

Local Open Scope path_scope.
Local Open Scope nat_scope.

Definition of general finite sets

Class Finite (X : Type) :=
  { fcard : nat ;
    merely_equiv_fin : merely (X <~> Fin fcard) }.

Arguments fcard X {_}.
Arguments merely_equiv_fin X {_}.

Definition issig_finite X
: { n : nat & merely (X <~> Fin n) } <~> Finite X.

Note that the sigma over cardinalities is not truncated. Nevertheless, because canonical finite sets of different cardinalities are not isomorphic, being finite is still an hprop. (Thus, we could have truncated the sigma and gotten an equivalent definition, but it would be less convenient to reason about.)
Global Instance ishprop_finite X
: IsHProp (Finite X).
  refine (istrunc_equiv_istrunc _ (issig_finite X)).
  apply ishprop_sigma_disjoint; intros n m Hn Hm.
  refine (nat_eq_fin_equiv n m (Hm oE Hn^-1)).

Preservation of finiteness by equivalences

Definition finite_equiv X {Y} (e : X Y) `{IsEquiv X Y e}
: Finite X Finite Y.
  intros ?.
  refine (Build_Finite Y (fcard X) _).
  assert (f := merely_equiv_fin X); strip_truncations.
  apply tr.
  exact (equiv_compose f e^-1).

Definition finite_equiv' X {Y} (e : X <~> Y)
: Finite X Finite Y
  := finite_equiv X e.

Corollary finite_equiv_equiv X Y
: (X <~> Y) (Finite X <~> Finite Y).
  intros ?; apply equiv_iff_hprop; apply finite_equiv';
    [ assumption | symmetry; assumption ].

Definition fcard_equiv {X Y} (e : X Y) `{IsEquiv X Y e}
           `{Finite X} `{Finite Y}
: fcard X = fcard Y.
  transitivity (@fcard Y (finite_equiv X e _)).
  - reflexivity.
  - exact (ap (@fcard Y) (path_ishprop _ _)).

Definition fcard_equiv' {X Y} (e : X <~> Y)
           `{Finite X} `{Finite Y}
: fcard X = fcard Y
  := fcard_equiv e.

Simple examples of finite sets

Canonical finite sets are finite
Global Instance finite_fin n : Finite (Fin n)
  := Build_Finite _ n (tr (equiv_idmap _)).

This includes the empty set.
Global Instance finite_empty : Finite Empty
  := finite_fin 0.

The unit type is finite, since it's equivalent to Fin 1.
Global Instance finite_unit : Finite Unit.
  refine (finite_equiv' (Fin 1) _ _); simpl.
  apply sum_empty_l.

Thus, any contractible type is finite.
Global Instance finite_contr X `{Contr X} : Finite X
  := finite_equiv Unit equiv_contr_unit^-1 _.

Any decidable hprop is finite, since it must be equivalent to Empty or Unit.
Definition finite_decidable_hprop X `{IsHProp X} `{Decidable X}
: Finite X.
  destruct (dec X) as [x|nx].
  - assert (Contr X) by exact (contr_inhabited_hprop X x).
    exact _.
  - refine (finite_equiv Empty nx^-1 _).

Hint Immediate finite_decidable_hprop : typeclass_instances.

It follows that the propositional truncation of any finite set is finite.
Global Instance finite_merely X {fX : Finite X}
: Finite (merely X).
As in decidable_finite_hprop, we case on cardinality first to avoid needing funext.
  destruct fX as [[|n] e]; refine (finite_decidable_hprop _).
  - right.
    intros x; strip_truncations; exact (e x).
  - left.
    strip_truncations; exact (tr (e^-1 (inr tt))).

Finite sets are closed under path-spaces.
Global Instance finite_paths {X} `{Finite X} (x y : X)
: Finite (x = y).
If we assume Funext, then typeclass inference produces this automatically, since X has decidable equality and (hence) is a set, so x=y is a decidable hprop. But we can also deduce it without funext, since Finite is an hprop even without funext.
  assert (e := merely_equiv_fin X).
  refine (finite_equiv _ (ap e)^-1 _).
  apply finite_decidable_hprop; exact _.

Finite sets are also closed under successors.

Global Instance finite_succ X `{Finite X} : Finite (X + Unit).
  refine (Build_Finite _ (fcard X).+1 _).
  pose proof (merely_equiv_fin X).
  strip_truncations; apply tr.
  refine (_ +E 1); assumption.

Definition fcard_succ X `{Finite X}
: fcard (X + Unit) = (fcard X).+1
  := 1.


Like canonical finite sets, finite sets have decidable equality.
Global Instance decidablepaths_finite `{Funext} X `{Finite X}
: DecidablePaths X.
  assert (e := merely_equiv_fin X).
  refine (decidablepaths_equiv _ e^-1 _).

However, contrary to what you might expect, we cannot assert that "every finite set is decidable"! That would be claiming a *uniform* way to select an element from every nonempty finite set, which contradicts univalence.
One thing we can prove is that any finite hprop is decidable.
Global Instance decidable_finite_hprop X `{IsHProp X} {fX : Finite X}
: Decidable X.
To avoid having to use Funext, we case on the cardinality of X before stripping the truncation from its equivalence to Fin n; if we did things in the other order then we'd have to know that Decidable X is an hprop, which requires funext.
  destruct fX as [[|n] e].
  - right; intros x.
    strip_truncations; exact (e x).
  - left.
    strip_truncations; exact (e^-1 (inr tt)).

It follows that if X is finite, then its propositional truncation is decidable.
Global Instance decidable_merely_finite X {fX : Finite X}
: Decidable (merely X).
  exact _.

From this, it follows that any finite set is *merely* decidable.
Definition merely_decidable_finite X `{Finite X}
: merely (Decidable X).
  apply O_decidable; exact _.

Induction over finite sets

Most concrete applications of this don't actually require univalence, but the general version does. For this reason the general statement is less useful (and less used in the sequel) than it might be.
Definition finite_ind_hprop `{Univalence}
           (P : X, Finite X Type)
           `{ X (fX:Finite X), IsHProp (P X _)}
           (f0 : P Empty _)
           (fs : X (fX:Finite X), P X _ P (X + Unit)%type _)
           (X : Type) `{Finite X}
: P X _.
  assert (e := merely_equiv_fin X).
  assert (p := transportD Finite P (path_universe e^-1) _).
  refine (transport (P X) (path_ishprop _ _) (p _)).
  generalize (fcard X); intros n.
  induction n as [|n IH].
  - exact f0.
  - refine (transport (P (Fin n.+1)) (path_ishprop _ _) (fs _ _ IH)).

The finite axiom of choice, and projectivity

Definition finite_choice {X} `{Finite X} : HasChoice X.
  intros P oP f; clear oP.
  assert (e := merely_equiv_fin X).
  set (P' := P o e^-1).
  assert (f' := (fun xf (e^-1 x)) : x, merely (P' x)).
  refine (Trunc_functor (X := x:Fin (fcard X), P' x) (-1) _ _).
  - intros g x; exact (eissect e x # g (e x)).
  - clearbody P'; clear f P e.
    generalize dependent (fcard X); intros n P f.
    induction n as [|n IH].
    + exact (tr (Empty_ind P)).
    + specialize (IH (P o inl) (f o inl)).
      assert (e := f (inr tt)).
      exact (tr (sum_ind P IH (Unit_ind e))).

Corollary isprojective_fin_n (n : nat) : IsProjective (Fin n).
  apply (iff_isoprojective_hasochoice _ (Fin n)).
  rapply finite_choice.

Constructions on finite sets

Finite sets are closed under sums, products, function spaces, and equivalence spaces. There are multiple choices we could make regarding how to prove these facts. Since we know what the cardinalities ought to be in all cases (since we know how to add, multiply, exponentiate, and take factorials of natural numbers), we could specify those off the bat, and then reduce to the case of canonical finite sets. However, it's more amusing to instead prove finiteness of these constructions by "finite-set induction", and then *deduce* that their cardinalities are given by the corresponding operations on natural numbers (because they satisfy the same recurrences).

Binary sums

Global Instance finite_sum X Y `{Finite X} `{Finite Y}
: Finite (X + Y).
  assert (e := merely_equiv_fin Y).
  refine (finite_equiv _ (functor_sum idmap e^-1) _).
  generalize (fcard Y); intros n.
  induction n as [|n IH].
  - refine (finite_equiv _ (sum_empty_r X)^-1 _).
  - refine (finite_equiv _ (equiv_sum_assoc X _ Unit) _).

Note that the cardinality function fcard actually computes. The same will be true of all the other proofs in this section, though we don't always verify it.
Goal fcard (Fin 3 + Fin 4) = 7.

Definition fcard_sum X Y `{Finite X} `{Finite Y}
: fcard (X + Y) = (fcard X + fcard Y).
  refine (_ @ nat_add_comm _ _).
  assert (e := merely_equiv_fin Y).
  refine (fcard_equiv' (1 +E e) @ _).
  refine (_ @ ap (fun y ⇒ (y + fcard X)) (fcard_equiv e^-1)).
  generalize (fcard Y); intros n.
  induction n as [|n IH].
  - refine (fcard_equiv (sum_empty_r X)^-1).
  - refine (fcard_equiv (equiv_sum_assoc _ _ _)^-1 @ _).
    exact (ap S IH).

Binary products

Global Instance finite_prod X Y `{Finite X} `{Finite Y}
: Finite (X × Y).
  assert (e := merely_equiv_fin Y).
  refine (finite_equiv _ (functor_prod idmap e^-1) _).
  generalize (fcard Y); intros n.
  induction n as [|n IH].
  - refine (finite_equiv _ (prod_empty_r X)^-1 _).
  - refine (finite_equiv _ (sum_distrib_l X _ Unit)^-1 (finite_sum _ _)).
    refine (finite_equiv _ (prod_unit_r X)^-1 _).

Definition fcard_prod X Y `{Finite X} `{Finite Y}
: fcard (X × Y) = fcard X × fcard Y.
  assert (e := merely_equiv_fin X).
  refine (fcard_equiv' (e ×E 1) @ _).
  refine (_ @ ap (fun xx × fcard Y) (fcard_equiv e^-1)).
  generalize (fcard X); intros n.
  induction n as [|n IH].
  - refine (fcard_equiv (prod_empty_l Y)).
  - refine (fcard_equiv (sum_distrib_r Y (Fin n) Unit) @ _).
    refine (fcard_sum _ _ @ _).
    refine (_ @ nat_add_comm _ _).
    refine (ap011 nat_add _ _).
    + apply IH.
    + apply fcard_equiv', prod_unit_l.

Function types

Finite sets are closed under function types, and even dependent function types.

Global Instance finite_forall `{Funext} {X} (Y : X Type)
       `{Finite X} `{ x, Finite (Y x)}
: Finite ( x:X, Y x).
  assert (e := merely_equiv_fin X).
  simple refine (finite_equiv' _
            (equiv_functor_forall' (P := fun xY (e^-1 x)) e _) _); try exact _.
  { intros x; refine (equiv_transport _ (eissect e x)). }
  set (Y' := Y o e^-1); change (Finite ( x, Y' x)).
  assert ( x, Finite (Y' x)) by exact _; clearbody Y'; clear e.
  generalize dependent (fcard X); intros n Y' ?.
  induction n as [|n IH].
  - exact _.
  - refine (finite_equiv _ (equiv_sum_ind Y') _).
    apply finite_prod.
    + apply IH; exact _.
    + refine (finite_equiv _ (@Unit_ind (fun uY' (inr u))) _).
      refine (isequiv_unit_ind (Y' o inr)).

#[local] Hint Extern 4 ⇒ progress (cbv beta iota) : typeclass_instances.

Definition fcard_arrow `{Funext} X Y `{Finite X} `{Finite Y}
: fcard (X Y) = nat_pow (fcard Y) (fcard X).
  assert (e := merely_equiv_fin X).
  refine (fcard_equiv (functor_arrow e idmap)^-1 @ _).
  refine (_ @ ap (fun xnat_pow (fcard Y) x) (fcard_equiv e)).
  generalize (fcard X); intros n.
  induction n as [|n IH].
  - reflexivity.
  - refine (fcard_equiv (equiv_sum_ind (fun (_:Fin n.+1) ⇒ Y))^-1 @ _).
    refine (fcard_prod _ _ @ _).
    lhs nrapply nat_mul_comm.
    apply (ap011 nat_mul).
    + refine (fcard_equiv (@Unit_ind (fun (_:Unit) ⇒ Y))^-1).
    + assumption.

fcard still computes, despite the funext:
Goal fs:Funext, fcard (Fin 3 Fin 4) = 64.

Automorphism types (i.e. symmetric groups)

Global Instance finite_aut `{Funext} X `{Finite X}
: Finite (X <~> X).
  assert (e := merely_equiv_fin X).
  refine (finite_equiv _
            (equiv_functor_equiv e^-1 e^-1) _).
  generalize (fcard X); intros n.
  induction n as [|n IH].
  - exact _.
  - refine (finite_equiv _ (equiv_fin_equiv n n) _).

Definition fcard_aut `{Funext} X `{Finite X}
: fcard (X <~> X) = factorial (fcard X).
  assert (e := merely_equiv_fin X).
  refine (fcard_equiv
            (equiv_functor_equiv e^-1 e^-1)^-1 @ _).
  generalize (fcard X); intros n.
  induction n as [|n IH].
  - reflexivity.
  - refine (fcard_equiv (equiv_fin_equiv n n)^-1 @ _).
    refine (fcard_prod _ _ @ _).
    apply ap011.
    + reflexivity.
    + assumption.

fcard still computes:
Goal fs:Funext, fcard (Fin 4 <~> Fin 4) = 24.

Finite sums of natural numbers

Perhaps slightly less obviously, finite sets are also closed under sigmas.

Global Instance finite_sigma {X} (Y : X Type)
       `{Finite X} `{ x, Finite (Y x)}
: Finite { x:X & Y x }.
  assert (e := merely_equiv_fin X).
  refine (finite_equiv' _
            (equiv_functor_sigma (equiv_inverse e)
                                 (fun x (y:Y (e^-1 x)) ⇒ y)) _).
Unfortunately, because compose is currently beta-expanded, set (Y' := Y o e^-1) doesn't change the goal.
  set (Y' := fun xY (e^-1 x)).
  assert ( x, Finite (Y' x)) by exact _; clearbody Y'; clear e.
  generalize dependent (fcard X); intros n Y' ?.
  induction n as [|n IH].
  - refine (finite_equiv Empty pr1^-1 _).
  - refine (finite_equiv _ (equiv_sigma_sum (Fin n) Unit Y')^-1 _).
    apply finite_sum.
    + apply IH; exact _.
    + refine (finite_equiv _ (equiv_contr_sigma _)^-1 _).

Amusingly, this automatically gives us a way to add up a family of natural numbers indexed by any finite set. (We could of course also define such an operation directly, probably using merely_ind_hset.)

Definition finadd {X} `{Finite X} (f : X nat) : nat
  := fcard { x:X & Fin (f x) }.

Definition fcard_sigma {X} (Y : X Type)
       `{Finite X} `{ x, Finite (Y x)}
: fcard { x:X & Y x } = finadd (fun xfcard (Y x)).
  set (f := fun xfcard (Y x)).
  set (g := fun xmerely_equiv_fin (Y x) : merely (Y x <~> Fin (f x))).
  apply finite_choice in g; [| exact _].
  unfold finadd.
  refine (fcard_equiv' (equiv_functor_sigma_id g)).

The sum of a finite constant family is the product by its cardinality.
Definition finadd_const X `{Finite X} n
: finadd (fun x:Xn) = fcard X × n.
  transitivity (fcard (X × Fin n)).
  - exact (fcard_equiv' (equiv_sigma_prod0 X (Fin n))).
  - exact (fcard_prod X (Fin n)).

Closure under sigmas and paths also implies closure under hfibers.
Definition finite_hfiber {X Y} (f : X Y) (y : Y)
       `{Finite X} `{Finite Y}
: Finite (hfiber f y).
  exact _.

Therefore, the cardinality of the domain of a map between finite sets is the sum of the cardinalities of its hfibers.
Definition fcard_domain {X Y} (f : X Y) `{Finite X} `{Finite Y}
: fcard X = finadd (fun yfcard (hfiber f y)).
  refine (_ @ fcard_sigma (hfiber f)).
  refine (fcard_equiv' (equiv_fibration_replacement f)).

In particular, the image of a map between finite sets is finite.
Definition finite_image
       {X Y} `{Finite X} `{Finite Y} (f : X Y)
: Finite (himage f).
  exact _.

Finite products of natural numbers

Similarly, closure of finite sets under automatically gives us a way to multiply a family of natural numbers indexed by any finite set. Of course, if we defined this explicitly, it wouldn't need funext.

Definition finmult `{Funext} {X} `{Finite X} (f : X nat) : nat
  := fcard ( x:X, Fin (f x)).

Definition fcard_forall `{Funext} {X} (Y : X Type)
       `{Finite X} `{ x, Finite (Y x)}
: fcard ( x:X, Y x) = finmult (fun xfcard (Y x)).
  set (f := fun xfcard (Y x)).
  set (g := fun xmerely_equiv_fin (Y x) : merely (Y x <~> Fin (f x))).
  apply finite_choice in g; [| exact _].
  unfold finmult.
  refine (fcard_equiv' (equiv_functor_forall' (equiv_idmap X) g)).

The product of a finite constant family is the exponential by its cardinality.
Definition finmult_const `{Funext} X `{Finite X} n
: finmult (fun x:Xn) = nat_pow n (fcard X).
  refine (fcard_arrow X (Fin n)).

Finite subsets

Closure under sigmas implies that a detachable subset of a finite set is finite.
Global Instance finite_detachable_subset {X} `{Finite X} (P : X Type)
       `{ x, IsHProp (P x)} `{ x, Decidable (P x)}
: Finite { x:X & P x }.
  exact _.

Conversely, if a subset of a finite set is finite, then it is detachable. We show first that an embedding between finite subsets has detachable image.
Definition detachable_image_finite
           {X Y} `{Finite X} `{Finite Y} (f : X Y) `{IsEmbedding f}
: y, Decidable (hfiber f y).
  intros y.
  assert (ff : Finite (hfiber f y)) by exact _.
  destruct ff as [[|n] e].
  - right; intros u; strip_truncations; exact (e u).
  - left; strip_truncations; exact (e^-1 (inr tt)).

Definition detachable_finite_subset {X} `{Finite X}
           (P : X Type) `{ x, IsHProp (P x)}
           {Pf : Finite ({ x:X & P x })}
: x, Decidable (P x).
  intros x.
  nrefine (decidable_equiv' _ (hfiber_fibration x P)^-1%equiv _).
  nrefine (detachable_image_finite pr1 x).
  1,2: exact _.
  apply (mapinO_pr1 (Tr (-1))).
Why doesn't Coq find this?


The quotient of a finite set by a detachable equivalence relation is finite.

Section DecidableQuotients.
  Context `{Univalence} {X} `{Finite X}
          (R : Relation X) `{is_mere_relation X R}
          `{Reflexive _ R} `{Transitive _ R} `{Symmetric _ R}
          {Rd : x y, Decidable (R x y)}.

  Global Instance finite_quotient : Finite (Quotient R).
    assert (e := merely_equiv_fin X).
    pose (R' x y := R (e^-1 x) (e^-1 y)).
    assert (is_mere_relation _ R') by exact _.
    assert (Reflexive R') by (intros ?; unfold R'; apply reflexivity).
    assert (Symmetric R') by (intros ? ?; unfold R'; apply symmetry).
    assert (Transitive R') by (intros ? ? ?; unfold R'; apply transitivity).
    assert (R'd : x y, Decidable (R' x y))
      by (intros ? ?; unfold R'; apply Rd).
    srefine (finite_equiv' _ (equiv_quotient_functor R' R e^-1 _) _).
    1: by try (intros; split).
    clearbody R'; clear e.
    generalize dependent (fcard X);
      intros n; induction n as [|n IH]; intros R' ? ? ? ? ?.
    - refine (finite_equiv Empty _^-1 _).
      refine (Quotient_rec R' _ Empty_rec (fun x _ _match x with end)).
    - pose (R'' x y := R' (inl x) (inl y)).
      assert (is_mere_relation _ R'') by exact _.
      assert (Reflexive R'') by (intros ?; unfold R''; apply reflexivity).
      assert (Symmetric R'') by (intros ? ?; unfold R''; apply symmetry).
      assert (Transitive R'') by (intros ? ? ?; unfold R''; apply transitivity).
      assert ( x y, Decidable (R'' x y)) by (intros ? ?; unfold R''; apply R'd).
      assert (inlresp := (fun x yidmap)
                         : x y, R'' x y R' (inl x) (inl y)).
      destruct (dec (merely {x:Fin n & R' (inl x) (inr tt)})) as [p|np].
      { strip_truncations.
        destruct p as [x r].
        refine (finite_equiv' (Quotient R'') _ _).
        refine (Build_Equiv _ _ (Quotient_functor R'' R' inl inlresp) _).
        apply isequiv_surj_emb.
        - apply BuildIsSurjection.
          refine (Quotient_ind_hprop R' _ _).
          intros [y|[]]; apply tr.
          + (class_of R'' y); reflexivity.
          + (class_of R'' x); simpl.
            apply qglue, r.
        - apply isembedding_isinj_hset; intros u.
          refine (Quotient_ind_hprop R'' _ _); intros v.
          revert u; refine (Quotient_ind_hprop R'' _ _); intros u.
          simpl; intros q.
          apply qglue; unfold R''.
          exact (related_quotient_paths R' (inl u) (inl v) q). }
      { refine (finite_equiv' (Quotient R'' + Unit) _ _).
        refine (Build_Equiv _ _ (sum_ind (fun _Quotient R')
                                        (Quotient_functor R'' R' inl inlresp)
                                        (fun _class_of R' (inr tt))) _).
        apply isequiv_surj_emb.
        - apply BuildIsSurjection.
          refine (Quotient_ind_hprop R' _ _).
          intros [y|[]]; apply tr.
          + (inl (class_of R'' y)); reflexivity.
          + (inr tt); reflexivity.
        - apply isembedding_isinj_hset; intros u.
          refine (sum_ind _ _ _).
          + refine (Quotient_ind_hprop R'' _ _); intros v.
            revert u; refine (sum_ind _ _ _).
            × refine (Quotient_ind_hprop R'' _ _); intros u.
              simpl; intros q.
              apply ap, qglue; unfold R''.
              exact (related_quotient_paths R' (inl u) (inl v) q).
            × intros []; simpl.
              intros q.
              apply related_quotient_paths in q; try exact _.
              apply symmetry in q.
              elim (np (tr (v ; q))).
          + intros []; simpl.
            destruct u as [u|[]]; simpl.
            × revert u; refine (Quotient_ind_hprop R'' _ _); intros u; simpl.
              intros q.
              apply related_quotient_paths in q; try exact _.
              elim (np (tr (u;q))).
            × intros; reflexivity. }

Therefore, the cardinality of X is the sum of the cardinalities of its equivalence classes.
  Definition fcard_quotient
  : fcard X = finadd (fun z:Quotient Rfcard {x:X & in_class R z x}).
    refine (fcard_domain (class_of R) @ _).
    apply ap, path_arrow; intros z; revert z.
    refine (Quotient_ind_hprop _ _ _); intros x; simpl.
    apply fcard_equiv'; unfold hfiber.
    refine (equiv_functor_sigma_id _); intros y; simpl.
    refine (path_quotient R y x oE _).
    apply equiv_iff_hprop; apply symmetry.

End DecidableQuotients.


An injection between finite sets induces an inequality between their cardinalities.
Definition leq_inj_finite {X Y} {fX : Finite X} {fY : Finite Y}
           (f : X Y) (i : IsEmbedding f)
: fcard X fcard Y.
  assert (MapIn (Tr (-1)) f) by exact _. clear i.
  destruct fX as [n e]; simpl.
  destruct fY as [m e']; simpl.
  pose (g := e' o f o e^-1).
  assert (MapIn (Tr (-1)) g) by (unfold g; exact _).
  clearbody g. clear e e'. generalize dependent m.
  induction n as [|n IHn].
  1: exact _.
  intros m g ?.
  assert (i : IsInjective g) by (apply isinj_embedding; exact _).
  destruct m as [|m].
  { elim (g (inr tt)). }
  pose (h := (fin_transpose_last_with m (g (inr tt)))^-1 o g).
  assert (MapIn (Tr (-1)) h) by (unfold h; exact _).
  assert (Ha : a:Fin n, is_inl (h (inl a))).
  { intros a.
    remember (g (inl a)) as b eqn:p.
    destruct b as [b|[]].
    - assert (q : g (inl a) (g (inr tt))).
      { intros r. exact (inl_ne_inr _ _ (i _ _ r)). }
      rewrite p in q; apply symmetric_neq in q.
      assert (r : h (inl a) = inl b).
      { unfold h; apply moveR_equiv_V; symmetry.
        refine (fin_transpose_last_with_rest m (g (inr tt)) b q @ p^). }
      rewrite r; exact tt.
    - assert (q : h (inl a) = g (inr tt)).
      { unfold h; apply moveR_equiv_V; symmetry.
        refine (_ @ p^); apply fin_transpose_last_with_with. }
      rewrite q.
      destruct (is_inl_or_is_inr (g (inr tt))) as [l|r]; try assumption.
      assert (s := inr_un_inr _ r).
      revert s; generalize (un_inr (g (inr tt)) r); intros [] s.
      elim (inl_ne_inr _ _ (i _ _ (p @ s))). }
  assert (Hb : b:Unit, is_inr (h (inr b))).
  { intros [].
    assert (q : h (inr tt) = inr tt).
    { unfold h; apply moveR_equiv_V; symmetry.
      apply fin_transpose_last_with_last. }
    rewrite q; exact tt. }
  apply leq_succ.
  exact (IHn m (unfunctor_sum_l h Ha)
             (mapinO_unfunctor_sum_l (Tr (-1)) h Ha Hb)).


A surjection between finite sets induces an inequality between their cardinalities.
Definition geq_surj_finite {X Y} {fX : Finite X} {fY : Finite Y}
           (f : X Y) (i : IsSurjection f)
  : fcard X fcard Y.
  destruct fX as [n e], fY as [m e']; simpl.
  assert (k := isprojective_fin_n m).
  pose (g := e' o f o e^-1).
  assert (k' : IsSurjection g) by exact _ .
  clearbody g; clear i f.
  assert (j := k (Fin n) _ (Fin m) _ idmap g k').
  simpl; destruct j as [s is_section].
  change n with (fcard (Fin n)).
  change m with (fcard (Fin m)).
  apply (leq_inj_finite s).
  apply isembedding_isinj_hset, (isinj_section is_section).


A function from nat to a finite set must repeat itself eventually.
Section Enumeration.
  Context `{Funext} {X} `{Finite@{_ Set _} X} (e : nat X).

  Let er (n : nat) : Fin n X
    := fun ke (nat_fin n k).

  Lemma finite_enumeration_stage (n : nat)
  : IsEmbedding (er n)
    + { n : nat & { k : nat & e n = e (n + k).+1 }}.
    induction n as [|n [IH|IH]].
    - left. intros x.
      apply hprop_inhabited_contr; intros [[] _].
    - destruct (detachable_image_finite (er n) (er n.+1 (inr tt)))
        as [[k p]|ne].
      + right.
         (nat_fin n k).
         (nat_fin_compl n k).
        rewrite nat_fin_compl_compl.
        exact p.
      + left. intros x.
        apply hprop_allpath.
        intros k l.
        apply path_sigma_hprop.
        destruct k as [[k|[]] p], l as [[l|[]] q]; simpl.
        × apply isinj_embedding in IH.
          apply ap.
          apply IH.
          unfold er in p, q. simpl in p, q.
          exact (p @ q^).
        × refine (Empty_rec (ne _)).
          exact (p @ q^).
        × refine (Empty_rec (ne _)).
          exact (q @ p^).
        × reflexivity.
    - right; exact IH.

  Definition finite_enumeration_repeats
  : { n : nat & { k : nat & e n = e (n + k).+1 }}.
    destruct (finite_enumeration_stage (fcard X).+1) as [p|?].
    - assert (q := leq_inj_finite (er (fcard X).+1) p); simpl in q.
      elim (lt_irrefl _ q).
    - assumption.

End Enumeration.